Old-school role-playing fans are probably quite familiar with the Tales franchise; they might've played and enjoyed the ol' Tales of Destiny , which was one of the very first RPGs on the original PlayStation.
Since then, the series has branched out to feature many different titles on multiple platforms. Sadly for PS3 and PSP owners, though, many of the more recent efforts have been headed in Nintendo's direction, with the recently announced Tales of Graces being exclusive to the Wii. …oh wait, no it isn't. According to a brief NeoGAF summary of a Jump magazine update, Tales of Graces will also be released for the PS3 later this year in Japan. On top of which, another Tales iteration will be coming exclusively to the PS3, and Radiant Mythology is set for the PSP in 2011. We don't have a North American release date for the Wii version of Tales of Graces but perhaps the PS3 version has a chance…who knows? We kept waiting and waiting for Namco to deliver Tales of Vesperia to US shores, but it never happened. Kinda disappointing, as we heard it was darn good. But even so, this new Tales love for Sony's machine is likely to be much appreciated by JRPG lovers.
We've had some great RPGs on the PS3 this generation, but there has yet to be a Tales title in the US. Maybe that'll change at some point.
I was just playing Tales of Vesperia on my Xbox. I hope we get some Tales games on the PS3. They are my favorite!
Same here. Vesperia was the only reason I got an 360.
Yes please!!!!
Do it namco! Please don't just release the wii version but not the ps3 one in north america. I really want to play it in hd:)
Yes releasing these games in Japan and not in the U.S. is REALLY getting old. Which is really strange because within Namco BAndai's company mission they state that 'localization' is a strong priority. Hasn't really felt like they've been following through with it.
Maybe its just now starting to change.
I can't see the point of localizing a game on one platform and not taking those assets and localizing for other platforms. They release Tales of Vesperia in the US on 360, they have a PS3 version in Japan, why in heavens name don't they at least marry the 360's localization assets to the PS3 version and sell the thing on PSN?
I'm all for it.
Im game, i havnt played a tales since.. gamecube? haha
I'd heard rumors to this effect a couple of weeks back, it's nice to see it being reported as real news now.
Wouldn't it be be nice if these sold well enough on PS3 to justify Namco going back and bringing Vesperia to the PS3 as well?
Why haven't they? the game is already localized. Couldn't they just port the Xbox code?
They don't need to. There is a PS3 version of Vesperia, all they have to do is move the localized assets from the 360 version.
That's not possible, there's double the voice acting in the PS3 version because they added bonus content in the PS3 version, including a new character, additional voicing of dialogue, and dungeons. Plus, it's possible PS3 Vesperia might come to NA and EU stores because "In April 2010, Troy Baker the English voice actor for Yuri confirmed that he had done additional voice acting work for the PlayStation 3 version of the game when he was asked about the game by a fan during a Q&A session at Sakura-Con 2010." Source: Wikipedia
Last edited by WolfCrimson on 7/28/2010 2:36:18 PM
There would be some localization to do as the ps3 version apparently has a decent amount of new content over the 360 version.
Edit: Yeah what Wolf said.
I gave up on the ps3 version a couple weeks back though and have been playing it on 360. Easily one of my favorite games this gen. If they ever do decide to bring the ps3 version over I will not hesitate to pick it up again.
Last edited by piratedrunk on 7/28/2010 2:41:41 PM
Yeah, I know about the new content. To be honest, as has been the case with other game localizations I wouldn't mind no voice acting for some potions as long as there are English subtitles to cover the gaps. Either way, just bring us the game already.
I agree Highlander I would gladly settle for a text-only translation.
Patience, grasshoppers. 🙂
Last edited by WolfCrimson on 7/28/2010 2:48:58 PM
Is the an action rpg?
Yeah. You typically have random encounters in this series which fades to a battle scene, but the fighting is live. It's a little bit similar to Star Ocean in that regard, although battles don't typically start by touching an enemy on the field.
Tales of Destiny 2 on PS1 (same game called Tales of Eternia on PSP) is one of my favorite RPG's of all time.
then heck!! i'm picking those games up…i love action rpg's i hope the story is cool
I will never understand for the life of me why these Jap RPG devs got in bed with MS. all its don't is hurt their business and alienate Sony fans who actually play JRPG's.
Well, if you're developing a JRPG for Xbox360 gamers, it's a cinch that it won't be a turn based game. Then when you do bother to port to the PS3 and pay attention to your home audience, the PS3 version is a bit better, but still not turn based, and sells poorly. Double whammy. destroy the genre, destroy the market. Well done guys.
The exception to that being the brilliant Lost Odyssey. Turn-based awesomeness which of course being 360 exclusive didn't sell half the copies it deserved.
TheHighlander…your comment is so off-base that I don't even know where to begin. But I'll try.
First of all, the Tales series has been around for a long time now, far longer than MS has even been in the console business, and it has *never* been turn-based. I like turn-based games as much as you do but trying to attribute the fact that Tales of Vesperia is an action RPG to MS is batshit insane.
Second of all, the PS3 version of Tales of Vesperia did not sell poorly at all. In fact, it beat the total sales of the 360 version (which had been out for about a year) in its first week. So why didn't they bring it over to the states? Probably because Tales games in general don't sell very well here and they didn't think it was worth the effort. Vesperia didn't do very well at all on the 360 in the US and the install base of 360s is massively larger here than in Japan.
Yeah Highlander, i could be wrong but you seemed to be associating real time rpgs with westernization; i noticed this over ur disappointment with the new ar tonelico. I seriously don't believe the west has anything to do with the battle system change since there was doubt that it would be localized in the first place. i like turn based to,but real time, and hybrids, are both important to the genre. The combat might be somewat simplerthan turn based, but its by no means as a way to cater towards twitch gamers
@Kevadu, I take your point, but I have to counter by pointing out that I was not commenting specifically about Tales of Vesperia, although that was the game being discussed elsewhere in the thread.
I stand by what I said. This generation has seen the near death of turn based JRPG gaming. Perhaps it's coincidental that this generation also saw Microsoft buying timed or total exclusivity of several key JRPG properties early on. Perhaps it's coincidence that the games developed feature battle systems more attuned to twitch gamers, and perhaps it's just a coincidence that Xbox360 gamers are – purely in general terms – more likely to be classified as 'twitch' gamers than any other console market. I don't believe in all that coincidence.
As for the PS3 version of the game selling better than the 360 version, well yes, that's kind of to be expected, as you pointed out the install bases alone suggest that.
JRPGs on handhelds remain turn based, these sell spectacularly well in Japan. JRPGs on 360 and PS3 which have the majority of their market in the west have largely ignored turn based in favor of action based. I do indeed associate real time rpgs with westernization. turn based combat and real-time action combat cater to different skill sets and gamer types. turn based is insanely slow for an action game fan. So if you want to break into that audience you won't have a turn based system. That audience is largely western, ergo westernization of JRPGs beings real-time battle systems and kills turn based.
One need look no further than the comments of Wada at SE to understand this.
To be honest both yourself and Kevadu seem to want to ignore the impact of westernization on traditional JRPGs, and Kevadu at least seems to want to ignore the significant part that Microsoft has played in that by distorting the market with their exclusivity contracts and slush funds.
When the history of this gaming generation is written, Microsoft will not look like the good guys.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 7/29/2010 12:18:45 AM
Yeah we keep getting news on this and it's all fine and dandy, but unless they announce a U.S. release date for any of these titles it's pretty much worthless. I'm all for a new Tales of game, but it seems like we are holding out on a game that not many people have played the prior ones. Namco/Bandai better wake up soon.
Yeah, I see them not releasing it in the US
Japan thinks there are no jrpg fans in the US anymore
Agreed, but as you can see looking at some replies to posts of mine earlier in this comments section, too many people appear willing to give them a 'pass' on this.
Awesome! tales of Graces looks really fun, now the PS3 gets to enjoy it… nice!
The battles in the Tales series always turned me off because they would come strong with a cool story and then it's just run forward, throw up an attack, run back. Like a poor fighting game engine. But I'm all for bringing every single JRPG possible to the PS3 here in the good ol US of A.
ACHTUNG HIGHLANDER!!! Dude I'm considering a Trinity Universe purchase, I think you said you had it. From one JRPG fan to another, what are your personal thoughts? (Yes I read the PSXE review)
I know what you mean about the battles in Tales games but they have evolved a fair bit since the days of attack and run.
Vesperia for example does a pretty good job of rewarding pressure on the enemy, blocking, and effective combinations. The better grade you get in battles the more stuff you can unlock for your next playthrough. Definitely worth another shot if you haven't played the series in a while.
LOL! Well, I don't have it yet. I too am considering it's purchase. I got Cross edge, which is OK, but I'd really have to be in the mood to finish it. I was trying to figure our whether Trinity Universe brings enough 'new' to the table to merit a purchase, or if it's simply a retread of the ideas in Cross Edge.
I'm also trying to decide on a purchase of Record of Agarest War. I should probably have bought both of them by now, even if I only blow 20 hours a piece in each that's still well worth my entertainment dollar.
I have never played any of these games and honestly I had seen an add for tales of vesperia and 1 other tales of game, but never realized there was a series of these games.
So is this a series that the originals have been ported to psp or do I need to try finding some ps1 games? I love me some jrpgs and now I have 1 more franchise I need to play through apparently.
A lot of the games have been ported like tales of phantasia (the first if I am remembering correctly) is comming to psp soon i think. I started out with Tales of Destiny for ps1 and it is still one of my favorite games ever. They aren't everyones cup of tea because of the real time battles but give them a shot for sure.
I started with Tales of Legendia and Tales of the Abyss for PS2 . You might want to try those . I dug them both.
From reading the comment section I gather I missed a good rpg franchise. I am interested in getting my hands on more than just the couple of ps3 rpg's that I have.
Well none of them are on PS3 in the states so you didn't miss any. ha. The only RPG they have released on the PS3 in the states is Eternal Sonata which isn't apart of the "Tales" series. I liked the art style and the idea but the battle system bored me. I may go back to it some time but with all the other stuff coming out, it may be a while.
How far did you get Jawknee? The farther you get in the game the more intricate and expansive the battle system gets. I admit it isn't as good as actual turn based, but the fact that it has six stages of development is pretty neat. Especially when you can chain special moves.
Not very far. It's been so long since i picked it up i can't even remember where i left off. I'll have to give it another go here soon once im done moving then.
I liked the art style of Eternal Sonata, but after playing the demo I wasn't inspired by it at all. I hated the battle system and kept thinking how much better it could have been with a turn based system. A game with it's story and art style just suits a turn based system better – IMHO.
This might be timed exclusively and then a 360 version will more content will be released.
Maybe ATLUS can localize it for them?
They could get MonkeyPaw to localize it.
I mean, that's why MonkeyPaw originally started up it's company.
That's what I thought, but they seem intent on bringing retro arcade goodness in the form of relatively un-localized Japanese PS1 titles for now.
Since the studio is apparently near bankrupy, maybe they'll consider localization?
This will be cool if it comes stateside. I really enjoyed Vesperia on the 360 so would definitely pick this up.
meh 😛
Who is voting me down for being indifferent about a game? Thats not very nice is it?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion 😛
Never played any of the Tales games. I want a turn-based RPG now! RPG news tickles my ni no kuni senses. I get the feeling it's gonna be my favorite release of 2011. The art style is so luscious. I just hope its turn-based and you can catch the monsters in the wild. Then PS3 owners can officially forget about bringing a Pokemon game to the PS3. We have ni no kuni bi***!
Last edited by just2skillf00l on 7/29/2010 1:39:45 PM