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Mafia II PS3 Exclusive DLC: The Betrayal Of Jimmy

For all you open-world sandbox fans, Mafia II should be high on your priority list.

And if you're a PlayStation 3 owner, you'll be even more enticed: the PS3 version of the game will come with some exclusive downloadable content, entitled The Betrayal of Jimmy . They say it's "almost an arcade-style take on the Mafia II experience." In other words, the team took the simple yet fun elements of the game – shooting, driving, stealing, etc. – and made it a "point-based romp, complete with leaderboards." So like, a lot of speed, a lot of explosions, and a lot of dead people. You can rack up points for drifting, high speed driving, headshots, kill combos, and more, but they aren't entirely abandoning story elements. The developers did make the extra effort to include "new cut-scenes and voice acting to keep production quality consistent from the main game." However, as they say in the Blog update, you'll most certainly want to complete the single-player story first, as you don't really learn much plot-wise in the DLC. But there are 25 action-packed missions!

Also, bear in mind that this content won't be included on the disc; you'll have to download it off the PSN. New copies of Mafia II will come with the download voucher code; if you buy the game used, you'll have to shell out the $9.99 to purchase the pack separately. This DLC will be available after the game's launch, but it will only be out for PS3 owners on the game's launch day, which is August 24.

Related Game(s): Mafia II

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14 years ago

Sounds awesome.
I was hoping they would include some form of the 'Free Ride' mode that accompanied the first game, and this sounds about right. But with story, which only makes this seem all the more fun.

14 years ago

I've been waiting 4 years for this game to come out and the story plus this makes it all worth it

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago


Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

I read this earlier and was thinking why couldn't they just put it on the disc, it's not like Blu-ray suffers from some sort of size limitations. I imagine I will get this sooner or later, but I still haven't nplayed throught the GTA IV episodes.

Oh wait, this is another way to combat used game sales… huh. Well, why then is it not available fr the 360 too. It's not like I'm complainign, but they're free to buy used and we're not. Oh well.

14 years ago

Sorry no multiplayer in this gem

14 years ago

I have read much about this game. I have been looking forward to it, but I would like to read the reviews on it first. I hope PsXeXtreme review it soon after it's release…



14 years ago

Why don't you just try the demo because it comes out on tuesday

14 years ago

Really? If so that will be great!



14 years ago

Have you seen this video yet?

It's pretty good….

14 years ago

"This DLC will be available after the game's launch, but it will only be out for PS3 owners on the game's launch day, which is August 24."

This part confused me a bit Ben, do you mean it's only free on launch day, or it's only available for ps3 owners on launch day and will be available for 360 later on?

I'm really interested in this game as I loved the first one, but I have so many games it will probably be a while before I get this. When I do get it, I'll buy it new tho. I'm not a fan of buying used.

14 years ago


14 years ago

cant wait for this, its really the only game for the rest of the year im really looking forward too!

only thing im worried though is i have heard the cops will chase you over ANYTHING!
speed, they chase you!
steal a car, they chase you!
run over someone, they chase you!
where is the fun in that?
i can see myself trying to complete a mission, but boo hoo i drove too fast and now have to loose the cops.
i dunno about anyone else, but too me that sounds like the perfect recipe for a rage attack!
hopefully im wrong, hopefully its easy to loose the cops or whatever but why do they need to be so sensitive?
i dont play games so i can sit there watching my spedo, make sure i dont go over i have to do that enough in real life thank you! i cant leave my drive way without having a fu*king cop follow me!

i play games to have fun, let my hair down and do things i could not do in real life.
that is why saints row 2 and just cause 2 will always be 2 of the worlds best games!
because they are 2 of the very few that actually let me HAVE FUN!
theres none of this o no thats unrealistic so you cant do it.
theres none of this o thats illegal so im sending the cops after you.
its jump in, do whatever the f*ck you want and HAVE FUN!
that is why just cause 2 and saints row 2 are and always will be 2 of the worlds best games!
why cant mafia 2 be more like just cause 2 and less like GTAIV?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

From what I've heard the game has a cruise control type system which you can set to stop you from exceeding the speed limit, so that should help that idea out a bit. But like Vito_Scaletta wrote, Mafia 2 focusses a lot more heavily on realism than does GTA IV, Saints Row 2/ most other open world games. If you don't like that, then so be it.

14 years ago

well in that case i guess ill be taking it back the day i get it.
why do open world games have to be realistic?
open world games are suppose to be fun and crazy, let me do things i would not dare do in life.
thats what made just cause 2 and saints row 2 so much fun, because they did not take themselves too seriously.
thats what destroyed GTAIV, and it looks like mafia 2 will be another casualty to that ward.

14 years ago

I hate to rage on you but Mafia will NEVER be like any GTA. Sure it's open world but this is extremely story driven and very linear. Also it's about acting like a mobster, because real mobsters don't go out like idiots running random people over, the Devs do their best to pound that into the gamer's head. So after reading your comment I can tell that this is most certainly not the game for you (No offense).