The latest PS3 firmware update fixed many of the problems with viewing PS2 games through the PS3 on a HD monitor. In fact, it was quite the upgrade for Sony's new system, as it's clearly not a possible patch for the PS2. However, HD and video games still have a long way to go, and according to a recent article over at Beyond3D , we may start seeing more HD viewing upgrades for the PS3.
As most HD and PS3 owners now know, the PS3 doesn't automatically upscale native 720p games to 1080i/p, which has been a sore spot ever since the console launched. And if you've got CRT, which usually only handles either 480i/p or 1080i, it's even more of an issue: when a PS3 game supports only 720p (like Resistance: Fall of Man ), the game is downscaled to 480p. But a fix may be on the way. < /p?
Sony has unveiled a new SDK (Software Development Kit) for the PS3 that should streamline the HD optimization process. It opens up limited hardware scaling, which in turn will allow developers to have an easier time of displaying 720p games at 1080i/p. Before this latest kit, developers had more difficulty in the endeavor primarily because all the scaling was done through the software. In the end, it appears there's a ton of potential for games in the future, and it also seems we may be able to have more flexibility with our games. Perhaps we might be seeing more 1080i/p titles as well.
As far as we're concerned, the closer we can get to viewing all our games in the best possible resolution available, the better off we are. If this kit can do what Sony claims, it should prove to be a giant help to developers.