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Helghast Culture, Humanity On Display In Killzone 3

Although the Helghast were introduced in Killzone 2 , they remained mostly faceless despite a solid storyline.

Developer Guerrilla Games seeks to change all that with the upcoming third installment. During a lengthy interview with GamePro (which may or may not contain spoilers, depending on your definition), studio boss Herman Hulst spoke about how the Helghast might be viewed as sympathetic enemies this time around. We'll learn more about their history, why they're fighting, and for what they're fighting. Said Hulst:

"In Killzone 3, we show that even the Helghast have some humanity left in them. We’re weaving a story that has more shades of gray than the trite representation of ‘good vs. evil. Although the Helghast are physically still human, they consider themselves superior to the human race in terms of society and culture.

They possess a mentality that’s similar to how the Nazis viewed those not part of the Aryan bloodline. Helghast look down on humans as weak, lying, and spineless."

Yeah, well, that's how I sometimes see humans, too. Maybe I should have the option of joining the Helghast at the start of the story. Anyway, Hulst also talks a lot about the first-person shooter, and how it continues to change. The key is to continue to adapt with an industry and category of gaming that often remains in flux. Added Hulst:

"Killzone will always be about scorching, intense action, no matter where we take it. But as the shooter genre evolves, Killzone too evolves," Hulst says. "Killzone 3, in particular, embraces elements that aren't necessarily native to first-person shooters, such as vehicle-based combat and this sequence on the glaciers that was influenced by platforming video games."

After GT5, KZ3 will very likely be the second game I play in 3D. …and I'm honestly not sure which of the two I'm more excited about.

Related Game(s): Killzone 3

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14 years ago

All you need is a better story and killzone is perfect.

14 years ago

no, no. all you need is for rico and natko to die in the most unheroic ways possible.
THEN it will be perfect

14 years ago

And maybe bring the POV up from the center of the chest to the eyes 🙂

14 years ago

All good points.

14 years ago

HAHA, yeah I defiantly agree that Rico should die. He pretty much ruined the game for me. WTF, what was the point in killing Visari? and he seriously needs some rage management.

14 years ago

I like Rico, he may use the f bomb a lot but he has a past. His character fits his story pretty well. But GG has said they have toned that down a lot, I bet you'll all love Rico this go round!

14 years ago

rico is an idiot lol and i hate him!

14 years ago

Hmm…You know what's interesting is that every time I see the Helghast soldiers in their armor and helmets I have always, *always* been reminded of the Nazi shock troops from the second World War. Something about them just created that impression.

Funny that it turns out that the Helghast are in some way reflective of that.

14 years ago

But wasn't gorilla going for the Nazi kind of feel with Killzone to begin with? I remember something about them saying they wanted to make a fictional story but something that would seem like it could be real (something like that can't remember this was awhile back)

14 years ago

I don't know, but if they were going for that, they succeeded.

14 years ago

It's exactly wat they were going for. A scifi war, but shades of our own realities and history.

14 years ago

So are we gonna feel bad for the space Nazis?

14 years ago

Doubt it. I say we take off and nuke 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

14 years ago

LOL! ^

14 years ago

Whom ever thumbed Highlander down must not have seen Aliens.

14 years ago

LOL, Jawknee, I'm impressed that at least 7 out of 8 people did see Aliens, and recognize the quote.

14 years ago

My question is why the heck haven't they seen Aliens?!

14 years ago

You might want to read through Sony's new terms of use now that 3D is showing up on their console. You might not be so keen on playing either of those games in 3D for more than 20 minutes.

14 years ago

all kinda of medical problems?

14 years ago

It's an interesting read. I'll put it that way.
Here's the link. Scroll down to number 17 about 3D.

14 years ago

This is kinda what I was saying about half a dozen 3D articles back. There are health effects for sensitive individuals, and some people may simply not be capable of experiencing stereoscopic 3D anyway.

14 years ago

More reason to back up why I don't think 3D 'is' the future.
A gimmick, 3D was a big thing, haled as the future of cinema/tv back with the red and blue glasses and it flopped into obscurity shortly after back then. I don't think now will be any different, although we'll be made to believe it is.

14 years ago

All games have a warning about epilepsy and seizures and mentions they're possible if you don't have epilepsy. This is simply so Sony can cover their butts if people do have health problems caused by 3d in the same regards.

14 years ago

I thought 3d was a fad too. But I dont think its going anywhere. The industry is pushing it really hard, as hard as blu-ray. I was in Sears the other day and they said they are having to order the t.v. now because they can't keep em stocked. People are buying these its going a long ways.

And yeah the epilepsy seizure thing, has to be put somewhere for Sony's sake. It doesnt mean its a very common thing, its just a warning to the user. But I know that some people will be sensitive too it. As for myself I can sit in front of it all day, so ill be bathing in 3d, as soon as I get my t.v!

14 years ago

People with medical issues and people wearing glasses (which number quite a few in our society) will surely restrict the number of total potentials sales these companies could get… they are pushing this hard, and yet large swathes of our society may not be able to enjoy it…

Sorry, but 2D is here to stay for a very very very long time…



*Currently in Taipei, Taiwan

14 years ago

2d will always be the standard, always!

Thats why I dont get what every one is fussing about the 3d t.v.s. Its not like you lose the 2d aspect, its a big fat bonus having 3-d.

You made a very obvious point, that 2d will be here for ever! 2d is standard, will be forever, but having 3d is an experience!

14 years ago

I'm looking forward to the first Hollodeck.

14 years ago

@frostface, sancho's comment puts these warnings in precisely the context they should be taken.

As for large swaths of society unable to take advantage, I read a report yesterday that claimed that 1 in 12 people in the UK have a vision disorder that doesn't affect their normal every day vision because depth perception is based on many different aspects of vision, not simply the stereoscopic nature of having two eyes. Such people do not 'see' the 3D the rest of us do. These are the only ones that may not benefit at all by 3D. There is some discussion about the actual numbers of people in this group. 1 in 12 seems rather a larger proportion, but I'm no eye doctor, so I'll take their word for it.

As for glasses wearers, you can purchase, for less than 420, a pair of clip on circular polarized filters compatible with the RealD 3D standard used in the cinema. In fact you can buy your own RealD 3D glasses in various styles for prices ranging from $5 to whatever you're willing to pay. This solves the issue for the cinema quite nicely. I haven't yet seen many solutions for the active shutter glasses for home use. although I noticed that Panasonic – for example – has designed their active shutter glasses in a way that looks like it would accommodate spectacle wearers. As the technology matures, I still expect to see something like the RealD system in the home. Time till tell.

Despite my own skepticism over 3D, I do think that the technology is here to stay, I don't think it's a mere gimmick. 3D is already cheaper and easier to get into than HD was at the same point in it's life. 3D content is coming, primarily in the form of movies and games. But some TV is being done in 3D, and 3D consumer devices for still and video photography are coming into the market as well. I am kind of expecting 3D photography to be something of a killer app. It's not quite like having a hologram, but it definitely seems to add something unique.

14 years ago

@Highlander, I'll agree with the context in which Sancho's post sets out. And I'm not an eye doctor, so I'll take that what you read makes you more informed than me on that part of the subject.
But we'll have to agree to disagree regarding it being a fad and around for a long time. I don't believe it will be around that long, but I may be wrong!

14 years ago

Move's the best *pardon the pun* move for Sony. 3D just isn't everyone-friendly. I can only appreciate 3D movies when I'm wearing glasses but get a headache after a while so same goes i guess when its 3D games

14 years ago

I didnt mind, the lack of knowledge concerning the Helghast in KZ2. I liked the questioning part of it. I actually thought to myself that the Helghast might actually be the good guys on more than one occassion (obviously not though, with the nazi reference and all).

I will howveer welcome more details which obviosly will make for a better story. KZ3 is shaping up to be my most anticipated game from here on out! I'm thrilled about GT5, but I really want a G27 wheel, before im all in!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 7/14/2010 12:05:03 AM

14 years ago

They really didn't need to improve on much for Killzone 3, I thought everything minus the dialog in KZ2 was perfect. But look what all of those babies did, they cried about the "weighted" controls and now they are gone. One of the more impressive parts about KZ2 was the enemy AI, superior to many of any other shooter in my opinion.

Last edited by BeezleDrop on 7/14/2010 12:04:08 AM

14 years ago

I always like More Story in my FPS

14 years ago

It's a short coming in most sadly.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Okay, this is interesting. I really was wondering what we were fighting for, or rather against in Killzone 2. It seemed like a game out of context, and this will fix that seemingly. Great, now tell me that we will be able to use more tactics than simply walk in, dodge bullets and pick off bad guys one at a time. I want to be able to climb a building and snipe them as the rest of the squad fights below. I want to be able to FLANK damnit. How many games let you flank your enemies? I suppose there usually aren't enough AI squad members but whatever.

Also, tell me that it will be a fifteen hour campaign or longer and keep up on that, yeah?


14 years ago

I you want to learn more about the back story go to the offical killzone website and look at the story area in the info section. It has a fairly good time line that goes from the time when space colonation started to the start of Killzone 2.

14 years ago

The Helghast got sick and it made them weaker but in the end… made them stronger……

I do wonder if the Helghast were once normal average dude like humans.

14 years ago

Yes, they were human settlers on Vekta that were forced to move to Helghan.

14 years ago

i wish they would add a great story to KZ3, explain why were at war with the higs, explain why we kicked them off vetka, who they are, why they chose helghan as their new home planet.
KZ2 had no story what so ever, it was just point and shoot at anything with orange eyes!
why are we at war with these people?
why are we destroying their planet?
why do we hate them so much?
what does rico have up his a$$?
no seriously, why is that guy so angry?
he must have a frozen 10 inch poll up his A$$ to be that angry that often!

that, and open up the gameplay, add in some new enemy classes,new environments and add in some new weapons.
one thing i learned about crysis 2 today and this is something every game should have in it!
the AI in crysis 2 will react to your character, the way you play, the environments, and the weapons and equipment you have.
so if your a character who has heaps of body Armour, they will try to take you from a far appose to say if your a enemy built for speed instead they will take you up close.

if your constantly cover camping, enemies will spam grenades at you to try and get you out of cover.
instead of hiding behind cover themselves they will come up to you and try to flank you, lead you out of cover.

if your taking cover behind a piece of cover, and theres a light above you, or a flammable barrel or a environmental hazard instead of shooting at you, or your cover they will shoot those and try to get you out of cover.
thats one thing i really want to see added into games, complete tactical environmental destruction.
instead of killing 10 enemies in a room by shooting them, blow out a supporting beam and cause the roof to collapse on them!

if you have a shotgun or a RPG or something powerful designed for CQC enemies will stay back and take cover take you from there.
if you have a pistol, or something weak, or something designed for LQC enemies will rush up or flank you.
same thing if your running and gunning, say your sprinting at a enemy if you have a pistol and he has a shotgun well your a idiot! but he will stand his ground.
but if your the one with the shotgun, and he has a piston the enemy will try and take cover, or do something to get away from you.
most games do not do this, most games just come at you, or stay back and cover camp so you do the same!

that is one thing all games really need to add in, this stops the gameplay from getting repetitive and boring, it keeps the player on his toes constantly forcing him to rethink his tactics.
instead of just cover camping, and only leaving cover to dodge a grenade, or move forward.

new environments, which as far as i have seen are a mix of snow and the old game, i hope they have more than that!
i REALLY! want KZ3 to be a much more open world shooter than KZ2, no not only KZ3 but all shooters!
instead of it being linear like the last game was, have multiple ways to tackle a area.
some areas had that, like the part where you get separated from the group and crawl through the tunnel.
you can take the higs from the top, or climb down for some CQC but than theres only 2 of them there!
most levels in KZ2 have you in a room at one end, and enemies in the other end only one way to take them out.
no flanking opportunities, no opportunities to say hey a$$ hole up here!
2 imaginary cookies to whoever can remember what movie thats from!

add some new enemy classes, and this time have them behave differently to other classes.
the scouts, engineers, grunts, elites all act the same!
all the enemies besides the snipers, take cover and wont leave cover till there A dead or B dodging a grenade or C rifle butting you.
what is the point of spending all the time animating new characters, designing their clothes if there going to act and behave like everyone else!?
enemy classes are there to give the game a breath of fresh air, instead of fighting the same enemy for 10+ hours!
the only enemies that were different were the snipers, which rarely popped up in the game, and were easily dealt with, much easier than other enemies!
or the ATAKS which if memory serves me there was only one big one which was a boss fight, the other smaller ones were piss weak! or the big guys with suits on their back.
you cant have 3 types of different enemies in your game, you need heaps more than that!

add some new cool weapons, we have seen the new missile launcher thats cool and all but how about a new cool plasma rifle or something?
and this time, dont give us the games best weapons and restrict their use to one or 2 levels!
the bolt gun was such a cool gun, one of my favorite widely used guns in games!
the electric gun was also really cool!
what is the point of giving us a really cool gun, and limiting its use to 1% of the game?
i understand they were crazy powerful, having them too often would unbalance a game but why not have cheats, or a new mode once you finished the game allowing you to use anything for the FUN of it?

thats another thing i really miss in todays games!
what ever happened to cheats?
you know the funny stuff we use to have in ps1 games, like become invisible stuff like that for a good laugh!
yea they make the game easy and unbalanced, but so what?
i thought games were suppose to be fun, not super hard and all serious like!

another thing, what happened to being able to play through a game once you finished it with all your acquired abilities?
thats one thing that really disappointed me with GOW3, i was expecting to be able to start a second playthrough with all my power ups but nope!
thats unless you use the glitch, cant remember which one found it on youtube.

ah, i feel so much better now!
to cut a long story short, change those things and KZ3 will be GOTY 2011 and maybe even live up to the expectations and finally be the game KZ2 should of been!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Was it wrong of me to have read all of that, and actually agreed with a lot of it? Y'know, I always assumed that I could ramble, but I've got nuthin'… NOTHING on Mr. Anonymous Cowherd (as Highlander calls him). Seriously, that was awesome, that is all.


14 years ago

Lol agreed
Wow I read all that?

Last edited by PAKINIPS on 7/14/2010 6:40:32 AM

14 years ago

Holy, Crysis 2 boast AI that react to what you use and equipped?

Seriously? Now that's awesome!!!

14 years ago

well according to gameinformer yes it does, pritty sure it was gameinformer, either that or OPM AU the latest editions.
now weather that is true or not,well…………..
i have my doubts because ive never seen a game come close to even that, so if its true good on crytek!
this is why they are and always will be one of the industries best developers!
thats IF its true.

14 years ago

Excuse me Mr. ___________,

The ISA is @ war with the Helghan because they attempted to invade Vekta and were thwarted by the heroic efforts of Jan Templar, Rico, some Assassin Chick, and Hakka in the first Killzone. The ISA were obviously furious and declared war on the Helghan thus, the invasion of their planet. I suppose knowing the events of the first game would help quite a bit but, one thing I can agree on after one of the worlds BIGGEST posts is that the story should help catch up people that aren't fans and tell a good one, because without a good story you have nothing.

Crytek already labeled one of the best Dev's because of 3 games? Not practical.

Last edited by BeezleDrop on 7/14/2010 9:36:15 AM

14 years ago

lol once again he speaks about which he does not know! Good job pointing that out Beezledrop.

14 years ago

Any summary posts? Couldn't read through all that 🙂

14 years ago

About the A.I. in KZ, play it on elite and you will see A.I. tactics above this level. They will use some pretty advanced squad based tactics to kill you.

In the enviroment part. Along with the Northern part you will have the city, nuclear wasteland, a toxic and very hostile forest, and a space level (outside the ship I belive).

About the characters acting. They do act diffrently, plus there is 14 Helghast enemy types. A example that is easiest to see is during the village level. The miners will do a direct assult at you in a blitz style. However the LMGs will use cover and squads tactics to take you out. Then there is the commando (guy w/ shotgun and white strip) who charges you as close as possible so he can blow your head off. The Flamerthrower guy will stay back and try to create a wall of fire that will distract you well the normal guys flank and kill you. Each of the 14 or 15 (depends if you count the 2 types of heavies as one or two) clases have a differant tactic.

You use specal guns more than you let on. You can use the bolt gun the whole village level and in a few more levels. You can use the arc gun for the majority of the refiner level. Then the flamethrower (my favorite weapon after the knife) is found in almost every level and is very powerful and fun.

On the topic of Crysis 2. The game is looking okay but not the holy grail of gaming. You have 1 enviroment and from the demo it plays as a somewhat generic shooter, sure there is some diffrences, like destructable enviroment, but things like that are not that innovative any more. Also I think there dev team may be the cockiest guys I ever heard. They went out in a enterview and said Crysis 2 will be "the best-looking, best-playing, most compelling, greatest experiance you can have on the Playstation 3". I see that they are trying to hype a game up but seriously, have they ever played a game on the PS3?

Last edited by sirbob6 on 7/14/2010 11:47:03 AM

14 years ago

Don't even bother trying to debate this guy. Last week he wasn't going to get KZ3 because it was just KZ2 with jetpacks, this week hes denying he said it. The guy never ceases to amaze me with this foolishness.

14 years ago

@ spiderboi

Basicly he dislikes the story in KZ2

Crysis 2 has good AI, which make Crytek the greatest developer ever.

Complains about supposed lack of varity in KZ2.

Complains about lack of cheat codes.

Then says KZ3 may be 2011 GOTY.

14 years ago

Jeepers, if it's gonna be THAT long, at least through in an intro, a body, and conclusion. Maybe even a table of contents. At the very least, have some direction. Holy fricken' ADHD, man! The scroller on my mouse just broke.

I feel guilty about posting a lengthy post at half that length.