Although the dark days of frequent inferior ports on the PlayStation 3 are behind us, every once in a while, a multiplatform effort falls a little short on Sony's machine.
The latest appears to be Mafia II . Although supposedly optimized for each of the three major platforms – PS3, Xbox 360, and PC – reports of lesser visual polish and detail in the PS3 version have begun to surface. Multiple sources are saying both the PC and 360 versions look better in terms of clarity and ambient effects, and such complaints haven't gone unnoticed by 2K. If you check the publisher's forums , it seems a PR spokesperson has responded with the following post:
"When designing Mafia II, we optimized for each of the three different systems the game would run on to make sure the core experience was the best it could be. Because of this, there are some differences from one platform to the next. In terms of the PS3 version, I wanted to clarify a couple points you have been asking about: There will not be highly detailed grass or large pools of blood, the cloth movement is less noticeable than, for example, the PC version, and the visual fidelity in the demo is generally representative of what you’ll see in the full game.
Our aim is to make a cohesive and immersive experience and optimize the game for each platform so that it could run its best. And while there are some differences between each version, I’m sure you’ll find that the core gameplay and the heart of Mafia II remains no matter whether you play on PS3, 360, or PC."
That's a fair explanation but we do have one question: if we consider that the PS3 is superior in terms of technical capability and raw power (at least in comparison to the 360), how can an "optimized" version of a multiplatform game come up lacking in so many areas? 2K typically produces multiplatform titles that are indeed pretty darn similar on all platforms so perhaps the real explanation is this: Mafia was a series originally designed for PC, which translates easier to the 360's architecture. Guess it's that simple.
We'll take a look at the PS3 version when it arrives at our doorstep. Graphics aren't everything, so if the gameplay manages to be engrossing, we'll still recommend it. If not…oh well.
Related Game(s): Mafia II
Funny how I got thumbs down when I am stating the exact same facts, just in a little more detail… the mind boggles sometimes…
Played the demo and not all that impressed, does shooters by 2K always comes with L2 for aiming and R2 for shooting which is also the case for FPS like Bioshock?
Are they trying to be unique when just about every shooters out there aim with L1 and shoot with R1? It kinda hard to get used to it.
"Hey look, our shooters shoot with R2 instead of R1 and the third person shooters aim with L2 instead of L1, we're doing something no one else is doing!!!"
Now enough of my rant, yea, this is like saying "So what the graphic is inferior? The gameplay is still the same."
The hell?
That's 2 games in a row now, first RDR and now Mafia 2, and they're giving excuses for it.
Optimized? Yea right.
Ultimately it will probably be as small a difference as there was in RDR, but whatever. I just like to rant and rave and rabblerouse even if I don't care about the game.
I hadda put together a gigantic Ikea dresser tonight and I'm in a foul mood.
To be honest, RDR had some pretty bad problems, framerate got pretty bad for me towards the end of the game, smooth as a babies bottom on a 360. Even disregarding the small subhd resolution taken away overall.
I am quite sick of this. We deserve better, plain and simple. It almost wrecked my entire enjoyment of the game the technical issues RDR had. Rockstar should've done better, it was afterall working off problems which were there in GTAIV to begin with.
LA Noire is another which I'm just not going to buy most likely. I'm sick of multiplatforms, they lack inspiration, feel more mass marketed, and lack technical finesse. I liked to think that the period of bad ports was over but lately I've been proven wrong.
All I can say is 'calm down everyone.' Sure, the game may be slightly graphically inferior on the PS3, but so many of you repeat time and time again that gameplay > graphics, so you decide to get all pissy at this.
I understand if you're annoyed about yet another piss-poor port job, but that isn't necessarily what this is. It's called reasoning. Just take it for what it is, rather than what it is not. Please.
I admit to not seeing any screenshots or videos of Mafia 2 in action, and I don't particularly want to because I'm not really interested in the game, but really, 2K are just trying to defend against the rampant hate which you apparently see fit to throw in their direction. I'm shutting up now before I get in trouble.
Yes… but Lawless, put simply then, we should all go out and get Slim360's to play multi-plats, and stick to purchasing around 5 to 10 exclusive games for our beloved Sony platform simply because developers don't care about doing what is right for the PS3 community…
Let's see what happens now with Dead Space 2, Hot Pursuit, Assassins Creed 3, MGS5 etc… who will have the best version with standard AA? – because it seems most PS3 "PORTS" lack even that… some basic AA included to smooth out the visuals… and in some cases, even worse, lower resolution… now we are getting into Wii territory – fancy that 🙁
Last edited by Qubex on 8/17/2010 4:15:07 AM
This is lame. I understand that some PCs have the capability to show off superior graphics, but not all. Unless you purchased an expensive graphics card that actually fits your motherboard that is. Either than that, the lack of detail in some parts of the game would be noticeable in all platforms.
A good point that was noted though. If the gameplay is not affected as it was in say Bayonetta, then I don't think minor details in grass or flags matter. Seriously, unless the game is suffering a mean case of 64-bit action, lay off it.
Sony/Playstation rocks.
maybe they shouldnt have said they optimized the game for each system, not to mention acknowledge the visual problems that people are complaining about. Its probably just me but when i hear a game was optimized for the ps3 i will expect uncharted 2 type quality. if they really optimized the game for each system then we have to see clear differences between each version. i know what the ps3 and 360 can do when games are optimized, uncharted 2 and gears of war 2. uncharted 2 clearly beats out gears of war 2. i think the pr guy forgot to insert the word "tried" in that response because they failed in that attempt and their response.
btw, i just found it funny that the first thing i found in the game after starting up the demo was the playboy. i guess they really wanted to make it easy to find to lure kids to the game. although kinda disappointed that you couldnt view the ones you collected because when i found it i was playing in the living room while my family was around. had to close it right away, hahaha.
Yet again, the PS3 users have been let down. This time graphically. Last time we where let down was with Red Dead Redemption. It was proven that the PS3 is sub-HD whereas the XBOX is 720p. I'm going to sound like a 5 year old here, but. It's just not fair. I didnt pay all of this money for a game which is graphically infereior to another console with half of the power, for half of the price. PS3 users, I hope you understand that it is us who ALWAYS get the sh*t end of the stick!
Sorry guys, that was worded incorrectly. what I meant to say was.
I didnt mean I payed all of the money for Mafia II. I meant all of the money I payed for the PS3 with its 'amazing graphics' and 'superior power' which the let down, no good developers cant use properly. Developers should have been ready for the real 'next-gen'
It is clear to me that the PS3 graphics are inferior in this game and they knew it all along, because he avoided answering the question directly. Instead of saying "yes" or "no" he went into how they TRIED to optimise it (but couldnt of course) and then went into how the clothing and grass looks.
PS3 exclusives all the way. 10 times better than ANY games out for the XBOX, especially the exclusives for it. It makes me wonder why developers still bother with the XBOX. They ALL only play COD and the games have so much more potential on the PS3.
Maybe developers should start to make PS3 versions fro games, then leave the XBOX 360 in the dark. See how they like it. Then though, the childish XBOX players would complain because the developers arnt letting them hold us down with their inferior system.
More idiotic generalizations of Xbox players I see.
Seriously. That was just embarrassing for everyone involved. I don't see how he can accuse anyone else of being childish.
optimized to bring out the best of each system?
is that why it looks worse than GTAIV a freaking 2 year old game!?
come on 2K you can do better than this, enough of these lazy crappy ports!
bioshock, need i say more?
thank god i got my 470GTX today, im canceling my mafia 2 preorder and moving it over to the PC edition.
Pre-ordered for PS3?
yea, i had a preorder on ps3 but since the ps3 version sucks im getting it for the PC.
not only are the graphics allot better, also the physics and environmental destruction is so much more advanced!
there using nvidias physics X which is really impressive stuff!
wonder how long my new cards going to last though, just on idle with nothing open its running at 50C, imagine what id be like running crysis!
in fact ill try that tomorrow, hopefully i wont be organizing a funeral for it afterwords.
You do realize that the RSX supports nVidia PhysX, and if I remember correctly, that was added to Sony's PS3 SDK?
Or is that something that kinda sorta slipped past in one of your more anti-Sony moments?
Link for proof :
Last edited by TheHighlander on 8/17/2010 9:40:58 AM
sigh do you bother reading anything i say?
ill say it again.
"not only are the graphics allot better, also the physics and environmental destruction is so much more advanced!"
i did not say the console versions dont support physics x if you boot up the mafia 2 demo you will see that it does the physics x emblem is at the start of the demo.
again stop putting words in my mouth.
Somebody pass this along to 2K. It's Sony's phone number. Tell 'em to ask for some damn help.
I really wanted to buy this game (I love open world games like GTA and Saints Row). But, I won't buy it because I don't want an inferior port. This is the new Orange Box for me 🙁
I really was not enamoured at all by this at all to begin with. It just all looked too… "mainstream" and gta, and I even hated GTAIV. This just seals the deal for me.
The 1st Mafia is a masterpiece. Shame
Sorry 2K but im cancelling my pre-ordered Collector´s Edition of Mafia II. I will not pay for a mediocre port.
mass effect 2 is coming to the ps3. tell all of your friends.
Indeed. This is good news.
Ironic, days after the vote for most desired multi-platform for PS3 the most voted game gets officially announced for PS3.
See, Bioware read this site =p
I've played the game demo and the camera angles are not that good ! The control could use some tweaking as well although I do understand it's a demo and unfinished, it's still quite a ways off !
Last edited by phade2blaq on 8/17/2010 11:07:24 AM
N4G has an article stating the port was handled by Massive Bear Studios so it looks like we have another Bayonetta.
I'm not sure why you're all suprised by this. Mafia 1 was way better on the PC than on consoles. Also it's by 2K. Remember the difference between the 360 and PS3 version of Bioshock (Without mentioning the year gap of a release date…)
The Mafia 2 was very good but the only problems I had were:
– The camera is horrible in small spaces, too tight.
– You cant draw your gun in your house, that is really stupid.
– The cars are difficult to control, people criticize GTA 4 but in Mafia 2 is much worse.
– The police have the best aim in the world, they shot at you while they are on foot or in a police car and never fail.
Not really fussed about this.
Graphics whores are loving it, but for me – there's plenty of other games to be putting in my ps3.
btw page 103 of the topic, the post written by the dev slating some techie wannabe.
Dude you read all that thread?
Nope. Just went to the last page when he clicked the link, just happened to be pg 103.
I absolutely LOVED the demo so I will be buying this game regardless of how graphically inferior it is.
Optimization FAIL.
For me to buy this multiplat title, the ps3 version needs to be at worst on par with the 360 version or im not interested and that goes for any other title these lazy devs throw our way
What a punch of morons.
Lol Wissam…