Activision might still be embroiled in a lawsuit that could cost them anywhere between $125 and $625 million, but they're not about to sling more mud in the direction of Infinity Ward.
According to what Activision Worldwide Studios executive Dave Stohl told Develop , the publisher won't hamper Infinity Ward's "rising from the ashes" in any way. He says that right now, Activision is supporting the studio in the rebuilding process; it's well known that the Modern Warfare 2 developer suffered a mass exodus after the firing of bosses Vince Zampella and Jason West (some ex-IW members are now back with their former employers at Respawn Entertainment). But despite analyst concerns that Infinity Ward might have to close its doors, Stohl says that won't happen. In fact, Activision recently revealed that they had received over 5,000 applications for work at both IW and Sledgehammer Games, and they've already hired 60 new employees for both development houses. The rumor is that IW is pursuing new IPs and are currently hard at work on Modern Warfare 3 , but nothing has been officially confirmed.
Nobody really knows what's going to happen concerning that huge and very complex lawsuit but in the meantime, business must proceed. Gotta make those games, no?
I really hope they have to pay out the ass. As for Modern Warfare 3: may you flop a painful death.
Loved that World 🙂
Sorry louis, but I find that game incredibly bad for the industry. It sells stupid amounts of copies and all the sudden other genres start screwing up their formulas to play more like it and all the sudden you have a smear of mediocre games.
Goes to show you how desperate devs are for MW sales numbers.
1st of all, Its Luis, And 2nd I agree yes reason Killzone 2 didn't sell the numbers like it was supose to but I still think its harsh.
Maybe activision would get more support from the gaming public if they actually make decent games.
For the record, they don't really "make" any games. They just publish them.
Thanks Ben!
thats what i was about to say. they're basically taking credit for games they had nothing to do with. they "let" the developers make the game and the only thing they do is force them what to make and overprice everything.
That's like saying Sony doesn't make any games. If you have first-party developers, like Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer, Treyarch (the same as Sony has Naughty Dog, Guerilla games, etc.), then technically Activision does make some of its games.
Just because Sony or Activision or EA names its internal developers that doesn't mean Sony or Activision or EA don't develop their own games.
If Sony or Activision or EA didn't give their first-party developers names, or allow them to take or keep their names when bought, and they were just nameless studios (the model Sega, Namco, Konami, Capcom, etc… follow), you'd say Sony or Activision or EA develop their own games.
@ SayWord – You don't get more support from the gaming public than what Activision already has.
Orvisman: It's more complicated than that. Most of the games big publishers produce aren't from first-party developers, anyway. Only a few are. Secondly, it's often hard to distinguish; God of War III, for instance, was made by SCEA Santa Monica, which is Sony…but so is Naughty Dog, technically. However, how those two studios operate is probably very different from one another.
Furthermore, you will indeed find games that list the same company as the developer and publisher (i.e., Namco/Namco, Konami/Konami). Some have internal teams, some usually don't use them. The bottom line is that if Activision the company specifically made their games in-house, it would say Activision/Activision on the box. And I don't think I've ever seen that happen once.
Even tho 625 million probly wouldn't hurt them, I still hope they lose every cent. I'm sorry but when company goes around claiming they are happy to rip people off, they deserve to lose some money.
I still don't understand how their games sell so well, they're all poor quality. Glitchy, mediocre graphics, mediocre gameplay, just nothing spectacular and yet ppl keep buying them.
If they have to make those games, they could at least try to make them good.
"Even tho 625 million probly wouldn't hurt them"
I have to disagree. They are greeder than Mr. Krabs from Spongebob
Last edited by hellish_devil on 8/10/2010 11:34:28 PM
"Glitchy, mediocre graphics, mediocre gameplay, just nothing spectacular and yet ppl keep buying them."
except for the ppl buying them part, everything you just listed was YOUR opinion. assuming you are talking about CoD, it is widely praised throughout the community. yes, it has glitches, but so does almost all other games. AC2 is a great example of that…
bottom line is CoD is a very polished shooter with stellar multiplayer, and a very passable single player. people love it, and people buy it.
i know the PSXextreme Community is possibly the most anti-CoD community on the net… but those are the facts.
The thing is that look at how many games activision publishes and how many of them are great games.
AC2 and MW2 are both very popular, I'm not fond of shooters so MW2 isn't my thing. However the average activision game is mediocre, in fact probably more than average. It's a rarity for them to publish a great game, that's all I'm saying.
Most publishers put out a winner every now and then.
@ hellish_devil
I know they're greedy and won't like it, but I just meant that it's not going to financially ruin them or anything.
Last edited by kraygen on 8/11/2010 2:55:45 AM
booze925 i couldnt have put that any better
Personally, I have no use for COD, since it has become so focused on multiplayer, but to say the games are bad is absurd. Overrated, maybe, especially MW2.
There is certainly much COD-hatred here.
well, anything with "modern warfare" will probably sell anyways. They are just gonna take everything from mw2 and add a few maps and guns and continue the storyline and they are all set. I don't think they care too much about improving everything, not like naughty dog and sucker punch. I think all they care about is there money after they fired all the original members.
I like Infity Ward, people say Infity Ward is all about the money. Well if they are GOOD for them. I would do the same thing. It's not the gAme that ruined itself, it's the community that abused the game. The perks. IW will learn from there mistakes and fix them. Everyone in here is denying the truth and everyone in here will end up with Black Ops And Modern Warfare 3. Because IW are pros at getting your attention. Mark My Words. Call Of Duty is not a bad game at all overall. It`s a sweet game and is always number 1 in sells. The game gets ruined thanks to oeople who abuse it. Or people who are not good at it make bad comment on it. But CoD my friends is not bad at all. If it was… why would it sell?
@ El Maximo Lider
I won't end up with either CoD game. I'll wind up with Medal of Honor and Resistance 3.
The CoD games don't sell on their quality. They sell on their exploitable online and name recognition. Nothing more.
Last edited by Kangasfwa on 8/10/2010 11:05:43 PM
I'll end up with all them mentioned eventually! but MoH and R3 are more anticipated. I've been waiting for a new MoH forveer, and Resistance, well those games are awesome!
el maximo!! you tell it brother!!
They are good games 🙂
Then, Snypa and Maximo… tell me WHY they're good games?
I've platinumed MW2, and I won't be getting another CoD titles within the next year. I got it for the multiplayer, and it is not reliable. That's a deal breaker for me. The whole reason I got it is the most problematic part of the whole thing. I'm used to quality RPG storylines, so the CoD stories don't impress me… the Single Player is super easy and short… and the multiplayer is unreliable. I would love to love CoD, but I'm not going to spend my money on an unreliable and unpredictable quality.
It was a decent game. 8point something out of 10 in my book. But in the wake of KZ3, MoH, and R3, it will be easy as pie to pass on Black Ops.
@Underdog15 Like I said the developers do learn from there mistakes and they know they need to bring up there game. They are listening to you thay know you want ¨better online¨ or ¨better story¨. Im pretty sure they will give you your better story and your better online multiplayer. Everyone wanted Zombies, correct? According to my understandings there bringing them back. And thats a sales boost for them.
Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 8/11/2010 11:03:17 AM
huh? what? Zombies? o.0
I never said anything about Cod being bad. Your just puting words in my mouth. I'm saying they don't care much about improving compared to ND and SP.
And i'm not buying Black Ops, lol. The only attention they got from me was the trailer in e3 when i was watching the show.
I have a lot of respect for the former Infinity Ward. Despite their single-player experiences being very short but still very sweet, I felt they were the better of the two devs for the CoD franchise.
With so much of their team gone, I have less than an optimistic perspective for the reformed Infinity Ward.
El Maximo Lider,
1. it's Infinity Ward, not Infity Ward.
2. Not all of us were happy with MW2, as I believe most of us who only do single player mode got shafted because the SP campaign was so frigging short.
3. As for your statement of everyone denying the truth, you DO NOT speak for everyone, just your own opinion.
(and you know what they say about opinions).
I see I made a couple mistakes on my grammar. I know its Infinity Ward. The reason I made a mistAke waS because i bought a Dualshock3 Wireless KeypAd and im still tying to get used to it 🙂 Im pretty sure there will be more mistakes along the way 😀
And yes it was my opinion but its pretty darn close to being a fact! I still think many of you will buy it though. My spidey-sences keep telling me. AnywaY im not trynna start a ¨fight¨ Im simply beign Captain Ovious.
Jesus, stop ganging up on the poor guy (El Maximo Lider) everyone has it's point of view, he likes CoD most people here certainly doesn't, that's all. I think it's a good game overall, the story is a good story (Try comparing it with Gears or Halo ODST)
Don't get me wrong but *if* I had to choose between playing FFXII or MW2 I prolly go with MW2 (which is weird cuz I a huge RPG fan, especially FFs, but XII's story didn't make it for me)
I mean a crappy game it's a crappy game despite the genre/brand/developer/publisher/religion/sexual orientation/whatever, either way you like it or not.
Oh and I don't think CoD is hurting the industry, twitch gaming is, and of course mediocre developers who change good ol' formulas to "adapt" to actual gaming tendencies. *cough* stupid Wada *cough*
Last edited by totozero18 on 8/14/2010 6:06:45 PM
After looking at the vid on youtube. I can honestly say that its just MW2 with a new Killstreak/weapon DLC. The sad thing is that the sheep will buy it up.
I'm buying it cus its fun to play. Not because it is supposed to be something new! Isn't that what games are? Entertainment!
If you don't like it, good for you! But don't call people out because they enjoy it. You dont really know what people are into. I like COD, but I have over 50 other PS3 games and more than %75 of them are not even shooters! It's a game, and they are entertaining, and you can bet there will always be someone on my friends list to play it with!
Im not trying to start an argument or be a dick, but its a game. A game that you respectfully don't enjoy like say I do. Just leave it at that.
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 8/10/2010 11:03:02 PM
So here's what I don't understand and I'm hoping bigrailer can explain.
You openly admit that it's not anything new, but you plan to buy it. If it's not different, why not just keep playing MW2?
Because its entertaining. And in all honesty I have shelved MW2. I dont know if I've picked it up in say a couple months at least. I may still be playing it today, but im trying to catch up.
But the reason I buy new is for the campaign. I'll be the first to admit MW2 campaign was short as hell. I felt ripped off. But dang it was awesome while it lasted. I finished the campaign again the last time I played it and really enjoyed it, it has a lot of "O that was sweet" moments. For me anyways. I dont necessarily just buy COD for the MP prolly like a lot of people do. TBH I'm really looking forward to Black Ops, because of what Treyarch did with W@W.
Although I'm sure there are many differences in perks, killstreaks, and such, rather than in the way the game plays. But I am getting a totally new experience in the SP. Thats why I buy them. I don't just buy games to play online, I have to interested in the campaign or story mode, as well.
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 8/11/2010 9:15:48 AM
"Gotta make those games, no?"
More like they gotta preserve that name brand.
Again with activison!!! I don't want to give anymore money anymore, my brother will just have to buy Black Ops for me.
But then you'll play it!
Of course i want to play the game, but i don't want to give activsion any money because, they are very very greedy for it, and not to mention they stole a good amount from infinity ward aka respawn.
I hope Respawn moves in next to Visceral, maybe they can give them some tips on pushing the limits a bit further.
<<<<Activision recently revealed that they had received over 5,000 applications for work at both IW and Sledgehammer Games, and they've already hired 60 new employees for both development houses>>>>
Anyone take a real good notice at anti-visions spin-doctor statement above?
That makes all the new hire's just more of anti-vision's personal minions, cause that's who actually hired them, not the new re-hashed IW or Sledgehammer Games.
60 newly made anti-vision finger-puppets, nothing more……
in this economy, even i'll go for a job that i dont like. good for experience then just keep a lookout for a better job.
You know, I don't know about you guys but I'm getting really sick of activision. As much as people like their call of duty games, and please don't get me wrong they do a good job with them. But Activision a money grubbing son of a (well you know the next word) seeing how they pump out a Guitar Hero title, it's ridiculous >.<. it's just ridiculous..I don't know how to put it. I like a lot of the games that are published by Sony since they care about what they put out for the people who buy their games.
On a side note, I bought Red Faction Guerrilla from the Playstation Store today because of the whole playstation plus stuff and I was wondering from anybody else if the game was really fun? I read the review and it got a pretty good rating. I'm just wondering if it was worth the buy(the game is $19.99 on the Playstation Store).
dude, you couldve just downloaded the trial which basically downloads the whole game to your hard drive. if you like it, just unlock the game. no extra download to do.
of course they wont close down infinity ward. activision still needs the name and theres a lot of people that they can fool with it.
It's like how Microsoft uses the name "Microsoft Game Studios" to publish games that were developed independently.
IW as we know it is dead. but unlike all of the people who hate anything activision (dare i say "bandwagoners"), i do not say IW and the modern warfare franchise themselves are dead.
like any rookie football player, or any new group with a great idea, they have the potential to become great! i read sum comments on how MW3 needs 2 flop a horrible death… but thats really narrow thinking.
i understand that people are livid with activision for doing what every publisher (EA, MS, SONY) AND developer (DICE, Insomniac, Naughty Dog, Bungie) wants, and needs to do. make money. and i admit, they have said many unnecessary comments regarding the community… but thats is mainly Kotick! we need 2 get past that moron CEO's blunt remarks, and open ourselves up to the new blood!
what im saying is lets not disregard the new IW just yet, and try 2 have a little perspective on activision. dont immediately disregard them as pure evil
well, by law they cant be working on MW3 because the ex IW guys are suing for the rights for it.
i doubt they will be doing COD anymore, i can see antivision throwing treyarch and sledgehammer games onto that dead cow.
IW will probably go onto a new IP, something new antivision can milk bone dry.