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Activision Responds To Schafer’s Blasting Of Kotick

Anybody else get a chuckle out of this? I mean, gamers have been calling Activision CEO Bobby Kotick such names for a while, but a respected developer…? It's just amusing, isn't it?

Okay, so, Tim Schafer went and called Kotick a "total pr***," a "di**," and perhaps worst of all, "a ball bearing enthusiast." Such comments made the Internet rounds awfully quickly; so quickly, in fact, that Activision has already responded. According to Kotaku , the publisher's Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications, Maryanne Lataif, defended her boss and makes one significant point:

"Tim Schafer's comment that Bobby Kotick 'makes a big deal about not liking games' just isn't true. Bobby has always been passionate about games, and loves the video game industry. But as CEO of a company that makes games enjoyed by millions of people worldwide, the demands on his time now make it difficult to play games as often as he'd like to or as much as he once did.

"As Schafer himself notes, he has never actually met Bobby Kotick."

That last bit there is a pretty big jab and all in all, we'd have to say Activision's response is relatively dignified in comparison to Schafer's blunt accusations. Also, let's not forget that Schafer and Activision don't have the rosiest history together; look it up if you're interested.  And while we're sure many gamers will agree with Schafer, we should probably admit we don't know Kotick, either. …doesn't stop us from guessing what he might be like, though.

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14 years ago

Bobby loves the money it makes him. Not the games themselves.

14 years ago

Go Team Schafer.

14 years ago

LAWL HE probably called Kotick a nub. NOOB KOTICK.

14 years ago

Hey! Bobby might not that be that bad of a guy. I mean he runs a well liked and fairly managed company…
Oh wait…

Last edited by Fatcat3788 on 7/14/2010 9:36:17 PM

14 years ago

Here is Bobby Kotex on record: "The goal that I had in bringing a lot of the packaged goods folks into Activision about 10 years ago was to take all the fun out of making video games."

So, still think he's on our side?

14 years ago

Does it really matter if he takes the fun out of making games so long as they're fun to play?

14 years ago

I feel the guys who have fun making their games make the best games. Just look at the studios at Insomniac, Sucker Punch, Media Molecule and Visceral. Those guys are having fun.

14 years ago

If your work is not fun then its going to be hard to be passionate about thus hard to make the best creation possible.

That goes with anything. Anything who hates their job and doesn't find it fun aren't going to be very good at it.

14 years ago

And also that his employees should fear him.

Anyway, just more spin-doctoring on a blatant lie, as Kotex already stated in his interview that he didn't play video games & that he hated them.

In my opinion he's only at anti-vision to make as much anti-vision as cash as possible, so he snatch his last giant stock option check(he already cashed out for a cool $32 million cash so far)& then fly the coop when his anti-vision cash-cow starts to dry up.

Then he'll do the very same hit & run at the next big job offer too.

I'd love to see his prior work history records, I'll bet I'm right.

14 years ago

I suppose that's true. I just don't think we should vilify activation as a whole just because of the douchebaggy things their CEO spurts out.

14 years ago

So his previous comments about not liking video games were lies?

Well he either doesn't like video games or he's a blatant liar in public. Either way, he's not my first choice for president of a game making company.

14 years ago

Sorry, but Tim Schafer's blunt comments pretty much sum my opinion of Bobby Kotick. He might be a nice guy but he comes off as a total jerk when he does a press release to me. It's only those stupid Xbots that keep Activision going. Taking advantage of the American/British dunce caps out there can make anybody's head big I guess.

14 years ago

No matter what PR crap they throw at us. We all know what Antivision is.

14 years ago

Bobby Kotick's comments that he wanted to "take the fun" out of gaming can really be only seen from a corporate industry point of view.

He obviously wants to take the risks out of developing all these shoddy games that don't make a return for his shareholders.

Pretty responsible comment for a CEO of a large corporate company?

It's not the 80's anymore and AAA games can't be developed from someones bedroom or garage.

So love him or hate him you need companies like Activision and EA to be around to push the industry.

Yip, it's an industry and not a hobby. These companies aren't in it to make you happy, they are in it to make a profit.

He can't be too dumb. He's got more money than the lot of us!

Just playing devils advocate 😉

14 years ago

To refute your argument…

EA has definately shown that they CARE about their fans. They have been proving themselves for about 2 years now. The funny thing about the entertainment industry is that what you are selling is supposed to make people happy. If you don't keep your customers happy then they will definately not buy your product. If you don't keep your workers happy then they will slack in any way possible. Lose lose situation.

And to the comment about him being smarter than all of us because of how much money he has. Go to google and type Paris Hilton. "'Nuff Said"

Last edited by Fatcat3788 on 7/15/2010 8:08:12 AM

14 years ago

Kotex doesn't need a Devil's advocate…

Better off being that devil's right-hand minion maybe, but definitely not a DkEoVtIeLxS advocate
(read either the lower & higher case letters off first for the same names that mean the same thing lately)

14 years ago

Who's Tim Schafer?

14 years ago

He makes games for the iPhone apparently…

14 years ago

Tim Schafer is one of the most respected creative individuals in the games industry. He has earned that respect through all his fun, original games.

14 years ago

I apologise! I'm only winding people up.

It's just funny that he represents the "arty and quirky" creative type and Kotick represents the business "greed is good" corporate type.

Both in the same industry but with different persona's.

Gamers tend to put a lot of stock in the "ethics" and "artistic reasons" of the producers of their games.

A lot more I think than if they were at the movies or eating at a resturaunt or strolling round an art gallery.

It's excellent.

14 years ago

I've never met Bobby Kotick…but all signs point to a$$hole.

14 years ago

Your comment with that avatar reminded me of that vulgar dog on Connan O'Brian. Made me laugh.

14 years ago

Triumph the insult-comic dog, sadly that's a trademark so he won't be going to the new show.

14 years ago

I've never met Hitler either, but I know he was an a–hole.

14 years ago

ahh i see the misshap with burtal ledgend has still left a sour taste in Schafer's mouth.
though, the lady has a point how can you accuse someone of being a prick if you have not met the person?

14 years ago

Lataif unwittingly confirmed Shafer's remark: "He doesn't hate games, he just hasn't played them in a while."

And to Gordo: It's one thing to "take out all the fun" of making games, as in making it a business rather than just a "hobby". But it's quite another thing to confirm you have no interest (besides a financial one) in the very industry that you are working in.

14 years ago

I'm sure the guys at Respawn were cheering when they read Tim's comments.

14 years ago

Totally on the side of Schaffer. Man speaks the truth. Kotick has never been into the games, he has always been into the money.

14 years ago

After I read Schafer's (very true) comments, the first thing that came to mind was Ken Jeong's remark from The Hangover: "It's funny because he's fat."

Kotick is a big tool. That big stupid grin of his makes me want to throw feces at his face. I hope that one day, someone can give him what Ving "Marsellus Wallace" received near the end of Pulp Fiction.

Yes, I am clearly siding with Schafer on this.

14 years ago

Totally on the side of Schaffer. Man speaks the truth. Kotick has never been into the games, he has always been into the money.

14 years ago

"Schafer and Activision don't have the rosiest history together"

Who does?

I love the comment about Kotick getting involved in an industry he has more passion for, like ball bearing manufacturing.

14 years ago

Hmmmm… looks like my comment sent to a spammer got moved to you JackC8. Just keep in mind my below comment was not meant for you. 😉

Last edited by Fatcat3788 on 7/15/2010 3:07:46 PM

14 years ago

goodbye buddy…

14 years ago

LOL! Did anyone notice she didn't deny that Kotick is a prick? HAHA!

-Not noticed by me. But by some dude at Kotaku Comments-

Last edited by Sithis on 7/15/2010 8:06:23 AM

14 years ago

A quick review on some things Bobby boy has said publicly.

"The goal that I had in bringing a lot of the packaged goods folks into Activision about 10 years ago was to take all the fun out of making video games." (An instant classic)

Let's not forget
"If it was left to me, I would raise game prices even further."

And my personal favorite
"[Activison won't make games that] don't have the potential to be exploited every year on every platform with clear sequel potential and have the potential to become $100 million franchises."

There are some more, but I think my point is clear. Bobby boy has little to no respect for gaming, and the gaming community, and wants to suck as much cash out of us as possible. If anything, Schafer was being too kind.

14 years ago

Actions speak louder than words

14 years ago

The guy is greedy. Thats the bottom line. I don't know him and I don't want to know him. It's because if his greed that I don't play any of their games anymore.
When you have a company like EA who is giving me free map packs and extra content for a game like battlefield, meanwhile Activision charges and arm and a leg for each expansion they have. You start to see which company is there for the money and which is there for the Industry. Sure EA is going to make a profit but they don't nickel and dime you for everything thing with their name on it.

14 years ago


I heard from a friend that Bobby Kotick mentioned something about much rather having a peripheral console solely dedicated to 1 type of game… Doesn't sound like being passionate about gaming to me.

14 years ago

An interesting read…..

The Creator of Sony's Fake Exec Hero Moves To Activision

Last edited by BikerSaint on 7/15/2010 3:33:31 PM

14 years ago

Kotick 'Pr*ck' Comment Was 'An Accident,' says Schafer,


14 years ago

BTW, check out the newest in the already milked musical "Hero" series….

"Vuvuzela Hero: Blow That Horn"!

14 years ago

@ ___________

You say
"though, the lady has a point how can you accuse someone of being a prick if you have not met the person?"

Well after reading all your comments over the past few weeks and especially some of the things you said in today's topics.

Well how can you accuse someone you've never met of being a prick, well I've never met you,

but . . . . .

I think you see my point.

14 years ago

He's never met him? Well who cares?! You don't have to meet a CEO. His memos prove his prick status.