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Brotherhood Beta Confirmed, Pre-Order To Grab A Slot

We knew the beta test for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood would be exclusive to the PlayStation 3, but now we have the full details.

Today, Ubisoft and Gamestop have announced the pre-launch multiplayer beta for the upcoming entry in the critically acclaimed series. Exclusively available on the PS3, the beta will be open to customers who pre-order the game at GameStop in North America. You might be surprised to learn that Brotherhood won Best Online Multiplayer Game of E3 2010 by Game Critics Awards; this beta will "serve as a final stress test for the online systems." However, there are a limited number of slots available in this play test, so as of August 9, it's basically a first-come, first-served situation. If you have already pre-ordered the game, take your receipt down to the store after the date above and claim your access code. It'll be your first chance to see the new AC and to sample the all new multiplayer mode; the latter has never before been included in the franchise. Of course, Ubisoft still promises that the single-player campaign will remain just as robust as ever…and it better.

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood will be ready to go on September 13, although the final product will be available on multiple platforms.

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14 years ago

Nothing for us in Europe then ?

Let us know fellow American gamers what it's like then 🙂

14 years ago

With the game coming September 13, this beta had better be REALLY polished or people are going to be pissed.

14 years ago

november you mean

14 years ago

I think what Ben means is that the beta will be starting on September 13th cause the game is listed as coming November 16th. The way Ben worded it might be a little confusing. That or maybe he was thinking about something else that is going to happen on the 13th and accidentally typed that instead. But either way, that close to the actual release, this beta had better be very good like you said.

14 years ago

Oh c'mon enough with Gamestop already 🙁

14 years ago

Good thing PS+ owners are getting in on the action……

14 years ago


14 years ago

Wonder if you can pre-order, take the receipt, get the beta, then cancel the pre-order, have fun with the beta, and buy it when it's cheaper…

14 years ago

you can, but after the "cancel the pre-order" your balls will be hurting like hell

14 years ago

you can always get the beta then cancel the next day. i did it a lot of times already. even got multiple beta keys.

14 years ago

even though i'm not into assassins creed, this better be a playstation plus feature too. i'm pretty disappointed with plus so far. only game i got was wipeout, already bought critter crunch. then they have a game trial for section 8 available to everyone which i thought game trials were a plus feature. its starting to loose it value. i know its only the second month but if this keeps up i wont be doing this again.

14 years ago

You are getting burned by the Sony Hype machine again! I am not saying it won't develop into a good service eventually, a little like HOME I guess.

Issue is, developers want to get games into players hands, they need money, they know Gamestop is the biggy in the industry, why should they restrict Betas to Plus users only, when they need to maximise sales, especially the block buster titles.

Maybe for the smaller titles Plus users think they are getting a good deal, they get a Beta of a game that has an I.P. which is not really well known, or new. Doing it this way at least gets people "into it" to some degree… if nothing else…

BUT, don't forget, for Sony studio exclusive games such Killzone3 (and GT5, Uncharted 3 etc), it is likely that Plus users will be privileged enough to get onto the Beta's before us mere mortals… it is the least Sony can do. I don't think they have much control over their multi-plat heads as they do with their exclusive studios.

So Plus users, in my opinion, will see more "privileged" content come through from Sony specifically rather than other studios…

However, it could be a numbers game too… and probably is. If Sony get half their user base to upgrade to Plus, their non-exclusive studio partners may be keen then to initial restrict "privileged" game content to Plus users for a few weeks before the rest of us get it… but the numbers in the end will tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth… so help us Sony!



14 years ago

sept 13 thats the beta right?
the games not out till november 18th.
i hope EB gets some beta codes in i really want to try this out.
or maybe this could be part of the beta service offered by PSN+

14 years ago

Keeping my on this one but it seems like they took the game in the exact opposite direction of what I wanted. Multiplayer, which I really do like, just not for AC. More hack&slash again, not really what I was thinking, and the same setting. I wanted it to maintain the idea of an incredibly robust campaign with enhanced stealth elements and all sorts of tricky new moves along with an exciting plot twist. Do we get that? Not really, no.

Mr Bubbles IGR
Mr Bubbles IGR
14 years ago

just preordered it…cant wait till the 13th!!!