Hey hombre. You a dirty, rotten, low-down dirty cheat? You think you can get away with that forever?
Rockstar is preparing another update for Red Dead Redemption and it's specifically designed to target the no-good cheaters in the online multiplayer mode. The developer realizes that there are a few "rotten apples" who are ruining the excellent online experience for others, and Rockstar isn't about to stand for it. Next month, new measures will be in place to counter hacking and cheating; but in fact, they've already started as they've said they "won't hesitate to promptly ban offenders for however long the developer deems necessary." The impending update will also give us "anti-grief measures" for the Free Roam Mode; those who have been unfairly oppressed will have the option to transport and respawn at any location. Oh, and the instant those bullies get six consecutive kills, they will land a "Most Wanted" status, which will alert everyone on the map that they have a "player killer" in their midst. NPC law enforcement will also be alerted. Yeah, try and survive now , punk.
We can't quite understand why people have to cheat. But sadly, it's part of the online experience…it's just good to see developers taking appropriate strides to counter the morons.
Related Game(s): Red Dead Redemption
Unfortunately, cheating is a part of the online experience. It is another by-product of the twitch gamers. They have to find a way to get instant gratification because playing by the rules to level up would take way too long.
I don't care how many updates developers put out, these people will always find ways to cheat. Even if the developers ban the cheaters, they can just create another account and start all over with the cheating. It is a part of life and now a part of online gaming.
I sure hope not rogers. This is a reason I don't play online as much as I would like too.
This is why I don't play online, and this problem will always be there.
Well that's good news for the online gamers, Cheaters are one of the reasons I don't play online. Sounds like the online in RDR isn't so great anyway though.
You sad it WorldEnds.
yeah the online gets old really fast, unless of course you're a big fan of deathmatch.
Yeah you sad it
This is Awesome. I wish other game companys did this. RDR is such an amazing game I'm so glad I preorderd it.
What I would like to know is how are they cheating?
I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, but then again, as in my previous comment (under the Sucker Punch article) I stated that I am slow gamer, and maybe haven't played enough of RDR online to notice the cheating.
I thought the PS3 was hack proof, so how do they do it???
Last edited by Qubex on 7/21/2010 10:09:26 PM
I'd like to know that very thing myself.
PS3 hack proof?? No sir. People have been known to hack save games and game profiles.
Nothing is "hack-proof". Why do you think they removed Linux?
Well good, because I don't like the fact you can't move save files to other systems. I wanna play my bloody save at my friend's house, now how do I do that?
When my PS3 died i lost my SFIV and Killzone 2 saves. I couldn't ever back them up because GG and Capcom locked them.
@ world
Yeah there are very few games that allow you to take your save with you, which sucks, because some games you don't want to have to re-unlock everything when you go to your friends to play it with them.
They have to stop with that sh*t, who cares if some people want to cheat and use someone elses save, it's their loss. Everything is locked up tighter than a nun these days.
I was playing BFC2 tonight, and I think I experienced cheating for the first time. A team mate on my side was trying to tag me with a missile lock tag and also obstructing my view.
I was successfully popping people off with my sniping rifle… but alas, we lost a round because of that dude who was interrupting me. In fact, once I was tagged the enemy came down hard on me and executed me…
I disconnected in disgust… is this the type of thing people are doing in Red Dead?
What is the point in playing if you're just going to cheat? Go get a life. Its not fun for anyone when someone cheating.
Last edited by Danny007 on 7/21/2010 10:32:05 PM
RDR multiplayer is fantastic. Unfortunately Rockstar included friendly fire in the Free Roam and this is where some people are being retarded.
It's like when you played Burnout Paradise and seven of you knew what to do. The eighth guy would just drive around smashing into people and ruining the fun for the rest. Thankfully the host could boot that player and hope for someone better.
In RDR you need to form a pretty big posse in order to have the votes needed to boot someone. It can be a little awkward but then again, switching to another Free Roam lobby is a simple matter.
Glad to see player killers will be hunted like the varmint they are though. That'll be a nice update.
actually in free roam you get more xp for killing players than you do for killing anyone else.
exactly what are these people doing? I havent seen anybody flying, or with an automatic rifle with unlimited ammo? What are they trying to prevent?
Edit: Never mind, I clicked on the link in the article. How can you ban someone for just shooting other players aka playing the game?
Last edited by dkmrules on 7/21/2010 11:16:17 PM
Maybe for people who just camp at your respawn point and blast you every time you spawn? I dunno I've never played it online.
yea that happens sometimes. Theres always some a**hole on a horse blasting you with a high powered pistol right as you spawn.
It doesn't look like they are banning you for killing ppl, just marking you as a pk, which isn't really a big deal, they would mark you as wanted after killing so many police officers anyway.
I believe there trying to fix it so if you get killed you don't respawn in the same place. When I was in free roam I got killed like 10 times because I respawned in the same place,as soon as I did I got killed again so I just quit the online sh@#.
It's very disappointing that Rockstar has to do this in the first place.
I wish more and more developers would be involved in the community like this and deal with the individuals that cheat, hack and glitch.
I'm glad to see devs finally stepping in and saying these annoying cheeters need to be dealt with. I don't even play alot of online games anymore because of the mass number of idiots who camp, glitch, and just plain cheat. These people should not only be banned from the game but if it is to a large enough extent, from the PSN. I don't want hackers on a network with credit card information anyways..
Cheats suck and if they cheat in video games, imagine what type of people they are in the real world? Tisk, tisk.
Well its nice to hear they're taking care of cheaters, but there will always be bullying and that doesn't really mean much to me, you can always switch servers, or you can grow a pair and go kill him back.
I must admit, the only thing i find fun in free roam is terrorizing other players. 🙂
Tonight, on Rockstar's Most Wanted…
what else is there to do anyway?
Exactly Kraygen.
Hey IW, learn from this!
this is why i dont bother with MP gaming, just a waste of time and can be extremely infuriating with the 2 year olds roaming the internet!
nothing pisses me off more than playing a MP game and some prick has his crappy RMB so loud its shattering my window, and talking smack.
You've seen 2 years olds roaming the internet? AND playing online shooters???
They must be some sort of genius kids.
you get the point gees!
Maybe if software was designed/written right to begin with, cheaters wouldn't be a problem?
That's the main reason I almost never play online – too many children who get far more enjoyment out of annoying other players rather than playing the game.
Online cheating is why I do not like paying to play ! I don't have an issue with someone beating me fair and square but when I lose because of cheating, it irks me to no end !
I use to play Madden on a daily basis when it first went online on the PS2 and I quickly lost interest due to the glitchers and cheaters who would have wild won loss records (200-1) yet they hadn't completed one full game !
I stopped playing online in the mid 2000s because the game developers simply could not stop the cheating or they simply ignored it !
Madden had the same online glitches for years and years and EA to my knowledge never addressed it !
At last this is/was most annoying in RDR. I was playing online with a friend doing one of the online co-op missions and some idiot random spawn raper just kept on killing us. We would die he would come back and shoot us again. We were not even attacking him but trying to get on with the mission. Luckily my mate decided to go after him while I got on with the mission once it was done he disappeared.
At 6 kills you gain Most Wanted status, at 12 a pack of bears spawn next to you, at 18 the magnificent seven show up, at 24 Godzilla…
This used to really piss me off when playing MGO, because my level that I worked so hard to get up would go down.
I've been killed by invisible players many times during gang shootouts and grab the bag matches. It's about time rockstar began doing something about it.
Well can't they ban the specific console as opposed to the users account to keep them from creating another account under another name?
speaking of annoying other player, am I the only one who likes to go ninja in fat princess and go invisible incessantly?
wait so what happens if someone kills me for no reason and then i get pissed and i end up killing him/her 6 or more times just to teach him/her a lesson?. do i get this "PK label"?
About time! Now Infinity Ward needs to get off their lazy asses!