It has already sold over a million copies and should surpass 1.5 million; it's also one of my all-time favorite games.
…and it was the leading vote-getter in our recent poll, which listed out many of the 2010 gems to date, and asked you to pick the game you missed but plan to play during the summer drought. And it seems a great many of you haven't yet experienced Quantic Dream's masterpiece, Heavy Rain , a game that has helped to push the industry in a fresh, positive direction. We prefer to be optimistic about these results, though. Rather than viewing it as an oversight on your part, we'd rather see it this way: Heavy Rain is appealing enough to be #1 on your "missed but must play" lists. Perhaps surprisingly, God of War III was a close second; arguably the best action game of the generation and an easy Game of the Year candidate should've gotten plenty of love from PlayStation 3 owners. But then again, there were a lot of great games in the first six months of this year, and perhaps one of the longer experiences was more worthy of your $60.
But no matter. So long as the great stuff gets played eventually, everyone benefits. This week, we want you to address the hot topic amongst role-playing fans: what will happen with Final Fantasy ? Square-Enix boss Yoichi Wada admits to being confused , so what's gonna happen…?
I couldn't vote in the last poll because I either played them all or didn't plan to. Sadly, even though Heavy Rain was the #1 game, not many of those are going to translate into actual sales for Quantic Dream because many these folks will be picking it up on the used market. I got nothing against used games, I just think a gem like HR deserves a full 2-4 million copies sold.
As for Final Fantasy, until proven otherwise I believe (with Wada at the helm) it is finished, finito, done, flat broke busted. I genuinely hope Versus delivers, but even if it does the numbered installments will likely get worse due to this attempt to appeal to the little sh*ts that ruined RPGs this generation.
Hasn't HR surpassed the 2 million sold mark?
nope, it's around 1 mil
I know it sold 500,000 copies in the first week and it hit over 1 million by April 13. Surely it's gone considerably higher than that, by now.
If you believe VGChartz, 1.36 mil worldwide.
I'll pick it up full price, when I have the cash for it.
Might as well be full price, because prices dropping around here could take another year or so -_-
VG Charts often underestimates because they try to be global, but miss a lot of retailers. Their numbers are often off by 10-20 %. But, that still wouldn't put the game past the 2 million mark.
People just need to go out this summer and buy, buy, buy.
When considering my budget I will have to get this title second hand 🙁 At least I will get to play it. Unfortunately Highlander, I can't just buy buy buy!
I picked ModNation. Its the only PS3 exclusive besides MAG i want that i haven't played. Bayonnaise be damned. The demo was terrible and the designed wasn't much better.
The full game of Bayonaise was worse than the demo. Yeah, the character and level designs actually got WORSE.
I like Bayonaise in my sandwiches.
Oh, that's it.
Thumbs down for the each of you*
Except for Alienange.
Baiyonaise goes good between slices of Ninja Rye-Bread and Kratos-beef.
*Unless referencing the PS3 version
I didn't even take the time to finish the demo, I was bored and begging for it to end before I finished, then I realized all I had to do was hit that little round button in the center of my controller and make it end anyway.
I did play the PS3 version, but even so it was just so generic and poorly slapped together that better graphics and a smoother experience wouldn't have helped it.
Learn to appreciate Bayonetta!!!!
It's everything DMC is and better!!
Thats going to be a little hard considering i never liked DMC either. Though i think DMC is a far better game then Bayonnaise.
Ah well, everyone's taste is different.
Who doesn't like DMC??!!
At least DMC has full levels and backgrounds.
Heavy Rain was #1? Wow, what are you guys waiting for? 🙂
As for FF I'm hopeful that SE will deliver with future FF's after making some changes. This could just be wishful thinking on my part though… 🙁
Yet another poll without a choice for me to pick truthfully. That's okay. I'll wait for the next one.
Well, no reason you can't post what you think will happen to FF even if you can't vote. Your thoughts?
I feel the same way, but I voted for "if they make some changes it'll be great".
You are correct. There is no reason why I can't post my thoughts.
Last edited by fluffer nutter on 7/18/2010 11:56:21 PM
Taking after your buddy as usual…
Your reply makes no sense. No buddies on the "internet". lol
I'm sorry but the correct answer would be "who?"
No need to apologize for fairy tales.
Again, "who?"
Learn to read, kid.
I picked modnation racers.
I can't decide what FF is going to be like in the future. I'll have to think this one through. It's hard to tell the difference between what will more likely happen and what I want to happen to the series.
-sf out
Last edited by SolidFantasy on 7/18/2010 10:40:45 PM
I picked HR, just had to go with a genre changing company, although they actually started the genre much earlier on, with their Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit game.
As long as Yoichi Wada is running the show at Square-Enix, the Final Fantasy franchise is dead in my eyes.
By the way, tomorrow is the "big announcement" that Sonia Im and the losers from 1up are hyping from Square-Enix.
If only 1up has it, then it must be minuscule.
Well, Square Enix did send out an email that there will be an announcement so it wasn't just 1Up that picked this up.
I voted HR. Loved the demo but I had heard there wasn't much replay value so I went with Red Dead and BC2. Definately going to grab HR soon. I still haven't played Uncharted 2….lagging behind bad here.
Not much replay value? Who told you that? It has tons of endings, (I keep hearing 22, not sure tho) it only takes about 10 hours to beat it, but in the first week I owned it, I couldn't stop.
I beat it 3 times in my first week and have beaten again since then. I've had the game less than a month and I've put over 40 hours into it and I haven't even played the taxidermist add on yet.
I've actually never seen another game with so much replay value.
I see Heavy Rain getting another resurrection in sales come Move time in Fall.
Hope so. It is a good game. I'm kinda disappointed that it's only sold 1.5.
I chose Heavy Rain, I plan on picking it up soon, maybe I'll try it with Move. Move will pick up sales like you said rebalJD.
I was holding off until Move, but I think the ending's been spoiled for me.
I'll get it eventually. A few more bottles of whisky and I'll prolly forget the spoiler.
You know what game I'm really enjoying that IDK maybe should have been on that list? PoP: The Forgotten Sands. I'm loving the game. It's classic PoP I can't put it down! It got ok reviews, but I think its really good! I'd have been upset if I passed on it. But being a huge fan of the PoP series I wouldn't have anyways, so…
But I voted for Heavy Rain, because I want it. I don't know if im waiting for the price to drop or what but I just havnt gotten it yet lol!
Only a million sold? That's worse than Heavenly Sword! As good as the experience is, is it possible that gamers aren't willing to pay serious money for a game with little replay value?
why do you say little replay value? I've already played it 4 times and I feel like I'm just getting started.
Heavy Rain has plenty replay value.
As long as Wada's there Final Fantasy's dead.
FFXV will probably come out for the next xbox as an early exclusive.
I feel sorry for anyone who has not had the experience of Heavy Rain, especially if it has been spoilt for them, play it before its to late!
As for Final Fantasy, yes i believe it will continue to be the best RPG series, Final Fantasy XIII was fine, easily the most enjoyable RPG i have played on the PS3, well for me anyway.
Well I voted for Heavy rain, even tho I had it, because I got it less than a week before the poll. It was my summer drought purchase, altho technically my wife bought it for me.
As for final fantasy, put the nail in the coffin, because 14's ps3 release is 8 months late, versus looks to be a 13 copy but with towns, and wada wants the next one to be more twitch oriented.
I see ff15 being made by an enix U.S. company, sad, but that seems to be wada's dream.
All signs seem to lead to hell and Final fantasy appears to have a one way ticket.