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Activision Won’t Stand In The Way Of Infinity Ward Revival

Activision might still be embroiled in a lawsuit that could cost them anywhere between $125 and $625 million, but they're not about to sling more mud in the direction of Infinity Ward.

According to what Activision Worldwide Studios executive Dave Stohl told Develop , the publisher won't hamper Infinity Ward's "rising from the ashes" in any way. He says that right now, Activision is supporting the studio in the rebuilding process; it's well known that the Modern Warfare 2 developer suffered a mass exodus after the firing of bosses Vince Zampella and Jason West (some ex-IW members are now back with their former employers at Respawn Entertainment). But despite analyst concerns that Infinity Ward might have to close its doors, Stohl says that won't happen. In fact, Activision recently revealed that they had received over 5,000 applications for work at both IW and Sledgehammer Games, and they've already hired 60 new employees for both development houses. The rumor is that IW is pursuing new IPs and are currently hard at work on Modern Warfare 3 , but nothing has been officially confirmed.

Nobody really knows what's going to happen concerning that huge and very complex lawsuit but in the meantime, business must proceed. Gotta make those games, no?

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fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

By law they can't be working on it? The case has not been settled and you're already telling us the outcome as if it's law? Please, get your facts straight.

14 years ago

your a idiot.
if a suit like this goes to court, all proceedings must Holt till the case is solved.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Really? Calling me names is laughable after what you just put out. Thanks for the reinforcement.

14 years ago

There is no law that prevents them from working on the next IP. It would be risky to do, however. As it stands now, Activision has the rights, and form IW folks are suing for those rights. But, as of this moment, Activision has the rights, and they will retain those rights until the courts prove otherwise.

In other words, they have full rights to start MW3. HOWEVER…

If Activision were to lose the suit, then MW3 rights would be given to the winner and Activision (or whatever 3rd party dev below them) would be forced to buy the started IP off the victors of the suit if they want to continue it. So it would be risky, but not illegal.

Basically, Activision will work on the next IP if they're certain they'll win the suit. They might risk it thinking they'll just buy the rights if they lose… That's also a possibility. But it's inaccurate to say they aren't allowed to by law. Just because something is being examined by the courts does not mean everything MUST stop. You are not guilty until proven so, afterall.

SIDE NOTE: Fluffer isn't really an idiot at all… actually, he's the only one of the two of you with proper grammar… I mean… look at your sentence, "your a idiot." First off, it's "you're" not "your", and idiot starts with a vowel, so it's "an" not "a". I've pointed both of these things out to you before. Also, you didn't do it now, but you still confuse "than" and "then".

Last edited by Underdog15 on 8/11/2010 10:49:53 AM

14 years ago

Besides they could be working on it and if they were to lose, they would simply have to change the name to something else.

As it stands it would be no problem for them to tell the team to start making mw3 and then change the name later if they have to.

14 years ago

Funny, a bitter, loud mouth, no name, nutter Australian is lecturing us about US law.

14 years ago


Nice analysis, but you're misusing the term "IP".

Last edited by Fane1024 on 8/13/2010 8:24:46 PM

14 years ago

Maybe an out with the old and in with the new policy is just what Infinity Ward need to do to appease all of the haters on here?
It could possibly be a blessing in disguise if they come out with an absolutely amazing game (whether CoD or not) and manage to make a lot of people on this site actually buy an activision game. Now that would be an acheivement.
Maybe the new staff hired are excellent. they will be hungry to prove themselves and that could make for a good change.
Heres hoping anyway 🙂

14 years ago

Indeed. I would love a polished multiplayer.

14 years ago

Well here's my opinion. Infinity Ward is dead. This new Infinity War is just that, brand new with new employees, new bosses, and a new vision. Its almost like Neversoft and Harmonix. You can see the improvement and innovation in the Rock Band Series because that's where the original creators are. The average Joe doesn't know this which is why the brand name means a lot to Activision, they know this. Which is why Black Ops will sell, but not like MW2. Which is why GH3 sold well too. I don't want this new IW to make MW3, because at heart it isn't MW3. Treyarch may be a good studio but Black Ops will just be Mw2.5 in a different dress. MW3 will be an adopted child (new parents, new developers), it might as well be a new IP, a spin-off, hey it might be good but it won't be the real MW3. Mw2 was great but I believe IW tried added too much guns/perks for fans which resulted in ppl finding exploits, these add-ons weren't well thought through. I blame Activision for probably rushing IW and all their developers. Which results in shorter campaigns, online focus, angry gamers.Tell all your friends the truth, IW is not the same anymore and Treyarch is making Black Ops. You will be surprised at how much people don't know. They think Black Ops is being made by the same people who made MW2. Just ask,and that's my two cents.

14 years ago

The perks didn't really bother me, since all of them can be countered. What bothers me are things like the auto-aim malfunctioning of the quick-scope glitch on sniper rifles.

14 years ago

Treyarch > IW anyways dont try to defend IW they somewhat listen to the community, I mean is it really hard to add a gamebattles playlist in MW2 really? Wouldn't you just love it you can feel more confident going against nothing but guns instead of explosives that are abused 24/7. Thats the only and biggest problem i got with the game, also including the other stupid casual perks etc…. At least Treyarch listens to the community . Didnt IW set the guiness world record for patches in a game WTF. Treyarch made the noobtube week in WAW, IW made it a mini nuke in MW2 so that gives you an example. Modern Warfare 3 will be even worst unless they listen to the community, but i thought Sledgehammer was making MW3?

Last edited by dveisalive on 8/11/2010 9:58:58 AM

14 years ago

I think they are making a 3rd person shooter. Trying to capture the spirit of a game like U2/R2.

14 years ago

I don't care much what Activision does anymore… if they bring out a must own game, that is original, and not necessarily a shooter, then why not… otherwise, as far as shooters go, it is Medal Of Honour, Killzone 3 and MAG.

Actually, here is a question… to the people who own MAG, is it worth a purchase. I was thinking of picking it up…



14 years ago

MAG is ok. The graphics can get quite fugly but playing in huge teams is quite addictive. These days you can get it for $30 so yeah, it's worth it at that price.

14 years ago

I paid $60 for it, and honestly to me its the best online FPS this generation ALL things considered!

14 years ago

For the guy who said the graphics are not good in Modern Warfare 2, I think you might want to take another look. Those graphics are insane. Hate Activision all you want but they seem to be the front running publisher of 1st person shooters. Has it been announced officially that a Modern Warfare 3 is in the works? If so I haven't heard about it?

14 years ago

Anything from a distance looks pretty good, but the physics and close-ups are brutal.

14 years ago

The guns and the character models are a step up from the previous MW but the environments are a huge step backwards. Everything looks like cardboard. The use of color is some of the worst i have seen this generation. Everything was washed out and bland.

The graphics aren't terrible, but its not game changer or bar setter. When you compare it to a game like Killzone 2, the game looks like a Xbox game.

Forgot to mention the flat and lack luster particle effects as well. I don't know about you, but i have never seen smoke that was as flat as a piece of paper.

Last edited by Jawknee on 8/11/2010 7:54:24 PM

14 years ago

I'd love to know what experience in game developing those 60 new hires have. It's easy to fill seats, but a keen eye for good game play is not a gift everyone possesses.

14 years ago

On a COD related note….

Sledgehammer Games: Call of Duty 8 Revealed

14 years ago

"Activision Won't Stand In The Way Of Infinity Ward Revival", thats funny seeing as they are the ones that killed Infinity Ward.

14 years ago

Yeah. When I read the title of the article, I thought it meant Activision would let Respawn become Infinity Ward again. I should have known better than to give them any credit.