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Developer: Working With PS3 A “Journey”

If there's one thing Sony doesn't do, it's create easy-to-use and what developers might call "accessible" hardware. The PS3 is no exception, and while the system has received plenty of praise and admiration for its inherent capabilities, it's been widely reported that developers are tearing their hair out attempting to design games for the PS3.

In a recent interview with Eurogamer , Ninja Theory co-founder Mike Ball voiced his opinion on the process. Ninja Theory is currently putting the finishing touches on the upcoming PS3 RPG, Heavenly Sword , and many PS3 owners are hoping the title will be the first great RPG on the system.

"The PS3 hardware is a bit like a journey into the Marianas trench," said Ball. "There's lots to explore and the deeper you get the more varied the life forms – sometimes horrific, sometimes beautiful."

It's a great quote, because it summarizes both the potential of Sony's next-gen console and the difficulty in illuminating that potential. It's just the start of another development cycle for a Sony platform, as essentially the same thing happened with the PS2: system launches, developers are mostly clueless, and 6 years later, we find titles that make those launch games look like trash. Therefore, taking that into account, and seeing how good the earliest PS3 titles have looked so far, we'd have to assume we'll see some truly amazing games in the years to come.

But of course, it won't be easy. And that's half the fun, right devs? As Ball concludes- "…PS3 exploration is an interesting ride for developers and that can only result in amazing games for players."