Sometimes, it helps if people would simply do their research before spreading rumors. But then again, rumor-mongering is certainly a big draw on the Internet, so it's understandable.
There was a recent hullabaloo concerning some so-called evidence that Naughty Dog was looking for game developers with Xbox 360 experience. This of course sparked dozens of presumptuous forum posts and headlines across the web, all with the purpose of asking, "OMG, will Uncharted 3 be on the 360?!" Well, first of all, Naughty Dog has gone on record many times, saying the 360 simply isn't capable of handling the franchise and if they were to do it, Uncharted would "have to be a very different game." Secondly, the fact of the matter is that Naughty Dog is a second-party designer…there's a difference between that and third-party. This is why the developer's reply to this blow-up was as follows :
"Where is this rumor? Haven’t seen it. We’re also wholly-owned by SCEA since 2001, working on SCE consoles throughout our history."
This much we've known for a while. This much, most gamers should've known. They should also know that titles like Resistance and Ratchet & Clank can't go anywhere without Sony's say-so; hence, Insomniac won't suddenly bring both franchises to the 360 or other platforms, despite their recent announement of a multiplatform project. Simple stuff like this ought to be common knowledge…right?
It should, but as you say Ben, rumor-mongering creates a big firestorm on the internet. Most media outlets and fanboys alike realize that dropping even the smallest hint of such a possibility will bring in droves of hits.
It's about getting visits these days, for many, not really about reporting factual news. Rather unfortunate, but at least we can keep tabs on who these people are, and never frequent their sites again. There're plenty of better places to get your information from anyway.
Either that, or someone just made a snafu with mistaking Insomniac for Naughty Dog. It happens. I checked the ND site, and while they have quite a few job openings, not one description included anything with 360 experience. However, even if one did at some point, since Naughty Dog is wholly owned by Sony (which makes them first party if I'm not mistaken), it would just imply they were looking for any console development experience as a minimum requirement.
Speaking of Insomniac, there's an intro "musical" video on their career page worth checking out. It's pretty funny. Ted Price shows up in it, too. And it shows their new multistory, NC office which is huge! I mean, I know how real estate is relatively cheap over there, but damn. In the video they say their entire office space are is greater than some number of football fields put together. Good for them.
xbots need to stop dreaming that naughty dog is going multiplat becuse that quot is correct they have been owned since 2001 and uncharted would be a very diffferent experience on the 360.Naughty dog are pioneers of the video game industry even though i wish they would bring back jak and daxter for the ps3 and finish the series off instead of giving it to another studio.
You wonder why they don't just get a PS3 if the xboxers want these games so much? Its like they constantly need to prove to themselves that the 360 is better than the PS3 but never seem to truly hit the mark. Like they can never be content.
I have both and for me the only reason my 360 have value is because of its exclusive that will never go multiplat. Other than that, I have an unconditional love for my PS3. I'm content with my PS3.
Ben, I know all that, you know all that, some of our friends who comment here at PSXExtreme know all that. But, unfortunately there are a large number of people who ill believe any stupid sensational rumor that is reported on the Net. It's worse than the age of tabloid journalism. Tabloid journalism may have been sensationalist, and occasionally libel. But the Internet seems to have magnified that tendency to report first and ask questions later. And the sad, maddening thing is that people swallow the crap hook, line and sinker. It doesn't matter what field of reporting it is, people will believe any old crap. It doesn't even have to make sense a long as it is marginally plausible, or panders to the views of the majority believing it.
I occasionally reply to folks with the phrase Hyperbole is no substitute for thought. That has never been more true. I mean, I must have pointed out that Naughty Dog is owned by Sony more than two dozen times in the last year just here at PSX Extreme.
Once again, I shall say it.
Hyperbole is no substitute for thought – or research, or common sense, or paying attention to your peers.
I wish they owned them before 2001 so Crash would still be the great franchise it was.
Last edited by hellish_devil on 8/3/2010 9:49:48 PM
I guess it is odd that I never even heard the ridiculous multi=platform rumor.
Those who believe in this crap just never do their homework.
Funny, the xbots think PS3 exclusives are crap but if it's coming to the 360 then all of a sudden it's pant dropping news. Are the 360 news sites THAT desperate for hits these days? Those Kinect articles aren't getting any attention? I say stop writing garbage and buy yourself a PS3 already.
All of a sudden their halo reach isn't the macho of videogames, huh?
we all know if their console could play uncharted (on 5 discs that is), it would cause their xboxes to spontaneous combust. it's way too graphically superior to what they're used to.
Pant-dropping? Don't you mean "jaw-dropping"?
This rumor is laughable, like xbot humor-mongering. They're just trying to make us laugh after being so rude to us in the past.
Joke of the year!!!
Not surprised one bit. I can't believe the desperation of some of the 360 crowd.
You always want what you can't have.
I'm quite pleased I can't have Halo, and I'm very enthusiastic about not being able to have kinect 🙂
You know that I've always wanted a RRoD and scrached discs. 😉
And for those who may have forgot or is a new PS3 fan. Guerilla Games, Media Molecule, Incog (if they're still around) and Evolution Studios are also all wholly own by Sony. So, the Killzone series, LBP series, Motorstorm games and whatever Incog makes are all 100% exclusive as well. And yes please do the research on these devs should any ludicrous rumors sprout about.
You forgot about Polyphony, Bigbig, and Zipper. Also Incog made Warhawk and all the old Twisted Metals.
"hullabaloo" 😀 lol nice one Ben.
This makes me glad i do not frequent these rumor sites 🙂 Why would anyone need to go anywhere but here for news?
i wonder what destructoid though about this rumor?
A quick question: If Naughty Dog is wholly owned by SCEA, does that not make them first party devs?
Some people will believe anything. Do they not realise that the SCE logo on the box means that Sony published the game, which means that they own the rights to it. Sure, they may sell it off to a third-party but with how lucrative the Uncharted franchise is, do you really expect them to do so. It's like someone saying that Halo is going multiplatform. Not going to happen.
It's times like these that I legitimately feel like giving up on the masses.
You're right. They are first-party devs. Ben has it wrong.
Just because a publisher (in this case, SCEA) publishes a game does not necessarily mean they have the rights to the IP.
For instance, Microsoft published Mass Effect, but it never had the rights to the IP, which were always held by BioWare.
Likewise, SCEJ published Demon's Souls in Japan, Atlus published it in N.A., and Namco-Bandai published it in Europe. Sometimes publishing deals are just the rights to publish someone else's property.
SCEA do own both Naughty Dog and Uncharted, however.
Last edited by Fane1024 on 8/5/2010 6:26:44 PM
I wonder how much MS has paying their buffoons to "astroturf" those sites with all their unbelievable bullsh!t.
When you say "astroturf" it reminds me of that hag Nancy Pelosi when she said it. You just ruined my birthday! 😉
Going multi-plat would just decrease all aspects of this game, leave it well enough alone, either stay away or get the system for the game like everyone else does.
MyWorstNightmar, Well, H.B. to you!
(well, what's left to it, anyways).
Damn, I'm guessing then, you won't be wanting that pic of Nancy, I had especially autographed to ya.
Iffin' ya want, I'll go check and sss if Biden's still in his "publicity hound" mode, for a few of his wallet sized 100 by 85's.
Nancy who?and what you talking about i'm lost?
This kind of nonsense is, somewhat a kind of flattery.
Well, the rumor was that Naughty Dog is/was looking for developers with 360 experience. I didn't see Naughty Dog deny that, they just denied that they were going multiplat. Not sure why they would be looking for 360 experienced developers though.
In other words, this might be a true rumor, but for different reasons than we can imagine. I once heard a President claim "I did not have sexual relations with that woman", and we all know how that turned out.
Not trying to stir up trouble, but if Ben has given us everything Naughty Dog has said in response to this whole fiasco, then they haven't addressed the original rumor have they?
nah UC2 sold way too much from them to want to go multiplat. they know where their grass is green at.
cochise, I wasn't insinuating that they are going to secretly go multiplat. I take them at their word, they said they won't. But they never disputed that they tried, or are trying to hire 360 developers. That could be true, and the obvious assumption is because they want to go multiplat, but they say no, so I wonder why they were trying to hire them?
Basically, if they didn't address the original rumor, but just addressed the logical assumption people made regarding the original rumor, then I will assume the original rumor is true.
FOR EXAMPLE… National Enquirer says MyWorstNightmar is having sex with Kim Kardashian, and now Kim is pregnant. Now if I come out and say "that is false, Kim is NOT pregnant". I didn't address the first statement, leading you to believe it is true.
I should probably state for the record, I have not had sex with Kim Kardashian yet.
If ND did post such a job description asking for 360 experience, it is only because they were asking for any console development as a minimum requirement, because ND is wholly-owned by Sony. After Jan'01, they were acquired by Sony, which means they are first party. Which means the only way they would go multiplatform, is if Sony decided to go multiplatform (which is impossible, ofcourse), or if the good staff at ND left their jobs and started a new company, kind of like the Activision/Infinity Ward/Respawn fiasco (which is also kinda an impossiblity as Sony actually appreciates their own talent).
So the rumor is either misinterpretation of said facts, blatant xbot propaganda, or an innocent snafu confusing ND for Insomniac.
Last edited by Shams on 8/4/2010 3:55:50 PM
It is I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E for ND to go multiplat. Unless Sony decides to start making games for Microsoft systems…and I don't think Sony's that generous.
Oh hey Tao you're back! 😀 Haven't seen you around in a while.
Last edited by WolfCrimson on 8/4/2010 4:36:56 PM
How's it going good guy? I've been pretty busy the past few weeks. Did you get Continuum Shift yet? It's extremely awesome, meow! 🙂
I like the way that yout wrote yet after your statement about having sex with Kim Kardashian. Gave me something to laugh about today.
I'm getting it soon, don't worry 😉 Can't wait to play it.
Just a thought about why they might want someone with experience on the 360:
Maybe, in addition to their own games, they're porting something FROM 360 to PS3 (e.g., an XBLA game) and want one of their people to know the ins and outs of the 360 to make the process easier.
lol, wait sum1 started this rumor?
yea SONY Owns ND along with Guerrilla and media molecule.
u want, killzone, uncharted or LBP2?
BUY A PS3 B1tches!
No way!
They have to find something exciting to discuss, even if they have to make it up.
Silly xbots. Uncharted is for gamers.
I completly agree. Xbots will do anything to make it appear tht their sys is better than than the ps3. Just how desperate r they?
X-Box can go Fuck Themselves. 😀
My eyes are stinging from just having read that.
Too many asterisks?
Just a small point, and one that probably has no bearing on Naughty Dog's future exclusivity. However, Sony does make games for PCs. Sony is bigger and goes beyond PlayStation games. So it's not beyond the real of possibility that Sony could develop a game for multiple platforms – including the Xbox.
I'm not saying they would, but please understand, Sony has business other than PlayStation. Sony Computer Entertainment includes the PlayStation division, but also PC games and online games.