It has been around six months since the 256-player online PlayStation 3 exclusive, MAG , hit store shelves. The game has only gotten better and better since its release date.
And to reward all those who have faithfully played the game since this past January, Zipper Interactive has decided to grant the wish of many: according to Senior Community Manager Jeremy Dunham's post at the PlayStation Blog , all maps in the Sabotage game mode have been shifted to "Faction Neutral." In other words, as described by Dunham: "If you ever wanted to play against the Valor PMC as a member of the competing Raven Industries on a map that belonged to the third faction, SVER, that option is now yours! We’d like to think of it as a way to experience existing content in an all-new way, and we hope you feel the same." Oh, and if you're wondering, there's no need to download any patch or update; everything is already set up so all you need to do is log in and start a Sabotage match. And clearly, Zipper is more than prepared to continue to support MAG as it keeps growing and improving, although they certainly can't do it without the fans. Those fans have indeed been playing, through, so Zipper has been responding. See how that pleasant circle works?
Anybody ever actually get on a map with over 250 people? You have to play for a bit before that option becomes available but it must be totally insane…
Related Game(s): MAG
Domination, the 256 player mode, is my favorite mode in the game. It's really, really intense. You have explosions everywhere, you see the entire map and you're like, "wow…" It really gives you the feeling of a large-scale battle. I play it more than anything in MAG.
I'm only 5 trophies from my platinum as well!
These faction-neutral sabotage maps should be quite entertaining.
I feel the same way as you. Once Domination became unlocked for me, that's all I really play. The other modes are fun, but Domination is pure chaos, even when you're not being shot at. There's always some sort of objective you could be doing, whether it's repairing, defusing, or just co-ordinating your next move with your teammates. It's hard to go back to other FPS's and enjoy them because they always feel like they're lacking something, which I believe is just the pure chaos you find, especially in Domination matches. Killzone 2 is the only FPS that stands up to MAG. Not sure if it's the graphics, the gameplay, or what but Killzone 2 gets my blood pumping just as much as MAG. It might even be because it's so different than other FPS's, I really don't know what it is that hooks me.
P.S. Sorry for the long paragraph, I just type like I'm talking.
Last edited by Jut420 on 7/22/2010 10:17:16 PM
This is 1 shooter I'd really like to try out, because 256 player sounds awesome.
How many copies sold now?
To me, MAG is the greatest online shooter ever created.
Zipper has forever earned my money due to constant support that MAG has recieved post launch.
With the SABO maps going neutral, I can easily see myself playing this all the way to November 2nd.
Gotta agree. This is one of the best shooters, it involves everything, stealth, team work, action, great mechanics, and a massively fun mp. I could go on but the point is clear!
And yes the 256 player games are awesome. Absolutely one of the brightest points n their game.
No doubt brother! With the 9 new guns coming soon, I'll be set until GT5.
I was thinking about buyin this game…With this And the fact I liked the beta…Its an offer i can refuse just refuse to refuse it…
"Did you get that?"
i have been playin mag since it came out. i wont leave sver right now so im glad they did this. i really hope this game continues to see imporvements and dlc.
when i first started it was hard. i was lost, the maps are big and if you dont have a squad leader leading correctly its easy to not know what to do.
domination, the 256 player game, is insane. its chaos and at times it can be overwhelming. i love to get into a game as squad leader and call in the mortars.
this will bring new experiance to the game that already is a lot of fun.
I just snagged it about two weeks ago and I'm pretty hooked. Certainly not the same as the days of Socom 2 but I've definitely found myself just as addicted.
Anyone who hasn't played it, needs to get a hold of it. I seen it on glyde dot com 4 around 20 bux. That's well worth it. Heck 60 bux is worth it.
And a thanks to zipper for giving the fans a new welcomed addition.
I haven't picked this game up but at one point I'll like to. I should rent it or borrow it. It looks realy tempting.
The only good "online" game experience I had was with War Hawk.
I need this game!!!!!!!
256 player maps are awesome especially if you're in any of the leadership position. only if you're team is cooperating though. most of them does but i usually see a dot going to a different objective.
One thing i didnt get a clear answer. playing against valor on the valor map, would you be able to play on the valor side if you were raven or sever. all i understood is that you can play a sver map without playing against a sver team and so forth.
Last edited by johnld on 7/23/2010 12:46:52 AM
Yes I've played as sver defending against raven on raven's map 2 or 3 times now.
i really wish they did a SP mode of this game it would of been so cool!
let the player choose a faction, than have him fight out the battles on the various maps and try gain control of all the maps.
same with ABP, shame its not releasing on consoles anymore 🙁
how disappointing, it was looking like what GTAIV should of been!
oh well i guess mafia 2 and true crime will have to do for my open world fix!
speak of the devil, what ever happened to true crime?
have not seen any info on that since they preview at GDC!
I don't think it would be possible. They can't even add in so much as an extra piece of gear to the character models because the memory is maxed. Throwing 256 players, plus all the animations takes alot of memory. There is no way they'd be able to give them an AI.
does not have to be 256 players, could be maybe 20.
they could of made it a arcade styled game, clear the maps style.
plus i dont think it would make a difference, the MP is running off the servers not your console so it should not effect it.
I'm glad to see there are so many props for MAG. I spent over 400 hours playing it to get the Platinum and the game is just plain fabulous.
i want to get platinum but its pretty hard to get 30 sidearm kills in one game.
They lowered medal and ribbon reqs with the latest patch, all you need is 10 pistol kills in one game now.