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Sony: PS3 The “De Facto Purchase,” Right On Track

The differences between the late-2006 PlayStation 3 and the 2010 PlayStation 3 are significant. In fact, Sony says it has gone from a questionable $600 buy to the "de facto purchase."

This according to what Sony Computer Entertainment Europe president Andrew House told Eurogamer ; the new "entry level hardware price point" and the release of the PS3 Slim have proven to be sales catalysts. From the start, Sony has always called this generation (and indeed, every generation) a marathon rather than a sprint, which is why early on in each console era, the PlayStation brand met with a fair amount of criticism. But at the end of the day…well, the PS3 is certainly following that well-established line. Said House:

"We're really pleased. I'd characterise it as right on track. The important thing we always frame the discussion with is our view that the full length of the life cycle is likely to be significantly longer than anything we've seen before. We offered some fairly good reasons for that: the fact you have a network device, the value of the network that grows over time, a portfolio of services that grows over time.

Within the context of assuming this will be a different and much longer life cycle than previously, we're right on track where I would hope we would be at this point in the life cycle."

As of now, there are 38 million PS3s in households around the world and as the PS3 has routinely outsold the Xbox 360 in the past year, the gap between Sony and Microsoft has almost closed; Microsoft reports 41.7 million 360s sold globally. House said Sony now has the momentum and things like PlayStation Move will help. He says that after the "slow burn" that was the PS3's start, the system should now be the de facto purchase for anyone interested in getting involved in gaming. During his GamesCom briefing, House added that PS3 software sales are up 38%, and says that "software performance on a tie ratio basis is better on PS3 than it was at the same point on PS2." Finished the president:

"That's very good. We have sold all of these consoles at price points that are way significantly higher than those comparably at the same point in the life cycle on PS2. What that says to me is the consumer is seeing intrinsic value in the offering we're putting out there."

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14 years ago

I paid $400 for my PS3 and it was and still is worth it.

14 years ago

I paid $799 for my PS3, and it was and is still worth it.

Except, I modded it a bit… now it has a 500GB HDD and a better cooling fan.

14 years ago

Holy! I only paid $499 for mine. Got a nice deal for using my Circuit City Credit card.

14 years ago

Aren't more PS3 connected to the internet with more PSN users then LIVE? If so that tells me most of these units that's putting MS ahead are rebuys and double purchases.

I really would like to know the number of Xbox users that own more then one console or have bought more then one console in it's life time. I wouldn't be surprised if all those rebuys are whats putting MS ahead.

Last edited by Jawknee on 8/19/2010 3:09:23 PM

14 years ago

I think Sony announced 40-50 million PSN users at E3, but I believe that includes PSP and multiple accounts. I haven't heard any actual numbers, but through some reasoning, PS3 users should be more likely to open an account because it's free.

14 years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong but from what I remember, MS numbers include replacement models for the RRoD (shipped). So, since the RRoD infected over half of the 360's…I think its safe to say you can divide the total number of units sold by 2 and that's how many 360's MS "officially" sold..

14 years ago

Well rumors said RROD infected up to 50% of the Xbox before Jasper was released 2 years ago. Even then Jasper still has problems, but reduced significantly. After that RROD still exist, but the machine doesn't output enough heat to reach RROD again. So to say it infected 20 million+ XBox is an overexaggeration by ALOT.

14 years ago

Live Silver accounts are free and I'm sure M$ counts those accounts when they quote numbers.

Hell, given their other deceptive practices, they probably count banned accounts as well.

14 years ago

Jawknee is right, if you take the failure rate into account, rebuys, double puchases, et al the fact 360 came out earlier, that gap is null and void.

But the most important thing of all is PS3 has the best software. I just wish that monstrosity wasn't holding it back in the multiplatform arena and strangling games into it's tiny DVD.

14 years ago

I think the only thing Microsoft is bragging about is that it has almost twice the Xbox than PS3 owners. Honestly, there's no way PS3 can catch up to Xbox in this lifetime in the US.

It's hard to tell how many people bought the Xbox again and again due to RROD. I think the best way to prove that there are more "functional" consoles out there, is based on software sales. According to Vgchartz, the PS3 has been outselling XBox in software sales on a week to week basis.

14 years ago

Guy I know from work has 2 of them. 1 is busted and the other he bought was because he has to play halo 3. He has to play it! Idiot!

14 years ago

I thought Micro$oft counts units shipped too… not only units sold. So if it's like that, shouldn't we factor in that Sony only counts units sold? If it works like that, with the amount of failures the Xbox has had, Sony should either be nearly tied or already in the lead. It's just something I heard… I'm not sure if I'm entirely right, but I thought I heard something about that. 🙂

14 years ago

Even if you don't consider replacements, re-buys, newer version upgrades, and such other 360 nonsense I don't agree with the 3 million lead claimed for M$.

Due simply to the fact that Sony claims their number of 38-39 million is ps3's sold.

M$ openly claims there 41 million is units sold.

Of all the stores that carry 360's I highly doubt many of them are out of stock since M$ has never had a 360 shortage at all. Also every store usually has quite a few 360's in stock and there's probably several million stores that sell 360's.

Considering all this, I'd say it's highly likely that 360's sold is several million less than ps3's sold.

Then if you consider replacements and what not. I'm sorry 360 is not in the lead. It just seems like common sense to me.

14 years ago

If the ps3 ever dropped to 200 dollors, the xbox will have no chance competing.

14 years ago

And don't forget that there was over 1 million MS banned bot-boxes, that led to re-buys too

14 years ago

The PS3 has always been the de facto purchase in my opinion. There's no other console that can compete on equal terms with it. That puts it in a class of it's own.

14 years ago

Sony consoles in general have been pretty much de facto for me.

14 years ago

Agreed, you sir get a well deserved beer!

Last edited by totozero18 on 8/20/2010 1:59:07 PM

14 years ago

They'll be fine

Sadly it's like there's a majority of Americans who actually like cheap quality/bad hardware like the 360 with the countless shooting games.

It's got to be the shooting games BS. Sad how simple some gamers can be, one genre changes their console decision so heavily.

Anyway, Japan and Europe know quality, they'll get the ps3 over.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 8/19/2010 5:54:38 PM

14 years ago

Well I am glad I'm not in that majority who like cheap products. I'm American and like Quality over quantity and don't like cheap easily broken products.


14 years ago

I think you generalize about Americans too much. If that were true Apple wouldnt have taken the lead over MS as biggest US tech company. We wouldn't favor quality Japanese cars over GM and Ford.

MS got a head start is all. They got to the new generation of gamers before Sony did. Being American has nothing to do with it.

Last edited by Jawknee on 8/19/2010 7:26:03 PM

14 years ago

Then explain to me how most of Europe and Asia buy ps3s more than they do 360s?

One of the factors is that the majority does indeed prefer crap quality v-game hardware. The other as I pointed out is the gun (fps) era 360 prides itself in.

You can always dig up what most Americans were saying 'bout ps3 "too pricey." Yet Europe and Japan elected to go for the quality console.

By the way, Apple is bigger than Microsoft now? Seriously? I thought Microsoft was still on top?

14 years ago

I think Jawknee is on to something. NOt only did they get a head start but they have a ton of cash. And with a ton of cash you can make anyone say what you want them to say(Devs, Gamestops, Best Buys, Microsoft employee/clientele, fanboys, etc.)

14 years ago

Yup, Apple passed MS up this year. They are the leaders in the US tech industry at the moment.

I'm not sure why a lot of Americans opted for the Xbox. Having a full years head start and hitting that younger generation hard with ads, cheaper price and more games at the start worked out well for MS here in the states.

Its a given that PS3's would sell well in Asia. It's a Japanese console. I suppose the same could be said about Americans and the Xbox but i would just point out our support for foreign cars.

The Xbox was the "cool thing to get" when it released and MS made sure of that with all the advertising to the kiddies. They got hooked. ha

14 years ago

Isn't the average gamer 30 something?

14 years ago

I thought the average PS3 owner was 30. From my experience it's mostly kids and teens who buy up Xbox's.

It could just be that the Xbox and Halo are the trendy consoles to get. It really hurt Sony releasing the PS3 with a 600 dollar price tag with most consumers. I have to admit, i was like "$600, are you kidding me!" but since i love Sony stuff so much i figured out how to get it. most other consumers saw the Xbox with a cheaper price, better online gaming and Halo, so naturally they flocked to MS.

Sony made a lot of mistakes with the PS3's launch and it gave MS the advantage. PS3 would always sell better in Asia. Thats Sony's main target market. Well it was. Things are changing though. More Americans are starting to see the value in the PS3 and they will manage to pull ahead, even in the States. Im predicting it now. By the time a new Xbox comes out, Sony will be dominating the sales charts.

If im wrong you can kick me. haha

Last edited by Jawknee on 8/21/2010 3:39:36 PM

14 years ago

I got some sad news.. =( My PS3 finally retired on me. It's been 4 years of hard gaming and she always pulled through till the end.

When i get enough money I'm buying a new PS3 I'm not sure which one to buy though of the Slims.

(Had a launch 60GB)

14 years ago

Im sorry for your loss haha :'(.

14 years ago

Aw man that sucks. Sorry to hear it. Why don't you send it in for repairs?

14 years ago

Sorry to hear that man, but I bet you hav a good ol' ps2 stored somewhere in your house?

14 years ago

Oh you know it. I have 2 right now playing good ol Legend of Dragoon.

14 years ago

Not to change the subject, but with the new xbox out and the upcoming halo edition, which looks better? the new and or old ps3 or the the new xbox 360? I'm slightly leaning towards the xbox. because at least they aren't afraid to come out with their limited skinned editions consoles here in the usa.

I mean no disrespect to Bill Gates donating half his wealth, but if he instead put 1/5 of that or more into developing the next gen xbox console. And he didn't care about teaming up and or stealing ideas from his rivals sony or apple or isn't ashamed to work with whoever company has the latest invention. OMGoodness, that would be a monster.

Of coarse sony will have their latest thing and i don't doubt that they won't have something just as competitive or more. Mind you, i'm not a big xbox fan, but that newer model kinda took me by suprise.

I say that because xbox pretty much has everthing going for it. The xbox live gamer points that reminds me so much of the tilt arcades tokens. A unique interface, tons of game demos, games, gamer pictures, wallpapers, you name it, they got it on xbox live. But the 2 biggest things that hurts them the most are there hard drive and cd rom space limitations.

Don't get me started on the first 20 gig harddrive xbox that claimed to be cheaper because it's broken into parts, or the high priced memory units and hard drives that you had to buy only from microsoft. Lastly, the Kinnect. I really think the kinnect could be a serious contender, that is until i heard that they took some component out that now probably causes it to lag. Are you telling me that it could read sign language had that special component been in there. Microsoft said that it was too expensive to make a profit. There charging 150 dollars for it right now without it, how much more would it be with it?

Very last, if halo is set for next month and Halo is set for September this year, gears is set for the first quarter of next year, after that what more exclusives do they have. Sony has netflix, ps3 plus, movies to purchase and or rent in standard and high depth, just you wait, 3d movies for purchase and or rent may be sooner than expected, hbo, showtime, (nuff said), just as much anime if not more than xbox, and finally the option to by the largest notebook harddrive available (and still be under warranty i might add).
Sorry for the long rant.

14 years ago

The new ps3

Halo is mostly an American phenomenon
GT5 is a worldwide phenomenon. So it'll surpass anything the new Halow does, imo.

14 years ago

Marcus, The Xbox project (since the beginning of the original Xbox and including all the development costs, warranty repair costs and sundry exclusiveness contracts) the Xbox (original and 360) have drained at very, very least $5billion from Microsoft. The original Xbox was loss making from stat to finish, the sea of red ink on that one is astonishing. The 'profitability' of the current 360s is only operating profit, it in no way includes the monstrous mountain of development money spent designing and building the thing. If you want to measure it, $5billion is about 1/8th of Bill Gates estimated worth (depending on the MS share price from day to day).

And you think he should have spent *more*?

Casual Friday
Casual Friday
14 years ago

For comparisons sake, the PS3 has 'only' lost 4.7 billion for Sony and has not yet generated an opperating profit. However, it is trending much better and could reach an opperating profit earlier in it's lifetime than the 360 did.

I still have a hard time seeing either one make up for all of their losses by the end of this generation.

14 years ago

hey guys what's up.

i'm back i had to take care of some family stuff. I been away for 3 weeks and i back and better then ever. so what did i miss?

update on what i'm am currently playing
Ps3: Red Faction Guerrilla and R&C Future A Clank in time
360: Mass Effect

14 years ago

This gen, Ps3 will probably end up bottom, mainly because the 360 is still outselling the PS3 in the US.

Unless of course Europe and Asia have something to do about it.

Grrrr, still trying to convince my friends to convert from PS2 to PS3 instead of 360.

14 years ago

The PS3 WILL 3PEAT!!!!!!

No doubt about it.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Ya, I only recently found out that the 360 is outselling the PS3 by a comfortable margin here in Australia too. Then again, it should have been obvious, as to my knowledge people at my workplace have purchased… twelve 360s and only three PS3s. In truth, five of those 360s included repeat purchases, but still.

Why can people not see that the PS3 is everything that you could possibly want in a games console and more? It truly is mindboggling to me, but hopefully the sales charts start showing a true lead for the PS3 sometime soon. Forget having to factor in repurchases/shipped vs. sold/whatever else, but have it solid and defined truth.

Sony needs to pull something out of the bag that will sell the PS3 in a big way, and I think that GT5 will go a long way towards doing that.

14 years ago

PS3 is super cool.

14 years ago

It's been De Facto for me since launch. Knowing GT5 wasn't going to be on any other console/platform, made my decision for me even before the PS3 was launched.

Glad everyone else is finally catching up with my forward way of thinking. Guess that's just more proof as to exactly how much I rule.

14 years ago

I liked the old ps3 better
I am not saying that changes were the wrong move (they were for the most part the right move)
but I wish they would sell the $300 model along side a more expensive model with the best of all versions of the ps3 (full backwards compatibility, piano finish, chrome trim, touch sensitive buttons, linux support, 4 or more usb ports (I'd like 1 or 2 on the back along side 4 on the front), memory card reader, slim profile, more efficient, etc.)

I know I'd pay way more for these features

Last edited by firesoul453 on 8/21/2010 11:16:57 PM

14 years ago

I've noticed several people I know dumping their 360s for PS3s, so maybe there's some hope left for America's IQ.

14 years ago

I must ROFL and agree to that sentiment!