Although the dark days of frequent inferior ports on the PlayStation 3 are behind us, every once in a while, a multiplatform effort falls a little short on Sony's machine.
The latest appears to be Mafia II . Although supposedly optimized for each of the three major platforms – PS3, Xbox 360, and PC – reports of lesser visual polish and detail in the PS3 version have begun to surface. Multiple sources are saying both the PC and 360 versions look better in terms of clarity and ambient effects, and such complaints haven't gone unnoticed by 2K. If you check the publisher's forums , it seems a PR spokesperson has responded with the following post:
"When designing Mafia II, we optimized for each of the three different systems the game would run on to make sure the core experience was the best it could be. Because of this, there are some differences from one platform to the next. In terms of the PS3 version, I wanted to clarify a couple points you have been asking about: There will not be highly detailed grass or large pools of blood, the cloth movement is less noticeable than, for example, the PC version, and the visual fidelity in the demo is generally representative of what you’ll see in the full game.
Our aim is to make a cohesive and immersive experience and optimize the game for each platform so that it could run its best. And while there are some differences between each version, I’m sure you’ll find that the core gameplay and the heart of Mafia II remains no matter whether you play on PS3, 360, or PC."
That's a fair explanation but we do have one question: if we consider that the PS3 is superior in terms of technical capability and raw power (at least in comparison to the 360), how can an "optimized" version of a multiplatform game come up lacking in so many areas? 2K typically produces multiplatform titles that are indeed pretty darn similar on all platforms so perhaps the real explanation is this: Mafia was a series originally designed for PC, which translates easier to the 360's architecture. Guess it's that simple.
We'll take a look at the PS3 version when it arrives at our doorstep. Graphics aren't everything, so if the gameplay manages to be engrossing, we'll still recommend it. If not…oh well.
Related Game(s): Mafia II
yeah i wont be getting this. shame too. has some damn good music.
Yes, the music is superb. I listed all the songs for somebody at another website.
I'm not getting this until I finish RDR and The Ballad Of Gay Tony. Honestly, this didn't surprise me. A PC game looking inferior on the PS3? Where have I heard this before?
Most games nowadays look and play fine on all three platforms but sadly, we still have the likes of Mafia II.
I thought the 360 demo was good but not enough for me to buy it on Day One. Haven't tried the PS3 demo yet.
There really is no wonder on why I am closing in on purchasing only PS3 exclusive titles.
Last edited by maxpontiac on 8/16/2010 10:04:59 PM
Fortunately, they are a-plenty and are all great games that take advantage of the power of the PS3.
My thoughts exactly. Almost every single genre is covered that I enjoy.
What an interesting way to say "We are so lazy and poor at what we do that we still don't understand the PS3 architecture." Glad I'm not interested in Meh-fia II.
After the GTA games I'm tired of these types of titles. I did like the atmosphere but like World said, meh. I'm tired of the whole New York mafia stuff. GTA games, the Godfather movies, the Sopranos. After all that I'm cool.
Yeah it's wearing thin isn't it? I will get the next GTA at a much lower price.
BTW, how about that YT video of Nolan North talking to Nolan North in the Mafia II demo? Crazy stuff.
The video clip in question:
And some funny commentary…
I'm going to "optimize" my brainware into getting the PS3 copy of Mafia 2.
But I'm only optimizing it to grab M2 out of the under $20 USED bargain bin about 6 months after the PS3 version releases.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/16/2010 10:20:11 PM
Sooooo….. who can't wait for L.A. Noire?
I'm waiting for Agent since it won't be bottlenecked by other consoles or the PC.
Agent is probably gonna be a couple more years.
I dont care about the graphs , the gameplay was sh** and the camera eeeww , never played a Mafia game before this one leaves me a bad impression .
Last edited by Oxvial on 8/16/2010 10:52:32 PM
What a disapointment… I found the city really nice. I read somewhere they were using some extra technologies on the PC version, and I think a high-end Pc up to dat has extra some advantage. But again, having played games like uncharted 2 makes wonder how a developer could not make an extra effort to make it look as good as possible on the ps3.I just own a ps3, so maybe I'll get it.
There are few multi-platform games that have actually been better on PS3. I'll create a quick list of games that I KNOW are better on PS3, VISUALLY.
*Oblivion (higher res, more detailed shaders, better draw distance)
*Darksiders (because of higher FMV quality)
*Final Fantasy XIII (higher res, better FMV compression, less frame-rate issues at Gran Pulse)
*Bionic Commando (better lighting. though, a bit lower framerate occasionally)
*Dragon Age (PS3= better graphics detail, but a more unstable framerate)
When including the near same game ports.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and Ridge Racer 7 both look better than their similar 360 siblings.
Aside from a handful of crappier, less known, and lower rated games that's about it. Most 360 multi-platform games tend to visually edge out the PS3 versions in some way, or another. It's a sad truth, but lately, differences have been pretty minimal with 360 games enjoying maybe a slight edge in anti-aliasing.
The PS3 version of Burnout Paradise was visually better. The 360 version suffered more stutter.
I've been wanting to test the 360 version of Burnout. I own the PS3 version and I've compared it only to the 360 demo, and, yes, the 360 demo would stutter upon entering newer zones. I found it odd that I hadn't read this discrepancy from any reviews or analysis sites (Digital Foundry included) so I chalked it up to being early demo code inconstancies.
Either way, good call, Highlander
Both games would stream the world data from disc. On the PS3 version you could (with boost and the right circumstances) go fast enough that the streaming wouldn't keep up and it would stutter. Criterion added a disc caching feature to allow the game to cache the world data to the HDD (if one was present on the 360), and that helped a lot. But the 360 version of that still had a few issues when going from area to area in the game.
Don't get me wrong, I am by no means saying that the 360 game was bad, but the PS3 was the lead platform for Criterion on Burnout Paradise and it shows. That said, I believe that the PC version has just about every bell and whistle you can think of and higher resolution to boot. So if you really like the game, and have the hardware, the PC version might be worth a look for fun.
That PR guy should be fired because that statement didn't address any of the comments about the visual aspect of the game.
im so glad i have ps3, 360 and a high end PC. i dont have to worry about things like this or argue about them…its good to be and adult and make your own money
I thought I would share this video with you guys, and its a shame to see the PS3 get shafted…AGAIN.
The moron kept dinging the ps3 version for lower black levels. He probably hasthe RBG set to limited. Set it to full and it clears that problem right up.
I'm so sick of these tools on the web who make these comparisons. Even if the PS3 version is clearly better they still give it to the Xbox.
So the PR guy responded by validating the reports that it is in fact an inferior version? Yeah ok I think I'll vote with my wallet on this one and say nay.
I'm really surprised. I had been hearing these rumors and I'm a little shocked by the stance a lot of people here at psx are taking. It's obvious that lots of you commenting haven't played the demo's or seen any footage of the game.
I played the demo for the ps3 version several times. After hearing this rumor I watched several video's of 360 and pc gameplay of the same demo.
Not surprisingly the pc version is far superior to the console versions. Anyone surprised by that has obviously not been paying attention with previous multiplat releases.
After several video's and playing the demo myself, I see no difference between the 360 and ps3 version.
Both have above average graphics for a multiplat game. The handling on the ps3 version is typical of any sandbox game I've played. The car damage is superior to any other sandbox game I've ever seen, when you can lose each individual hubcap that's pretty cool.
I enjoyed the demo, it wasn't perfect, but it wasn't what a lot of people are going on about either. I'm surprised not by the 360 fanboyish rumors, but by the fact that so many psxer's ate it up so easily and start bashing the game they have no actual experience with.
Sorry, but after the months I've spent reading and commenting with this community, I've come to expect more from it. Been a little let down today, but it had nothing to do with mafia 2.
It's really about time for all games to look inferior on the xbox. If they don't look inferior then that's all the proof needed that says, no you did not optimize for the ps3 except to make it match the xbox to keep from hurting Bill Gates' ego.
Head to the forums. It's much better in there. Less traffic but better interactions.
I feel the same way.
The PSXExtreme community and I don't always agree, but almost everyone who posted here seems to be embodying all the things we collectively complain about in other sites.
@ TES37
I'm not saying that they couldn't have pushed the ps3 version more, but it's not inferior to the 360 version either.
I've seen very very few multiplat games that look better on ps3 than they do on 360, most devs try to make them as equal as possible.
I was simply trying to point out that these versions are equal and yet before people even look and see for themselves they are falling prey to the 360 fanboy claims.
I'm basing my opinion on the words quoted as coming from the folks behind the game. They openly acknowledge a visual inferiority with the PS3 version.
Now granted I have not played the demo, and probably won't, but when the publisher openly admits that the PS3 version is visually inferior to other versions of the game, what opinion am I supposed to form?
the company says it is inferior to the pc version, never does it say it is inferior to the 360 version.
All games that are sold on pc, 360, and ps3 have a noticeable difference when you compare the pc version to the other 2. This is no different. He compares the pc version to the ps3 version. He doesn't say one way or the other whether the 360 will have those specific details, but if you watch 360 gameplay vids it is obvious it doesn't have them either.
Indeed, however the context of the remarks was addressing the point that the PS3 version is supposedly inferior in graphical terms to the 360 version. Why acknowledge visual inferiority of the PS3 version compared to anything in that context if there was none?
I also took this quote into account, "And while there are some differences between each version, Iâm sure youâll find that the core gameplay and the heart of Mafia II remains no matter whether you play on PS3, 360, or PC."
Without directly addressing the issue of a 360/PS3 comparison, the spokes-critter acknowledged that the PS3 version does have some graphical shortcomings to the PC version. They also acknowledge differences between the PS3 version and 360 version, but stress that the game play remains the same.
Despite the context being the discussion of the PS3 version compared to the nearest competitor – the 360 version, the spokesperson studiously avoided saying anything about that. It would have been far easier to say that there was no meaningful difference between the two, but instead, the spokes person ignored it completely and talked about something else.
From that, I conclude that something smells fishy. Which is why I believe that there is indeed a visual inferiority with regard to the SP3 version compared to the 360 version, and that the developer didn't do a good job, and their spokesperson did a decent job avoiding questions pertaining to that.
Obviously, TheHighlander is well versed in Marketing speak. 🙂
LOL! When I'm 'on', I am a fairly analytical person…
When I'm off, I am a fool….
Which am I today you ask? Not sure, but I did have a banana for breakfast, if that's any indication.
OMG! Non-sequitor!
Jalex: No idea what you're talking about. I see no problem with the comments. If you honestly think they're no better than in other places, I suggest you go take a look…
The problem with that Highlander is the spokesperson probly has never played the game and was simply told what to say.
One problem I've seen is that people on some sites are claiming pc shots as 360 shots. It's all just some 360 fanboy crap drummed up to make it look like the 360 is awesome.
It's obvious that more than anything the pr person is trying to stay away from the 360 vs ps3 war, that doesn't automatically mean the 360 version is better.
Regardless of the rumors, of the pr spin, try looking for yourself instead of believing rumor and internet speak. I checked out all 3 versions for myself.
The pc version is superior, the 360 and ps3 versions are equal. Fallout 3 was exactly the same way, the pc version is better. That's how multiplats roll.
It has blown my mind how many ppl today on psx have been willing to just swallow this crap instead of finding out for themselves.
Well Kraygen, since you have seen both versions, and I have not, I will bow to your word that they are equal.
I do still think that the PR person's words leave a lot to be desired in terms of clarification of the topic though. but if you've seen both demos and they are about the same, that is good enough for me.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 8/17/2010 12:55:19 PM
Kraygen, I havnt played the 360 version but i have seen enough screen shots. To my eyes, the ps3 version looked dirtier. Neither of them were great in my opinion but the 360 has the edge I think.
Plus the track record for this kind of thing doesn't help either. Some are posting links about how this is another hand off like Bayonnaise and The Orange Box.
The problem with the comments is that he only singled out the PS3. If both the 360 and ps3 are indeed equal, why didn't he call them both out? Given that and the rest of the evidence I've seen, it's another pooper of a port.
Last edited by Jawknee on 8/17/2010 1:10:00 PM
He didn't call them both out because no one is complaining that the 360 version is inferior to the pc version.
Plus it's not the pr person's goal to start a ps3 vs 360 war. Simply to address the comments about the ps3 looking like crap, which it doesn't.
I think that screen shots can easily be deceiving. You could easily take a screen shot of the same place in the game and simply alter the brightness and give a very different look.
The sad thing is, regardless of what people are saying, the graphics on the ps3 version are good and no body would have complained about them had the 360 fanboys not started spouting this crap.
Sadly tho as soon as someone says the ps3 version is inferior, not only does everyone believe, but it automatically means the games graphics are utter crap and look like a ps2 game. It's just sad.
From my understanding the whole reason they had to respond was because people were complaining that the PS3 version was inferior to the 360 version. Otherwise people would have been complaining the 360 and the PS3 version were both equally bad compared to the PC version.
People were complaining about a 360 vs PS3 comparison. Not a PC vs 360/PS3 comparison. So the PC is irrelevant to me.
For the record, i have never thought the graphics on this game were very good. I wont say they suck, but they certainly aren't that great. Even before there were whispers of inferiority.
This is a huge slap in the face to me cause im a huge fan of mafia 2 but ill still buy it because i still have high hopes
The demo was pretty fun i like the handling of the cars and all the old cars. But no Im not interested in it as much as i was.
i played the demo didn't seem to bad looking, i just had a problem with it always freezing or glitching out. its just shows that 2k doesn't want to take time and make both console versions the same. its pretty much bayonetta all over again with ps3 getting another inferior mulitiplate game. its all good i rather have exclusives more than mulitiplates.
Well at least the graphics won't bother me because I was never planning on buying this anyway.
Besides that the devs do need to stop using excuses. Just say sorry we couldn't figure it out but the game will play the same.
Reading Jawknees' post above… some thoughts I have.
After replaying the demo I was actually turned off by Mafia II. I had high hopes for the title but you can definitely feel the difference in gameplay fidelity between games such as Uncharted 2 and Red Dead Redemption when considering the 3rd person view and the camera. Let us not forget Infamous, and how well it worked too.
Some of my reasons I will not now purchase this game, and go for the safer option of investing in Medal of Honour, with added value that I will get more bang for the back out of the multi-player option as well, are;
1] After spending time tearing up the Mafia II game world I began to notice glitches I didn't like…
a] Screen tearing is quite bad in places…
b] Really find the camera annoying now… It is too close to Vito's head a lot of the time, especially in cramped places… it doesn't feel very smooth when you are trying to correct aim and move between areas… it feels all to "jarring"…
c] Popping in Uncharted 2 again, and then going back to Mafia II, you can just see the difference, it is huge. Really, you need to do it.
*Uncharted 2 proves what the PS3 can do, and we are simply not getting justice from these developers. I refuse now to pay any more good money on products that don't really use and push my hardware.
d] They have 6 SPU's, when Guerilla used the SPU's for the post processing effects look how Killzone 2 turned out, with the AA and lens blooming etc. Mafia II has not been optimised for the PS3. Maybe for the central processing unit, but it does not use the SPU's for AA and other effects from what I can tell… even Codemasters' EGO engine looks better for a multi-plat system.
e] It feels meh! I know getting into the story (maybe) and then doing missions in a linear sort of way keeps you on track, but after playing Red Dead I realise actually what is possible. Why don't RockStar make a real Mafia game… with an enhanced engine and the like. GTAIV had technical issues, but another level up from Red Dead and a Mafia game using the RockStars' "open world" engine would look pretty sweet.
I am sure that if you played Mafia II linearly – as I think 2K force you to do anyway – the story should be engaging enough for "most" people who are not technical whores and enjoy the hardware being maxed out… however when you look at the CGI quality in FFXIII, when you see the SPU's at work in Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2… and YOU KNOW what could be done… you don't expect second best…
God help multi-plat developers when Killzone 3 and GT5 are released… honestly…
Last edited by Qubex on 8/17/2010 1:29:00 AM
Only problem with your logic is that you're comparing an exclusive game to a multiplat. No one should expect a multiplat to have the same polish as an exclusive, it's just not a realistic expectation.
It'd be nice if devs making multiplats made them equal to exclusives, but so far they never have and I highly doubt they ever will.
Exclusives allow the dev to focus everything on that system, multiplats have to divide their resources. Just how it is.
Kraygen, my logic is fine… the results speak for themselves…
I respect your opinion of course, but if you care to re-read Ben's article, he quotes the developers saying that the game has been "optimised" for each respective system, including the PS3… obviously it is not to the degree we think then… and the results again prove it on screen…
I am not saying the game will be "bad", or, "unplayable"; however when a developer says it is optimised specifically for the PS3 platform – to all intense and purposes – I would assume they are meaning using the Cell (and its spu's) to their full capacity (where appropriate).
Again, PS3 exclusives actually show what "optimised for the PS3" means…
Last edited by Qubex on 8/17/2010 4:08:12 AM
I realize he claims it is optimized for the ps3, but when speaking of multiplats, all devs say that with every game they release.
No one ever believes it to be true, so why is everyone harping on this particular game. It's the same as before, devs make claims to try and sell their game. We all know better, only exclusives push the ps3's limits.
I'm not really disagreeing with you, just saying you have to remember all devs make these claims, it's not like 2k is the first with mafia 2 or anything.
what a shame. I was looking forward to getting this game, guess I will be renting it from gamefly and using my cash for Medal of honor. I refuse to spend my hard earned cash on sloppy ports. I was forced to do that year one and didnt like it then, now that we really know how good games can be on the ps3 i won't settle for crap anymore.
Last edited by artson1966 on 8/17/2010 1:51:42 AM