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Rumored Details On Two PlayStation 3 Move Bundles

Sony will give you any number of ways to dive into the world of PlayStation Move, but they haven't quite lifted the lid on every possible option.

There's the controller by itself for $49, the controller with the PlayStation Eye and a game for $99, and the previously announced PS3 Move Bundle for $399. But what about the other one…? Well, it seems Gamervision has the inside scoop on further details for the $399 bundle as well as "confirmation" of a currently unannounced $349 Move-related package. The source claims that the $399 bundle will boast a 320GB PS3 unit, which should be quite appealing. The mystery $349 PS3/Move combo will have the standard 120GB model. Now, this could indicate the potential inevitability that Sony will soon make the 320GB version the default model, which could in turn result in a $50 price drop for the older console. Of course, there's an ongoing competition with Microsoft in terms of a hardware war, and this always features a constant case of "one-upmanship" for both players.  Gotta love competition.

Anyway, we'll have to wait and see what Sony has in store for us this holiday season. We shouldn't rule out the possibility of bundles for big exclusive games, too, like LittleBigPlanet 2 and Gran Turismo 5 .

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14 years ago

Thing is, MS reached that point quicker with inferior cheaper hardware. That's why 360 sales trumped PS3 at first.

Now that PS3 is making a profit and bringing down prices, Sony is set to sweep in for the kill and own the rest of this generation.

I just love the Sony guys at the top. The fact they they're only concentrating on games, games, and more games makes me and many gamers happy. Sony are on the ball right now.

I know, without a doubt, that 2010 truly is the year of the PS3. MS can't even touch Sony's success right now. Sony have got a whole new image!!! It's wonderful again.

The Xbots are silent, PS3 lovers grow in numbers constantly, 360 sales are way down (cept for the 360 slim spike from trade-ins), Move is "moving" on up in opinion polls.

The only thing causing the slightest bit of doubt right now is the cost of glasses and 3D TVs. Since Nintendo swept in and showed off 3D with no glasses, Sony's 3D push doesn't have as much weight behind it. I saw the looks on peoples faces when the E3 crowd were asked to put on the 3D glasses for the Killzone 3 demo, after coming from the Nintendo conference and playing the 3DS.

All I can say to Nintendo is this. Good luck trying to get that kinda 3D tech onto a big 50 inch screen. Sony's done it well. You guys can have your awesome handehelds. I got my powerhouse of a console to keep me warm at night. (Warmer if I leave my 360 on all night)

14 years ago


I'm sure you already know this, but I'm gonna say it anyway, for the benefit of any Nintendo fans out there. The 3D tech in the 3DS is marginally more innovative than the 3D ViewMaster we all played with as a kid. It relies on an additional layer of prisms that separate the image on the screen. The screen itself is double the horizontal resolution, and the special optical layer displaces alternate columns of pixels so that one eye see's one column and the other eye sees the other. However, this technology only works at arms length, and only for the player and those within a quite specific field of view behind the player.

Nintendo can't scale it up for TVs at home because their technology relies on a special optical filter to separate the pixels for the stereoscopic view. For the Home, the best that Nintendo can do is follow Sony's lead.

14 years ago

I spent $60 on a PS3 that included DS3 controller and a PSEye just because I'm ready myself for PSMove. Can't wait!

14 years ago

Sony should think also about coming out with a PS2 software emulation patch someday when the 10 year life cycle is over with the PS2.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 7/27/2010 1:46:25 AM

14 years ago

Considering that the amount of work involved in building an emulator for the PS2 (if it were actually possible). You'd expect them to have done t already since it'd be about the same amount of work as remastering all of SlyCooper in HD and could be re-used for all other PS2 title.

However there are particular challenges that make software emulation of the PS2 very difficult, so it's extremely unlikely to happen this generation.

14 years ago

heres what i cant understand.
there releasing the bundle here, 1 move controller, 1 eye, and demo disk for the same price as the US.
but than if you want another move controller which you need for most games, or want a sub controller than there at there usual tricks and converting it to AUD than adding a little icing on the cake!
if they can offer us the bundle at the same price, than why not the whole range?
i dont appreciate being ripped off!

14 years ago

I used to love the fact that the Canadian prices were the same as the American prices. $60 there was $60 here for games. But now it doesn't really make a difference anymore now that the two dollars are just about even. (97 cents to the dollar I think I saw today)

14 years ago

You'd have thought that after 4+ decades of Consumer electronics pricing in Australia working the same way, you might be used to that by now. but then again, the UK always has the same complaint. The trouble is that as *any* businessman will tell you a simple currency conversion is never enough, local market conditions and overheads apply. Which means that a) the raw currency rate is never applied, and b) there are reasons unique to a given market for a higher (or lower) price. You won't agree with the reasons for local market conditions, so there's no point in me even trying to relate them to you, but they do exist, and often mean that prices in specific countries or regions may be a tad higher than others.

14 years ago

I'm aware of one market condition for us. lol. It's actually a common strategy for many Canadian business owners.

Even when the American dollar was head and shoulders above the Canadian dollar, things still had the same price tag here as they did there. The reason being that a huge portion of Canada's population lives in South Western Ontario within a 2-4 hour radius of Toronto. There are so many border crossings nearby to the states that litterally (across Canada too, but mostly due to South West Ontario) about 70% of Canadians live within 2 hours to the nearest American border.

So, we keep the same price for two reasons. (Prices did drop lower for us when our dollar was stronger than the American dollar for nearly 2 months last year) Reason 1) Canadians are motivated to buy in Canada because it's more expensive in the states, and 2) Americans in New York and Michigan states prefer to shop on our side of the map for HUGE savings. (Even with duty!)

I mean, remember when the Canadian dollar was only like 60 cents to the American Dollar? Americans could spend 60$ on a game in the states (of course they shop for other things too) or the equivalent of $35 for the same game in the States! The population in the states is so much higher than Canada's, that it makes no sense for the states to try to compete. Too much effort for little return. Different story for a smaller population in Canada.

Anyways… there's an example of a geographical reason for price changes.

14 years ago

In the UK it used to be a case of swapping the currency symbol for most things. It's a little (?) better now as most of the time prices are set in Euro and then currency converted into UK pounds. Of course I live state-side now, so I don't worry so much about UK pricing.

14 years ago

You do not need both for most games actually. In fact most games will be playable with only 1 wand and if they need another controller you can use your ds3.

14 years ago

I might pick up the PS Eye when GT5 comes out, if you can use it for head tracking. That would be kind of cool for online, as you could look to the sides and see if someone was trying to pass you. Then maybe I'll get the Move controller and sub-controller (or whatever it requires) when Dead Space 2 comes out, so I can play Dead Space Extraction.

14 years ago

Still not sure if I understand how the whole head tracking thing is gonna work to look to your side… I mean, If I turn my head… I'm lookin at the wall, not my TV. Or is it gonna just be something like tilting your head? That wouldn't bode well for me either. This old Rad Racer has a tendency to leeeaaannn into those turns.

14 years ago

I have no need for a 320GB if they do come out with one. I've made some manual changes to my PS3. It has a better fan (doesn't get nearly as hot now and I anticipate that will delay me ever getting a YLOD) and I've replaced the HDD with a bigger one.

So in short, I am the proud owner of a release PS3, 100% backwards compatible, wi-fi enabled, 500GB HDD Playstation 3 with a better fan for keeping things cool.

Man, I love my little screwdriver.

14 years ago

Well, I have to replace the HDD in one of my older PS3s with a new 500GB one from WD that is faster, quieter and far cooler than the 320GB I have right now. If it works well, I will replace the one in my wife's PS3 as well. The drive is designed for extra long life, very low power consumption and extra error checking to prevent corruption.

I do have one question for you, how did you get into the system to replace the fan? I'm not necessarily wanting to replace the fan, but I'd like to get inside and blast 3 and a half years of grime from the inner surfaces.

14 years ago

To be honest, I wouldn't be able to do it again without using the YouTube video guide I used. So as much as I'd like to take credit for being hardware savy, I followed a YouTube guide. Additionally, my wife's cousin is an Electrical Engineer, and he helped do it. He pointed out a few things to be careful of not disconnecting. If you're good with that kind of thing, I bet you'd have no problem using the guide. I, of course, was paranoid of wrecking my PS3. lol

My friend used YouTube to follow another guide to correct his YLOD. It isn't a permanent fix for YLOD, I don't think, but it did fix it.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/27/2010 10:57:46 AM

14 years ago

This is one I used for the fan. I can't find the one I used for replacing the HDD right now.

P.s. He isn't very well spoken. lol. I suggest just watching the methods. lol

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/27/2010 10:55:31 AM

14 years ago

Yeah, I followed the gilksy guide when I fixed my YLOD on my old 60Gb. The machine is actually very easy to take apart. Just make sure you have some clean table space, a handfull of little tupperware containers or something to keep screws separate for each level of disassembly and follow the youtube video carefully (I recommend downloading the pdf instruction booklet too, very handy). You should be fine. I got an extra 3 months out of it the first time, then a month the second time, then only a few days the last time before woefully giving up on her and getting a slim.

Don't make the same mistakes I did. Keep your PS3 in a well ventilated area. Don't place it's back to the wall, or if you do give it at least 8". If you've got some spare PC case fans lying around set'em up near by to keep air flowing.

14 years ago

My older PS3 isn't overheating, and if it was, I'd probably send nit to Sony for a fix. But, I'd love to be able to clean out the grime inside to help it last longer without a service call. That said, nearly 4 years of fault free operation (not counting HDD corruption) isn't bad. So far it's lasted longer than any PC I've had except the one system I built for myself.

14 years ago

There's a few guides about safe dismantling of the PS3 if it's just a cleaning you're after. From what I can tell, if you've built your own PC before, you could probably do it without a guide. It isn't too complicated on the inside.

I got my wife's cousin to help out, though, just in case, since I'm not exactly a PC technician.

14 years ago

The funny thing is I would feel far more apprehensive about dismantling my PS3 than just about anything else, including a PSP, cellphone or laptop PC. Not sure why. Must be the mystique of the thing.

14 years ago

The 160Gb and 320Gb PS3s are suppose to come out in Japan on July 29. Maybe Sony will make an announcement at Gamescom.

14 years ago

Since I'm in the market for a new PS3 🙁 I was talking with my friend who works in the sony section of futureshop told me to wait till 9/17/2010 since both bundles will be out with the move, I also was told this @ Walmart as well so @ this time I'll be preordering a 349 move bundle since I already have a big hdd on my old console I'll just switch till I fix my broken ps3 didn't want to fix it due to the 90 day warranty don't want to spend 205.17 (shipping) CDN and then it breaks again on me so I'll be thinking about this for a bit. So for now I'm back to playing PS2 games. This gives me time to save, dont' really have the cash to fork over for a new system I need to get more overtime to pay for it.