id Software decided to give us a release date for Rage at QuakeCon 2010 and although it's a ways off, the game still looks incredible.
As many sources are reporting, the developers showed off all three versions of their highly anticipated title at the show, and they're all currently running at a silky smooth 60 frames per second . Primarily PC developers, it should come as no surprise that it looked best on the PC but it's clearly noted that both console versions look awesome. The release date? It's September 13, 2011 for all three platforms in North America; Europe will get it a couple days later, which may seem a little late…after all, we first heard about Rage three years ago at the 2007 QuakeCon. But hey, you need to get these things right, you know? And we imagine that in order to get their new engine – id Tech 5 – running properly on all three consoles (one of which being very different in terms of architecture), the extra time was necessary. The details tell us the game isn't just your standard FPS and if you're not convinced, check out our preview . We can't wait to give it a shot.
Only one small caveat: who knows what the competition will be like by next September? What if it had to butt heads with Uncharted 3 and Grand Theft Auto V …? Sometimes, it can be a bad thing if games take too long…just look at Alpha Protocol .
Related Game(s): RAGE
"Sometimes, it can be a bad thing if games take too long…just look at Alpha Protocol."
On the flip side, look at Alan Wake =D
lol dude u probably got thumbs down just for mentioning alan wake
You know, I was originaly super excited for this game. However it has worn out to the point I would only buy it when its in the super bargin bin, if that. I don't know why but it just lost it's "wow" factor for me.
Also cue _____ with unending amount of praise for it along with a little Crysis 2 in there.
Well I'm glad that, at this point, the PS3 isn't getting screwed in the technology department. Should be pretty awesome once it's out. So far aways though.
They're even putting "Rage" on the iphone too…
Rage for iPhone Revealed at QuakeCon
id Softwareâs John Carmack has revealed that Rage will also be released for iPhone, and it's running at 60fps.
Honestly I don't buy it, at least about the graphics being great. If Santa Monica couldn't get GOWIII running at 60fps, then this multiplat at 60fps is going to be pretty… well… multiplat-y.
God of war 3 has a very big scale and so much going on the screen. while this game has nothing
on screens but dull environments.
My point was simply that a graphics intensive game is very difficult to get running at 60fps and Santa Monica are the best of the best. Thus, this game can't be as pretty as they say.
Believe it when I see it, if it's true, the reviews will show it and I'll give it a try. But it's all hearsay for now.
correction, 4 titles!
they even have the Iphone version running in 60FPS.
well, thats what john said but i seriously dont believe him.
if RAGE works on the Iphone 4 in 60FPS well than DAM he really is a programming god!
thats the difference between ID, and most developers.
most developers are french, (not literally of course) everythings too hard, would take too much time, its just put into the too hard basket.
no wonder they lost the war!
ID than takes that basket, and says o yea and proves everyone wrong!
its true, john is a cyborg sent down from heaven to show us the way!
a game running in 60FPS on a freaking phone, thats it hell has finally frozen over!
"Its true, John [Carmack] is a cyborg sent down from heaven to show us the way!"
You know, when I said you must be one of those crazies on the street, I was joking. Now, I'm not so sure.
ok, well then how else did he manage to get RAGE running on the freaking iphone at 60FPS?
honestly, if thats not mind boggling than i dont know what is!
Called It!!!
id Software?
Never heard of.
Any notable game from them?
Uh, Doom, Wolfenstein 3D. Pretty much invented the FPS.
Did they also do Quake ? I loved the first Quake but yeah pretty much it was Wlfenstein 3D and then Doom. I loved Doom on my PC, Doom 2 was great but you just couldn't beat the original Doom.
quake 1 and 2 they did but 3 they did not, raven software did that!
ID did so many games that there not famous for, there first game was actually a small kart combat game.
best game they ever released though has to be wolfenstein 3D!
got it off the PSN store, one of the best classic games out there!!!!!!!!
o, and it has the BEST final boss battle.
robotic Hitler FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks moderately interesting. The first trailer looked quite nice, with big outdoor environments and stuff. But yesterday I watched that "protecting the wellhead" gameplay movie, which had the player running around in a bunch of underground tunnels. I just spent a ton of time doing that in Fallout 3 and I'm not terribly interested in another game that's going to give me an almost identical experience.
I'll wait for the reviews and see what the gameplay actually consists of. I'm sure we'll get ten more videos before then anyway.
Rage will be awesome, the scale is huge and it is a lot like Borderlands but without the Cell-Shaded look. Actually, BL's was a pretty fun game on co-op, endless hours of exploration and devastation. I'm almost sure Rage will be a pretty solid, if not a highly praised release of 2011. Along with Deus Ex 3, Crysis 2, and MANY others.
yea, lets just hope its a little more polished 😉