We swear we can't predict the future . We're not oracles. …it just seems that way.
Less than 48 hours after it was determined that PSXE readers most want Mass Effect 2 – of all the top-notch games not available on the PlayStation 3 – it has been announced that a PS3 version of the excellent RPG is headed our way. Freshly revealed at GamesCom this morning, EA and BioWare have announced that Mass Effect 2 for the PS3 will arrive in January, and it'll feature "hours of bonus content." We don't have all the full details just yet but we figured you guys would want to know ASAP, right? According to some sources, ME2 is the single best-rated game in the 28-year history of Electronic Arts (validation for acquiring BioWare) and of course, we all know that EA simply doesn't do exclusivity. They just can't make enough money this way so perhaps such a move was inevitable.
You can also consider this to be pre-confirmation of Mass Effect 3 on PS3, as it's exceedingly unlikely BioWare will somehow magically revert to Xbox 360 exclusivity, even if it's only timed. No, ME appears to be a multiplatform series, now. Sony lost a few big exclusives at the start of this generation, too, and in general, third-party exclusivity really is a thing of the past. However, now that Microsoft has lost ME…they just have Gears and Halo , right? I mean, that's all that's left to compete against MGS4, GoWIII, GT5, LBP, Heavy Rain , Uncharted , Ratchet and Clank , inFamous, Killzone …..? Well…all right.
Related Game(s): Mass Effect 2
A bit uncanny with the timing of your poll…
Still good news to whoever hasn't tried this one out yet. It's highly recommended by me. Now… about Mass Effect 1 and saved files from the computer…
Last edited by Fatcat3788 on 8/17/2010 10:42:03 AM
Yeah, what about the first one? How do they expect me to get into the sequel when I never played the original?
Mass Effect 2 is the reason why I held onto my 360. I can finally sell it now. lol
Maybe they'll include ME1 if the blu-ray of ME2.
@b-rad, you'll be able to get into it all just fine. The backstory is explained through a variety of ways, you can really delve into the series' history via an awesome database/archive system, etc. A couple 360-owning friends never played ME1 and they loved and totally understood Mass Effect 2. You'll be good to go man.
Oh, and for what it's worth — ME2 is WAY better than ME1. In pretty much every way.
I bet you couldn't type up this article fast enough!….I've been waiting for it as soon as I heard.
I'm really glad I held out for a possible PS3 version now. Fanboys unite!
And best thing of all….
No disc swapping, like the 360 version.
Gotta love blu-ray.
Woops, posted twice.
But gotta love Mass Effect.
Really wish I'd held out for the PS3 version now. Got both on PC and by far my fave RPG this gen, next to Demon's Souls.
Last edited by Dancemachine55 on 8/18/2010 6:16:56 PM
…ben, did u know…?
You gotta think… The voters were the ones that voted on ME2… So in that case… DID WE KNOW!? Oh JEEZ we must all have the ESPN!
To be honest my first thought when this was announced was that Ben knew too… Lol. Ben you crafty B-terd you…
Last edited by Fatcat3788 on 8/17/2010 11:07:11 AM
"Oh JEEZ we must all have the ESPN"
Dude it's ESP, not ESPN.
I still want Alan Wake but this is brilliant news lol
That's a quote from mean girls haha
Also Scary Movie 3. lol just throwin that out there
It's OK wolf, we all miss one from time to time. 🙂
I have to admit ME has tempted me. Its one of the "few" and I mean "few" third party multiplats that I was interested in. Now that its graced the power of the PS3 I may have to buy it out of principle for the bonus content alone. Its a good day to own a PS3,indeed.
*points finger laughing at Microsoft*
I guess I better catch up on my Mass Effect before this. Here's hope the port turns out solid.
Last edited by Xombito on 8/17/2010 10:48:49 AM
Bioware is one of the few devs that know what they are doing. Concerning the PS3. The port may not be perfect but they will make it very close.
I am very content that an amazing 360 title will be an addendum on my list to purchase for the ps3. I can't wait 😀
By the way, Ben, the 360 still has Splinter Cell conviction, Alan wake, Forza, Limbo and fable. These are all great games. However, I do agree that they can't compare to LBP, MGS4, Killzone, Motorstorm, GT5, Resistance, Heavy Rain, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, GOW3, and Infamous. Just wanted to point out that it's not just Halo and Gears….
Last edited by Bugzbunny109 on 8/17/2010 10:56:56 AM
I really don't understand why people like Fable. That game sucks.
Also I think Ben was just thinking of their biggest exclusives. The ones people buy the console for. No one bought a 360 just to play those additional games you mentioned. They aren't system seller unlike most of the PS3 exclusives Ben mentioned.
Last edited by Jawknee on 8/17/2010 11:02:42 AM
Splinter Cell Conviction will come to the PS3.
I also believe the Gears of War series will make its way to the PS3 because Epic, not M$ft, owns the rights to that series; and Epic says it can put Gears on whatever platform it wants.
Not sure why your post got down voted, its just an opinion people and one that I personally agree with. Fable is a lousy game, poorly made, full of bugs and home to some of the worst combat and voice acting I have ever been exposed to (outside of free theater groups). Again thats just my opinion.
Because my comment was blunt perhaps?
The first two games are crap and the 3rd looks more of the same. I really don't get why most xbox game gets so much praise especially Fable.
Yeah, I was talking about the big exclusives.
For the record, I love the Splinter Cell series but I really think Conviction was a step backwards for the sake of multiplayer. I also liked Fable, but I never got around to playing Fable 2. As for Forza…GT5 will rape it and then it won't matter.
Mild curiousity Jawknee, is there a 360 game you do like, you seem to have been against every 360 exclusive mentioned in this article/thread so far.
As for Fable, I think Fable is one of the 360's gems, While it didn't follow what it initially promised in giving us an RPG where what you do changes the quest, it was still a fun adventure in a fleshed out world. I myself am looking forward to the 3rd game.
Same here Ultima I really enjoyed Fable 2. It definitely wasn't what was promised but it still came out great fun. I will be going through it again to get ready for Fable 3.
About Jawknee, sure there's some 360 games he likes… the same ones that have a PS3 version.
Ultima, ummm…I was excited for Halo 3 because i did like the first one quite a bit. I also was looking forward to the first Gears. Both turned out being meh. I've played a few hours of Gears 2 and its still meh. I was interest in Alan Wake until it turned out to be another shooter.
So i guess the answer is no. Its mostly a shooter console. FPS/TPS is my least favorite genre, so when i do play them i want to play the best ones and those are on the PS3. Besides shooters, what do they have? Fable and Forza. i grew up with Gran Turismo and Forza doesn't compare. Fable, i never liked games like Fable and i find Fable in particular, especially bad.
Read Bandit King's comments for why. He summed it up nicely.
Jawknee, the only game I think you would ever like that can only be found on 360 is Lost Odyssey, next to that would be Mass Effect 2.
But guess what! I heard Mass Effect 2 is coming to the PS3!
aww, i love fable, one of my favourite games, almost bought a 360 to play fable 2…
I never played Fable, but did try giving Fable 2 a chance. It was an "OK" game at best, for me anyway. One huge letdown was the co-op functionality. I thought it was complete crap. It's not a bad game. It's just not my cup of tea.
On the other hand, my woman loves the Fable series. She's finished both 1 & 2 and is excited for 3 – I think. With FFXIV around the corner I doubt she'll find time for Fable 3, though.
Last edited by Nynja on 8/18/2010 12:26:19 PM
Its about time, Sony takes a huge exclusive from Ms. Defently cant wait now im just hoping bioware does a great job with it and doesn't do a horrible port like 2k did with bioshock 1.also hope since ME2 is coming to ps3 they will bring ME1 to ps3. cause whats the point of playing a sequel of a game if you don't know how everything got started in the first one.
I think ME1 was partially funded by MS. My thoughts are the Devs will put the last level of ME1 on ME2 to bring the 2 games together.
Well this is what happens when a company leans heavily on third-party support to define their product. MS this gen has been a lot less forward with new MS franchises this gen. Remember games like Blinx, Mechwarrior, Quantum Redshift, Tao Feng… all abandoned, and there's probably others I can't remember.
I think Sony has done a good job this gen at successfully launching several Sony owned and controlled franchises that won't just pop up on other systems without their say.
@Temjin, you nailed it, in my opinion. MS has very little first-party support for their system and the lack of exclusives is telling. If they don't fix that, I don't seem them being a viable player in the future.
Thanks Sirloin, and I know many of the games I listed weren't all that spectacular. It just seems, back in those days, MS put a lot more effort into their private label stuff rather than leaning on so many partners to define their best sellers.
Solid franchises like Infamous and Uncharted were born this gen and will carry weight into the future, possibly even into PS4.
Yep. If all next gen's MS console has are multiplatform games (or has very little exclusivity), there would be no reason to get it.
Okay, lets try our luck.
Run another poll excluding ME2 and see if we get the Gears series as well =)
Then I would no longer need my 360.
Is there screen tearing in the 360 version? I thought Shams said there was. If they fix it, ill pick it up.
Also, this was only and announcement for 2? Why only release 2 and why do it before one?
I could be mistaken but the first one might be partially owned or something by MS as it was the publisher for the 360 version. I swore I read it somewhere it would never hit another console because of that but I could very well be wrong and I'm certainly no expert on the matter. If they can bring over ME1, it's silly they don't, especially since you can continue on in 2 with the character you made in 1.
The first game has screen tearing galore. Perhaps one of the worst cases I've seen. Still, I'd rather have screen tears than a v-synced game running with a really poor frame-rate.
IMO: frame-rate > tearing
Simply because frame-rate problems can really be felt in the controls. Tearing is more of a annoyance, but it doesn't really generate more input lag.
I did not play ME2 on the 360, I played it on PC and that version had no screen tearing that I can remember, it was just a solid, very good game.
ME1 was partially funded by Microsoft and published by Microsoft Game Studio on the 360. They are probably holding the publishing rights to it with a death grip. I doubt we will see that one just because of that. I do however think that EA will pack in some sort of back story missions at the beginning.
To Jawknee:
I don't remember so much screen-tearing issues (though there was some), as much as clipping, slow down, screen freezing, and save-file corruption which happened quite regularly. Despite that, the game is still very good for the story line, character/plot scenarios, exploration, and fairly good action. I might even get it again (despite having played it twice), considering I sold my 360, the games, and the original harddrive with the game-save data (that will be used in ME3 just as ME1's carried over to ME2). ME was the only franchise that I was missing a little, as I thought of keeping my 360 just for ME3 (and not even for Gears3, as after Gears2, I had enough of the game as the story was tacked on, and the action was still as sludgy as ever). I mean the action in Gears is pretty much the same as in ME's, with the cover-shooter mechanic, but without the rpg elements, squad commands, and exploration. But in ME, at least the story has a lot more depth, way more characters, each having much more development. Basically, the only thing Gears had over ME was graphics, but not by a huge margin. Overall, imo, ME2 is clearly a better game than Gears 2 (though I haven't played ME1). I haven't played DA:Origins, but I'm imagining it's a similar experience.
Last edited by Shams on 8/17/2010 11:42:54 AM
Oooh Shams. Plays like Gears Huh? Haha I may not get this then. I hate how gears plays. Sluggish is not good. But well see I guess. Like Kraygen said, if the price is right, I may pick it up.
As for frame rate and tearing, I'd rather have no tearing and a small dip in frame rate. Screen tearing gives me a headache and makes me queezy.
Last edited by Jawknee on 8/17/2010 11:59:51 AM
I have to agree, I don't like the sluggish gameplay of Gears either. looking at ME the one thing that puts me off it is the action gameplay, i hope it's more fluent than GoW, look at uncharted for an sample of how over the shoulder 3rd person action controls should be.
ME is still a bit sluggish, but, because of the class customization, extra powers (like elemental/force powers, vanguard dashing, sniping, hacking enemies to fight each other, etc), squad commands, the gameplay becomes even more interesting than the straight up shooting gallery of Gears. Probably more like DA:O. The planet mining got old fast, but it was always a pleasant surprise to find a stash of element-zero somewhere. I also liked the hacking terminals games, whether it was the fast-paced code-matching, or the simple symbol-pairing one.
I'm not sure if I'd recommend it as a must-buy. As I mentioned in my response to Jawknee, the game is rife with glitches and knicks. Moreover, the planets and areas, despite the number of them and the different settings, do appear a bit generic, and lack the clever level-design of a game like Demon's Souls. However, despite the lack of polish, the game does have a lot of content (especially when considering how much DLC has been released for it). It has a story that is quite moving at times, despite the cheese, and the ability to customize and see different scenarios through is bewildering.
One improvement I'm hoping on is better quality video, thanks to Bluray. The cruddy compressed video of the original cost the original game precious presentation points.