The latest firmware update for your PlayStation 3 is here, and it lets you say to your friends, "this game was awesome; you should play it!"
Update 3.41 adds recommendations for games and videos on the PlayStation Store. So after updating your machine, you'll start browsing about on the PSN and beneath a game's title you'll see an optional "You May Like" section. Here, you will find additional items based on the purchases of other Network members who have purchased that particular item you're considering. In this way, you don't have to hunt about, looking for stuff that's similar to your favorites; the "recommended" list can really narrow your search. The update also brings automatic funding for PlayStation Plus (found under Account Management), along with a few other minor tweaks and alterations. So if you're a puzzle fanatic and you've played enough of Cuboid , you can go onto the Store and see what others have bought who enjoy similar experiences. You'll get out of there with the likes of Super Stacker and Braid (maybe you missed it earlier), and you'll be plenty satisfied.
Update 3.41 is available to download now so if your machine is always hooked up to the Internet, you'll be prompted to grab it the next time you turn it on.
Hmmm…. they pushed out an 0.01 update? Something wasn't right in 3.4? I can't believe that they would push a minor update like this unless there were issues to resolve.
I am with you on this. It doesn't make much sense to me to push out a PSN feature in an incremental update.
maybe this part just wasn't quite ready when 3.4 came out, I'd rather have all their small updates and get stuff when it's available than to wait for a giant update that leaves me unable to use my ps3 for 2 hours.
I know what you mean, but…
As far as I know, all firmware updates are total replacements. It may be an incremental update to the software, but the process is always a total rewrite of the firmware. There should be no difference in the time taken to download and install.
Not necessarily, you can add elements to the code without a complete rewrite of the code. We do it quite often to check feature sets here at work like LED blink rates and such. You only need to replace the entire FW when you have more than just an addition, and I imagine with a large team of coders adding a "recommended section" to the framework is a fairly light job.
I know you can add code modules to the running code base. But I am referring to the process of pushing out a firmware update. You'd never attempt to perform a partial firmware update on any flashable device.
Should have added cross-game chat now!
If that is true then why did 3.4 take about 20-25 minutes and 3.41 took about 3-5 minutes?
I'm not being snarky either highlander, I really don't know much about what you're saying and am just looking for some understanding.
Some complained of bluray movies not working. Something about the licensing. TES said he had that problem after 3.40.
Flashing the ROM isn't something you do in parts, it's an all or nothing thing.
That said, they are not putting everything in ROM these days (IIRC) so it's possible that they are sending less with an interim update. However, it would be unusual because if anything goes wrong mid-update, you need to have the full installation on hand so you can restart.
Well, so much for all that, the firmware update took about as long as it always does for me.
It's certainly a good idea. I was a fan of the star rating system that was currently applied and this is a bit more of the same but in a more useful way 🙂 Might help me in my quest to find a decent down-loadable online poker game
Get Red Dead Redemption, you can play poker inside the game. I've played soooo many games 🙂
Beat it already, looking forward to the expansion pack for online play so I can play against real people.. However, if a game dedicated to online play ever came out on the PSN
Um, on the PSN is High Stakes on the Vegas Strip. Been out for 3+ years and it is only $9.99. Plus the PSEye add on and multiple game type add ons are free.
Saw that, wasn't satisfied. Looking for something a bit more polished. Pretty sure it dosen't exist
So you purchased it and weren't satisfied. What exactly do you mean more "polished"?
I don't understand why you seem to be so defensive. I did not purchase it, what I saw was not satisfying and what I mean by polished is something newer. More aesthetically pleasing and with more options. A single player mode would also be nice (not sure if one exists). Anyways, this does not seem up to par w. something like PokerStars or any of the other current online poker sites.
No, no defensiveness at all, just good ole' plain curiosity. It does have SP career modes and what not. Just wondering because for $10 it does the job for me and although not super aesthetically pleasing as you put it, it works fine. It is a time waster and actually quite fun when you have a camera and others do as well when you're in the same room.
Last edited by ColTater on 7/28/2010 5:25:03 PM
Ah, I see. Well thanks for the recommendation. I play a lot of online poker on the computer so I guess I'm a bit spoiled but it's good to know the Vegas one works well. Sorry to everyone for flooding the comments section btw. If I get board or too annoyed w. my current status on PokerStars I might give the Vegas Strip game a shot.
Hey Highlander,
You might want to check this out, here's wan article I just found on this new firmware update….
PS3 Firmware 3.41 introduces new patching system?
Update may have hidden feature after all
I thought automatic funding was already under Account Management? I swear I saw it when PS+ came out.
Yeah, it was under it already. Guess that's why I got the thumbs down. LMAO
Last edited by fluffer nutter on 7/27/2010 3:45:49 PM
At this point all I want them to do is to fix the trophy sync issues that stops trophies on one ps3 from showing up on another. I want my dragon age plat to show up on my primary playstation.
If you manually sync, they work, right?
That is correct, TH.
I'm still having problems getting some trophies to show on my second PS3.
they only show up on the phat in the bedroom but no dlc trophies. livingroom slim shows 90 percent but no blight queller and no plat.
phat 77%plat
slim 90%no plat
profile 100% plat and dlc complete.
if you sync under game it still doesnt show up. A bowling trophy I earned on slim won't show on phat either.
That's weird, I have two PS3s at home (one is the wife's) and my trophies sync on both. I'll have to have a look.
I think it only happens when you play the same game on one, earn some trophies, then play the game on the other then earned one it splits them up.
I downloaded this last nite, but I haven't been on the network to try it out, I am really interested in it tho.
There are a lot of old games I've never played and it will be nice for it to suggest stuff I might like, since I don't know what a lot of them are.
The stars and suggestions features are great additions. It makes it easier to buy with confidence from PSN.
What does suck about the ratings is that people can rate games before they've ever played them. That's not very accurate.
True, it would be better if you could only rate things you have purchased.
You can't rate a game that you haven't bought already.
Yeah, it says only people who have purchased this item can rate it. Try rating anything you haven't bought and you will get this message.
But you can still rate it before you've even played the game. That's not very accurate.
Finally this topic is up. I downloaded it at midnight central time and saw this on like 5 different sites by 12:30…
Jesus, why don't you mention it a few more times. It's a freakin' firmware update that is extremely minor.
Well woo-hoo for you too. This isn't an RSS feed of every trivial PS3 news tick that there is you know.
It's a good thing you finally read it here so that you could finally download it. Finally.
this is a news site, i want to read news. i have sent numerous e-mails of what you guys put up as rumor and speculation, where i find that "new teaser pics" are just for a stupid art book. Thats why im not too fond of this site anymore. you guys say that you report on the top PS3/PSP/PS2 news, i hear about it first from at 12 year old. thanks for the 4 years of "news" im out. this site does suck… Peace.
Well, don't let the door smack you in the….you get the idea.
Are you sure you're not "at 12 year old"?
Anyone got a link to the download page?
I always download on the pc due to my unbelievably slow internet but it always takes me a while to find the download =(
aaaaa i still cant find it, i dont want to have to leave it on overnight to download!
Yes thats right my ps3 takes many many hours to download these firmware updates, you lucky people with your 10 minute downloads =(
It's a shame they come out with the updates during the day EST. I'd like my ps3 to take advantage of the auto dl and install feature with PSN+ for firmware updates. Being that they did it during the day, when I logged in on my lunch I had to dl and install it. That ate up 10 minutes I could have used for my GoW speed run. 🙂
it wasnt mandatory and it was out last night.
how come i never get updates from my ps3 anymore. it always says latest update already installed. its been happening from 3.00. i have to wait a few weeks for it to pop up. why im in asia. is that the problem ? it takes few week to get usa to asia by net ? lmao. its really awkward
I wanna be able to use my saves on other systems! GAH!