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Heavy Rain Smashes Initial Sales Expectations

Towards the end of our Heavy Rain review , we expressed a concern that gamers weren't mature enough to give such a progressive interactive experience its just due.

Thankfully, though, those fears haven't been realized. Initially expected to sell 1.5 million units in its lifetime – a fantastic accomplishment in its own right – Quantic Dream boss David Cage has revealed that Heavy Rain has already hit that mark…and well before the holiday season even begins. Speaking at GDC Europe in Cologne , Cage now says he expects the game to hit the 2 million mark before year's end. As usual, he cited the strong review scores as the prime reason for the game's success; counting over 500 total reviews, the average score is over 90, and that usually translates to a financial success. We still think it marks a revolution and a giant step forward for the industry and we'll certainly be interested in Horizon , Quantic's next project. For a game with 22 different endings and dozens upon dozens of different scenes depending on the story branch you take, it may be the only title in existence where one can say truthfully , "every time you play it (to a point), it'll be different."

If you haven't tried it yet, we strongly urge you to pick it up soon. We're so happy the developers are being rewarded for such an effort; if the consumers hadn't responded, we might've been doomed to a future of…well, the same ol' same ol'.

Related Game(s): Heavy Rain

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14 years ago

Awsome, its great that different games like this get noticed and are also rewarded, means we will hopefully see great titles from them in the future.

Still need to pick this up, still on my waiting list of games to buy :(.

14 years ago

Well its good that you're gonna help it to reach the 2 million mark 🙂

14 years ago

If anything, get the game when the Move comes out!!

14 years ago

When i bought it i didn no if was actually going to like it but once the story gets going you just dont want to stop. At the parts where you can die id like flip out if i did something wrong hahahaha. Course i wanted that everyone survives trophy too but that didnt work out so well

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

I'm really surprised, in a good way of course. I didn't think that a game this unconventional would even break the five hundred thousand mark. Well done, QD.

14 years ago

*sniff* I'm so happy :')

14 years ago

It's amazing what curiosity will do for a game. I'm honestly surprised that the boring demo didn't turn more people away. Or maybe it did, seeing as how Ninja Theory thinks 1.5 million in sales is merely breaking even.

Glad super Dave is happy though. The French can be testy when they don't get what they want.

14 years ago

boring demo? what were you playing? this is one of the best if not the best game ever made.

Last edited by ace_boon_coon on 8/16/2010 2:18:49 PM

14 years ago

Don't listen to him. If it doesn't have IW or MW2 tagged to the title, that's reason enough to criticize it.

14 years ago

You're right. Climbing a muddy slope with six fingers was awesome.

14 years ago

Great news! Its awesome that the game is doing so well. Sorry Alan wake…

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago

Looks like Heavy Rain sold well…

Ben (Hope you reply) 😀
Im not familiar on how people get their attention on how they buy there games… but if theres a new Grand Theft Auto, do you think that just the title is a sales boost? GTA has to be the most known title around the world. How well do you think it'll sell? I know it's a little too early to ask…

In my opinion I think GTA IV is an introduction, a little taste of what Rockstar can do. Usually when any Ps2 game is firstly introduced as a sequel ( Like GTA SA PS2 to GTA IV Ps3) To the PS3, its a great game but when a 2nd title on Ps3 comes out, IT'S BETTER THAN THE 1st!

Another example is KILLZONE 1 PS2 , KILLZONE 2 Ps3 ( 1st title on Ps3 ). Now KILLZONE 3! ( 2nd title on Ps3 ) Pushing the limits.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

GTA is one of the few franchises in the game world that can (and often does) sell entirely on name recognition alone. GTAV will be gigantic when it releases, almost regardless of the game's quality and content.

That being said, it's extremely unlikely the game won't boast top-notch quality, so it's probably not even worth considering. 😉

14 years ago

Kudos to Mr. Cage and the entire Quantic team.

I admit to being rather worried about the success of the game, considering it's tossing out of popular game mechanics. But perhaps there is a growing market for the intellectual game (which seems to dwindle and shortly rise every once in a while).

14 years ago

1.5 million sold? hardly a game that is profitable especially when consider by today's standard a game need to sell in excess of 3 million to become profitable. Not only that, but this just continue to reveal the dangerous and usustainable path game budgets are on.

14 years ago

it doesn't matter how much the game sale. it all depends on the budget of the game. just like movies. if this game cost 30 million to make i think 1.5 million turned over a decent profit. most games now don't even surpass 3 million, unless they're well known.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

It's very profitable to Quantic Dream and Sony, which you would've known had you read virtually any of their statements in the past year.

The budget is what matters; Sony was so skeptical going into this, they would've expected half a million to be a success, and even that would've yielded a profit.

Not every game is GTA with a $50 million budget. In fact, basically none are.

14 years ago

They made their money. It's just a shame they didn't make more given how great this game was.

14 years ago

Polyphony spend around 60 million on GT5!

14 years ago

good news! now give me the dlc that was supposed to come out.

14 years ago

it's also a fairly easy game to platinum as well… it'll take a few playthroughs but, once you beat it once, you'll want to play it again anyways… and the fact that you can replay chapters makes getting those easy as well…

all things said though, i am glad i had the chance to check it out… it was really a pleasant surprise of 2010 so far, and a game that thought outside the box…

it's just a shame the episodes were cut…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Don't you need to see all the endings for Platinum…?

14 years ago

yup but, once you set up the file after i think your first arrest, you can keep reloading the game from certain chapters… it only took one day to see all the remaining endings left for me to see… and they save in your chapter selection too so, you know which ones you've already seen :D…

the only trophy that made me want to throw the remote was the kamakazi one on the highway… ugh, i don't even want to think about that one…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

That one I could actually do, but only because my reflexes and knowledge of Sony's controller are pretty darn good. 😉

14 years ago

it's the "specific" path on the highway that kept getting me, lol… plus, there's this sequence where you tilt the controller left, then immediately right, which sometimes wouldn't register… ugh, it took a ton of tries for me…

surprisingly, the construction site wasn't hard and that involved a flawless run as well…

14 years ago

i'm happy quantic dream is satisfied with this mastrpiece sellin 1.5 mill. ninja theroy didn't think 1.5 mill was enough, so they sold out, and now their scared that their new game won't sell at all.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Looks like we have our question answered about how many were sold (from a previous discussion on here).

14 years ago

Is it possible that a GOTY version might come out sometime soon?

14 years ago

Doubtful, since the only thing they could include with it is Madison's prequel episode, since the Move addition seems to have but the kibash on the rest of the character episodes.

14 years ago

And I have yet to buy my copy. Games like Heavy Rain (hardcore) need to be successful so it helps curb the tide of casuals.

14 years ago

You know I'm glad they are profiting on this game because it was amazing. However considering the amount of ps3's out there, I feel it deserves to have sold better than that.

come on ppl, this game is great, go buy it.

14 years ago

I don't have it yet but don't worry it will be in my collection.

14 years ago

This is what I like about Sony; they're not afraid to back game devs with good ideas for new IPs. They knew this could've gone either way but showed faith in QD and it paid off and now everyones a winner – Sony got a nice pay cheque, gamers got an outstanding game that isnt just a grey shooter and QD have now got funds to go and make another top notch title

14 years ago

I just bought Heavy Rain last week and I'm halfway through the game. All I can say is that this game ROCKS!!! The story of Heavy Rain is excellent and I just love the characters, (Madison Paige). This game is a must experience for all ps3 owners!! Excellent game, hands down!!

14 years ago

It amazes me that PS3 exclusives don't sell in huge numbers. The games are the best of the best and should be rewarded.

Shame on PS3 owners for not rewarding games like this and Uncharted with Halo like sales.

14 years ago

Think about it a different way: Sony has been raking in higher software sales as of late and this can mean only on thing, that pS3 users diversify their game purchases. We try very hard to please every developer but sometimes need to be selective.

14 years ago

nice im pretty sure it will hit 2 mill. i still need to go pick up my copy of hevy rain.

14 years ago

"it doesn't matter how much the game sale. it all depends on the budget of the game. just like movies. if this game cost 30 million to make i think 1.5 million turned over a decent profit. most games now don't even surpass 3 million, unless they're well known."

You do understand that when a company puts out a product they aren't just doing it to break even but rather make a profit, right?

10 years ago a developer needed to sell in the area of 200k copies to break even, 400k to turn a modest profit. In 2010 it doesn't help that game budgets are topping 30 million on average and its spiraling out control:

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

You're not making any point at all, as usual.

The point was whether or not Quantic Dream has made money with Heavy Rain. You said they didn't turn a profit with 1.5 million. You're wrong. Ever going to admit you're not some genius we all have to bow to, or are you going to keep it up?

Just wondering, for future reference.

14 years ago

I'm glad this game is exceeding QD and Sony's expectations. Heavy Rain deserves more attention from gamers even though they've made a profit.

If I could ask QD one thing it would be, would you please leave my save files unlocked on future games? Heavy Rain was the only file I couldn't copy when reformatting my drive. It's not like the file contains top secret information.

I'm getting kind of excited to try HR with Move next month. I've been waiting to start a new save file when it releases.

14 years ago

Glad it's a success and now people know a bit more about Quantic Dream, but really if you own a PS3 and not this game then shame on you. Those numbers should be higher.

14 years ago

I agree the numbers should be higher, a lot higher. Where are all the adult gamers hiding?

One thing about QD being happy with the sales means they'll be relaxed and not on edge while they produce their next masterpiece.

14 years ago

I still want to get this game, It's looks very good but right now with it still being $60 bucks at most places I can't afford it.
Thats why I'm trying to trade Madden 11 for it.

14 years ago

maybe you should of bought heavy rain instead of madden.

14 years ago

rent it

14 years ago

Talk about wrong numbers on the wrong side, it's games like this that should be selling 10 million copies.

14 years ago

Yes that is true games like this should be selling a lot more than that. But I believe in time it will happen, just not as quickly as we wish it would.(Unfortunately)

14 years ago

I just bought this game 3 days ago, haven't played it yet coz I am thinking of playing it when psmove control is implemented on the game. Also, I wanna play this gem when I get a bigger HDTV and sorround sound.

14 years ago

i finished this game yesterday. it was one of the great media entertainment experiences of my life.

and 1.5 million is VERY good for a game like this.

Last edited by Superman915 on 8/16/2010 10:06:06 PM

14 years ago

Great news, I love this game worth every damn penny! I really miss playing it… 4 more day 🙂