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Square-Enix: Versus Is “Like The 2D FF Games In HD”

As we wait semi-patiently for the Tokyo Game Show, we receive a few updates concerning Final Fantasy Versus XIII .

These from Square-Enix producer Tetsuya Nomura and his recent comments on Twitter, as translated by Andriasang . Firstly, he clarifies the company's policy of "promoting games in the order of their release," which means full promotion for Versus XIII is probably still a ways off, what with other titles coming well before the game's "TBA" launch. As for the mystery FF we're all dying to see:

"Versus has had many difficulties, and past method of production have been completely inapplicable, but these are the difficulties of birth, so we are working hard. We have a lot to announce, but because we're going in order, I can't say too much yet.

There have been many questions regarding fields. It's not a completely open world. It's like the 2D FF games in HD. Although, in terms of looks, it's not a top-down view, it's like the screenshots that have been released. You'll move through the world from that view."

The screenshots he's talking about were published in Dengeki PlayStation and Famitsu a few months ago (and have yet to be shared online); they show a standard third-person view from behind the back of main character Noctis. But the fact that Nomura describes it as "like the 2D FF games in HD" is enough to make us cautiously enthusiastic. He also says both Versus XIII and Final Fantasy Agito XIII are in the process of voice-casting and in the "order" process, Agito is next on the list after The 3rd Birthday .

The only games Square-Enix will bring to GamesCom this month are the aforementioned Parasite Eve PSP iteration and Kingdom Hearts ; Nomura says there are also a few unannounced titles headed our way. They've even finished voice recording and are set to come before Agito and Versus , so they've been keeping 'em secret for some time. The announcements will come soon in Japan, apparently. Anyway, here's hoping for a return to Final Fantasy glory…

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Versus XIII , Final Fantasy Agito XIII

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14 years ago

Ahem… weren't the 2D FFs turn-based? Wouldn't that mean that VsXIII would be like those 2d FFs, i.e., turn-based as well? I do hope that is what he is implying…

King James
King James
14 years ago

Versus is an Action RPG, Wolf. Meaning…no…there will be no turned-based.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Let's not get crazy. We all know that isn't going to happen. 🙁

14 years ago

My interpretation was that he was referring to the world exploration aspect, and not so much the game play. I'm a little confused as to what that means exactly, but perhaps these screenshots will help shed some light on the whole thing.

Either way, any mention of the way things used to be gives a small glimmer of hope for me. Still, like Ben said… "cautiously ethusiastic". He's pretty darn right… Gotta be cautious. I really don't want to get my hopes up. If I keep my expectations where they are now, I'll probably really love these titles! I'd like that to happen.

14 years ago

If it's anything like Crisis Core, then I think I can handle it.

I think I'm with Ben on this;

I'm hoping for true turn-based RPG, but not expecting it anytime soon from S-E. We have a better chance hoping for MistWalker to bring one of their great RPGs to PS3 than to have S-E make a game we actually want.

14 years ago

@James: Oh, right… forgot about that.
@Ben: But you can't blame me for yearning for turn-based.

14 years ago

I gave you a thumbs up anyway. Sometimes my hopes and dreams squash reality out of my memory banks too.

14 years ago

Guys, I'm as ready to hammer the bods at SE as anyone but this desire to have everything strictly turn based has got to be softened, imho. Just because an RPG is "action" doesn't mean it has to be devoid of the strategy we love in pure turn based games. Sadly this is going to have the useless style KH used for combat so neither turn based nor action based fans will truly love the battle system and neither will those hoping to move forwards like myself.

The issue seems to me that we're worried the action stuff dumbs down the experience-but does it HAVE to? Fact is SE and others KNOW what western audiences they can get with turn based games and aree of the belief action will net them a bigger number and they don't CARE how loyal we've all been but if we're on board we're in a better position to shape and mould what the systems turn into and I see no reason to imagine we can't have the best of both worlds.

Different difficulty settings seems the way forward to me with the easiest being almost pure action battles without too much tactics-or even skill in action terms. As you go up, though, enemies would need more thought given to what you equip(with active pauses with a time limit say, no? Counting down from 10 to one as you alter your groups make up and strategise with them)so you'd end up with the choice, basically, of incuding more things like you find in turn based games but execute them in real time alongside some true action parts like shooting or H/S.

If we want better jrpgs that give us a challenge of the kind we crave and are used to why do we feel turn based is the only option? I think we've been as blody minded as they have and the reslt is a face off and half baked, t my mind, systems like KH and FF13 itself. both have good ideas but neither satis fully. I honestly think my idea would work better as with FF13 you only felt any difficulty when you got rushed(rarely, when you, well I did, pressed the wrong button!)and with KH/CC it sometimes felt too much like "press X to win".

If more strategy was introduced(and for action fans more skill based action too) as we went up the difficulty ladder(even have two or three ladders for purists of either kind and those, like myself, wanting something really new and challenging)we wouldn't aways come back to the old turn based/action based chestnut so often, would we folks?

Point is we aren't likely to go back to properly turn based affairs and the action is NEVER as good as real action. We need a hybrid that satisfies both ourselves and our need for a challenge and strategy AND SE's desire for bigger sales in the west. I don't see these as mutually exclusive if we worked a little more with the likes of SE and believe choice is the real way forwards. Action and turn based both WORK so why not allow both and/or a true ,mix where the strategy matters and the action isn't reduced to the old mash X BS.

Throgh compromise we might find better than we have now or even better than we ever had and as other genres moved on the jrpg needs to as well before too many of us give up on it and the feel is gne for good and the games aren't anything likje what we used to have on any level. I just don't think it's a realistic ambition or hope to pursue so can't we help make a better future that satisfies EVERYONE a bit more than the current caught between two stools nonsense that killed, for me, FF13 which, in fairness, was more turn based than not even if it was linear than most FPS for hours on end!

Just loosen up, give feedback and hope we find something equally as good as what we used to love as they WON'T go back and you know it but we CAN be part of making something AS good or possibly even better if we stop closing our ,minds and offer possible fixes. Chrst SE didn't seem to realise most of us prefer subs and Jap voice work til last year which shows how out of touch they can be and how much they need our input-but they DO know how newcomers find turn based both a little difficult and a little odd(you have your go, i'll have mine-is hardly something that's springs to mind if you aren't already used to it. It ain't natural and wasn't for me at the start but we got used to it as it was just how it was)so helping shape where it goes is, I feel, our best bet and less doom on the subject would be nice guys!

14 years ago


The issue isn't fearing that an action based combat system dumbs anything down. The issue is that some players prefer the completely different approach and mentality that turn based combat requires. It's not about being smarter or dumber.

As for what JRPGs should do? I think they should be the best damned game they can be, and then implement both turn based and action based combat. That way gamers can choose whether they want old skool turn based, or upstart action based. Bring choice to the gamers. I haven't been given a choice, my opinion was not sought and yet my preferred way to play a JRPG has disappeared taking a large portion of the reasons I played JRPGs with it.

14 years ago

indeed Highlander!
FF Dissidia allowed the gamer to select either Turn Based or Action Based combat. That was a brilliant move, and both modes worked well, imo!

King James
King James
14 years ago

Sound cool to me. Versus will just have to serve as my KH3 this gen.

14 years ago

Indeed. I'll be happy with a KH feel. I -prefer- turn-based, but KH is one of my top favorite games of all time.

14 years ago

Square is being so stupid about how they deal with the Kindgom Hearts franchise. Their real fans are the people who played the originals, but they just keep pumping out these goddamned side stories. With every announcement of a DS minigame-ish KH, the fans get more and more annoyed.

14 years ago

I missed out on 365 days or whatever it's called. I missed out on KH:CoM until they released the PS2 version, too. I love that series, but I'm not buying another system for it. I'll just read the FAQ's to get the story. 🙁

14 years ago

Cautiously optimistic. But definitely more encouraged than I was before I heard that. We shall see, keep on chugging away at it S-E.

14 years ago

That was a rather vague remark, so what do they mean like the 2D games? like a world map with areas where cliffs and the sea shall stop the character going out of bounds?

Ok i just found a magazine scan with 3 screenshots, i get the picture, and i like it 🙂

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 8/9/2010 11:16:56 AM

14 years ago

Can you link it, I think I understand, but I wanna be sure before I get all excited.

14 years ago

"Hey! You got Fallout in my Final Fantasy!"

"Yeah? Well you got Final Fantasy in my Fallout!"

"…wait a minute… *brilliant idea*"


14 years ago

awesome thanks.

14 years ago

The graphics look great. This game looks better than I anticipated.

14 years ago

ahhhh, ok. after the release of ff13, how many efffin games did they churn out or will churn out in the future, 10 to 15? before the release of ff13 versus? which is probably set for 2012 usa and 2011 in japan. oh, i wouldn't be suprised if ff13 versus goes multi-platform. i forgot, this ff agito, is this a psp exclusive or a ps3 exclusive? here's hoping for ps3. ok, i heard there was some delay problems with ff13 versus, but can some1 please explain to me the hold up of ff13 versus, whereas they are releasing 3 or more games under square-enix this year or early next year. let's see, kane and lynch, deus ex, tomb raider, a mech assault game, and a 3rd person shooter game i can't think off.

14 years ago

When I see it, I may believe it. But, not until that time.

14 years ago

ben, i apologize if i offended you in the past, but can you please explain to me the extremely long delay of this game, ff13 versus? when there churning out so much other CRAP under there name squareenix? to be honest, what games did they release for the ps3 and xbox before ff13? 2nd question, how come they often change the release date of game titles here in the usa, but seldom change it in japan?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I don't recall you offending me.

And actually, there hasn't been much in the way of official delays for Versus; we just heard it about it a long time ago when they first started making it. It has never had a release date so in truth, it has never really been delayed.

As for the second question, I don't really see that. If anything, maybe Western games get delayed more than Japanese, but I'm not sure.

14 years ago

highlander, you have any clues on the delay, and are you participating in the ff14 beta? if so, how is it?

14 years ago

Nope, not in the beta.

No ideas on delays of either game. I have my own theory as to why the PS3 version of FF 14 was delayed, but if I were to say them out loud, I would qualify for a tinfoil hat. Let's just say that considering that the PS3 was the only console platform announced for this game, it's extremely odd that it gets a rather convenient 6 month delay compared to the PC version. Just saying…

14 years ago

I wouldn't call it convenient for me, I was expecting to play it on ps3 until I could save the rest of the money I need for a gaming pc.

Looks like that idea is gone. Not happy about it either.

14 years ago

@highlander-dig out tjhat hat. You'll be right, I think, and it wouldn't be a shock either when you consider this whole generation so far and the way MS have been advised to be aggressive over the jrpg market AND their relationship with the part Sony owned SE these days.

It does smack of them investigating whether they could work it on both HD consoles and if the can't do it quickly enough don't be shocked if NEITHER end up with FF14. Would NOT be the first FF game, first SE game to be promised exclusively not to appear on certain plats or appear on many more.

when wll developers nderstand that nobody minds a miltiplat or an exvclusive for ANY platform on the whole but DO hate being lied to and having, for an exclusive on PS3 say, hopes raised for an optimised game that after a few years is dashed as it goes multi and is watered down-as it is when any game goes multi from being exclusive on ANY platform while parity is the main aim of devs.

t's the length of delay that makes me most sus here though. Thing is I wear my hat all the time anyway-for just these occasions. All I want is for devs to sa what they mean at announcements of games. If it's exclsive keep it so and if it's possibly going multi say that too! It's not hard, is it?

14 years ago

I have it pre-ordered for PC once I realized I meet minimum system requirements. I fully plan to get the PS3 version when able. They will be cross-platform as FFXI was. I'll let you guys know how it is either on the forums or in a user review (not sure if I can do the review though, since it's not officially the PS3 version…).

14 years ago


It will appear on the Ps3 after a 6 month delay for unspecified technical reasons. And now we step into total opinion, nothing more, nothing less… The 360 version will not appear since Microsoft said 'No.' to the game on their network. As for the tinfoil hat, let's just say I wouldn't put it past Microsoft to pay for PC timed exclusivity. Of course it may be as simple as dragging their feet negotiating with SE causing SE to slow development of the PS3 version while they negotiated with MS over the 360 version. However now the PC one is out, the 360 one is canned and the PS3 version is delayed.

Either way, the delay suits Microsoft down to the ground. Did I just blame that infamous software conglomerate based in Seattle? Yep, I did didn't I? Again, my opinion.

14 years ago

I hope they don't pull anther FF13 on us. its open world this time so yes. I still have high hopes for this game.

14 years ago

Off subject at Ben Dutka or anyone…..Name me a weapon in any video game that is cooler to use and more awesome than the Glaive in Dark Sector. By far the coolest weapon in a video game!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Yeah, OT. Please put this in the forums if you want to talk about it.

14 years ago

The glaive was a better main character than Hayden. lol

14 years ago

The weapons in Tales of Destiny 1 had full conversations with the users of them… just saying.

But I'd love to have a full conversation about this in the forums!

14 years ago

better weapon?
the best weapon in a video game ever has to go to the BFG from doom!
the R.Y.N.O from R&C a worthy mention, for ripping you a new one!
the spike firing gun like the gun from KZ2 or F.E.A.R 2 has always been a personal favorite of mine!
price of gun 6000 credits.
cost firing a 6 inch spear into a enemies eye socket and pinning him too the wall. PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 years ago

Guns are guns. not too interesting, imo.

14 years ago

I'm actually glad they commented about agito. That's a game I've been wanting some info on since before I got my psp over a year ago. I had high hopes for it before all this ff13 nonsense.

I really hope they do these 2 games up right, because if they do, we could see more ps3's and psp's flying off the shelves.

If they do it right, I wouldn't mind a ffv13 ps3 bundle. Do it like 13 tho and I'll be bargain binning it too.

Anyone notice that games like Resonance of fate and WKC are still regular sale price of $59.99, while FF14 has already had a price drop and I've even seen it on sale for as low as $25 bucks. Thats new not used. Glad I waited, I'll be able to get ff13 for $10 before the year is over.

14 years ago

@ mastiffchild go play kingdom hearts 2 final mix,chose critical mode, and mash x and see how long that's gonna last.i loved the kh2 battle system because it gives you choice.if you wanted to play button mash style that was fine, if you wanted to learn the enemy and use all your ability's to overcome them that was fine to.the battle system in kh2 asked the player how they wanted to play and rewarded them for it.alot of great games do this,gow, elder scrolls,you could button mash your way through dmc.but if you wanted to go deeper into the combat system then the choice is their for you to do so.when i first played ff12 and used the gambit system, i thought the game was to ez and boring,after 2 hours off that, i turned all gambits off and the game became fun.i had to use tactics and micro manage everything and it was a satisfying experience that way,that's why i love ff12 to this day.mapping attacks to different buttons doesn't make it better.p.s soras a beast

14 years ago

Man I'm dying to hear something CONCRETE about this game. Until then, all these possibilities can go to the underworld.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

First of all, I did not know that FF14 was already out, or am I misconstruing some of the comments here?

Regardless, I think I like this idea of having a semi-open world map, provided there are towns. And that's all I think Nomura meant in making these statements. I really don't think that they will go back to a turn-based battle system. At least not yet. But I put a good few hours into FFXIII after I got back from the hospital yesterday, and I've found a new appreciation for it. Now that I know what all the icons in the vulnerabilites thing mean, it actually requires strategy. The system could be improved, but I can deal with it.

So, you're telling me that The Third Birthday comes out sometime in the near future, with Agito XIII following sometime hopefully early next year? I'm going to call Versus for September 2011 for Japan and December 2011 for the rest of the world. Do it for me Square.

14 years ago

You can pre-order for the September release for PC. Sept. 22, you can get the collectors edition, while the regular edition comes out on Sept. 30.

There's a few things you get with the collectors edition as well as an in-game item or two.

14 years ago

That's a lot of yapping. Show me FFVsXIII and I'll believe it exists. The old "we've got to hype other games first" is a load of BS. They don't have a game and they're throwing out comments about 2D in HD just to keep us on the hook.

14 years ago

Squeeenix's still dead
Funny that they keep talking

When is FFXIII Versus coming out anyway? December 2012?

14 years ago

ill believe it when i see it!
sorry, but $E have done nothing but disappoint me this gen so if they want my attention they have to earn it!

see, this is what i hate about $E all they do is rabble, rabble, rabble!
there all talk and no walk!

Last edited by ___________ on 8/10/2010 6:23:55 AM

14 years ago

This is Tetsuya Nomura talking, not Wada. He's the awesome one who keeps to his word. I bet if versus used a turn based system, everyone would complain about that, too, because that's what everyone likes to do. I, on the other hand, will love the style of gameplay it's presenting me because it will complement the fast pace action that the game promises. If it were tun based, it would be:
Your turn
party member's turn
enemy turn

Party member attacks
Enemy attacks

Or they cane do what they're doing already and just use all your moves and magic at the spare moment you have right before an enemy lunges at you to kill you. What they have going sounds a lot better compared to turn based for a fast action game, which is what's promised out of Versus XIII.

14 years ago

A great version of turn based was seen in FFX-2. A lot of people hated the corniness of the story, but damn, that battle system was pretty sweet. It was turn based, fast paced, and fluid! Timing mattered while turns were still important!

14 years ago

It still isn't as fluid as being able to do anything you want without out having to wait your turn. To truly get that Advent Children battle feel, you're gonna have to have an action RPG, you just can't get that kind of action through turn based combat. FFX-2 did have a good battle system, but nothing backed it up, so the game failed in my opinion. If FFXIII did what it was meant to do way back when, back in it's first phase of battle sequences seen in the 2006 trailer, that's when a turn based battle system would have been very fluid. Also, putting Versus aside, it would be great to get awesome old fashioned RPG styled fighting in a game with the graphical quality of FFXIII and good story like FFVII or Chrono Trigger, especially Chrono Trigger! I'd love to see Chrono Trigger remade for this gen of gaming with the battle system and all those endings in tact, and maybe even more endings added!