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Rumor: GTAV On A Hollywood Set?

Okay, we're not entirely sure what's going on here, but anything Grand Theft Auto -related is almost always news-worthy.

The source remains unknown and the details are almost nil, but VG247 went to a ton of trouble to drop a supposed hint concerning the setting of the fifth GTA. It takes a while to reach but it's down there towards the end of the last set of dialogue: evidently, Rockstar plans to put their newest iteration of the long-running and award-winning series in Hollywood. Now, without anything official (or even semi-official, really), please take this with a grain of salt. In reading the comments to the article, even the regular readers appear confused; they can't really tell if this is just a creative piece for the sake of getting a popular title on the web, or if they actually have an inside scoop. Either way, it's well worth discussing, right? And it gives us the chance to ask you: where would you want GTAV to be? Personally, although I know it won't happen, I've been hoping for a true-blue sequel to Vice City .  So, so, so awesome…

Hey, we got Final Fantasy X-2 ; how come we couldn't get Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 2 ? And get Ray Liotta back as the voice of Tommy Vercetti, too.

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14 years ago

They could set it in Iraq. Your wanted level goes up just for having the wrong haircut.

14 years ago

Thats Iran where they have the Gov. standard cuts.

14 years ago

Oops. Wasn't too sure which it was.

14 years ago

Death to mullets!!!

14 years ago

Iran Iraq, it's still funny.

14 years ago


14 years ago

Sort've, i guess, except, though, when it happens here. Then, it's called the Patriot Act. Not really that I'm bitter about it, because I'll do everything in my civic duty to cooperate and help my country protect itself. But when they start harassing my 54 year-old mother, or I learn about government's knowledge of 9/11's events before it happened, I kinda start questioning "their" intention of doing everything to protect our country.

14 years ago

@ NeoHumpty: You just snipped away my chance to get my first comment … damnit! ^^

That would have been the first of my such young history here. Because I'm here every single day I thought now it's time to register!

So here we are, hope for some nice discussions!

back to topic: I would like to see some European places, London would be nice (again)! In my opinion, these are just some lines for the hype – that's all.

14 years ago

If you were here everyday, you'd notice that calling "first" on new articles is greatly frowned upon in this community.

Welcome anyway though…

14 years ago

As is writing three sentences about how you didn't get to call "first."

14 years ago

Alrigt alright I get it! No more 'first' comments will come out of my fingers …

13 thumbs down? wow, that's impressive.

btw: You noticed this '^^' fellas? Oh yeah, that was kind of ironic – not to be the first is always not that bad for me.

14 years ago

I would like to go San Adreas back one more time…But Vice City sounds nice and if anythng Ben…It would be a new character I belive GTA doesn't use the same character again.

Last edited by Luiscosmo2 on 7/26/2010 11:08:01 AM

14 years ago

For me, i'd love a San adreas remake.

The ammount of stuff you could do was imence, you could even go to the gym lol.

Even if i wasn't doing missions i never got bored playing that game.

I miss it :(.

14 years ago

Thats so true. I'm surprised they fit all of that stuff on one disk! It had the largest map, and the most things to do in any GTA of its time. I'd even argue that it had more things to do than GTA IV.

I remember growing up in that time period and the feeling of vibe of the game was dead on. Still my favorite GTA hands down.

14 years ago

Going to the gym wasn't exactly the highlight of the game, but I guess if you wanted to get buff you went.

14 years ago

I really hope they do a new San Andreas, just like they made a new Liberty City, because that's all I can ever hope for.

14 years ago

I would like to see a GTA:Tokyo with GTR and 370Z. Also be able to mod cars like in GTA: SA. The story could be based on the Yakuza vs Triad.

14 years ago

yah a fast and the furious tokyo drift GTA style similar feeling, that will be pretty cool.

14 years ago

I would actually love that!

14 years ago

If only Rockstar got the rights to some real cars…whatever they be!!

14 years ago

it would be an amazing game in tokyo, but they would never get the righgts to real cars. Who wants their cars stollen and beat to hell, just to expolde in a firey ball of death? I sure as hell don't want my car to blow up. Back to the topic of GTA: Tokyo, that would be pure bliss. They have had a full fledged console game based on a white guy that doesn't talk, an Italian guy, a black guy, and an ex-soviet. Why not make him yellow this time… I mean asain…

(No racial slanders ment, I watched that Steve Byrnes thing last night and i laughed my backside off because he said that asians were yellow on tv. lol)

14 years ago

In GTA: Tokyo, would you be able to run down Wada?

14 years ago

i think vinewood (hollywood) would be a sweet place to play the next GTA… the storylines would be straight out of a movie… or a movie that could be if you can help some shady director get the funds for it… lol…

i think it's a great idea… of all the names i've heard thrown around lately, no one has mentioned hollywood… it would be right up R*'s alley, to be honest… i think it's a perfect fit…

they could re-introduce some of the characters from the ballad of gay tony… yusuf, gay tony, kerry mcintosh, etc…

Last edited by bOnEs on 7/26/2010 11:50:17 AM

14 years ago

I suppose the main character will be a wannabe actor who has to do bad things to get auditions 🙂

14 years ago

Um isnt GTA:SA set in Hollywood? Hence the big "VINEWOOD" sign on the side of the hill??

14 years ago

Exactly, snypa_69. I was wondering why noone mentioned that. Hollywood is per say already done in San Andreas. There even was a studio there (with props for a sci-fi movie and a porn movie, remember???) that was part of the story line. So if they remake Hollywood then that gotta be a SA sequel – and that would be a dream come true to me…!

14 years ago

vinewood was in los santos so, a game called, GTA: los santos would be ideal… then you could include vinewood as well as R*'s version of LA…

i think it's a brilliant idea….

14 years ago

If they make it PS3 exclusive could they use all the previous cities? But if not, yea, the series is long overdue for another legitimate stint in Vice City.

But yea, I kinda agree with most of the comments here. I'd like to see a foreign city this time. And maybe even some trademark vehicles.

Last edited by main_event05 on 7/26/2010 11:59:37 AM

14 years ago

GTA Hollywood just sounds so right to me. There is so much scandal, drugs and behind the scenes crime there, it just makes such a perfect fit. IMO at least 😛

14 years ago

I personally don't want to see Gta in Vice city for the third time. I think with the recent success of Red Dead Redemption, A change in setting is in order.

14 years ago

I don't care where its set at just as long as it is good

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Well, you could say that R* already have most of the map for Hollywood/Los Angeles (MC:LA). But, San Adreas was a mock-up of Hollywood, even if it only tied into the story a little bit. Personally, I wouldn't want to see that.

A city outside the US could be good as well, but it never fails to annoy me when a game is laden with too msany funky accents, so it would likely start to grate on my nerves. Were they to take that route, London, Tokyo (as was mentioned above), Sydney, Melbourne, Rio, oh there's a lot of places they could take it.

Me though, I'm hoping for a GTA: Capital City based, of course, on Washington. Imagine the political intrigue that Rockstar could build into that game. Just what I hope.


14 years ago

D.C. is a great call and the politics would make for a great story. What bigger criminals than politicians??

14 years ago

Rockstar already takes too much flak for its games. Why would they try to based this game in our nation's capitol? Thats just asking for trouble even THEY don't want.

14 years ago

Freedom of speech. And face it, R* absolutely loves the free publicity.

14 years ago

I disagree R* don't care what others think. They make games they like. I'm sure that was quoted somewhere too in regards to Red Dead Redemption.

Listen they've pretty much already pissed most people off, why stop now?!?! I mean really! In the mean time though they have pleased about every gamer on the planet. They have sold a ton of games. They won't stop pushing it now!

14 years ago

I want a GTA: Antartica.

Drive-by a polar bear anyone?

14 years ago

Maybe not but it would be cool if there was a Polar bear munching the 'O' from the Hollywood sign 😉

14 years ago

But there aren't many cops on Antartica. Kill 10 of them and you can play the rest of the game wanted level free.

How about GTA: Future?

A fictional city built close to a thousand years from now, or on a fully colonized moon or something? Wouldn't it be cool to run around in a Fifth Element style city, GTA style?

14 years ago

the future thing would be kinda excellent.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

GTA: Future would be awesome, but I'd rather see R* call it something different. I mean RDRedemption was little more than GTA: 1911.

14 years ago

Yup, done, but by another developer. The game series is Red Faction I believe.

mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago

Hear me out: Detroit. Gritty. And less cop responses 😉

14 years ago


14 years ago

GTA: Africa.

Drugs, diamonds, very little law enforcement, big cities, wild country.

Could be fun, drive by shooting on an elephant.

14 years ago

GTA should go back to the '80's and bring us a sequel to Vice City!

14 years ago

Ray Liotta. lol!

Has anyone scene Observe and Report? Terrible movie. Funny but terrible. I wish i could scrub my brain of that experience.

14 years ago

Ray Liotta is pitted strawberry of a face, he scares me. No reason he couldn't voiceover tho.

14 years ago

Yeah, the dude has a sorta creepy quality about him.

14 years ago

VG247 and they're insatiable appetite of page views has really created some interesting news this gen. I wouldn't discount their efforts, but it is definitely comical how they go about bringing this news to the masses.

My only concern regarding the next GTA is not so much where the play happens, but if the play will be as good or, dare I say, better than Red Dead.

Oh hell, I'll probably just get caught up in the hype and run to the store arms flailing on day one.