We've reported on several of producer Tetsuya Nomura's tweets concerning Final Fantasy Versus XIII , but for a nice compilation, head on over to FF-XIII.net .
Some of the highlights include the statements, "it's like the 2D FF games in HD," "Agito and Versus have different production styles and progress states, but they're both presently voice casting," and "there are a number of unannounced titles." That latter always gets everyone excited but these days, we've learned to curb our enthusiasm for supposedly earth-shattering Square-Enix announcements. There's one Tweet we must've missed along the way, and it's one that'll definitely inspire some discussion:
"VERSUS movie sequences that were shown to public a while ago look completely different now, and I was happily surprised by it. Game sequences are evolving progressingly and variously and the Video Works has evolved beyond beyond anything by all means. The real footage, it's like a picture taken in real life."
…oh yeah? The amount of hype and anticipation – partly due to such updates – continues to grow, and we're really hoping they come through in fine style. We've stopped wishing for the return of our beloved turn-based mechanic, but we can certainly look forward to something awfully special, can't we? And hey, at the very least, the CGI in FFXIII is second-to-none, so we wouldn't expect anything less from Versus XIII .
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Versus XIII
So does that only mean pre-rendered cut scenes or does that include gameplay too? Either way I'll be a skeptic till the game drops being that SE hasn't been to friendly these last few years, than again this is a PS3 exclusive right? Maybe there's some truth to this.
Last edited by Dridion on 8/15/2010 9:47:36 PM
I really can't wait for this game, I've wanteds it more than FF13 for years and that's still true.
After the debacle that was FFXIII, this game had better be good when it releases in 5 years. REALLY good. I haven't decided if it's even worth a preorder or needs a PSXE review first, I need more information. Keep it comin' guys, 'preciate it.
This is being developed by the Kingdom Hearts team, right? If so, I have higher expectations for this than I had for XIII. Still a bit reserved though. I'm not sure I entirely believe that quote, but I hope it's mostly true anyway.
I saw some photos a few nights back of the game. I was impressed by them.
Though, it would be nice to know more gameplay details.
Always yapping about their graphics as if that's what's going to make or break them. Give us the FF gameplay we all love and then worry about your precious graphics.
With FFXIII dropping in price so quickly I think I'll wait for reviews and, if positive, will pick this up only on the cheap.
Nomura is saving the best for the last
I hope you're right friend.
i'll definetly want to get this whenever it comes out, but before then i'm hoping i'll have beat FFXIII first. too lazy to go about and level grind LOL
Last edited by SerendipityDeus on 8/15/2010 10:36:50 PM
I'll believe SE when i see it. This isnt the old reliable SE, they've changed quite a bit.
I kinda see it this way: this is not SE who's talking, it's Nomura. Is like talking about Konami and Kojima separately.
Last edited by hellish_devil on 8/15/2010 11:39:29 PM
Also, it was SquareSOFT that was reliable, not SquareENIX, that's the difference, as well as Tetsuya Nomura being the head honcho of this game.
Spot on Hellish! That's exactly the fact I've been placing my hope on. After Nomura opened up his mouth last week, I've been thinking, "Oh, this might not be so bad! Maybe he'll do so well that they'll fire Wada and hire him!"
Well, maybe the latter part is a little far-reaching…
A man can only dream lol
Told myself not to get excited anymore over SE games, but this guy is pushing my limits
As with everything from SE from now on, I will believe it when I see it with my own two eyes.
Well, good old LV must still be around if I'm getting down votes on every post…
I with you on this one. I don't believe anything these liars say anymore.
If this game stays exclusive, i have no doubt it will meet all the hype and i will be there to buy it on day one.
If it goes multiplat(to coin a term from our good friend World because it never gets old)it goes Bargain Bin.
With all these graphics claims, is it safe to assume that it'll be PS3 exclusive? I know this was already a rumor but then there were also talks of multiplat. This sounds semi-promising.
It was only jealous rumor-mongers who claimed VERSUS would be multi-platform.
The problem is THIS graphics claim is about the CGI only.
Well lets remember, that I was that idiot Wada that claimed FF versus 13 could possibly go multiplat. T. N. has made no such claim.
I'm actually kinda tired of games that use super uber duper good CGI graphics for the cut scenese then use a lower quality game engine.
Games like MGS4, Uncharted 2 and God of War III really have spoiled me in this department. Why disrupt the flow when you can create a game engine that can tell your stories in almost, just as good CGI quality?
Not to mention it's a colossal waste of resource that could go to making the game engine better…
i dont give a damn about looking "like a picture taken in real life", if its as much of a final fantasy like final fantasy XIII then it'll be a major disappointment.
Last edited by johnld on 8/16/2010 1:06:29 AM
Hopefully before I end the world.
Wait, you're going to end the world, or it'll end with your end?
It goes both ways, like LimitedVertigo 🙂
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 8/16/2010 5:45:40 PM
Has anyone heard anything of/from LV? Apart from the phantom down votes of course…
as ive said with many $E titles, ILL BELIEVE IT WHEN I SEE IT!
$E talk the talk, problem is they dont walk the walk!
I'd be more likely to buy the complete collection of Richard Simmons' Sweatin' To The Oldies exercise videos than spend another dollar on that god-awful FF franchise.
It's fair to say FFXIII is a let-down, but to say the franchise is awful? A bit extreme, no?
Even Ben would say that of it's own merit, FFXIII is a great game. I think the fact that a game like FFXIII is a let down is a testament to how great the franchise is!
@ JackC8 – Your comment actually hurts more because of your avatar. All I could think was "SE has REALLY hurt their fans."
As far as XIII, the recent poll showed 39% of the people here saying of the franchise: "It's done. It'll just keep being disappointing." I personally can't imagine a "great" game evoking that sort of reaction, but apparently opinions vary. I was actually giving it a bit of credit beyond its own merits because I loved XII and played it for about 96 hours.
I have to agree. To me FF XIII had "great graphics" but by no means was it a "great game" imo. When I analyze the pros and cons, I get something like this: PROS – Story/graphics CONS: – Everything else.
While I agree, to each his own. Whether 'extreme' or not, if someone finds the franchise to be awful then they are entitled to an opinion. Praises and accolades might be given once in a blue moon, but overall they might have found it to be a boring experience.
Most devs don't have any issues with cut scenes on big budget projects these days. Cut scenes are rarely a problem.
So while I don't find it very hard to believe his statement, it does absolutely nothing to rid me of my worries and doubts about the game.
Worry about the mechanics and what it is that is going to make the player never want to put this game down – what could be done to make this game fun and addicting.
Worry about visuals after. I know its important to reel people in but how can you keep them there? Especially keep them coming back for the future. Squaresoft did it. Square-enix is on a slippery slope…
As High said, I will believe it when i see it.
Idk they seem to be paying WAAAAY to much attention to the graphics, XIII had great graphics just keep em' on that level and make the gameplay um idk playable?
I mean XIII the only thing you do on XIII's battle system was looking at bars…
Last edited by totozero18 on 8/18/2010 3:14:49 PM