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Assault Horizon Brings Ace Combat Back To PlayStation

Ace Combat has been away for far too long. But over the past day or two, PlayStation fans have applauded its return.

Namco Bandai has officially announced Ace Combat: Assault Horizon , and unlike the previous title in the franchise, which was exclusive to the Xbox 360, this new iteration will be coming to both the 360 and PS3. Thing is, despite the headlines and articles, we've been waiting for the developer to issue a few solid details…and we haven't quite seen 'em yet. Project Aces released a teaser trailer – see it below – but that's about all we have, besides the confirmation of an online multiplayer option. They're calling it a "game changer," though, and the brief clip shows insane dogfights over a busted-up city.

You can also see a set of new screenshots but in the meantime, we'll just have to wait for the bevy of information. We wanted to wait until we had that, but we just couldn't resist handing out the news for all you flight fans. Ace Combat is back!

Related Game(s): Ace Combat: Assault Horizon

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14 years ago

Excellent. This will be an easy game to buy – assuming they don't mess it up during development…

It's nice to see this happening now after waiting so long since they started hiring PS3 devs for a project that sounded awfully like an Ace Combat game.

14 years ago

Don't worry Highlander! Project Aces has only screwed up once, and that was when they made Ace Combat 06 a 360 exclusive!

Speaking of… I am sure hoping they include AC06 on the Blu Ray with this new one..

14 years ago

That must be some of the finest destruction I have seen in any video game… incredible energy and pace… this could be a fairly easy purchase, but probably wait for a price drop 🙂



14 years ago

lol – you do have a 'down' vote stalker Highlander. There's almost no rational reason to vote what you said down. Really great to have AC back on a Playstation home console (as opposed to PSP – although I enjoyed Ace Combat X and will pick up their latest when I finally finish with GT PSP) – also great that we've got HAWX and AC fighting it out – competition breeds innovation and excellence :).

14 years ago

never really played a jet fighter game, asides the old top gun on NES but this looks like it could be really good

14 years ago

All of the Ace Combat games are excellent. If you have yet to play any of them and have a PS2, give Ace Combat 04 a try. In my book, it's the best of the series.

14 years ago


IMHO, the Ace Combat series has been the greatest flight game out there for consoles, by far. And if they stay the course with the series, AC should be giving H.A.W.K. an old-school beat-down dogfight.

14 years ago

The wait is over…twice.

I kept hoping this site would cover this story, thanks for doing so! It was about time! HA HA!!

Great news. A huge smile came across my face when I saw the Playstation buttons in which seemed a quick-time event.

14 years ago

Finally! How long have we been waiting for this one? I almost gave up on the AC series. It will be interesting to see who comes out on top. The Hawx series or the Ace Combat series. Ace Combat I'm sure has a larger following, but Hawx has stolen some of the thunder, so it will be interesting to see which one is better.

Regardless, I've been waiting for some good flight combat games so I'm sure I'll be supporting both.

14 years ago

Trailer looks amazing ,I hope they dont screw this game up.Top Gun on the ps1 was the actual last air combat game I played.Afterburner was good too but its an arcade,so Im looking forward to seeing more of this. glad to back here at PSXE.

14 years ago

Having graduated to actual flight sims such as MFSX and Aero Elite, I don't really care about this or any unrealistic flight game such as HAWX or Ace Combat for that matter, the only exception being the Blazing Angels games.

14 years ago

I understand, although arcade flight sim fun is arcade flight sim fun…

14 years ago

That trailer does look amazing. I only see PS3 logos at the end of the trailer. Is this going to be a PS3 exclusive?

14 years ago

Grats to all the flight game fans. I've never played an ace combat game and I probly won't play this one either.

I don't have anything against these kinds of games at all, but to be honest, I suck at them. Not sure why, but I have never been good at flight games. I suck it up every time. I guess all you big fans can just enjoy it for me.

14 years ago

Is there any way to remove the ads from your site. It's popping up right in front of the article. Oh and by the way the game looks absolutely brilliant. Definitely want to play this.

14 years ago

DjEezzy, A lot of us here had the same ad popping in problem too, but once we switched to
Mozilla's & added Ad-Blocker….Viola, no more frigging ads(except for that 1 years old blue Duke Nuken PS3 never-givingaway ad)

14 years ago

Great news, been waiting forever for this!

14 years ago

Yeah! Ace combat 04 was one of my favorite gases on the PS2. Now if only it was exclusive, then they could really improve the graphics and effects and include 3d and all that fun jazz!

14 years ago

I'm stoked for some great AC action on my PS3, finally!

I'm all in for some of that chopper, & A-10 Warthog action.

14 years ago

Can you really fly a chopper in this one? If so hopefully it will be just as fun as the jet fighting.

14 years ago

I'm not really positive about the choppers yet but I'm sure hoping……at least wishful thinking.

14 years ago

I haven't played a decent flight sim since the ps2. I'm looking forward to this game and I hope it's worth the wait. If I didn't like this franchise as much as I do, I would pass on it for being exclusive to that junkbox console last time.

14 years ago

Damn, your comment really made me stop & ponder my priorities(but just for a moment)

It's like….
If my wife ever left me for another guy, & then decided she had made a terrible mistake and wanted to come back, I'd say…..
"stay gone, you're just used goods to me now".

But with Ace Combat wanting to come back home, I'm all about shouting from the rooftops….
"My baby's back, my baby's back"!

YEAH, It's just that good!!!!!!!!!

14 years ago


Only for a moment…….. and the moment's gone. ( Sorry, Dust In The Wind popped in my head for some reason )

I feel the same way, BikerSaint. I want this game yesterday.

Last edited by tes37 on 8/11/2010 6:31:20 PM

14 years ago

Air Combat (yes, AIR Combat) was one of the reasons I purchased a PSone. I used to want to be a fighter pilot when i was younger.
This is a no-brainer for me. 🙂

14 years ago

You've got a good sense of history there Taokaka ;). And aye, those PSOne AC games (AC works for both :)) were great – I've still got AC2 and play it from time-to-time :).

14 years ago

Great song & brings back some of the good ole days(and memories).

As for priorities, & seeing how I'm twice divorced, I think I've got them down pat now….

"Good women may leave me, but great games never will"

And with that said, you'll have to excuse me as there's 1500 games on my shelves that keep beckoning to me with their sultry "come hither" look.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/11/2010 6:48:05 PM

14 years ago

sweet, its about time we got a decent fighter jet game!
HAWX2 is not looking like much a improvement over the original, so lets hope this one shows ubisoft how its done!

14 years ago

ok ace combat is amazing and the best one so far is ace combat 5 the unsung war is epic

"The Demons of Razgriz" all the way

14 years ago

About time someone pulled their head out micro&soft's …. wallet…. I have all the Ace Combat console games up to number 5, I was seriously P.O.ed when 6 was announced exclusive for the 360…