Dragon Age: Origins is a lengthy, satisfying role-playing experience even without all these expansions. …not that we're complaining.
Following hot on the heels of the latest piece of downloadable content – "Leliana's Song" – for the award-winning RPG, Bioware has gone and announced the next DLC pack: it will be known as Golems of Amgarrak , where "players are invited to venture deep underground as they search for a missing dwarven expedition that sought the ancient secrets of creating monstrous constructs." The bonus content will include all-new locales and environments, new characters, and new enemies, so it should once again rekindle your love of great exploration and combat. Golems of Amgarrak doesn't have a release date just yet, but it'll be available for $5 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC versions of the game. Also, let's not forget that Dragon Age II is slated to drop in March of next year so one could really stick to this particular universe for quite some time. All this DLC does take some time to complete, right?
We'll bring you the full details on the latest Origins expansion when they become available.
Related Game(s): Dragon Age: Origins
I loved Dragons Age Origins but for some reason, unknown even to myself, I just don't feel like I want to purchase any of the expansion packs. It just seems like there's always some other game released that takes my attention away from what are probably really great value expansions.
Maybe I need to go back and play through the game again to get me in that Dragons Age frame of mind. One of my favourite all time games and I am interested in the sequel next year.
I also get distracted by all the new games coming out but it's always good to go back and play some of your favorites. I plan on re-visiting UC2, GTAIV & HR soon. As far as the Dragon Age DLC I never got the game but if there is a sequel next year I will certainly look into it.
I would advise at least getting the $5 Darkspawn chronicles, it's pretty fun, and you get a new(and very powerful) weapon to boot.
Surely they could have picked a better name than Golems of Anorak? I mean, really!
**That's especially for my UK friends out there.**
Do Golums even need Anoraks?
Rather, does Anorak need Golems?
Last edited by Fane1024 on 7/29/2010 4:58:57 PM
So, they'll be doing a GOTY edition of this game with all the pieces of DLC, right? Oh gods, I hope so. I'm inclined to wait for something along those lines, even though I was sore tempted to get it for fifty last weekend. Either way: Only possible on Blu-ray.
I was waiting for the GOTY edition as well, but at this rate, I don't see it happening.
If they do release one, it'll probably be $100, given the combined price of all the DLC.
I almost bought it at release for $40 Canadian (minus my 20% discount); I now wish I had.
Last edited by Fane1024 on 7/29/2010 5:01:41 PM
Hopefully the new pack will have trophies so maybe it will jar my platinum loose from my other playstation. I heard that works on the 3.40 trophy bug. I don't have any trophies left to unlock, so I couldn't try it.
I feel I should bang my head against the wall for buying the NA version when I can't access it D: Dammit!
Funny I just started a new quest last night since my old save didn't make it. I decided to be a heartless little Dalish woman, even slaughtered that dying soldier in the first quest, lol.
I don't want to buy all these DLCs though, so I hope there's a GOTY edition. I do want to get Awakenings at some point.
Accept for the final battle in the main game, I accually kind of liked awakening better. You get to be the warden commander, and you go around enlisting wardens.
I have a lotta love for this game and it's universe, but I really wish awakening was not so expensive.
As much as I love the game, I may wait to purchase the second one until they are done working on it so that I know how much it will really cost me.
I know, I can get a whole game for that price, I thought it would fall more by now.
I wonder how DAII will work, there can only be so many voice options for your character since they are going to speak this time and they might not fit well.
I don't like how your character responds to the player in the first one, it's too weird to address the player.
It might work how the Mass Effect games work out, where you can only one character (Cmdr. Sheppard in the ME games) and all you can is the sex, first name, physical appearance, class and intro stats unlike the current DA:O game where you can choose between multiple characters.
why cant more games be like this?
i would kill for a uncharted 2 expansion pack, or even a GOW3 one!
i really want to play that level they showed off at E3 2008, the first time they showed the game and had you controlling a titan.
thats one thing GOW3 needs more of, the game is all about titans but you only really fight one!
I'd like more DLC that lets me use the warden I made in DA:O. It's sounding like this one doesn't. The last two ("Leliana's Song" and "The Darkspawn Chronicles") don't so I'd like a chance to have my guy jump back into the fray. Still, I'll probably end up getting it just because I do love the world BioWare created.