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Hi-Tech Entertainment: The Unheralded Chick Magnet

I'm not sure what it is, exactly – summer, perhaps? – but there appears to be more articles revolving around the 'Net that involve both gaming and girls. I've recently refrained from such topics, just because they tend to become repetitive and in truth, they really aren't what PSXE is about. But at the same time, I keep thinking my degree (didn't even know I could specialize in interpersonal human relationships) and my past writing gig helps to construct intriguing pieces that fall into this category.

In this particular case, I look back on what guys have considered to be serious women magnets over the years and generations; at one time, it was greasy black hair, a hot rod, and a bizarre swagger that looked as if one had something severely wrong with one's knees. Then there was that strange '90s grunge phase were the "I don't care, everything sucks, 'look, I'm wearing flannel because I'm so indifferent'" philosophy really struck a chord with the ladies. Then again, there are some traits that might be universal: money, physique, cars, etc. Some fads come and go but certain things never go out of style. That being said, is now finally the time when hi-tech video-tronic entertainment has become something…effective? In 1986, no girl anywhere would've called the NES "sexy." It never happened. I swear it.  Not anywhere ever.

But when somebody sees a 3D HDTV with 1080p, 240Hz, MotionFlow, and a 6 million : 1 color contrast ratio playing a brilliant Blu-Ray game and uses that very word to describe the setup, one has to wonder. Well, it's not like gadgets and electronics are the haven of males any longer; everything from the cell phone to Facebook is just as popular with the ladies (if not far more popular) these days, so perhaps it stands to reason. Or, perhaps the women are simply making that snap assumption/hope that is unique to their sex; it's a chemical reaction in their brains that kicks in and causes the brain to go, "looks expensive…he has money." Maybe that's all it is. But 3D movies are hardly only for guys and stores that specialize in electronics – which, at one time, would've had a clientele that was 95% male – is now quite diverse.

And you know, in many ways, because video games have hit the mainstream limelight at about the time all this fancy technology is coming about, it's tough to avoid the unbelievable games. And it's almost impossible not to find them pretty damn slick if you're into advanced video-based technology. What can the PS3 do? More than enough to keep any girl occupied for hours, and she never once has to touch a game. So because consoles are so much more these days, and because video entertainment continues to spread far and wide, gaming and "cool stuff" like 3D is…well, hip. Or in. Or whatever. I'm not up on the current lingo. But I do know that a motorcycle might not do it these days, while a gorgeous entertainment center just might . The saying, "if you've got it, flaunt it" might relate to more of you than you might think…

…a nice car can't hurt, though.

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14 years ago

when me and my gf picked up a brand new awesome hdtv set, we both remarked with glee at the cylon light that glowed red and moved from side to side as it powered up…

I dunno, we geeked out, but we hardly got in the mood over the new set lol.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

So glad the "grunge" phase never hit over here. I think it just went east, right away. It could just be that we don't have cold enough weather down here.

You're always going to find the typical woman who is into money, clothing, assets, etc. and then you'll meet the girl who appreciates those things but isn't defined by those things. I'm lucky enough to have someone that understands the differences in electronics and appreciates what I purchase and doesn't have any doubts as to if the prices are valid or not.

14 years ago

Depends if it's a sexy setup. Wires = ugly. Shiny= good.

14 years ago

Agreed though even a properly wired setup can still look amazing.

14 years ago

True, i mean wires hanging out the front of your ps3 or something (like i have) to charge your controller or speaker wires running along the floor.

14 years ago

There's a song which has the lyrics,

"Girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money!"

Sounds about right, just now a shiny expensive entertainment system is just as appropriate as a shiny new car.

However as you say, having both probly wouldn't hurt.

14 years ago

Thumbs up for the Good Charlotte quote, lol.

14 years ago

On other news – If you are married and a gamer, a big shiny HDTV/entertainment center means you just have more to dust.

At least that's what my wife says!! LOL!

14 years ago

I just want to say that a motorcycle still does it 🙂

It isn't a guarantee to snogging but it doesn't hurt either.

I have never had a female get all doe eyed over my entertainment system but I have had plenty of what were apparently pick up attempts while walking around in gear. I say apparently because I never notice these things and I tell my girl about it and she informs me of them…Sometimes I wonder how I am not still single

14 years ago

Women love a man with ambition. If it shows in his desire to acquire the stuff that makes his eyes glow, then chics will dig it. Whether it be cars, success, electronics, collectibles, you name it.

14 years ago

My full entertainment center with 10-cube & sub-woofer surround sound system, plus all my console/handheld collections don't do it.

But my Harley gets 'em almost every time.

14 years ago

I believe you.

14 years ago


Getting married to a non-gamer?

Then here's the only wedding cake topper she'll ever want!

14 years ago

PS3… Gears of War.


14 years ago

Unless, of course, your woman is from the U.S., and is into MMO's….

Women Spend Twice as Much as Men on Digital Goods…

14 years ago

It's all the avatar customization that drives this. I wonder how many pairs of shoes the average female user of Home has purchased?

14 years ago

you could just go to Vancouver & try to marry one of the Silicon Sisters….

Canada's First Female-Owned & Operated Game Company Starts In Vancouver–operated-game-company-starts-in-vancouver/

14 years ago

This guy's starting to get the right idea…

Getting My Girlfriend to Game

14 years ago

Dang, If only I could afford a new 3D television.
But, when GT5, KZ3, MotrStorm: Apocalypse comes around I won't have a choice.

14 years ago

Or this could happen…

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

LMAO. He deserved it with that talk, yo!

14 years ago

Motorbikes are still hip. . . If you've got abs. Hahaha. Ben, you sound so old now. I almost don't wanna grow up.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

You don't.

14 years ago

I got a WICKED 6-pack. I've just got a protective layer on it for now.

All the ladies rush to gush at my wicked 1-pack. Why go for quantity when you've got a high quality pack all on it's lonesome!

Ah the university athlete days are gone with the wind…

Besides, I'm married now. I got my girl hook, line, and sinker. The six pack is retired. Don't know if it'll ever come back or not!

EDIT: It might though… I've been getting hints from the misses about going to the gym again… lol! It's starting to trump household duties even!

ME: I wonder if I should mow the lawn or do some laundry now…
Her: Why don't you go to the gym to relax?

HAR-DE-HAR-HAR! I see through that guise!

Or my favorite of recent days…
Her: You should get back into running. You were such a great runner. I loved watching you…

I'm just saying… I got a pretty sweet man cave now… which she loves, don't get me wrong… but obviously, she wants more than the bling-bling.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/23/2010 9:39:02 AM

14 years ago

Growing older sucks. Aaaah, what i wouldn't give to have that feeling of invincibility again we have as a kid.

The older you get the more you realize your body is going to fall apart one day.

14 years ago

I've got a six pack in the fridge.

14 years ago

maybe girls do like my set-up… that's not what's important. i love my whole arrangement. helps that my ex bought it all for me. thanks babe!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Only in America…

No, I honestly wouldn't know. I don't have much of a set-up see, and well, even if I did I doubt any sheilas would see it. I'm not a very social person, you see (which goes a long way to explaining why I don't have a girlfriens, but I digress slightly so I'll continue.).

If anything, I think it has to do with the whole, 'Ooh, he got da buckz!' mentality that females seem to gravitate towards. Oh, what do I know, half the time I don't even know the point of what I'm typing…

P.S. Ben, I really like the new editorial kick that you've been on this week. I would've commented on the other two, but uh, I was a bit preoccupied.

14 years ago

I honestly don't think that an entertainment set up particularly nets you the ladies. Sure it might help showing u have cash, but at the same time it shows u pour money into the wrong things..
ignoring sneakers,clothes, paintings, a stove, to compliment ur high tech empty man

14 years ago

I so wish that "geek chic" is the way forward with acquiring the ladies. Altho i cant really see it happening. Unfortunately I have found it is pretty rare to find girls that are interested in gaming. This is much to my disappointment as i would love to share my favourite hobby with my favourite chick!! Any girls on this site that can contradict my findings?

Snypa 🙂

14 years ago

i know this is off topic but has anyone else heard that the old Cole from infamous is going to be back in infamous2 i read it over on IGN. that they have changed the characters back.

14 years ago

A friend of mine bought his wife a 7000 dollar Sony 3D setup for her birthday….so I guess chicks do love the tech these days, lol.

He wanted to do something nice for her since he was out of the country on a job for several months.

14 years ago

Ah, the decoy gift.

14 years ago

IMO, women are more attracted to confidence than anything.

No, really–think about all those food groups described above. Are any of them unsure of themselves?

A lot of girls are just on the outside of gaming and find it hard to get their way inside.

14 years ago

I think it really is a money thing

They see this big entertainment system and their eyes glow (they start thinking 'bout money and how this guy would be willing to buy her gifts, etc.)

Same thing with cars. I think it's a very subconscious reaction for them.

14 years ago

When I look around I see women attracted to Bieber hairdos.

14 years ago

I just vomited in my mouth a little bit.