These days, there are more and more RPGs exclusive to the PlayStation 3 (thanks to publishers like Atlus and NIS America) but early on this generation, many JRPGs only released for the Xbox 360 ( Lost Odyssey , Tales of Vesperia , Blue Dragon , etc.).
But one of those, Tales of Vesperia , actually was made for the PS3…only it never broke Japanese borders. All this time, role-playing aficionados have been hoping Namco Bandai would bring it to the US and for a while, it was even semi-confirmed. But for whatever reason, it never happened. It's unfortunate, too, because according to reviews, it was a damn fine RPG. Perhaps the publisher only needs a little push in the right direction, though- if you want to join the many voices clamoring for Vesperia to arrive stateside, head on over to the PlayStation Blog and add your voice to the mix. With enough support, the publisher might just take the chance and bring it over; for the record, though, it has been available on the 360 for nearly two years, so perhaps Namco Bandai has forgotten all about it. They're also focused on delivering the new Ace Combat: Assault Horizon but really, how hard would it be to localize that PS3 version? Shouldn't take that long.
There are quite a few RPGs on store shelves these days, but there aren't many like Tales of Vesperia , which is why we'd love to see it for the PS3 in North America.
Bring back the dominance of Playstation!!
Heading over to lend support. Anyone who likes the PS3 and JRPGs needs to support this.
You know, given the mis-steps that JRPG behemoth Square Enix has made this generation with respect to both the games and the audience, Namco is in a prime position te profit from the mistakes that SE has made. So why on earth are they making their own mistakes like not bringing Tales of Vesparia to the PS3 outside of Japan? Are we to believe that the cost of localizing the game would be so high that they could not make a profit by releasing it here? What a crap excuse that would be.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 8/16/2010 12:28:05 AM
Just the thumbs down fairy, pay it no heed.
Could it be that some don't like being told what they need to do?
I would hope not. It would be nice to know that adults are running a business like Namco, not stubborn children.
I'm absolutely going to support this. I still play the Tales games on PS2 and quite frankly Tales of Vesperia on 360 is not a bad game. I just know that it would be complete on my PS3.
Where did I tell anyone that they had to do something? I expressed an opinion that people who like the PS3 and JRPGs need to do this, but whether they do or not is not a matter for me. I still think they need to, but then I think people need to wear seat belts and need to look both ways before crossing a road. Whether they do any of the things I think they need to do is entirely up to them.
Oops. I interpreted Alienange's comment incorrectly. I thought you were talking about Namco Bandai as it was pertaining to how Highlander questioned why they wouldn't bring this game stateside for the PS3.
I don't know TheHighlander. It was my best guess.
First, sorry just had to say it, just once. isn't the fighting mechanics like eternal sonata? well statisticly, doesn't jrpg's not talking about the the 2d sprite games jsrpg's and certainly excluding the ff series, doesn't sell very well at all?
Not really, the only thing in common with Eternal Sonata is that they are both part action and part turn based, but their foundations are different.
see this is why you shouldn't even do that dumb sh!t like "First", especially considering you weren't the first comment…
Last edited by aaronisbla on 8/16/2010 5:11:09 AM
Epic fail
Not to change the subject, but is square enix and eidos 2 different companies? just this year alone, are they releasing in addition to the ones that are already released that aren't ff related 10 games or less? nothing ff. That's not including games for the handhelds. when did they even start on ff versus? does japan even have a release date?
As for tales, i want it, but oh well. i want blue dragon to come over to the ps3.
Square-Enix technically owns Eidos. Eidos still acts mostly independently, but the important decisions now have to go through S-E. At least, that's how I understand it.
They started on FFVersus back when Jesus was a baby. No word since then.
Jesus is still around then, because news has been sprouting frequently recently about it's development, lol.
I'm not into the JRPGs, but I went over & voted "yes" for you guys(and gals) who are.
Thanks ben, i bet the wii, dare i say it will have a successor out or honorable detailed mention of it before the release of ff versus.
Oh, well.
Only game I borrowed an xbox from best buy along with vesperia and returned it after I beat it. Its a really good jrpg please namco, bring it over!
Where are these stores where you can just return things that have nothing wrong with them? Round here Best Buy and Gamestop both will only let you exchange them for the same item.
I don't even like the Tales series but I'll support this, who knows if we get our own version I may give the series another try.
Ps1's Tales of Destiny 2 or PSP's Tales of Eternia (same game different title, actually) was incredible. I know you don't have a PSP, and you probably don't play PS1 games anymore, but if you ever got the chance, they're 10 times better than what the tales of series typically offer. Grade A rpg.
True. World, some might say that there are Tales titles that are hit and miss but I personally think they are amongst some of the most cleverly orchestarted JRPG's out they.
I think I remember you saying something about how you weren't too big on the hack 'n slash aspect but I would say just imagine you're playing a jrpg with Zelda/Demon's Souls mechanics…….. well the best you can I guess.
Actually I very much enjoy PS1 games still, graphics aren't the big draw for me unless I'm looking at an FPS (where they have to be great to hold my attention) so I'll keep it in mind.
See I don't have a problem with hack n slash like zelda, but when it devolves into an RPG that simply cuts into battle then becomes a fighting game I can have problems. But then, it's all about the system, because I still like the mechanic in Star Ocean. I've started 2 Tales games and while I commend the stories I got sick of the mechanic.
Worldends., nothing personal, but if your not into or really not into collector's edition games, might i suggest gamefly. No, i don't work for them, but the most before taxes you pay typically for a new or current game is 40 dollars. That is when your under their program. the monthly fee ranges from 15 to 47 dollars. And that's either 1 to 4 games rented maximum at a time. With no late fees.
It eventually can save you some money. I tell people that and there like "whatever."
Just a thought.
Er, I'm not sure how I could take a suggestion "personally" but I have thought of them except that ultimately it wouldn't save me money based on the way I make my purchases. And once purchased, the game goes to my collection. I buy just a few at full price and wait for the others to drop. A cost of 180 dollars per year for rentals plus whatever cost to buy each game wouldn't help me. But suggestions are always welcome.
If you're Canadian, you don't have access to Gamefly, however, there is a very good Canadian equivalent called Gameaccess.
For my Canadian brothers and sisters, is the Canadian version of Gamefly.
Ok, just a suggestion. peace.
At this point I don't care
F Namco
Clear and pointed. Nice. And I agree 100%
A buddy of mine lauded this game with high praise.
It's hard to imagine why Namco won't get off their butts and release it domestically. Is American voice-talent that expensive?
Anyhow, I tried the 360 demo and it seemed pretty nice.
Too bad the J-PS3 version runs at a lower 1280×576 res with a crappier form of AA. Thankfully, both platforms have the game v-synced.
Though, despite the technical inferiority, the game boasts more content and more voice-overs than it's 360 sibling.
It would be nice to see this come stateside. I have people on my list that have platinumed this game and it's a reminder that the U.S. gets no love.
I would buy this game again if the ps3 version was localized. Great game with a lot of exploration and depth. The characters are also well written and the game takes a pretty dark tone at times. Very well worth looking into for anyone interested.
I hate the Tales series. Good story or not, having my RPG brake out into Street Fighter is not my idea of fun. Localize it or not, my money's being spent in New Vegas.
I sympathize.
Never played a tales of game, one of those many series' that I missed. However I would love it if they brought it over because jrpg's are my thing.
I don't really understand why they didn't localize it in the first place. Some of these companies seem like they need to learn a few lessons in common sense and business.
I'll make bet that "MonkeyPaw Games" would love to localize this game for them.
(Seeing it's exactly what MPG was originally founded for anyway)
Hmmm.. I'm not actually a fan of the Tales series. I'll just be buying Star Ocean: The Last Hope International after I beat Heavy Rain. ^_^
It's a decent game – star Ocean. I'm till trying to find time to finish it.
@ Highlander
Same here. I finally picked up Demon's Souls and it has become very addicting. I still have White Knight Chronicles to finish before WKC2 is released in NA so unfortunately Star Ocean: The Last Hope International is on the back burner.
Last edited by shadowscorpio on 8/16/2010 6:13:59 PM
I played straight through Star Ocean, I thought it was great. The fighting mechanic was kinda busted but you get around it. Great characters and story.
White Knight is cool, I'm still working on my second playthrough on that one. Star Ocean's combat is a bit painful when some of the bosses require that you use a different character to have any chance of beating them. It would have been better if it wasn't simply a different melee attack that made the difference. Does it really matter if the enemy is hit with an energy blade or a pair of huge kitty claws? It's just another physical attack. There's simply not enough variety. The battle system just doesn't reward the kind of variety you would see in a classic JRPG.
That said, I like the bonus board, and being able to switch between characters. Although, because the combat is pseudo real-time there's not really enough time to swap between each attack, you lose too much time and too many attacks that way.
That's what I don't like about the pseudo real time combat systems they don't encourage you to develop your party. You almost always play with one lead character who you give all bonuses and the best equipment too, there's no point doing otherwise since you rarely switch to the others anyway. The other characters almost become accessories to be used when something is too tough, or not quite suited to the main character.
I've never played any Tales games. I will however, go vote for them to bring it over. If they do, I will support it if it's good.
Already threw my support behind this and have sent an email to Namco support. Also filled out a survey and signed a petition (not that those ever help lol).
Also Ben whats up with the google ads? Maybe its my monitor res settings but the ads appear right over the text and I can't close them.
Last edited by Bandit King on 8/16/2010 6:40:02 PM
Signed and voted!