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Brotherhood Beta Set For September, Exclusive To PS3

First Medal of Honor , and now this. The PlayStation 3 has been getting a lot of beta love lately.

Today, Ubisoft has announced that a multiplayer beta for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood will be available in September, and it'll be exclusive to Sony's console. It'll be the first chance most gamers have to sample the new AC entry and of course, the first chance to check out the fresh new multiplayer mode. If you want in, simply pre-order the game from certain retailers (we imagine GameStop is among them), and prepare to utilize a combination of stealth, strength, and strategy to overcome your assassin opponents. Set to release on November 16 for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC (three days later for Europe), Brotherhood is the latest installment in the critically acclaimed franchise, the first to offer multiplayer, and a direct sequel to last year's award-winning Assassin's Creed II . It will also be Ezio's final adventure, as Ubisoft has revealed that ACIII will boast a new hero and a new time period; they wish to keep the series fresh in terms of locale, characters, and storyline, and we certainly appreciate that effort.

As you know, we're big fans of this franchise. We're just hoping they don't get too action-y and multiplayer-y with the new title…

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14 years ago

well then this something to look forward 2 for me. but i agree, hopefully not to much "action-y and multiplayer-y"

14 years ago

I have to preorder for the beat? Lame. I hate it when they do that, they only do that to gain pre orders and most ppl just return the pre order after getting their code.

14 years ago

i dont see a problem with that, think of it as screwing with gamestop. i mean i did it 3 times to get killzone 2 beta so i can have good people to play with.

14 years ago

as much fun as 2 was, I'm very interested in this one… but since it's online (and i never play online) they better not take away from sp.

14 years ago

Sweet!I cant understand why anyone wouldnt be happy with this news. Xbox usually get deals like this you know. First Old Cole is brought back from the dead and now this?

What next?Metal Gear Solid 5 exclusive to PS3??lol

14 years ago

I had a wacky dream that Peacewalker was brought to PSN for play on the PS3.

14 years ago

Sweeeeet. The multiplayer for this sounds like so much fun

14 years ago

Not to excited about this next Assassins Creed but sure glad I have my PS3 to at least try out the multiplayer.

14 years ago

Yes, I feel the same way. If only you didn't have to preorder it b4 use of the beta I could try it out.
Hey can't I cancel my preorder if I don't like the beta?

14 years ago

This could be cool but like kraygen I don't like the fact that you have to pre-order to participate in the beta. That makes it much less of a beta and more of a demo. My guess is that +80% of the people in the "beta" will not have any idea on how to actually beta test and report concerns. Just call it a pre-order demo incentive or what not.

Anyway, I am much more interested in what ACIII will have in store for us than Brotherhood.

14 years ago

It's true. The word beta and demo are being used interchangeably these days. Who wants to pre-order a game that hasn't been beta tested? Doesn't sound right and they should just call a spade a spade.

14 years ago

I wish some developer would do a game like the Assassins Creed franchise, but use Ninja's instead. I for one think it would be cool to have 5 vs 5 where you run around and ambush each other, and have limited long range weapons such as bow and arrows, ninja stars, and blow guns at your disposal, so that it would be an up close and more personal experience rather than just sitting back and picking people off from afar. I think the whole ninja concept hasn't been used enough, or very well for that matter. Not thinking too hard, I can only come up with Ninja Gaiden and Tenchu, and we know which franchise is the greater one there.

14 years ago

Tenchu, of course.

At least, if you want a NINJA game.

14 years ago

It's about time these devs and publishers start prioritizing the PS3.

14 years ago

we have to preorder? what the hell was that beta access for playstation plus subscribers?

14 years ago

I am really looking forward to this. AC is one of the best franchises around and it certainly sounds like they've got some interesting ideas for mp.

14 years ago

interesting, shame gamestop is the only ones with beta keys.
sigh, yet again yet another a US exclusive thing.
if i had a penny for every time something was US exclusive……………
no wonder they think the world revolves around them…………… there certainly treated like it!

14 years ago

dammit im still waiting for the AC2 special edition….

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