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Sony Reveals New 160GB And 320GB PS3 Models

All sorts of big announcements today; three especially that will interest PlayStation 3 fans.

Sony Computer Entertainment America has announced a hard drive upgrade for the PS3: the system will soon be offered in North America with the option of a 160GB or 320GB hard drive. The 160GB model will replace the 120GB as the default machine with the standard retail price of $299.99, while the 320GB model will retail for $399.99. The latter will be introduced as a PlayStation Move bundle on September 19; it'll boast the Move controller, PlayStation Eye, a copy of Sports Champions , and a bonus Blu-Ray game demo disc. Said Scott A. Steinberg, SCEA vice president of product marketing:

"With the launch of PlayStation Move just around the corner, we're expecting many new consumers to join the PlayStation® family. The PS3™ Sports Champions™ Move bundle provides those families with everything they need to get into motion control gaming at a great value, with the 320GB model PS3 system as the centerpiece of the package. Also, as PlayStation Network continues to evolve with exciting new services, the hunger for digital content grows; these larger storage capacities address that demand and encourage consumers to take full advantage of the complete PS3 experience."

The press release also states that there are currently over 52 million registered PSN accounts worldwide. The service now features a big library of downloadable games, over 23,000 HD and SD movies and TV episodes, exclusive programming, and of course, PlayStation Home, which continues to grow by the week. So if you have yet to pick up the PS3 or wish to upgrade, you will soon have the opportunity.

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14 years ago

Yeah they also talked about MUBI and PlayTV but unfortunately those features are not coming to the U.S. but I guess MUBI is just similar to Netflix. I can't believe the press conference was delayed, I don't know what was delaying them.

14 years ago

Awesome news. I was planning on getting a second ps3 with the move bundle sometime this fall and now with the bigger hard drive I won't need to upgrade it for a long time.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Ignore this post. Brain fart, today. Someone posted a hilarious Lady GaGa video and it has affected me today.

Last edited by fluffer nutter on 8/17/2010 3:04:11 PM

14 years ago

They should keep the 120gb model and drop the price to 250. That way it will be cheaper than the 360 (i think i don't know much about 360 pricing)

14 years ago

I'm pretty sure that's what they'll do also, considering that's what they did when they were phasing out the last skus. But they also want to compare with the 360 in terms of features, like HD size, in addition to the price-point.

14 years ago

Tbh, i dont think sony want/need to drop the price yet, since they have only just started to make a profit per console and am still selling well.

I wouldn't think the price of 120gb/160gb hardrives would differ that much either tbf.

14 years ago

I saw a commerical yesterday for the new Xbox starting at $199.99 and on the bottom in fine print it said 4GB model.

14 years ago

yes they should, to get the people excited about getting a PS3.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 8/17/2010 4:02:30 PM

14 years ago

Just a tip ben , insomniac announced resistance 3 and a new ratchet and clank game.

14 years ago

I'm psyched about that. Ratchet & Clank: All For One. It's like Future but with 4-player coop, with drop-in/drop-out. I'm psyched as long as it is a full game.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

No offense, but how do you think I wouldn't know that? 😉

14 years ago

It was just a heads up 😉 i thought i would make your job a lil easier 🙂

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

It's appreciated, anyway.

14 years ago

Would have been nice if the 120gb went down to $249, or make the 160gb $249 🙂 Still great news I was about to get another PS3 next week. Now instead of getting a bigger HDD for my Fat 60gb I can just move the info over. I'll prob just use my fat for my PS2 games and as a dedicated Bluray player.

14 years ago

I wish they kept the shiny look….
Cant wait for move 🙂

14 years ago

That 320 gigger, with the Move bundled in sounds sweet.

(Just got to figure which bills are going to be getting paid late, is all) LOL

14 years ago

I thought these new models were launched worldwide?

Seems like Asia got it first, my PS3 is a white 160 gigger and I got it at a standard price.

14 years ago

I had a funny dream that I had Move last night, I was going around controlling things in real life with it. lol. I love my 500gig drive.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 8/17/2010 4:19:56 PM

14 years ago

lol Any lag worth reporting?

I miss my GT5 dreams…

14 years ago

A little bit of lag when you throw a car down the street 🙂

14 years ago

Ha! Proper gamer's dream. Been playing inFamous I spose.

14 years ago

ummm…world, i think you should get a second hobby… or spend more time with your wife and/or gf.
distasteful? deal with it.

14 years ago

^^^ Thumb police -_- (I plan on using that a lot. Hope you don't mind, World)

14 years ago

Since Sony has a 320Gb Move bundle, this leaves the door open for a 160Gb GT5 bundle in November.

14 years ago

I think they should release one with no hard drive at all for even cheaper. Or maybe a 20gb model. Let me handle that, because I can find them for MUCH cheaper than they can, it seems. I bought the 40gb model and ordered a 500gb HD from Pricewatch for $60. Boom, saved a couple hundred bucks.

14 years ago

YAY! 2 new Ps3 models im not going 2 buy!

14 years ago

Sony need to stop with these multiple PS3 consoles seriously,its getting to be pretty annoying because of all these GB of space differrential models,make 2-3 models and stick with it sheesh,this is like an on and off relationship -_-

14 years ago

Sony should be adding larger Hard drives.

I say they stop producing the 120GB and give it a $270 price and after they stop making the Move bundle with the 320GB, the 320GB will be $350 at which point the 250 will stop production.
While having a white and satin black finishes for both the 160 and 320

Hopefully in the USA because I would love a second PS3, and the white one looks cool.
Maybe even a GT5 and LBP2 bundles for the holiday.

14 years ago

By now everyone's warranty is up, when are they gonna release interchangeable face plates?

14 years ago

The PS3 isn't designed to have "interchangeable faceplates"
Have you looked at one lately? What would you be changing out? The whole frickin shell?

14 years ago

When the Console 1st launched it was intended to have interchangable faces. Peel off that sticker on the side, the top shell comes off very easily, then there is second shell that you have to unscrew and what not. I don't know much about the slims, but my fat is ready for it.

14 years ago

And here I am, struggling with my 40Gb hard drive :(. Anyone who knows an easy (and cheap) way to upgrade my HDD without losing any data?

14 years ago

Sony should just go ahead now & make it's 2 SKU's as 320GB's & 500GB's.

That way, Sony not only future proof's itself for the crowds that DL a ton of content, it also seriously put's another nail in MS's console's coffin.

14 years ago

I would love to see a 1TB PS3, i would finely upgrade from my day 1 60GB that i upgraded to 300GB for that.

14 years ago

personally, i think this is a waste, you can upgrade to a bigger hard drive yourself anyways, and my 80Gig never filled up still, let alone bigger ones;

focus more on producing more great exclusives like heavy rain, demon soul, infamous is the way to go