We swear we can't predict the future . We're not oracles. …it just seems that way.
Less than 48 hours after it was determined that PSXE readers most want Mass Effect 2 – of all the top-notch games not available on the PlayStation 3 – it has been announced that a PS3 version of the excellent RPG is headed our way. Freshly revealed at GamesCom this morning, EA and BioWare have announced that Mass Effect 2 for the PS3 will arrive in January, and it'll feature "hours of bonus content." We don't have all the full details just yet but we figured you guys would want to know ASAP, right? According to some sources, ME2 is the single best-rated game in the 28-year history of Electronic Arts (validation for acquiring BioWare) and of course, we all know that EA simply doesn't do exclusivity. They just can't make enough money this way so perhaps such a move was inevitable.
You can also consider this to be pre-confirmation of Mass Effect 3 on PS3, as it's exceedingly unlikely BioWare will somehow magically revert to Xbox 360 exclusivity, even if it's only timed. No, ME appears to be a multiplatform series, now. Sony lost a few big exclusives at the start of this generation, too, and in general, third-party exclusivity really is a thing of the past. However, now that Microsoft has lost ME…they just have Gears and Halo , right? I mean, that's all that's left to compete against MGS4, GoWIII, GT5, LBP, Heavy Rain , Uncharted , Ratchet and Clank , inFamous, Killzone …..? Well…all right.
Related Game(s): Mass Effect 2
"And the original Mass Effect is absolutely an Xbox 360 exclusive, making Xbox 360 the only place to get the full Mass Effect experience," the company added.
So are they forgetting about the PC??
Because I'm pretty sure you could get the full experience on the PC as well…
Maybe it's just me, but I think January 2011 is the PERFECT time to release the game. Right after winning a whole bunch of GOTY awards…
Last edited by PaiNT_kinG on 8/18/2010 1:04:54 AM
as i said in the previous article whats the point?
are people really going to buy this story driven game after not playing the first?
might as well jump into MGS4 without not playing any others from the series, your not going to understand what the hells going on!
if it gets move support i might get it, id be a really cool game to play with it.
otherwise ill pass.
Lol, that's actually what happened with my cousin. He bought MGS4 first on my recommendation, loved it alot, then bought the first MGS1 off the PSN store and played that. Now he's looking/borrowing into getting MGS2 and 3.
Last edited by WolfCrimson on 8/18/2010 2:11:31 PM
Standing ovation for Sony and Bioware
Most games are written and designed to be enjoyed and playable as stand alone games regardless if they are sequels or prequels. For example, Assassins Creed or Bioshock, whether you played the first or not, the sequels were still fun. As far as I'm concerned, they can explain the first ME game in a 2 minute cut scene at the beginning of ME2 and then get to the good stuff. To say you won't buy this game because you don't have the first is foolish.
u forgot fable lol