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PSXE Poll Update: Most Approve Of Cole’s Overhaul

Sucker Punch certainly responded to fan criticism, didn't they? The question is, have they delivered what those fans desire?

Actually, although we haven't seen the re-revamped Cole just yet, a great many of you seem plenty satisfied with the move. However, as the majority complained bitterly about both the new look and voice, most readers still want the developers to simply keep the old Cole. Really, what was wrong with him? We know Sucker Punch has been taking cues form Naughty Dog and some will say there's a whole lot of Nathan Drake in the new Cole. Perhaps it doesn't matter, though, because Sucker Punch has responded to the backlash, and we're all eagerly awaiting the new unveiling. Besides, we'd much rather focus on the very likely fact that inFamous 2 is going to absolutely rule ; that gameplay trailer is still one of the best examples of next-gen bad-ass-ness we've seen, and next year can't come 'round fast enough.

This week, we'd really like to know how far the Activision hate stretches. The media hasn't exactly been kind to the publisher over the past year or so but then again, Bobby Kotick and Co. have brought a lot of it upon themselves. And as a result, many gamers really don't want anything to do with Activision Blizzard…despite the fact that Call of Duty: Black Ops will sell a gajillion copies. But have you lost enough respect for the publisher so that it actually impacts your game purchases…?

Related Game(s): inFamous 2

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14 years ago

I'll buy Activision's games if they are fun, but they havent had a good record for fun games recently. I think the last Activision game i really enjoyed was MW1.

14 years ago

WaW was decent too, although the only reason I kept playing was Nazi Zombies.

14 years ago

I don't care as long as a get a decent Guitar Hero once in a while.

14 years ago

0 Activision games in my collection

They make games I'm not interested in at all. They're the complete opposite of what made v-games great in the 1990s/early 2000s

Sadly they're what Squeeeeenix and other Japanese companies want to be like now.

Would be awesome if they just became part of Microsoft's team or something. Wouldn't have to deal with their crap on the Playstation side of things.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Transformers: War for Cybertron was a lot of fun.

14 years ago

Not a Transformers fan at all

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I'm sorry to hear that. 🙁

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago


14 years ago

I am pretty sure some wives would object

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

No way. Wives love having other lips to kiss. 😉

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

No all-CAPS posts, please.

14 years ago

why cant we have a woman and a PS3? … dummy.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Speak for yourself, WorldEndsWithMe. Four PS3's and four women for everybody! /me rocks on

14 years ago

Shame there wasn't a spot on the poll that said,

"Only buying their games used, in order boycott Anti-vision"

14 years ago

@ Imwatchingyou,

And my girlfriend, the only thing you need to be watching is your comments.

Honestly though, I had adjusted to Cole's new look for the most part, and the fact that people complained so much the SP had to change the look? Must everyone be so picky? I mean, I understand the fans accepted Cole's first get up and liked it a bunch, I usually use the Cole Skin on Uncharted 2's MP. But really people, B!tch, moan, and complain until they get their way, pretty lame. Look what happened to the weighted controls that were in KZ2! That is what made KZ2 stand out for other shooters, and the unparalleled graphics.

Last edited by BeezleDrop on 8/1/2010 10:33:30 PM

14 years ago

Everyone was complaining about Cole's original new look because no one wants to play through a game looking like a douche. There are plenty of douches in the real world and we don't want them in our games.

As for the Killzone 3 control comment:

14 years ago

No respect for activision. they now ruined another franchise, Starcraft, by just giving us the Terran campaign, and giving us the other two campaigns later by expansions, which means more money for them. Also, the version that has LAN included costs more, I mean, WTF?? AND they didn't charge the usual 49.99 price, but 59.99. So, you charge us more for just 1/3 of the game??

I can't really understand why Blizzard went to do a partnership with Activision. They were doing well on their own.

Last edited by hellish_devil on 8/1/2010 10:34:12 PM

14 years ago

You wish they're going to add the other two as "expansions." They're releasing two more full priced "games." Say goodbye to $180 if you're fool enough to buy all those games.

14 years ago

Sounds like Blizzard sold out.

14 years ago

For me to purchase an activision game, it will have to be top notch, above the rest, in every aspect. I've been very careful with what games I've bought due to the expense of it all and so far in the last 2 years I think I've bought 1 activision game.

I'm not going to say that it's a total boycott on my part, but unless they start selling some quality games, I'll pass.

14 years ago

I will buy any activision game if it is good, but I'll be careful to make sure they don't see my money. Screw em… and I think once black ops disappoints, that franchise is in trouble. Kotick must die.

14 years ago

Labels don't matter to me. The game has to be fun, well made, and inexpensive.

14 years ago

There aren't any Activision games coming out that I'm interested in, so I guess that answers that question.

14 years ago

Happy Birthday Ben, happy birthday again…lol

14 years ago

That's funny…. MY birthday is August 1st! Cool!

Last edited by Kowhoho on 8/2/2010 12:18:52 AM

14 years ago

Star craft 2 aint bad at all

14 years ago

I am going to vote with my dollar. No activision games unless they somehow atone for their past transgressions. If Kotick has somehow been misconstrued and the company is not really as bad as everything they've been chalked up to be, then someone better educate us and I will forgive what they've done. I want what's best for everybody and I'd hate for all this Acti-loathing to be somehow unfounded.
For now, Call of Duty is off my wishlist.

14 years ago

I approved of Cole's re-overhaul because I would hope it would be hard to screw up Cole's look even further.

I feel sorry for the developers owned by activision. I mean, who wants to work under a tyrant? You can provide your own example(s), there are plenty to choose from.

I'll buy an activision game if it's good… through Gamefly. 😉

Last edited by Kangasfwa on 8/2/2010 1:38:31 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Yeah, no. Activision seems to be equivalent to mediocrity. I didn't like W@W at all, and that turned me off CoD, about eight iterations in the Hero franchises in three years turned me off of them, and Prototype, while interesting when I first heard about it was reviewed poorly when contrasted against inFamous. I could go on, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm not interested in buying an Activision game at all.

On the other hand I may be a hypocrite as I'm tempted to pick up Diablo 3 when it releases. I'll need to get a new computer first though.

14 years ago

I won't stop myself from buying any games from a company I don't see eye to eye with if it's good. Activision is going out of it's way to isolate PS3 owners and inflate DLC prices I'm aware not to mention all the other shitty things they do. That said if the game is a sure fire 10 out of 10 (or even 8 or 9 out of 10) why punish a developer that worked hard because Activision published it?

14 years ago

im glad they have changed cole back, now all they need to do is remove the ice powers and ill be happy!
cole is suppose to be raiden, not sub zero!

14 years ago

A wee bit off topic but in my design class last week I was laughed at for associating the colour blue with electricity. Maybe it was more the fact I used Cole's power as an example. Regardless nobody else thought of blue.

14 years ago

I associate it with yellow, maybe because of pikachu

14 years ago

Hate 'em, won't buy their games. Luckily they don't make anything that I'm remotely interested in. I watched some gameplay video of MW2 online yesterday and it's the absolute antithesis of what I enjoy in games – running around like a chicken with its head cut off, shooting everyone within a tenth of a second of them coming into view. Then you're in a helicopter shooting at squares. No thank you.

14 years ago

I'm happy about Cole's overhaul, but I wish they could go back to the original voice actor…every time I watch the E3 trailer on my PS3, and I see the ending where he goes "there's always something", my ears just wince, like nails on chalkboard kjnd of wince 🙁

However, when he's speaking normally, he sounds good, but when the action's going, and he's gotta sound louder and engaged…ow…

14 years ago

I'm glad they changed Cole's looks back.

but I'm miffed that he didn't give me those 3 boxes of Girls Scout cookies I preordered from him, before he changed back to Mr. Machismo.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/2/2010 1:18:01 PM

14 years ago

I don't know about the changes in Cole. It reminds of a big mistake made in a certain series that some of you may remember. . . .DEVIL MAY CRY!! the second one pissed me off!! that was not Dante, dammit!!! luckily they came to there senses and brought back the wise cracking, i don't give a s*** demon hunter i enjoyed so much from the first game. i think that in any character there needs to be consistency. you can't have a dark, doesn't say much, i will kill you with a toothpick cause i'm a bad ass in one game, and then in the next one he's a f***ing comedian. come on. as far as the looks go. . . .nathan drake. way to drop the ball on that one.

14 years ago

inFamous 2 is definitely a pre order for me!