The fighting world is all in a tizzy over these two hybrid crossovers; Namco Bandai and Capcom's separate attempts at bringing the Street Fighter and Tekken worlds together.
As we learned last week , the two developers are working on two separate games: one is Street Fighter X Tekken and will have the 2.5D perspective found in SFIV, and the other is Tekken X Street Fighter , which will boast the full 3D perspective in the Tekken titles. But when are they coming? Well, not for a while. According to what SFIV producer Yoshinori Ono told Famitsu (via Andriasang ), Capcom will be the first to deliver their version but even that is two years off. He also told us that Namco's effort, helped along by veteran franchise producer Katsuhiro Harada, is being developed entirely separately…with no apparent sharing of information going on. Is this a competitive thing…? Well, anyway, here's some gameplay taken from Comic-Con 2010:
I always forget how much people love their fighters. The fans seem plenty happy with this, don't they? Anyway, Ono says not to expect the next major announcement for their title until Capcom's Captivate event next April. Between now and then, maybe we can just drool over this again and again… Oh, and be sure to check out the new screenshots through the link above. They're tasty.
as I said before, to make sure people buy Marvel Vs Capcom, thats all
I think TEG is right. Marvel vs Capcom 3 is out in about a year. They won't want to compete with their own game. I wouldn't be surprised if these games are done by the time MvC3 releases.
it might be sooner
This could prove to be very interesting. I have always been a fan of the SF and Tekken series. It's great to hear that Capcom and Namco have a joint project in this.
Can't wait.
I may check out the one Capcom makes. Forget Tekken and Namco.
I've always preferred Street Fighter to Tekken.
Blegh. 🙁
Thats terrible news. I planned on playing this soon.
I really only want New Mortal Kombat anyway.
Oh yeah, I want more Dead or Alive too! What's the hold up? Just cuz MS treated that guy like crap. So, make it a PS3 game. It isn't like it hasn't been on all most systems in the past.
u freaking wizard U read my mind . DOA all the way bouncing and all
Edit: and the new MK looks freaking awesome.
too much fighting games, not too much stamina ( and by stamina I mean dough and by dough I mean Cookie dough and by cookie dough I mean Mrs fields and by Mrs fields I mean Taco bell and by taco bell I mean …………….. dunno what happened God damn U absinthe
Last edited by TEG3SH on 7/26/2010 6:46:13 PM
It wasn't MS that mistreated Itageki (sp?) but Tecmo, depending on which story you believe. Before all that went down, he said he can't improve on perfection, meaning the last DoA game was his definitive version of the fighting game. Now that he's gone, and the fighting genre has a resurgence of interest I'm sure we'll see another Dead or Alive and another Ninja Gaiden. I don't care for DoA at all, but I don't wanna poop on other people's parades. DoA is inevitable. Virtua Fighter? Not so much.
And, yes, new MK is happy times for me as well!
i think its great that they have dedicide to embark on this project and also cover the purists. You can see Namco and Capcom are defiantely trying to reivigorate the fighting genre franchise in a different way.I for one would probably pick up both versions to see how they fair. Namco have made great strides in 3D fighting where as Capcom's 3D games have quiet frankly sucked. So it's nice to see them working together to produce two different versions that will cover everyones preference wether it be 2.5D or full 3D.
I'm also glad its gonna take a couple of years before its released so i can enjoy Marvel vs Capcom 3. I think its about time that the fighting genre was kicked into the next generation era screaming.
Something I've noticed. The 2.5D wording for SFIV was made as a reference to the graphical representation of the game, not how the game playes. SFIV and Super are 2D fighting games. The playing field and the hitboxes are not all that different from Super SFII Turbo.
In fact, Tekken isn't a true 3D fighter, either, outside of the graphical side of things. the first two Tekken games were on a solid two dimensional playing field, with Kazuya being the only character with the ability to side-step into the pseudo-third dimension until Tekken 3. Even with Tekken 3 and beyond, the playing field is predominantly two dimensional, and is 2D linear as opposed to true 3D. The closest a traditional fighting game has come to 3D is Soul Calibur and maybe Virtua Fighter (a game I stopped playing with 3, when sega seemed to stop caring about the franchise), while most still rely on the linear aspects of 2D combat established by Karate Champ and perfected by Capcom.
As for the two franchises not having any buisness being together: Tekken still, to this day, plays very similarly to Street Fighter and always has. The control make-up for Tekken was loosely borrowed from Capcom's franchise, just as SNK had done with Fatal Fury to compete in the arcades. The character similarities are ridiculous, even when they happen by chance (like Bob and Rufus). Kazuya is startlingly similar to Ryu right down to the red gi wearing rival and the internal struggle between his "angelic" and "demon" side. Ryu vs. Kazuya is a dream match similarly to something along the lines of Chuck Lidell vs. Wanderlei Silva, only where in that case is was the restriction of binding contracts to promotions vs. alternate universes.
Plus, I think everyone's short changing the talented crews at both Capcom and Namco. Capcom hasn't made a bad fighting game that I've played outside of the Fighting Jam game several years ago, and Namco's efforts with Tekken have only hit a dark note (in my opinion and I admit that) with Tekken 4. These guys have done great with their respective franchises, and I feel these games will keep that tradition.
Tekken 4 wasn't a dark note, it was a black hole, that game sucked pretty hard and was panned harshly by its community, especially once Jin was finally released lol
Does that mean Tekken 7 is not coming out for at least 5 years?
I'm thinking we might see Tekken 7 before Tekken x Street Fighter. Harada has already said that Tekken 7 is in early stages of production, and has also said that they've not even began Tekken X Capcom.
Is that the stupid Lego head mask thing from Dead Rising in the background? How embarrassing.
Well now my previous comment is aimed towards you lol. I can't seem to edit or delete it. I'm just letting you know that it was towards the spam and not you.
I don't think Alienange is a shoe salesman although he looks like one .lol
edit….. sorry my bad but it was deleted b4 i post
edit no. 2 if u talk about dead rising. I'll kill u ……( I dunno what is wrong with me and the want to kill ppl tonite 🙁 )
Last edited by TEG3SH on 7/26/2010 10:22:00 PM
Seriously. Nobody here gives a f**k about your s**t company. Stop spamming this site with your gay shoes.
we don't need advertisements appearing in the comment section now, begone Yahccccc.
Horrible idea…
Capcom just sold out on this one
It doesn't make sense to mash these two fighting games together
water and oil don't mix
From a THEME standpoint alone it doesn't fit at all.
lol, some strong hate for this announcement from some gamers and the sh*t is 2 years away
Honestly I almost feel as a fan of fighters that this kind of news is not meant for the gamers who happen to be into other genres more, or not into fighters at all.
Don't get me wrong I love many genres but I've always had a deep love for fighting games, all of them but MK for the most part, my reasons being that it just never hit me as Street Fighter the handsdown Grandpa of the genre
(as in the arcade form not talking about things like Mike Tyson's Punch Out,) whether you like it or not. However I feel this news seems disappointing to some for so many different reasons, some are mad that its two different types of fighters clashing (though both are arguably the leader of their variation on the genre thus it can be argued it makes plenty of sense.) Some are mad Namco isn't doing something else with their time, as if a big publisher cannot do multiple projects. Those who claim to be fighting fans but seem to hate one game or the other, I'm not the biggest Tekken fan but I'm not going to hate this game because it's Tekken that's featured, as I said I will play it and pass judgment then, maybe I'll use only Tekken characters in this game to change things up? Finally (but not to be the last excuse for hating the idea for this game) some of the posts I've seen have this anti fighter stance as if fighters have less depth than an RPG, or the Uncharted's or MGS4's of the world therefore it's odd that a big company like Capcom and another giant Namco is spending all this time getting people into something 2 years away. To be honest fighting games are a niche genre in which amongst the games themselves their is more fanboyism than PS3 vs. 360 but when an opinion on the genre and the new games coming out come from those who have very little experience with the genre (this includes those who play all the time but lack SKILL i.e. complain about fireball spamming yet don't realize their are options around them, as well as a viable form of gameplay in SF's case) is negative it's as if to say this genre is dumb, this makes no sense there is too much "spamming". Same could be said about heroic characters riding big yellow birds (WHICH I LOVE, unless it's FF XIII), or killing people enough to then launch a nuke and then kill EVERYONE for a win. But I do not pass judgment until the final product is in my hands for more than a trifle of time. Maybe fighting is too niche a genre for all to understand, but the point of fighting in any form is competition, to see who is the best, and in this case I'm very intrigued, if not completely sold. Besides who wouldn't want to see Daigo vs. who ever happens to be the best Tekken player? (Look them up, it's a niche reference.)
End rant. Cue thumbs down.
I sure don't
Daigo got beat by an European Rose player, so he's not the best.
Furthermore, what's this? "some are mad that its two different types of fighters clashing (though both are arguably the leader of their variation on the genre thus it can be argued it makes plenty of sense.)"
So you'd be ok with mixing Nascar and LeMans just because they're the best in their respective leagues?
Tekken has always preached that 3D fighting is the future. In fact, many argue that 3D fighters (mainly Tekken KILLED) the 2D fighting genre.
With that right in Capcom's face they still decide to mash their best 2D fighting game with Tekken?
It's like making a Final Fantasy/Fallout game.
Doesn't make sense. Other than the money and OMG they're the best in their own genres BS.
Scarecrow you are funny. Are you saying that losing to the european Rose player suddenly throws Daigo's fighting prowess in trouble? that makes no sense. Last i check Daigo won evo very recently. He is the best SF player around right now period
he also took second in that tourney that he lost to luffy in ( the rose player ). Plenty of top players lose and being considered one of the best doesn't mean its impossible to lose
I gave Daigo as an example trust me I know he gets beat from time to time that's not even the point of the rant. My main point is why hate something we have not laid our hands on?! And besides I doubt anyone is still saying the 2D genre of fighting is dead so chill out and stop taking every little thing game companies do so personally. If you don't like it or buy it, it's your loss, and if it sucks your gain.
In many mediums cross promotion has been done well why pass judgment on THIS GAME that's not out yet? I mean at the same time why should I argue for it when you're going to remain steadfast against something you have yet to play. Oh and SF 4 was bigger than Tekken 6 hands down so the whole 2D fighters are dead thing is dead. Not only is 2D fighting here to stay but it's essentially the norm, considering Blazeblue, Arcana Heart, MvC3, I mean put it this way the upcoming 2D fighters being released is stacked. Not to mention further additions to SSF4.