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Valve Recruited Guys “With A Strong PS3 Background”

Portal 2 will be ready to go on February 9 and Valve is confident they've got the requisite expertise to make the game shine on PlayStation 3.

Prior to this big announcement at E3, one of the reasons the developer said they didn't get involved with Sony's machine was a lack of PS3 knowledge. In other words, they just didn't have the right guys to dive into the platform. But as Valve's Erik Johnson said at GamesCom yesterday , they've got 'em now; the assembled PS3 veterans couldn't wait to get Valve's Source engine up and running on Sony's console.

"We have a handful of people who have a very strong PS3 background. They worked on a bunch of the early PS3 games and they're big fans of the platform. So they're really excited and jumped immediately at the chance to get Source up and running in Portal 2 on PS3.

Having Steam on that platform is incredibly valuable to us. In a lot of ways that's the way we define a customer having a good experience, because it's a way that we can keep talking to that customer over time."

Portal 2 is now one of the most anticipated titles of 2011, and PS3 owners wouldn't be getting it if Valve hadn't proactively sought the necessary talent. If they can bang this one out of the park, perhaps we'll forgive them for giving The Orange Box to EA (result = shoddy port for the PS3), and for all those little jabs at the PS3 over the years. We can certainly forgive and forget…you listening, Square-Enix?

Related Game(s): Portal 2

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14 years ago

Such a great idea, all of this excellent news for Playstation owners is overwhelmingly exciting. Portal 2 the best console version, Mass Effect 2 coming to the PS3, PS Move next month, loads of epic games at the end of this year and well into 2011. An expensive over-load that I couldn't be more stoked about!

But really, Portal 2 was E3's game of show for a reason.

Last edited by BeezleDrop on 8/19/2010 10:39:04 AM

14 years ago

It took a lot of guts for Gabe to get up there the way he did and swallow his pride like that. That made it a lot easier to forgive him in my book. One of my biggest anticipated titles for the coming months.

14 years ago

… a LOT of guts indeed.

14 years ago

Ehhh… lol? It kinda got lame with the fat jokes. Sorry world.

Last edited by WolfCrimson on 8/19/2010 6:38:31 PM

14 years ago

Looool World… huge amount of guts!!!



14 years ago

im willing to bet that quite a few people who point out Gabe's weight aren't in the best shape themselves, not pointing out anyone here, but its a good bet

14 years ago

Wishful thinking.
Seeing that they'll have the Source engine geared specifically for PS3's hardware soon, maybe now they can either create a performance patch for GearBox's lackluster Orange Box port or re-release it altogether when Episode 3 is ready.

14 years ago

See Valve?
For a huge company like you guys, it ain't so hard to recruit these guys.

14 years ago

Is the Orange Box really bad on the PS3, i have been playing it over the summer on the 360 and was thinking about getting it for my PS3 when i return to Uni, not reccomended?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

No, don't do that. It was a terrible port; just stick with the 360 version.

14 years ago

Just been looking up reviews, i see what you mean lol.

14 years ago

Painfully slow load times, random audio problems, and screen tears were the worst I noticed. If you already have it for 360, it's not worth picking up the PS3 version. Of course if you've been looking up reviews, you probably already know that.

Last edited by 556pineapple on 8/19/2010 11:19:11 AM

14 years ago

Well i don't technically it's my stepdads which i wont be able to play once back at uni, but i'll get over that i guess theres plenty i intend to get when back now that they're cheap:

Assassins Creed II & Brotherhood
Bishock 2 (Still need to finish 1 lol)
Lego Harry Potter

14 years ago

I played episode 1 and half of the original HL2 game for PS3. They held up okay. There were just a handful of bogged down parts, but the majority was fine.
I read that the real crappy'ness begins in episode 2. Which is too bad, because it's probably the most exciting portion of the game (it made up for how mediocre episode 1 was).

14 years ago

Ah I see, well if you have a decent PC, I recommend getting the Orange Box for that. It's the superior version by far. If not, I'm sure those other games will keep you occupied.

And don't feel bad about not finishing Bioshock 1 yet; I haven't either. lol

14 years ago

It definitely has some issues it's definitely not as bad as everyone makes it seem. I would definitely buy it used anyway, each one of those games are amazing and are still very playable.

14 years ago

I was thinking of eventually getting it Benzin… if it is not that bad, then why not! I do like the Half-Life series, I was just put off by Valves attitude and the shoddy port.



Last edited by Qubex on 8/19/2010 9:41:23 PM

14 years ago

Portal and HL2 ran just fine on my PS3. The load times were less than ideal, but otherwise I had no problems.

I haven't got to the Episodes (got bored of HL2 once the story vanished and all it was was more shooting).

As cheap as it is, I would actually recommend it, unless you already finished Portal (the best part of the package by far).

On topic: I wouldn't call hiring people YEARS after the PS3 dev kits were released "proactive", but I am glad that they finally got around to it. I'm excited for Portal 2.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 8/20/2010 6:52:15 PM

14 years ago

i still dont understand, what has SqE done that is so damn terrible?
on a different note, valve should get left 4 dead onto the ps3 (as i got the perfect group to play it with) and make a console version of counter-strike source, and somehow allow mod support. i would not need another game again for a good, long time…
(EDIT) actually, screw that. keep counter-strike on the pc. it just would not be the same on consoles.

Last edited by booze925 on 8/19/2010 12:19:28 PM

14 years ago

Steam equals mods.

14 years ago

Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is a screen tear?. Also, what is portal about? Is there any action or shooting in it?

14 years ago

As you move on screen the graphics stop lining up for a fraction of a second before they pop back together giving the appearance of a tear in the screen.

As for Portal, it's basically a puzzle game. You shoot a hole in the wall that leads to the first hole you shot in the wall. Little warp portals if you will. Main goal of each level is to get the heck out.

14 years ago

Not interested in Valve, and I am not interested in Portal 2. :/

14 years ago

Your loss. They've really turned themselves around as a whole. I wouldn't be too bitter, they still make great games after all.

14 years ago

I would like to see more of valve games come to the PS3. It's great there is finally a dev that is interested in getting the right talent for sony's system, there just isn't many other who do that.
the PS3 almost always gets the short end of the stick because they know nothing about the PS3.

j howlett
j howlett
14 years ago

i got the OB for ps3, for 12 bucks, and what i played of it wasn't horrible like i had read prior to getting it.

14 years ago

Wow, I've owned Orange Box on PS3 since day one and have never had any problems with it. I was always astounded by all the naysayers on it. Maybe everyone else just got shoddy copies of the game? Not entirely sure. Ben you should give it another try, 360 version wasn't the only best version, since, at the time, the PS3 build was using a more up to date build of Source.

Bring on Portal 2 I say. I cannot wait. Now how about that Half-Life 2 Episode 3. Hrm.

14 years ago

I'm going to have to stand by my initial reaction to Portal 2. The first one was good because it was bundled with a bunch of other games. I highly doubt Portal 2 is going to be worth $60.

14 years ago

the first game was good simply because it was a great game, lets not try to spin that

14 years ago

I'm not overly excited about portal 2, nothing against it, just not for me.

However I am excited that steam will be on ps3 because in the future it's possible valve could make some new IP that I really like and I think they have the talent to make something great. Well something great that is of interest to me I mean.

14 years ago

Gabe eats lots of things, but I bet he didn't see his own words coming.

14 years ago

Mmmmm…delicious crow.

What? I'm eating someone's soul?

Mmmmm…delicious soul.

14 years ago

All I've got to say about Gabe now, is……

May he have ALL the "cheeseburgers in paradise" he ever wants from now on!!!!

(unless he decides to go for another taste of athletes foot again)

14 years ago

gabe you fat greasy bastard, bring us L4D and all is forgiven.

14 years ago

I second that…

14 years ago

Portal 2 is super cool.