We swear we can't predict the future . We're not oracles. …it just seems that way.
Less than 48 hours after it was determined that PSXE readers most want Mass Effect 2 – of all the top-notch games not available on the PlayStation 3 – it has been announced that a PS3 version of the excellent RPG is headed our way. Freshly revealed at GamesCom this morning, EA and BioWare have announced that Mass Effect 2 for the PS3 will arrive in January, and it'll feature "hours of bonus content." We don't have all the full details just yet but we figured you guys would want to know ASAP, right? According to some sources, ME2 is the single best-rated game in the 28-year history of Electronic Arts (validation for acquiring BioWare) and of course, we all know that EA simply doesn't do exclusivity. They just can't make enough money this way so perhaps such a move was inevitable.
You can also consider this to be pre-confirmation of Mass Effect 3 on PS3, as it's exceedingly unlikely BioWare will somehow magically revert to Xbox 360 exclusivity, even if it's only timed. No, ME appears to be a multiplatform series, now. Sony lost a few big exclusives at the start of this generation, too, and in general, third-party exclusivity really is a thing of the past. However, now that Microsoft has lost ME…they just have Gears and Halo , right? I mean, that's all that's left to compete against MGS4, GoWIII, GT5, LBP, Heavy Rain , Uncharted , Ratchet and Clank , inFamous, Killzone …..? Well…all right.
Related Game(s): Mass Effect 2
I was just under the impression this was supposed to be a professionally done playstation news site. Or do you consider yourself unprofessional and doing this for fun? In that case take as many extra jabs at the 360 as you want. All the power to you.
Call it what you want. I'm tired of you.
K, but if you read my comment you'd see i said someone who's never been on this site before, but nvm you got defensive again.
Keep spreading the PlayStation love, everyone.
I'm very happy for the ones who wanted this game!!!
My guess is that, since ME1 is partially owned by Microsoft, the devs at Bioware will have to add in new chapters that are essentially a summary of events of ME1… but package it in the PS3 version of ME2:Genesis.
This way, they get around the licensing issue, and still be able to give the players as much of ME1 as they are allowed to.
So, the extra development time will probably focus on that extra content and optimization.
Otherwise, they could've just straight-ported to PS3, and have it out by this November…
I will definitely buy this. I love that far out space sh..! That is the one game on that list that I wanted.
i just need to know what will happen to mass effect 1.
i hope the bonus content will fill us in on some of the story from the first.
anyways, this will be a pick up for me, been waiting for this for a while now
In Mass Effect: The Real Elevator Simulator, Commander Shepard rides elevators. Up, Down, you name it! If there's a place to go, you can bet there's an elevator to get you there. And not a short little elevator ride, heavens no, what fun would that be? Mass Effect accurately depicts what it would be like in real life to ride to the top of the Empire State Building, time and time again. The "hours of bonus content" is an accurately modeled elevator ride to the top of the Sears Tower, only possible on Playstation 3.
You also shoot aliens in there somewhere…
Lol Tao, you make it sound like the elevator rides were really bad in the first ME.
What about ME1? I'd much rather have that first so I can re-play it on the PS3 then, Use the save on ME2.
Whatever, So does this mean that its a good chance that ME3 will be multiplat?
Oh wait… Isn't the publishing rights to the first ME owned by Microsoft Game Studios? I guess that could be a reason.
I'm telling you, the "hours of bonus content" is the first Mass Effect. They just don't want to promise anything right now in case they run into unforeseen complications porting ME2.
That would be nice, and if it turns out to be true I'll buy you a coke!
Alright! Coke's my favorite!
Coke ftw.
Three words; Elle Owe Elle.
I thought 2k did a pretty good job with the port of bioshock 1. I'm looking forward to this. Not really interested in ME1. Bring on the bigger and better, I always say. LOL
Great news. Now about that Left For Dead 1 and 2 news that's supposed to be breaking soon…..
Awesome News!!! I hope this "bonus content" is the numerous high quality DLC that was released for the 360 owners, as it wouldn't really be fair if it was brand new content, exclusive to the PS3 version. I have both the systems and I don't want to feel cheated that way, especially after logging over 100 hours into the game…
I really hope that when the PS3 owners buy the game, they get access to all the DLC that has already released for the 360 owners, as that would be a really smart on Bioware's part (and the gamer's, because who would want to pay upwards of $30-40 for 1 year plus old DLC?).
And for those wondering why ME1 isn't in the picture, I'm not sure why myself, as both the games could easily fit on a 50GB Blu-ray disc, including ME1 and ME2 DLC. Additionally, since PS3 owners get to only play ME2, choices related to ME1 will have alreafy been made for them (important ones at that). So, there won't be any confusion as to the story and characters and whatnot.
As for the last part of the article, we all know Ben, we all know =P
Last edited by Victor321 on 8/17/2010 1:40:40 PM
I won't be getting this, I am not interested in any of the 360 games, but I love that the 360 last another game game, all though I thought they always "just" had halo and gears. while Sony exclusive list goes on for ever.
Haha MS
by the way Forza is a joke,… a simulator lol?
Just because it's a "microsoft" system game (it isn't, it's bioware, a standout RPG developer) you shouldn't dismiss it.
This proves that there are still short-sighted gamers, no matter how many civil and intelligent ones there are on this site =(
Interesting news. That's about the only 360 title I was even vaguely interested in.
OMG that's sooo sick hell yea. Now I get to play ME as well.
Now if only they would bundle it with the first one, or release the first one on the psn
So… can I assume it will be on one disc?
'that a serious question?
MS 360 DVD: 6.8GB – less than DVD-9 'coz of MS's copy protection.
…And with improved, non-cruddy, uncompressed video.
Yea, that bothered me the most on the PC version.
Overall image quality is pristine (1920×1200, max details) but all cut scenes are heavily compressed bink-videos.
It kinda felt like the GOW collection on PS3, just not as extreme.
Should BW actually utilize the extra space to use real time cut-scenes then I'm buying ME2 for PS3 again. Otherwise the extras will have to be awesome to convince me.
Last edited by ro kurorai on 8/17/2010 3:09:21 PM
Not really, kind of a rhetorical question. Maybe they decide to give us both ME and ME2, each on separate discs, that would be sweet. Although they'd probably both fit on one BRD.
Last edited by GuernicaReborn on 8/17/2010 11:51:06 PM
Score one for the good guys!!!!!!
Hopefully some of the extra content will be back stories to M1 & M2.
Now, if there's some technical way to incorporate your old M1 M2 saves into our own version of M3, that would be the icing on the cake.
BTW, AND…score another one for us….
Insominac just sent me a email stating that both, "Resistance 3" is on the way, and we're also going to be getting Ratchet & "Clank:4 for One" too…..
Here's the email….
worst. secret. ever.
resistance 3 revealed
The date weâve been all been waiting for quite some time now has finally come. Yes, we are very aware of the fact that some games are just too hard to keep a secret; however, itâs our pleasure to finally put some rumors to rest. Today, we would like to OFFICIALLY announce our latest title currently in development â Resistance 3.
Since the release of Resistance 2, weâve listened to your feedback to help fine-tune what we know will become a respected addition to the franchise. Our Burbank studio has done a phenomenal job of crafting a cruel and brutal Resistance 3 world. You can catch a glimpse of it by watching the live-action Resistance 3 teaser trailer shown during the PlayStation Press Conference at GamesCom today. Follow @insomniacgames on Twitter and you'll be the first to know when we've uploaded it for you to watch and share with all your friends.
We are very excited to show you more about Resistance 3. Remember to tell your friends to sign up for the newsletter, weâll be offering swag and exclusive info throughout the coming year. In fact, you can visit our Community section and download some wallpapers right now.
4p ratchet & clank co-op
insomniac nc's first title
Wait, that wasnât enough? You want to know what else we're working on? What our North Carolina studio has been wrenching? Believe it or not, weâve been hard at work on an all-new, out-of-this world adventure, Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One. Check out the trailer here!
Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One is a four-player co-opexperience with huge cinematic-quality battles and tons of cooperative gameplay. While Dr.Nefarious and Captain Qwark are no strangers to the Ratchet & Clank franchise, in All 4 One, you will be able to play as them alongside both Ratchet and Clank. If that wasnât enough, there will also be an online drop-in, drop-out feature, so you can play together side-by-side or online with up to three other friends. Weâll be revealing some exclusive Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One content soon, but only for newsletter subscribers. In the meantime, you can download some cool wallpapers from our Community section. We hope you encourage some of your fellow Ratchet & Clank fanatics to sign up for the newsletter so they can enjoy the same content.
Whatâs next for Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One? We will be in Seattle for PAX 2010 (Sept 3-5) with a live panel, but if you canât make it out, thereâs alwaysFacebook and Twitter for our breaking news.
And as always, keep your eyes peeled on: http://www.insomniacgames.com.
I think you've misread, Biker. We're getting ME2, but not the 1st.
Thanks for sharing the good news from Insomniac.
They should re make mass effect 1 for ps3. That way we can all experience the mass effect series on PS3!!!!!
I continue to read about how the first game has contract agreements that are out of EA's control.
Yeah, they could just move some stuff around, alter a few things, give it a game subtitle and call it good.
At the least, I'm sure they'll include content that details the main events from the first game. That way people don't feel out of the loop when buying into it. It's too bad many won't get to witness the cool standoff between Wrex and Shepard.
That'd be a shame, it was one of the more memorable moments of ME1. Gonna laugh my ass off, if BW include an interactive movie (play-through of ME) where the action stops at each major plot decision and the player can choose what to do. That way they won't be breaking any agreements and everybody's happy – well, everybody except MS obviously ^^.
Sure, it's a lot of work, but BW got all the resources necessary, plenty of time and enough disc space.
I can't wait to see how they wrap this up.
Last edited by ro kurorai on 8/17/2010 4:11:32 PM
RadioHeader, You're right, I meant M2 not M3(must have had Gears3 & Halo3 on my mind).
Anyways, what I meant was it's a shame you can't cross-over your saves from M! to the PS3.
Played ME1 on my PC and thought it was a decent game but not one I should have bought. I will probably give ME2 a rent from Gamefly and keep it if it's as good as people say.
Well, I was half right, I predicted that ME1 and 2 would be on a single blu ray. That would have been better, but once this game drops in price I will give it a try.
You should, it's one of the best games this generation.
Glad to see ME2 is making it's way to PS3. Doesn't help me too much because I played it on my PC and I plan to do the same for ME3 as well, but at least that's just another group of gamers that gets to enjoy this marvelous game.
It never ceases to amaze me how ahead of the times this site is.
This infuriates me, ME is a game I almost bought but I had my PS3 and had given my 360 to my brother, but now the sequel will be released on PS3 which a lot of us won't even no what the first was about. This I will not buy unless they give us ME 1 and 2, I hardly ever buy sequels if I hadn't played the first title, why do game developers do this, I still haven't played condemned for this very reason.
I know this site keeps getting jabs at its "fanboyism" but really I think it's permitted given the numerous sites that cater to xbox and neglect the ps3. Though I have seen some mild fanboyish remarks they are more often then not down voted on here because the majority of active posters don't put up with it, which is good to see.
Mainly this site is making up for that lack of journalism not seen on other xbox sites. I mean game sites.
The game is pretty old, it should be like $40
It may be "old" but it is still a masterpiece of a game.
The 360 still has the Fable series as well but after the sequel most true fans have lots faith.
YES! Now I really don't want a 360.
Microsoft Responds to Mass Effect 2 Jumping Ship
I guess the ps3 won't be seeing the first mass effect, Microsft sure was quick to point that out. I just hope EA and bioware are able to come up with something that explains the story from the first Mass Effect.