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World Of Mass Effect Will Finally Grace The PlayStation 3

We swear we can't predict the future . We're not oracles. …it just seems that way.

Less than 48 hours after it was determined that PSXE readers most want Mass Effect 2 – of all the top-notch games not available on the PlayStation 3 – it has been announced that a PS3 version of the excellent RPG is headed our way. Freshly revealed at GamesCom this morning, EA and BioWare have announced that Mass Effect 2 for the PS3 will arrive in January, and it'll feature "hours of bonus content." We don't have all the full details just yet but we figured you guys would want to know ASAP, right? According to some sources, ME2 is the single best-rated game in the 28-year history of Electronic Arts (validation for acquiring BioWare) and of course, we all know that EA simply doesn't do exclusivity. They just can't make enough money this way so perhaps such a move was inevitable.

You can also consider this to be pre-confirmation of Mass Effect 3 on PS3, as it's exceedingly unlikely BioWare will somehow magically revert to Xbox 360 exclusivity, even if it's only timed. No, ME appears to be a multiplatform series, now. Sony lost a few big exclusives at the start of this generation, too, and in general, third-party exclusivity really is a thing of the past. However, now that Microsoft has lost ME…they just have Gears and Halo , right? I mean, that's all that's left to compete against MGS4, GoWIII, GT5, LBP, Heavy Rain , Uncharted , Ratchet and Clank , inFamous, Killzone …..? Well…all right.

Related Game(s): Mass Effect 2

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14 years ago

Bioshock was much worse on the PS3

14 years ago

No it wasn't.

14 years ago

look at comparision videos and you'll see the textures were watered down. Also the effects on the the enviroments and enemies were limited, you hit an enemy a certain amount of times the bullet marks just fade away and are replaced.

14 years ago

I played both versions and saw no big differences other then the PS3 version having slightly higher textures.

Besides, you can't tell the difference between bluray movies and DVDs. No disrespect because I do like you. it's hard to take you seriously on graphical fidelity since you think bluray makes little difference. If you can't see how bluray movies greatly enhance the fidelity how can you spot the minimal differences in bioshock, ps3 vs 360?

Last edited by Jawknee on 8/17/2010 12:32:25 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Bioshock wasn't really inferior (only slightly) and Bioshock 2 was the same on both platforms.

14 years ago

As if have said before, Yes Blu-rays are better, but not as big of an act that it is being marketed for. DVD's still look great upscaled by the PS3 on a HDTV, hence why i am in no hurry to convert 600+ movies. When in 5 years time there will be a new format.

As for Bioshock the image generally looks softer than the 360 version due to it being a port. Just like Resident Evil 4 when it was put on the PS2.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

You'd have to be awfully anal to notice it, though.

14 years ago

On Bioshock yes. RE4 definatly not though ¬.¬

14 years ago

The "softness" you are referring to, is due to poor Anti-Aliasing (AA) application or using NVidia technique called "quincunx". Both 360 and PS3 use different protocols to achieve similar results. Using the NVidia "quincunx" technique can be overpowering when not applied properly which make the textures look terrible, or blurry, up close.

A quote from Digital Foundry who has done some research in comparison of AA between the 360 and PS3:

"It's often the case that the Xbox 360 version of a game features edge-smoothing, while the PlayStation 3 counterpart will either leave it off altogether, scale it back, or use an NVIDIA specific technique called "quincunx", which refines edges nicely, but blurs the entire texture in the process."

Highlander may be able to explain better.

That said;

Don't blame the hardware for poor quality software, blame the developer or publisher.

14 years ago

I got your back on this one Ultimadream, Bioshock 2 looked better on 360 for certain.
Check out either the Digital Foundry or the Lens of Truth to see the comparison.

The analysis is pretty telling.

Here's a summary quote from DF.

"In terms of purchasing decisions for those who own both HD consoles, it's fairly self-evident that the Xbox 360 version of BioShock 2 is the one to have: graphics are undoubtedly superior with four times the resolution on transparencies, the frame-rate is undoubtedly smoother, there's no HDD-sapping mandatory installation and control varies from slightly crisper to considerably more responsive, depending on the status of the PS3's frame-rate at any given point.

This is not to say that the PS3 version of the game shouldn't be considered if you don't own an Xbox 360. The quality of the conversion is measurably better than the original BioShock, and while frame-rate drops can be irritating – coming when you really need the visual and controller feedback the most – it's still eminently playable and enjoyable.

The low-quality, quarter-resolution transparencies are the biggest issue here, since water and neon-bloom are so integral to the visual make-up of Rapture. In that respect, the impact to visual quality in what is such a beautifully designed world is somewhat disappointing, but won't detract too much from the overall gameplay experience."

Truth be told.

The technical argument that could be made for PS3 would be that there is no screen-tearing, but at the expense of a much less stable frame-rate. I choose tear, cause my play needs to be smooth =)

14 years ago

So long the frame-rate is above 24fps, a slower frame rate does not pull me away from the experience nearly as much as screen tearing does.

Everyone's different, I know, but I just can't understand how screen tearing is less distracting than frame-rate drops. I've been seeing games slow down since the 8-bit NES days. Honestly, I don't think I ever recall screen tearing being an issue on consoles until Microsoft entered the arena (aside from PC gaming). Although, I'm sure there was.

Point being, I've dealt with frame-rate drops for a much longer time than most posters here have been alive (if you are older than 28, then you don't count). I'm used to it. I suppose if you were a PC gamer for a long time then you'll be used to the tearing.

There were high percentage of games with screen tearing on the 360 and PS3 in first couple years of their existence. Experienced PS3 developers seem to have almost eliminated screen tearing.

I haven't purchased a 360 game in a very, very long time. It's interesting that you point out that an experienced 360 developer is still struggling with screen tearing on the 360.

Last edited by Nynja on 8/18/2010 8:12:46 AM

14 years ago

Outstanding. I am looking forward to this big time..

ro kurorai
ro kurorai
14 years ago

I guess BW will include a video recapping the story of ME1. Furthermore they have to add an option to 'select' choices made during ME1.
They can't bring ME1 over to PS3 for reasons mentioned above but they can include a recap video and added options to choose key decisions of ME1.

BW know what they're doing, but that's the most reasonable way to release ME2 on PS3.

Played it on PC btw, and it rocks. One of the best action RPGs this generation. And I'm always amazed about all the stellar voice actors BW choose for their games.

Can imagine millions of MS fanboys crying like never before ^^

Last edited by ro kurorai on 8/17/2010 11:53:13 AM

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
14 years ago

"Can imagine millions of MS fanboys crying like never before."

Over at the forums, many act like this is the end of the world.

14 years ago

now if valve gives us the left 4 dead series, THEN i would get my wish.

14 years ago

I think left 4 dead coming to the PS3 is likely. Maybe not the first two games but anything past those definitely, though I wouldn't at all be surprised to see l4d2 make it over.

EDIT: Especially if they somehow integrate steam into the PS3 framework. How awesome would it be to have a steam section in the PSN store? I mean really that would be swell.

Last edited by coverton341 on 8/17/2010 12:02:49 PM

14 years ago

I would certainly Welcome Left4Dead, a very fun franchise. great for multiplayer.

14 years ago

I played L4D on both the 360 and PC. I own it on PC. PC is the way to go with that release.

Though I'm sure Valve is working on a PS3 version or at the very least plans for it.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

Only Gears and Halo? So you are going to start ignoring Forza, Fable and Alan Wake just to make an argument ?

14 years ago

I can understand Forza and Fable, but Alan Wake? Have you SEEN the sales numbers?

14 years ago

Gears and Halo sell consoles. The others don't. From my understanding, MS had to give Forza 2 away.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I'm ignoring Forza because it's a joke of a simulator and always has been, Fable is in no way in the same class as the PS3 exclusives I listed, and I love Alan Wake but it's not exactly what one would call "mainstream."

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 8/17/2010 12:28:11 PM

14 years ago

I don't know about that, Infamous…really?

14 years ago

You better believe it Ultimadream.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

If by class you mean critical acclaim, then I beg you to visit Game Rankings or Metacritic and look at the aggregate scores for Forza 3, Fable 2 and Alan Wake and compare them to aggregate scores for Infamous, R&C:ACiT and Heavy Rain. My point will be made then and there.

I'm not trying to start an argument in favour of the 360, I don't even have one. I know the PS3 lineup is bigger, better and has more variety. But let's not spread a fallacy that the 360 only has a couple of good games that aren't on the PS3.

Last edited by Sir Shak on 8/17/2010 12:48:26 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Ultima: Uh, perhaps you haven't seen the footage for inFamous 2.

14 years ago

Yes i have, but well lets just say it does not appeal to me 🙂 (I strongly dislike super heros styled games/films)

14 years ago

Whoa, friend. You mean to say you didn't play the first one? Lemme say this. I'm not exactly the biggest fan of superheroes, nor with anything having to do with comic books in general, but i was sold on inFamous after playing the first one. Think open world, and intense action, tied with a twisted story, and characters you can relate with. I'm sure being in cinema/film, that they'll be a few elements that you could appreciate from this one. Especially now that you can get it on the cheap, there's no excuse for not having played it. At least try it out for being the quality Sony exclusive that it is.

14 years ago

I also was thinking about all the obvious games left out. Perhaps only mentioned Halo and Gears since most PS3 fanboys will agree, those two games can go to hell, and there's a bit of unpopularity with shooters (despite the fact Killzone and Resistance are both shooters, both of which I never liked)

Fable is much more appealing (as an adult) imo over LBP, which for what it is, is rather incredible, it's plays like a childrens game (and looks like one, sounds like one). Fable 2 though was great, and definately a system seller I think.

Forza is the xbox answer to GranTurismo… That was sheer neglect on Ben's part…

As for Alan Wake, it's one of the few games I want that I just haven't picked up yet. Waiting for an amazon deal of the day on it as I do with most games since October last year.

Keep in mind PSXE is a PS3 only site and caters to PS3 owners. It doesn't have to put any positive spin on the xbox or the games for it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

If you really think Fable 2 is a system-seller and LBP is only for kids, I'm going to call your opinion null and void. Sorry.

14 years ago

I hear you Sir Shank, but consider that while Forza 3 is good, and most critics agree to that, it really won't compare to GT5. GT5 has been a long time coming but the wealth of content, the un-rivaled visuals, and the reassuring pedigree of Polyphony's excellence will place it in a tear above the rest.

Halo has a lot or popularity, but the franchise is seeing a decline. Look at the downhill slope the series has been on.

*Halo Wars: I'm sorry but RTS and consoles haven't mixed well.

*Halo ODST: This was a serious blow to the series credibility. The game was poor. Short, bland story, dated engine, over-priced and another attempt at MS trying to milk their property. I do enjoy the core tactics of Halo's play, but that is all that I could value from ODST.

*Bungie: They're leaving. The team who gave birth to the series, their baby, are leaving it behind. They know they've already done what can be done with the series. Some games and franchises just need to end and MS won't let it go (and they shouldn't there's still millions of fans, but it's populace is on a decline) Experimental efforts will be the best they can hope to do while other FPS competitors slowly chip away from it's user-base. Halo has had it's time in the sun, and it carried MS's platform and propelled MS's LIVE service for years. It was a legendary era in video-game history.
MS needs a new horse, and for my interests sake, please don't make it Kinect.
I don't mind supporting multiple platforms to have a shot at all the greatest games, but Kinetic is receiving a tremendous amount of emphasis by MS. It's nearly all they're focused on. If they're not careful, they may drive away a sizable portion of their audience to chase down their hope for greener pastures..

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

Zapix, LBP is absolutely an adult's game too. No child can ever recreate some of the community levels, even most adults can't. Anyway Fable and LBP are disparate games, I can't see how you can compare the two.

14 years ago

(Not you Shak) But the newcomers need to settle down and not make assumptions. Ben always gives credit where it is due, he might not bring up all YOUR favorite games, but if the 360 has the edge in any way we always hear about it.

14 years ago


I'm not saying LBP isn't a system seller, but the game itself "to me" comes off as a childrens game. However, I cannot and will not deny that the creation tools within LBP are a completely different story. Despite my lack of care for LBP, I bought it for my kids, and I have seen what people can do with it, and it's amazing. Seeing the trailers for LBP2 makes it even more impressive. Just because I personally don't like LBP, doesn't mean I don't understand it or can't appreciate it.

As for Fable 2, it has some rather bothersome flaws, such as people in town crowd around you and make moving sometimes near impossible, but as a whole, it's a really fun experience I think, as do many. There are also people who think it sucks, that's fine.

Both are system sellers.
I am willing to admit that GT5 (especially seeing as how it will be in 3D) is a possible system seller and Forza likely isn't. However they each have a unique place for the system as their primary exclusive driving sim game, so it can't really be ignored.

14 years ago

@ Shak
true they are completely different games, but both drive the system for sales and advertising. They are part of a group of games for their respective console that is part of what makes it what it is. Never meant to imply they were a similiar genre, but reading what I wrote, I can see how that could be seen. My mistake on that. Note to my above comment as well on LBP, as I mean no disrespect to the game or the creation tools.

14 years ago

GT5 a "possible" system seller? I am speechless.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

World, why aren't you on the forums?

14 years ago

I am boycotting the forums, they have become a breeding ground for elitist pigs who do nothing but antagonize and criticize and make veiled insults.

I always said I would keep bringing my own personal brand of discussion, laughs, and quality writing to those forums as long as it was wanted and appreciated. As it no longer is, I have removed myself from that hateful place.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

Wow, I would've never thought that you considered me an elitist pig. Sorry if I offended you in anyway. I only asked because I noticed you've been gone for sometime, which in some sense means that I appreciate your contributions over there.

14 years ago

I wasn't talking about you, or everyone in there. But in general it has become a bad place.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

Okay man, not really sure what made you feel this way. I hope you get past it and start posting again.

14 years ago

Glad you're back, World.

Last edited by Nynja on 8/18/2010 8:00:11 AM

14 years ago

About time.

14 years ago

This is great news! Now, I'll just get ME1 off Steam and go trap shooting with my defunct PC copy of ME2! I was in such a mood for a Space RPG that I've been playing Star Wars KOTR!

A bit off topic, but has anyone heard of an estimated date for The Old Republic? Ben? Anyone?

14 years ago

The real surprise is that the "hours of bonus content" is the first Mass Effect.

Believe it.

14 years ago

It had better be.

14 years ago

How else will I transfer my save game into ME2 to get the whole experience? Would't ME2 be gimped if we couldn't transfer our saves?

14 years ago

Let's hope that's true, I don't like to be wrong 😉

14 years ago

I don't like how in the article there was the extra jab at xbox saying they only have halo and gears though. To anyone reading the article who's never been on this site before, it would automatically seem like a ps3 fanboy site. Which will probably send Ben into an angry rant about how it doesn't blah blah blah. But IMO.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

The majority of your comments here imply similarly annoying things. It apparently doesn't matter how many articles we do – like the one referenced in this article about great games not on the PS3 – nor how many 360 games I say I like and play; you'll still make the implications.

Know the difference between fans and fanboys, please. According to you, PS3 fans aren't allowed to be happy about this.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 8/17/2010 12:29:30 PM