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Guerrilla Talks About Overhauled Killzone 3 Controls

Ever since we learned about the decision to replace the "too heavy controls" of Killzone 2 with something faster and more accessible in Killzone 3 , the backlash from fans has been most evident.

Many claim it was the realistic weight and feel of KZ2 that set it apart, and to take that away would cause the franchise to simply blend in with every other shooter on the market. And so, this hot topic of discussion caused to ask Game Director Mathijs de Jonge about why the team made this design decision. And it seems Guerrilla was indeed listening to player feedback concerning KZ2, and they wanted to address the "accuracy and responsiveness issues" that some complained about. He does admit that many say they "loved the weighty feel" so there had to be some sort of compromise and on top of which, de Jonge has a clarification:

"For the most part, the unique sense of weight in Killzone 2 comes directly from the first-person animations, not from the control scheme. The speed of movement and the way the camera bobs up and down are consistent with the view of a person carrying around heavy equipment."

So they went back to the beginning and began to examine every aspect of the system, looking at factors like input lag, acceleration and dead zone, etc. Based on this research, they then tweaked and improved the controls for KZ3. Finished de Jonge:

"Right now it's still a work in progress, but we're definitely getting there. We’ve recalibrated the dead zone to be more responsive and significantly reduced the input lag, resulting in far better accuracy. Best of all, we've managed to retain that sense of weight that set Killzone 2 apart from other shooters. I can't wait for people to try it out."

Well, as usual, it's one of those "play it before you pass judgment" situations. We have little doubt that Killzone 3 will rule, and our hope is that it will, like its predecessor, redefine the very nature of the FPS. It's a tough bar to leap over but if anyone can do it… Maybe Guerrilla's next project should be an RPG. …or maybe that's a terrible idea.

Related Game(s): Killzone 3

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14 years ago

Mod Nation Racers load times are unbearable. I never complained about load times until I played this game

14 years ago

What i don't get is it also comes with an install does it not?

14 years ago

I personally think it is a bad idea to change the controls like they did, like that quote from the article "That is what made KZ2 stand out from other FPS" I actually got used to the controls easily just like Jawknee, but when when someone ran to the left or right of me really quickly I was in trouble.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

It was all good for me. Sooome people had to get the 1% online rankings with the weighty feel! Sheeeesh 😀 (not me for half the time btw).

14 years ago

it could be since I don't play that many shooters, still haven't touched MW2, but I didn't see a problem with KZ2.
Ya it's a bit slower but that just adds to the immersion more than hopping around like the character OD'd on haze or something.
I just used the default options, though I don't think I ever beat the final boss on hard.
I'd be more looking forward to #3 if I had a 3d tv to test it out on but that's not happening anytime soon.