We all have them. The game(s) that will always have a permanent spot in our minds; those that hold no secrets from us. We know ever last tiny detail about it and nothing surprises us…and we love that.
I think it'd be interesting to see the titles that various gamers have absolutely mastered over the years. Just bear in mind that I'm not necessarily talking about the games you play over and over; I'm talking about the games that, regardless of the question, you can answer it. It could be the most obscure tidbit on the planet, and yet, you know all about it. When you think about it like that, there aren't many games that can occupy a slot on the list, now is there? For me, I always like to think it's one of the Final Fantasy titles, like FFVII, VIII, IX, and X, but in retrospect, I don't know everything there is to know, even if I did almost everything there is to do. I'm sure I might be stumped on a really, really random and obscure question, even if I know the exact process for getting a Gold Chocobo.
That being said, there are at least two games that qualify: Final Fantasy Tactics , my favorite game of all time, and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night , which is most certainly in my top 5. My brother is currently playing through the latter and I just recently pointed out the secret rooms that hold things like the Holy Sword and Sword Card, and how you have to fly through the cave as a bat to open the cave with the Jewel Sword, and the Ring of Varda and Crissaegrim… Things few would ever know without checking a FAQ or a map. Then there's FFT; yeah, did you know that only Lv. 98+ Ninjas will ever throw the Chirijiraden in the Deep Dungeon? Or how to get Cloud and open Nelveska Temple? Or how to strip Elmdor bare of all the Genji stuff?
After a good 12 or 13 years of playing both on a relatively frequent basis, I don't think either holds any remaining unknown secrets for me. But what about you? What games do you know everything about?
Drakan the Ancient Gates on the PS2. I think I've played through it 6 or 7 times at least; there's not a lot left that I haven't done several times. Never specialized in archery though.
Dead Space and Need for Speed Shift are the two games I've platinumed on the PS3, I guess I'm fairly knowledgeable about both of them.
Legend of Legaia, Street Fighter II and Gran Turismo 4 for me.
Metal Gear Solid =]
Xenosaga 1, Xenosaga 2 and Xenosaga 3,
Burnout Paradise (I was one of the first Elite, and was recognized as a 'go to' person by Criterion themselves.)
R&C – I've played all of the PS2/PS3 games multiple times (except I still have to complete ACIT and platinum it).
I used to know Doom1 and Doom2 levels so well I could almost run them blindfold.
GT3 and GT4 were games I knew very well, but I was never sure about my tuning abilities. I mean I thought I did a good job. But there's a lot of difference between thought and reality sometimes.
Uncharted 1 & 2 – I have played both through 4 or more times and regularly have fun in multi-player.
Of all the games Burnout Paradise was probably the one I knew best. I was one of the first to 101%, and on the Criterion user forum I was one of half a dozen players that criterion recognized and labeled as community leaders who could offer advice about the ins and outs of the game, and who could help new players though the online challenges. As good as that game was, you can't play it forever though…
There is no doubt in my mind that you know everything about the xenosaga games.
Sadly they added all the trophies for burnout paradise after I had beaten the game and I don't know that I want to delete my save data and start over just for the trophies.
Last edited by kraygen on 8/2/2010 6:48:38 PM
Criterion originally wanted to make the trophies retroactive, but either Sony said nope, or it wasn't practical. I ended up beating the game a second time on a separate game save before restoring my original 101% Elite one.
jak II and Spyro: Gateway to Glimmer, back in the day.
Diablo 2 !!! lol know every items and tech aspect of this game XD can't wait for the third one.
Demon's Souls also 😀 Finished that game at least 10 times with different builds and classes and figured the location of every hidden things and all the tricks to kill any boss or monster. I really hope they will make a new one 🙁 even if they said no XD
God of war 1 and 2 also. Replayed the collection on ps3 twice each 😀
Secret of Mana (SNES). Played it a ton and could probably beat it in my sleep.
yeah I also have to add duck quack, does anyone remember it???? I played it over million times
Happy birthday Ben!
As much as I hate to say it, my game would be World of Warcraft. I've played it for years, been to every location multiple times and done the same quests ad infinitum. I cringe, for example, when I realize that my knowledge of Azerothian geography is better than my knowledge of real life geography.
Lol, that's awesome.
Must've enjoyed our Mia Rose interview, then. 😉
I use to play Sonic and Knuckles ALL the time, I never messed up on any of the big ring levels and ALWAYS got Super Sonic easily because I LOVED the Doomsday level if you get all the emeralds. I think my mom used to play it more than I did, actually, lol. She would get all of the emeralds but would always avoid one because she HATED the doomsday level, lol. Sometimes she would accidentally get all of them and hate herself for it because she hated that particular level :p Oh, and she would write down her final score after beating it every time. I think she filled a notebook and a half with scores, and she would date each one, lol. Gotta love my mom =D No wonder I'm a gamer xD
Wow, your mom sounds cool. In a nerdy way. Which is cool.
Yes, she is. Now she spends her time gaming away on her Gameboy Color and doing 1000 and 1500 piece jigsaw puzzles. Games of choice? Pokemon Puzzle Challenge, the Mario Land games, the first two Kirby games for the GB, and sometimes Conker for the GB. I've wanted so bad to buy a Sega Nomad for her, but the one I seen was pretty expensive… If I had the money for it, I'd buy her that and get her to play her Sonic and Knuckles game again, lol. I could just imagine Sonic 3 on top of the S&K game in the Nomad, I would play that sucker in public everywhere I go… at least in good parts of neighborhoods, anyway, lol.
I'd have to say Damnation.
There was something about it that i really liked.
Oh, and Resident Evil 2.
Kingdom hearts 1 and 2
I'm getting there with Heavy Rain this generation. Platinum'd it long ago, and still keep playin 🙂
Lets see:
Killzone 2
Reststance 1
Resistance 2
Ace Combat 04
Kingdom of Hearts 1
GT 3
GT 4
Fallout 3- 200+ hours
Star Wars Battlefront 1
Star Wars Battlefront 2
Uncharted 2
I know alot of people love this game, but few actually know every single detail about it.
My game is Final Fantasy VII. And it's sad what kind of things I know down to the very science of the Jenova project and how it manipulates the body. Now when I say Final Fantasy VII, I mean the entire collection. Every fact and every piece of story.
For example, few people know what the FFVII characters do in Advent Children in remembrance of Aerith. Even though it's staring you in the face.
EDIT: Interesting fact… I share a birthday with Cloud Strife, too!
Last edited by Underdog15 on 8/2/2010 8:52:23 PM
Oh yeah. The remembrance of Aerith is the red ribbon they all wear. Watch some clips from Advent Children. They all wear a red ribbon in remembrance of Aerith.
Oh, also the Mega Man X series.
Back when I was a real gamer as a young buck, all the spyro and crash bandicoot games(although i remember i think it was crash bandicoot 2 and there was this dayum purple gem floating in one of the first ice levels with the penguins walking about, that I could not reach, but i was pretty young at the time and nao internets back then but it frustrated me soo much)
Jak and dexter games and the first few ratchet n clank games then kingdom heats 1 and 2 i suppose
Id also like to say FFVII, but cant, ive finished it to the last but not a huge knowledge on it compared to some people.
Oh yea, ape escape! A game of legends.
And this is one reason I dislike WoW, it CANNOT be finished, expansion after expansion, i hate anything that doesn't end, everything HAS TO END, same goes for t.v shows, anime and everything, keep it fresh! ALL GOOD THINGS MUST COME TO AN END 😀 otherwise its not very good 😛
Ill add pokemon yellow to this 🙂
Check out some JDrama shos, they usually last about 13 episodes and follow a very strong story. Samurai High School and Nobuta wo Produce are a few good ones. You can search it up in google and find it fan translated just like Anime. :p
Yea man, cheers, ill do that
I can't say I know every single detail of FFVIII, but I don't think many people realize that Ultimecia is actually Rinoa from the future, just from an alternate time line where she started spazzing out while they were in space, she just didn't come out of it. I think that's where things went wrong, but not sure… Dissidia actually kind of shined a light on that Ultimecia was Rinoa…
I don't think that too many realize that Squall's father is Laguna, Rinoa's mother was Julia. Laguna and Julia, after never seeing each other again, had their own separate children (Rinoa and Squall) and, in turn, actually end up together in a strange twist of fate…. makes me want to play it again, lol.
Last edited by DeathOfChaos on 8/3/2010 1:09:13 AM
Better draw the line here though. That made it sound like Julia is Squall's mom… which isn't true. If it were, then Rinoa and Squall would be half-siblings… EWWWWW!!!! lol
Raine is Squall's mother, Laguna's second love. Raine and Laguna adopted Elone after her parents were killed. Squall was born when Laguna left to find Elone, who he considered a daughter. Raine died after birthing Squall. Squall was sent to an orphanage. Elone ended up there with Squall. He called her 'sis' for good reason in the flashbacks. She truly is his sister.
Last edited by Underdog15 on 8/3/2010 8:54:59 AM
*SPOILER ALERT* (although a very difficult detail to pick up on.)
Oh, and the Ultimecia is Rinoa thing breaks my heart every time.
Last edited by Underdog15 on 8/3/2010 10:11:30 AM
Actually, after researching a bit, I'm not sure I buy the whole Rinoa is Ultimecia theory. I think it's not far off, but likely much more complex than that.
Well, Julia and Laguna never had children together, they never got to from what I remember.
On the Rinoa being Ultimecia; play Dissidia and beat Squall's story. When Ultimecia dies, she says something that gives it away… I forget what it was she said/did, but it gives away that she is Rinoa. Just confirms it more.
I went back over the script. Nothing gives it away by any means… I think it's a stretch.
There's gotta be a FFVIII guru in here. So I'm trying to get Squall's Lionheart and also Doomtrain GF. This may sound simple, but is DRAW the same as STEAL?
I don't have a STEAL ability for any of my characters and I don't know how to get it.
I know there's MUG, but I think I read that it's not the same as STEAL.
Anyway, I'm having a hard time obtaining the items I need to build my stuff.
Card Mod is a great way to get most of your items. Other than that, you'll be hard-pressed to get some items until after a certain point in the game (don't want to spoil it for you). You'll know when new enemies are on the world map.
For Doomtrain, you need a ring (curse ring I think?) available in Esthar. Then you need 6 steel pipes, 6 remedie+'s (note: "Remedy+" not Remedy), and 6 marlboro tenticles. You figure that out by reading those Occult magazines. They give you the clues to how to get doomtrain. That's how I figured it out. 4 magazines… one about the ring, the other 3 about the ingredients. (remember steel pipes in the field and the picture of the wendigo? Guess who you mug the steel pipes from!)
Use Alexander's med lvlup ability to get remedy+, and you can either steal marlboro tenticles from marlboro's or card mod marlboro cards.
Thanks Underdog, but why do I read about "stealing" items?
I've just accepted the mission to go to Lunatic Pandora from Laguna. I can tell I am pretty far.
there is no base "steal" ability. Mug is the only skill that steals items. If you read about stealing something, it means mug. When you successfully mug, you'll get a message that says "Stole such-and-such".
And if you're where you are now, then you'll be able to fight lots of new monsters very soon.
To get items for most things, Card Mod and other card abilities will get you VERY far in this game. It's definitely one mini-game that will heavily affect your strength later on!
Last edited by Underdog15 on 8/3/2010 10:14:17 AM
Thank you Underdog, that helps.
Yeah, the refining abilities help a lot and I do have the Card Mod.
I have Squall's speed attribute junctioned with 100 hastes. Plus, I have 40% speed boost from Cerebus GF. Squall is extremely fast now, and I'd like to have a real powerful sword (Lionheart) so I can relentlessly lay down the attacks, ninja-style.
How fast is he when you cast haste on him? lol
I know a lot about
World of Warcraft
Diablo 1
Runescape (I hate it now)
Yes, they r all MMO!
Nice! Which is your favorite, and why?
My fav is prob WOW just bec its d best MMO ever. The art direction and graphics are stunningly beautiful. Lol, I'm starting to play Wizard101 but it boring.
Really? hmm.. interesting. That one is probably my least favorite… even after RuneScape. I found WoW way too easy. Just didn't grab me.