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True Crime: Hong Kong Won’t Be Ready Until 2011

If you didn't know, a new True Crime was slated to arrive towards the end of the year.

But now it's not. As part of their second-quarter earnings report, Activision has announced that they plan to give the developer more time, thereby delaying the game until 2011. The official reason is to give the team "more time to deliver the high-quality entertainment experience they envision for the game," and provided it's true, we're down with that. We never like the idea of releasing games that aren't ready – 'cuz then we have to review that mess – and besides, the sheer amount of top-quality releases scheduled for this fall is typically insane. I wouldn't want to challenge certain titles like the new Call of Duty and Gran Turismo 5 , either. In the meantime, although it's certainly a little different, if you want a crime drama that could really grab you, consider getting Mafia II later this month. True Crime hasn't been around in a while but we have high hopes for the new iteration, which appears to be headed in the right direction.

You know, I could very easily have posted up a Tweet-like update and said, "hey, the new True Crime has been delayed until 2011." But damnit, we pride ourselves on writing real articles…even for the lesser stuff.

Related Game(s): True Crime: Hong Kong

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14 years ago

Dang. I was looking forward to this, but I guess its okay because I'm going to be spending a lot of money for PS3 stuff this holiday season.

14 years ago

I have the 1st two TC games, Streets of L.A(2003)., and TC:N.Y.C.(2005), in my original xbox collection.

But since there's been so many great PS2 games that came out, I never got the chance to play either of them.

Looks like I'm going to put them in my "to do list" now, but I've got plenty of time cause I'll just buy TC:Hong Kong used once it's super cheap, seeing how Anti-vision's involved.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/5/2010 10:06:38 PM

King James
King James
14 years ago

Sad booch 🙁

14 years ago

I am going to pick up Mafia II. It is Looking really good.
True Crime, I thought it already came out?

14 years ago

I'll have to see a lot more of what this game is offering before I contemplate getting it. I've been hacking away at my backlog of games and no True Crime will make me stop.

14 years ago

It be better if they just didn't announce a game until it was finalized. This way they can simply focus more on marketing and its release date. Thanks for writing the article rather than a tweet. *high five*

14 years ago

excuse the french but F*CK YOU ANTIVISION!!!!!!!
great, as if my most anticipated game for the year being delayed was not enough, now my second most anticipated game gets delayed too!
whats next? GT5?
this is why i hate this time of the year, theres no games coming out and were always flooded with game delays!
first crysis 2, than this whats next?
ill go out on a limb, and say hot pursuit 3, but god help you EA if thats not out this crissy all ill say is GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL!

14 years ago

Never played a true crime game, but as I understand it they're similar to GTA. Not really sure, I know very little about them.

I'll see how the reviews are when it comes out, regardless of when it comes out. Not really anticipating it since I've never played one and haven't heard much about them.

14 years ago

And the 2009-2010 trend continues in 2010-2011… games fleeing the former year into the latter.

14 years ago

Awesome, I loved the True Crime games on the PS2.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 8/6/2010 10:17:33 AM