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GT5: Damage Will Affect Driving Capabilities Of All Cars

Damage that doesn't accurately impact a vehicle's performance isn't a damage modeling system Kazunori Yamauchi would be interested in.

And while the most amount of damage physics will be applied to the 200 Premium car models in Gran Turismo 5 , it seems that all of them will suffer hits against their capabilities if you…well, if you suck at driving. The Japanese version of the game's official site has listed out the various damage details and a helpful little chart to help us understand how the damage model will affect both the Premium and Standard cars. As you can see, they're looking at three different damage calculations and all three apply to the Premiums while two of the three apply to the Standards. That third missing aspect for the Standards is "deformation of the panel gap," which basically means that only Premium vehicles will sport the full effects of incurred damage. But obviously, for simulation purposes, it was important that damage affect all cars in the game and early on, we had heard it might not. Well, I think the Forza fans were hoping it wouldn't, at any rate.  Bitterness puts one in a foul mood, after all.

The bottom line is that regardless of the car you are driving, you had better take care of your vehicle. If not, you could find yourself out of the race or in an ill-advised pit stop due to reckless racing or a lack of ability. Practice, people. It's a simulator.

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5

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14 years ago

But why do only premium cars get the full on effects? If this game really were a graphical phenomenon, then they would have added that for every car. It's not like a Lamborghini in real life will suffer more damage running into the wall at 120mph as opposed to an Oldsmobile or something just because the Lamborghini is much more expensive. They want to be really real and claim it to be the best that best can be, but they're holding out.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Because given the insane level of detail for the Premium cars, to render exact damage in every seam and crack would probably take eons to perfect.

And GT5 isn't about the cosmetic. It's about the realism. It matters FAR more that damage affects every car we drive rather than every last dent being seen in detail.

And to claim Yamauchi and Co. is "holding out" after many years and millions of dollars in making the most authentic driving simulator around…is just wrong.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 7/14/2010 10:50:48 AM

14 years ago

Spoiled much D.Chaos?

The game is going to rock regardless. Stop whining.

14 years ago


14 years ago

Kazunori and PD are not holding out. That statement is pure ignorance.

14 years ago

I think they decided to add damage effect somewhere in the middle of development. So only 200 of the 1000+ cars have full damage effect. They probably didn't want to redesign the cars that were completed after GT5P.

I didn't think GT series needed damage effects. There are just too many Forza fans whining about Forza being more realistic than GT so Polyphony decided to add it. If there is a choice, I'll probably turn off damage anyway.

14 years ago

I thought it was because the car companys didn't want them to show what it would look like having there cars all crashed up.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

You have to remember, that some manufacturers really do have a problem with letting PD mash up their cars.

14 years ago

i smell a forza racing fan

Last edited by manofchao5 on 7/18/2010 11:54:46 AM

14 years ago

November can't come soon enough. Who wants to do rollovers with me when it gets released on the 1st day? 😛

14 years ago

Oh i am THERE!

14 years ago

me too

14 years ago

I'll also be there!

Last edited by StangMan80 on 7/14/2010 3:36:15 PM

14 years ago

Count me in.

14 years ago

Goodness, this game is going to kick so much arse. Can't freakin wait.

14 years ago

I am so excited too. Polyphony is introducing so many new aspects to the GT series: Track editor, Online racing, damage, weather.

I hope everything turns out perfect for GT5. Easily my most anticipated game of the year.

14 years ago

I knew it'd be like this

But like always some uninformed people love looking for something to bash on.

Regular cars will get all the damage
Premium just get all the damage PLUS all the interior damage and all the microscopic damage you can think of.

14 years ago

Go to GTPlanet. That place has a giant collection of whiners.

Sometimes I think that place has Micro-Moles, it's bad.

The constant flow of gripes over every small detail has me considering whether or not I want to be a part of a community that allows that to continue. It's a shame really.

14 years ago

MS is probably paying a bunch of them to Astroturf that site .

It wouldn't be the 1st time paid trolls were caught & out'ed doing it on several sites in the past too.

14 years ago

Ironically, a M$ mole was caught their posting comments this year.

I just do not understand why Jordan (site owner) allows such negativity on that site.

14 years ago

This will make rally races more interesting and more difficult (which is fine). I wonder if they're going to have some invisible barriers for some courses or if one will simply roll off the course and thus game over (Pikes peak courses come to mind).

Last edited by mexgeo86 on 7/14/2010 11:25:55 AM

14 years ago

Ha ha! Yeah, can we sail off into the Grand Canyon and die if we're not careful? I'd be interested to know. I mean, it's "realistic," if not very fun. And apparently "realistic" is the only thing that matters to some people. GT has always been the "most fun" racer out there, but people forget this sometimes.


14 years ago

So, they're taking the already excellent sounding GT5 and adding both Epic and Awesome to it?

Well, sounds good to me.

I truly hope that the panel deformation and effect on the performance of the car can be disabled by those of us who enjoy driving a pristine car around a track despite our own inability to avoid the walls and our tendency to use the other cars on the track as brakes.

14 years ago

I have a feeling that if damage can't be turned off, some reviewers will slam the feature due to it's brutality.

14 years ago

I have a feeling some reviewers will slam this game simply because its not on Xbox.

14 years ago

Excellent point there as well Jawknee.

Speaking of biased reviews, something also tells me that GT5 will be a little more difficult to drive then Forza 3, and that will cause some 1/2 point reductions too.

14 years ago

Oh I can't wait to see IGN complain about the game. The only PS3 game I've seen them give a perfect score to was MGS4.

14 years ago

@Max pontiac,

Indeed yes. But reviewers aside, I personally don't want my enjoyment of a video game to be destroyed by mandatory reality checks every time I clip a car or graze a wall.

14 years ago

Exactly how I feel about all racing game. In some Need For Speed game, driving a Lamborgini to the finish line only to find out that it's all smashed up, just doesn't feel right.

14 years ago

I follow you. I would like to think that there would be an option for the level of severity of the damage. Arcade Damage and Simulator Damage options per se.

14 years ago

I kinda like it. Remember in the old NFSs where although they didn't show damage they charged for car repairs.

14 years ago

@ Jawknee lol not only the reviews but all the xbox fanboys talking smack about the game. I remember watching a video of some guy on youtube name GeneralMLD saying Gt5 flake out because it didnt want to compete with Forza 3. btw do I have to play the first 4 to understand the story of the game?

Last edited by Pandacastro on 7/14/2010 1:45:50 PM

14 years ago

Regarding a Damage ON/OFF or level of severity option, I'm all for it. Especially during online races!

If someone purposely wipes me out at the start of a race, I want the chance to fight my way back through the pack and if not win, at least return the compliment 🙂

14 years ago

Radio Header

That's exactly why I think they will.

14 years ago

@Pandacastro, i don't believe there is much of a story so i would say no.

As for those tools who say Forza is better…all i can say is they are in denial.

14 years ago


There is no story to Gran Turismo. You are a driver, you have to earn you licenses. earning licenses opens up events. winning events wins credits. Credits buy cars and tuning mods. You buy a car, you tune it, you race it.

Rinse, repeat.
Rinse, repeat.

Oh, and the game looks photo-realistic all the time, and each care controls like the real thing, and the physics are a full simulation, not arcade physics. The courses are inch perfect to the real thing, and the cars are millimeter perfect to the real thing.

So basically it's *the* driving simulator, and better than other racing games, because it's *not* just a game.

14 years ago

Max, Yeah we can trust PD. No worries.

Pandacastro, lol the story's pretty deep, man. If you can't play the first four, at least read the novels.

Dammit I thought he was joking. Now I just feel terrible.

Last edited by RadioHeader on 7/14/2010 4:43:28 PM

14 years ago

LOL at RadioHeader for telling him to read the books on Gran Turismo's 1-4.

I don't care who you are, that's funny..

14 years ago

I dont think im gonna buy GT5. I lost interest with the franchise after GT3. But dammit I salute every iteration this racing sim has ever had and I know GT5 will be the best racing sim of all time!

14 years ago

say what?

I haven't played a GT game since 2 but this one is a must!

14 years ago

The new features will breathe new life to GT series. If you own a PS2 wheel, it should still work on PS3.

14 years ago

I know I know!I just might yield to it this time. It looks absolutely freakin gorgeous!!

14 years ago

You really should man. Damage modeling, online, and weather alone make it something special due it being new to the series!!

14 years ago

I would of liked to see all cars have deformation after a crash. either way this was a buy for me a long time ago.
I hope GT6 will have all cars with full "deformation of the panel gap".

The team is inhansing graghics and speeding up load times up untill the releas:)

14 years ago

I am sure it will StangMan80. Following the track record of all GT's, the first one on the new system always has fewer cars.

I expect GT6 to have nothing but Premium models.

14 years ago

I'll be Playing GT5 wright up to the GT6 release. 🙂

14 years ago

Anyone who has a car in his name, is alright in my book.

My PSN name is "maxpontiac". Send me a friend request.

14 years ago

I'm blown away that the premium models have this much detail. I can't believe the game is this ridiculously fantastic and ppl are still trying to find something to complain about.

14 years ago

Lately ive been reading stuff I've known a long time on here :/

14 years ago

im not into racing games…but i think i will purchase this game.. looks badass