It's no secret that the cheaper Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii are seeing better performance in sales largely due to their price-tags. The gaming populous has repeatedly stated that the number-one reason why they won't be buying a PS3 is because it costs an upward of $600. Now after constantly denying any thoughts of a price-cut, word from Sony has just come that a price-cut is actually now being considered for the console.
In an article with the Associated Press, Sony Senior Vice President Takao Yuhara spoke about the possibility of a price-cut stating: "Pricing is among the factors Sony Corp. is studying as it expects to break even in its money-losing gaming business next fiscal year." He continued with: "We may look at the price as part of our strategy to expand the market when the timing is right."
But perhaps the most intriguing of the comments made is that Yuhara-san mentioned that the plan of Sony breaking even by next fiscal year actually includes various financial factors, and a price-cut is one of them: "Such factors, including price cuts to some extent, are factored in [the break even plan]."
Pretty exciting stuff. While a price cut anytime soon will probably upset the first millions who bought the console — a planned cut just around the Fall season would give Sony the holiday boost it needs. It would be in Sony's best intentions to make the price-cut worthwhile or perhaps offer a free controller or game if the price-cut isn't any more than $50.