There are plenty of fantastic PS1 classics available on the PlayStation Network for download. But there are three that RPG fans desperately desire.
The three titles in question are Suikoden II , Vagrant Story , and Xenogears, and gamers have been clamoring to get them on the PSN…well, ever since there was a PSN. The good news? Bo Hernandez from the PlayStation Store Team gave us an update on the situation in the Comments section over at the PlayStation Blog : in regards to the impossible-to-find Suikoden II , Hernandez simply said, "We'll see what we can do!" He replied to the wish for the critically acclaimed action/RPG, Vagrant Story , with- "Hopefully soon?" As a reminder, those lucky Japanese gamers have had this one available for over a year now. They've been able to download Xenogears for over two years now and as for the possibility of a North American PSN release, Hernandez was more vague. He would only say that it (or potentially a bunch of PSN classics) is "still being tested."
But we figure that if they can manage to bring these three classics over, RPG fans should never go wanting again. There were a ton of role-playing titles on the PS1, though, so…what else do you want?
I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure Vagrant Story is on the European PSN now for a very long time…off I go to check!
Ok just checked and Vagrant Story has been on EU PSN since 22/12/09…so don't see why you guys Stateside don't already have it. The other 2 titles we don't have either though, but I would say it's inevitable that you'll be getting at least Vagrant Story.
Last edited by frostface on 8/17/2010 9:43:11 PM
Yeah, we don't have it. Sucks.
Create multiple accounts for diff regions and use a credit card to buy it.
Talk about the best of the best. I'll take all three with a cherry on top.
Unless they want to upgrade the graphics and give us trophies, this would be the next best thing.
Xenogears! Not that I would buy it since I own it on disc, but be great for those who don't and have never played it. One of the best RPGs ever imo.
They should really just give NA PS3 owners the SquareEnix store that is found on the JP PSN, load it up with all of their titles, including the previous remakes of older FF games.
Unfortunately, Working Designs no longer exists, so bringing the Lunar and Lunar 2 PS1 ports to the PSN is a dead hope for RPG fans.
Didn't a Lunar remake just release?
I started Silver Star Story way back in the PSX days. I liked it. It have an adventurous youthful spirit to it that I wouldn't mind giving another shot.
Yes, Lunar Silver Star Harmony is on PSN right now.
@Highlander: Isn't it just the PSP version though that is on there?
Yeah, it was redone for the PSP, so it's just a digital download of the UMD.
PS1 ports I think were pretty much direct ports from the Sega CD. The PSP remake is a "remake" with new content, retranslated (for better or worse), etc etc.
Last edited by Zapix on 8/18/2010 1:41:27 AM
Yeah it's a PSP version that's been enhanced for PSP, looks not bad.
While Suikoden II is a lock, I'll probably end up with all 3. What I'd like to know is why it takes so long for these to come to PSN. Licensing problems? Why would they have to "test" them? Just dump the iso and make sure the PS3 only emulates PS1 games that have been rightfully purchased. Bingo bango.
Licensing problems. I believe that it's because releasing the game on PSN counts as a new platform release.
Also, the different screen resolution may require a modification of the code to make on-screen text readable.
I'm borrowing Xenogears from a friend and I would love to buy it for myself if it was on the network. I'd love to buy it for myself on disc too, but I've seen copies, and they're not so cheap. 🙁
almost makes me want to buy up the games for PS3 that I know will not be for sale anymore in ten years. You can make some cashola down the line that way.
Yeah, I'd do that too if I just had foresight enough to know what games to get. Maybe I'll just buy them all.
I'd like Xenogears to port over. I only played the first part of it. I have an old friend who felt it was one of the best RPG's from that era.
I did, however, play through Xenosaga part 1, and i would like to see a HD trilogy release for PS3.
And please, for the love of that which is good, Namco bring across Tekken 3!
I'd definitely buy Xenogears. And if anyone ever has an attack of common sense and does an HD remake of Xenosaga, count me in – all three episodes.
Yeah, but it's Namco. Common sense are two words used together that don't make any sense to those guys =p
I still have my copy for the first PlayStation. Wondering when my son will finally be able to take interest in it since the PS is set up in his room.
Xenogears had another famous title released the same year… so it was overlooked by many.
The game that was released the same year? Final Fantasy VII.
I would buy Xenosaga (hopefully both one AND two) just for the sake of all the good memories gamers share for the series. I'm sure I'd have a blast.
Hey how about Legend of Legaia? I forget who makes it. Did anyone ever play the second one? Somehow that one got by me last gen.
I believe it was made by a company called Contrail, but it was published by Sony. God I love that game.
Legaia 2 was pretty good, but not as good as Legend of Legaia.
I would love to see Legend of Dragoon as I never got a chance to finish it.
LOD all the way, my top pick for a PSN classic.
Last edited by gumbi on 8/18/2010 8:39:45 AM
I believe the answer you are looking for would be "Everyone who loves fun".
Oh please oh please! I have been wanting to play these three games for a really long time. I have searched in stores, online, my friends old games, I cannot find these.
I would buy all of them the day they hit the psn. Say hello to my ps3 and psp.
Quite honestly I want PS2 classics on the PSN. PSX games were fun, but come now, they're super freakin' old. The reason why PS3 gamers are so sour about everything is because so many classics were on the PS2 as well. Imagine if they released PSX and PS2 classics on the PSN. Then we would have so much to look forward to and very little to complain about. Playstation has such a large catalog that they can send a classic a week for years to come without fail.
I'd like to see them up there too, but I'm wondering if Sony thinks everyone might get more profit if they can remaster them a la God of War Collection. As that would be difficult with third party titles, I think Sony should remaster the best first party titles and then yeah put the third party titles on PSN.
I still have Xenogears on disc so I can go without.
Never got a chance to play Vagrant Story, so I would like to see it on PSN.
Like Daze said above, we need Legend of Dragoon on the PSN. I've played that game five times now and it is still my fav RPG to date. That one just struck a chord for me in my early days of RPG'ing. I flashed my PSP with CFW specifically so I could play LOD on it.
Everytime I think of this game it hurts me that it was completely abandoned… No sequel, prequel, remake… nothing. It's a shame SE has forgotten that they ever made this absolute gem of a game.
Heh you're not the only one, It's the only way i have been able to play such Gems as Xenogears and Parasite Eve, which we never got here in the UK.
I have heard much about LoD, i wil have to give it a try sometime.
From what I remember Square did not do LoD. I have the case and it just says Sony computer entertainment so I'm guessing its a first party game right? Which means get it on the store!!!
Either way I agree I love love love that game and was upset that it wasn't turned into a franchise.
Out of those three games I would gladly take them all as I only got to rent them for my PSX 10 or so years ago when they came out. Vagrant story was hard but so cool I really want to have a go at that now that I'm not a noob 12 year old. Xenogears was also great from what I remember.
I wish Sony would let us request games directly from our ps3. They could put up a list once a month and let people vote on them or make a wish list to submit through the store or straight from the xmb.
Those 3 titles should be no-brainers for them. Honestly. 3 excellent RPG's!! I even took the time to do a user review on Xenogears, and it isn't even on our PSN! lol… PLEASE bring that one over! I OF COURSE still have my PS1 hard copy of Xenogears, but I want all of you RPG fans who missed it to experience it too. Plus, I'd love to play it on my PSP.
You may keep your Xenogears, but I give me Suikoden 2 again and again.