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Duke Nukem Forever Alive, Demo Might Drop In 2010

There are long-lasting rumors, and then there are everlasting rumors. Only a few fall into the latter category; this includes the Final Fantasy VII remake and Duke Nukem Forever .

Supposedly, even though original DNF developer 3D Realms is out of the picture, the ridiculously long-awaited title still draws breath. According to sources claiming to be in the know , Borderlands and Brothers in Arms designer Gearbox Software has picked up the fallen reins. Supposedly, the game will be completed under this new studio's direction and it'll hit store shelves with the Gearbox label. Furthermore, Take-Two is still waiting in the wings to publish the game, and although we don't have any status update, one source actually said we'll get a playable demo towards the end of this year. …really? Really ? We've been familiar with the name "Duke Nukem Forever" for, what…12 years? 14 years? It was the longest-running joke in the history of the industry and now we'll get a demo for this legendary piece of vaporware? Well, Gearbox is an active developer and it sounds like the type of project they'd adopt…who knows?  Perhaps we just have to believe in miracles.

We'll certainly keep an eye on things as the situation progresses. Just don't be surprised if the demo never arrives and DNF reclaims its "Did Not Finish" moniker.

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14 years ago

If they pull this one off, they need to rename this one Duke Nukem : Phoenix From The Ashes.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 8/11/2010 12:21:17 PM

14 years ago

Have no idea why you got thumbed down,I thought that was pretty funny and appropriate!

14 years ago

I have a downvote stalker, actually I think I have several. I don't pay any attention to them any more.

14 years ago

Yes, that would be something else Highlander…. If we actually get a demo, it will be an astounding development… if it is ever released at retail… it means the sky will fall on out heads…

Stop it Getafix!



Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

No, just lurking bots that hit random buttons or lurking idiots who can never post comments.

I've always said not to put much stock in up or down votes.

14 years ago

Aye – I meandered down one comment thread one day, and there was one down vote for almost every comment, some of which were plain as you like comments (nothing wrong with them, but really hard to see anything wrong with saying them as well). You get a lot of strange folk on the interwebs….

14 years ago

It might have gotten a thumbs down cause it is slightly redundant as a Phoenix is by definition a mthological bird that rises from the ashes. Duke Nukem: Phoenix would probably work just fine.

PS. I wasn't a thumber downer!

14 years ago

Right on. But heck, this game might just come out as a demo. Would be pretty sad if this actually came out, as one of the constant things in life would be proven otherwise: death, tax, change and vaporware that is DNF *insert sarcasm here*

14 years ago


Ah, a pedant! 😉

Well, to be pedantic, it was a play on the oft quoted phrase that someone will rise like a Phoenix From The Ashes. To “rise like a phoenix from the ashes” is to overcome a seemingly insurmountable setback.

Duke Nukem has crashed and burned so many times now that it must surely be a charred lump of carbon. Certainly it has faced seemingly insurmountable setbacks. Yet if the game does launch and is any good, it will indeed rise like a Phoenix From The Ashes. Hence, the name.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 8/12/2010 2:26:03 AM

14 years ago

Or if it turns out to be another dud, it's gonna be called "The Duke who cried wolf"

btw, thumbed you up but for some weird reason it registered 2 thumb-ups. cool. 🙂

14 years ago

A solid gag, but not really funny anymore.

14 years ago

Squall, ftw!

But yeah, every time I read about these, even when I know it's just a gag, I feel a little deader inside.

14 years ago

*sigh* Forgive me for being skeptical, but I just dug out an old Playstation magazine from 2001 (ancient, I know) and there was an article in there saying the DN game for PS2 was cancelled, but "don't worry" because DNF will be ported to the PS2. So when I see a playable demo, I'll start to believe it.

On a side note, that magazine had a wonderful review for Metal Gear Solid 2.

14 years ago


14 years ago

I'm sorry, but I just don't really care about Duke anymore. When this finally is released (if it ever is), it's going to have tough competition against the likes of Killzone 3, Crysis 2, Bulletstorm, and whatever CoD game is out next. Duke has some tough competition ahead of him.

14 years ago

That's why Duke needs to maintain an old school feel ala Doom or Timesplitters. It came from that era and is known for it. Revamping it to fit modern rules will not work for reasons you have said.

It needs old school, mindless shoot em up qualities with little to no story (again, ala Doom or Timesplitters….or the original). Then it can remain outside the competition and be true to it's name.

Sometimes, evolution can kill a franchise. Duke doesn't need it.

14 years ago

I've never actually played a duke nukem game so I don't really understand the appeal anyway. If the demo were to arrive, I'd try it but I don't see it happening.

14 years ago

If the game is really released it may be a sign of the apocalpse.

14 years ago

I never doubted it for a minute 🙂

14 years ago

Is this game for ps3 only or is it multiplat?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

The chances of it being PS3-only are about .000001%.

14 years ago

Never tell me the Odds been.

But I do like those odds.

Put me in the books for 7 jelly beans.

14 years ago

I'll bet one M&M that its multiplat.

14 years ago

Ben, you are being too optimistic again. If anything in this world of gaming is to be called "impossible", then "Duke being ps3 exclusive" is definitely in that category.

14 years ago

It's a shame really because Gearbox can't make a decent game. Their last effort was a bust and nothing but a vehicle for volumes of dlc. If they have their hands on DNF then I'm going to do what I've intended to do for years; Not buy it.

14 years ago

HA! I'll believe it when I see it. @556pineapple: Didn't OPM also do a "What ever happen to" on Duke Nukem Forever also or was that it?

14 years ago

I don't recall reading one, but that's not to say they didn't do it. I never had a subscription to the magazine, and I'd just buy it from time to time for the demo discs. I could check to see if I have some other old issues, but I think that one was my only survivor.

14 years ago

It just seems like this game got hit by a truck and put on life support, and every year the doctors come by and say this will be the year Duke comes out of this coma. Giving hope to his family only to have it shot down a month later by saying it got bad again. Now the same story of hope has been played on the family for so long they all have just given it up and moved on with their lives

14 years ago

If so, Duke will have one hell of a headache once he wakes up and finds that he's an old man. haha

14 years ago

Hey, heros never die, they just get old.

14 years ago

We also need to add Final Fantasy Versus XIII to this category Ben.

14 years ago

We sure do! Although it hasn't released quite as many gameplay videos as DNF has.

14 years ago

i don't think that this game is a ps3 exclusive. if gearbox does do this game, i'll consider it a write off. borderlands was ported to the ps3 & it showed. when i trolled their forums the devs only listed xbox gamer tags on their profiles, no psn id's. moderators on their forums would change users forum posts when the dev was called out on ca$hing in on dlc, even tho the game had some major issues @ that time. (ex. broken friends list & inv system.) i have no respect or interest in dev's who make broken sub par games, cash in on dlc before a fix & alter user statements on their forums… lol, i was banned for life for calling them "queerbox". really a second rate game maker. DNF, deserves better, imao.

14 years ago

I LOLed when I read the title. . .

14 years ago

As much as I want this game…It will never be the same without 3d realms. If it does drop I'll still buy it. I need a Duke Nukem fix. I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, Damn I'm all out of gum.

14 years ago

For the love of god, just let it die please!

If it ever gets released it will be a 7.9 at the very best.

14 years ago

I met a guy from gearbox about three years ago. At that time he was saying they had just started work on duke nukem 4ever. He since moved to valve and apparently can't share their secrets for legal reasons outside of little teasers.

14 years ago

ahhh, oh no! please excuse me for a while…….
OH F*CK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please make this true, this is the best news i have heard, in well, EVER!
ill give you my ducky if DNF is actually releasing next year, if we get a demo even better.
BUT DNF!!!!!!!!!!!
my childhood dreams come true!
its time to kick a$$ and chew bubblegum….. AND IM ALL OUT OF GUM!!!!!!!!!!!

tis day just keeps getting better and better!
first i finally got my Iphone 4 2 weeks late!
than i got a early copy of K&L 2 and now this!
what more could a man ask for?
actually, im off to buy some lottery tickets.

Last edited by ___________ on 8/12/2010 2:54:26 AM

14 years ago

If somebody foisted a copy of K&L2 on me I would see it as a sure sign things were turnig VERY grim indeed. Glad it made you happy fella but, to me, it's a cheeky con at best and a crappy, useless, poorly controlling and ill thought out rip off at worst.

Really, that demo left me feeling ill, hit detection was AWFUL and the less said about the whole sick making "quick, hide the sh1t graphics with a ton of grainy, shakey cam pan stick to mask our inept programming skills" the better.

Not so much lucky as a sign that gaming hates us. Meh, my mate actually liked it too-all power to you guys but I still think it's IO being sly about not trying hard enough-and in any area as far as I can tell and because it actually makes me feel ill to play(I hear you can turn it off for game play but what's the point when it looks crap anyway?)even a Citizen Cane style story can't save it for me!

As for DNF-I'm, at least, with you on that one! the world NEEDs an obnoxious nob like Duke to save us from the faceless crud we usually get. So what if he's an outdated misogynistic tool? At least he doesn't wear a sodding helmet all game and has some discernable character traits. Give him a Heroin and Coke habit(injecting, snorting and freebasing mini games wtf!), more strippers and hookers(multi position Kratos shaming button matching minis!) than any game character before him to enhance the wise cracks and gun based giggles and we're away!

Still fnd it hard to think this will ever happen but you never, never know.

14 years ago

yea, K&L 2 sucks!
i cant believe its been getting 8s……….. actually no i can.
this is EXACTLY why i dont bother reading reviews anymore.
K&L2 is a 6, a 7 maybe if your high and in a extremely generous mood!
im 6 levels in now, and i can see what reviewers were saying about the game being controversial.
seen some cut scenes never in a video game before, and well, im surprised it did not get banned!
but one question.
WTF is the point of having all this controversial sh*t in it, than sensor out all the gore and nudity?
kill a guy, and they sensor out his face.
is this game rated freaking MA or freaking G?

14 years ago

Lol I thought this game was a myth because it's been in development so long.

14 years ago

Some would say that it is a myth, and still others will say that it's a myth until it ceases being vaporware.