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Quantic’s New Game: Heavy Rain Fans “Will Be Surprised”

After Heavy Rain blew us all away earlier this year, we've all been anxiously awaiting news of David Cage's and Quantic Dream's next project.

Well, evidently, there are two of them. We know they've been working on adding PlayStation Move controls to their masterpiece but for fans of Heavy Rain , they're more interested in Quantic's new stuff. In speaking to The Examiner , Cage confirmed his studio is currently hard at work on two new games, which are "very different" from one another. But his comments may or may not encourage you, depending on how you interpret them:

"…we continue to explore how we can go further with interactive drama, working on emotion and interactive storytelling for a mature audience, but with a very different story and a different approach. I think that people who enjoyed Heavy Rain will be surprised by what we prepare. Quantic Dream also explores how to use what we learned about emotion on Heavy Rain in very different types of experiences."

Cage did say there's no lack of motivation or enthusiasm after the success of Heavy Rain ; the team is all sorts of excited over their new projects. He also says the team continues "to grow in experience, confidence and talent" (which is almost scary, when you think about it) and although they've scored a hit, they're not about to "play it safe" from here on out.

"After Heavy Rain, we have some credibility in experimenting with new IPs and new concepts. We are not going to play it safe from now, we are going to use this credibility to continue to take risks, give ourselves exciting challenges and try to invent new ways of playing. I believe that this is what Quantic Dream’s fans expect us to do. It is also what keeps me passionate about what we are doing."

The only thing that sorta concerns us is that, "I think people who enjoyed Heavy Rain will be surprised by what we prepare." That almost sounds as if it'll be completely different…but at the same time, he does talk about expanding on the ideas of interactive storytelling. Hmm…

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14 years ago

After making Indigo Prophecy & Heavy rain, anything you do QD,is just fine with me.

But just make sure not to leave all your HR fans hanging in the wind, by getting back to complete the whole story with the other 3 character's DLC too.

Will Smith
Will Smith
14 years ago

They cancelled the DLC after announcing the Move support, because the move support was using the time that they allocated to developing the DLC. After the move support is finished they are moving onto future games. Sucks, but it's true from what I have read. Although the only place I read that was wiki and there was no source, so maybe later, but it doesn't look likely considering they haven't said anything about it since the first one was released.

Last edited by Will Smith on 7/13/2010 2:36:33 AM

14 years ago

If QD makes it I will play it! Can't wait for whatever they're cooking up next.
But I definitely agree, they need to get back to finishing the DLC for HR…

14 years ago

Will Smith,

Well it doesn't take making a new "Men In Black-3" for everyone here to already know what you've just re-stated, as this info has been common knowledge here for quite some time

But seeing how you've only make 1 single prior post here, and that one itself was way back on 10/18/2008, we'll let you slide some.
Just go back into the archives at the bottom/left side of the page and you can read all the "old news" HR/QD threads, and numerous comments on it).


BTW, if you're thinking of divorcing Jada anytime soon, let me know!!!!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 7/14/2010 1:05:43 PM

14 years ago

I cannot wait, I simply just can't. Heavy rain gave me such emotions that barely any game has ever given me. I eagerly await their next masterpiece. One thing though please keep it ps3 exclusive!

14 years ago

I'm actually still waiting for the Move before getting Heavy Rain. I feel that game makes more sense with motion controls.

14 years ago

All three of Quantic's titles have been excellent in my eyes (both narratively and gameplay-wise), and I would bet just about anything that their next title(s) will be as (if not more) invigorating.

As for the main quote here, I wonder if he means specifically gameplay or plot or both?
If he's talking about the story, well, I guess anyone who hasn't played 'Fahrenheit' or 'Omikron' might not know how far down the rabbit hole David is willing to delve.
And a radical shift in the interactive format would be most welcome, since Quantic are one of the few developers I would trust not to screw it up.

14 years ago

I'm very glad that Heavy Rain was such the commercial and critical success that it became. It really motivated David Cage and the rest of the guys at Quantic Dream to continue taking risks and push the "interactive drama" genre forward. I'm really looking forward to their next game and I'm not too concerned with David Cage's comment about surprising the Heavy Rain fans. I mean, I think he deserves the benefit of the doubt.

Last edited by ZettaiSeigi on 7/12/2010 10:14:53 PM

14 years ago

I really hope they stick to an emotionally involving interactive drama with the depth of detail in character and story as they did in Heavy Rain. I will be perfectly happy if they can deliver something along the lines. Certainly some food for thought though 🙂

14 years ago

Its gonna be a horror story mixed with some drama! yes please!!! 😛

14 years ago

i know exactly what it is and you can quote me…it will def use the move…its gonna be a game based off of ARI from h.r. youre gonna be a law enforcement agent and ari is ur best friend which is what the game will be known for, its "amazing and crazy use"

14 years ago

Yay! Just fix the screen tearing and were good to go!

14 years ago

I just finished my third play through of heavy rain and I didn't have any screen tearing. Did the patch fix it or did I just get lucky?

14 years ago

You got lucky

14 years ago

Yup its there. It is quite a unique experience though…

14 years ago

Yup it's there for sure. By no means is it bad enough to ruin the game but for a game that's heavy on emersion, it needs to be fixed. Takes me out of the experiance. Especially since it gives me a headache.

14 years ago

Surprise Heavy Rain fans huh? Well, Cage and Quantic Dream have provided us with one of the greatest titles earlier this year; who's to say they can't do it again! As long as they stay true to their roots with adult themes, deep character development, and a drama worthy of dancing with Heavy Rain as GOTY contender during the year of its release, consider me your personal Quantic slave.

14 years ago

I hope its a game where we get to play as the origami killer.

14 years ago

Heavy Rain was good, but the writing was not brillant. If they can hit the note like most Rockstar creations do with writing, there next project will be gold.

14 years ago

lol… like what writing? Like GTA?

You have to forgive me due to the timing of reading this comment. I'm still working on my research article about art and video games, and I just finished talking about how the GTA series, rather than making a commentary on the human condition, it glorifies the brokenness in the form of pure entertainment. While the game is filled with a couple of artistic disciplines, it lacks the direction appreciated art of culture usually has.

The writing isn't very good.

14 years ago

whatever QD does I support, i love heavy rain it's just an amazing game.

14 years ago

Quantic Dream = The Western Team ICO

Great to see

14 years ago

A Heavy Rain style horror game would be something to see.

14 years ago

Yep, I have been hoping for a "Clock Tower" kind of game with HR mechanics. With "Move" and 3D support, it would be almost too scary to play 🙂

14 years ago

all i can say is thank you david for having the balls to do something different, instead of following the rest off the sheep off the cliff with another run of the mill shooter!
only if we had more men like him 🙁

14 years ago

You are one these sheep who support mediocre, run of the mill shooters. You praise them all the time.

14 years ago

WTF i hate shooters.
dude, you really need to stop smoking that stuff, its not good for ya!

14 years ago

I wish more developers had this take on game developing. So many of them make a great game and with their success immediately push out a sequel and then pump it for all its worth.

Originality is awesome and I'm really looking forward to what they pull off next.

As far as his comment on fans being surprised, maybe they are just planning on taking it so much further that we'll be blown away again.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

I agree with FM23 here, kind of. The story of HR was fantastic, but I was sort of left hanging at the unavoidable plot holes (I've only played it through once and have no idea how Norman worked out who the killer was. That's the main one.) But the dialogue was really quite off, particularly with the kids.

I'd like to see the next two projects, one following in the footsteps of HR, in a very dramatic, engaging and emotionally powerful storyline, focussing on a multitude of characters who come together in the face of disaster (or some such nonsense, only not nonsense, QD brilliance). And the other being a more typical gamer experience, perhaps along the lines of Deus Ex. QD has explored Speculative Fiction before, so I wonder what they could do with an SF-styled RPG type game.

I just want Sony to buy the studio. Oh, and of course I want to know what they are working on, but I can wait for that, provided there aren't too many teasers. Can I hope for E3 next year?


14 years ago

Still no DLC? Hmn…I hope the new games you are making for us are worth it.

14 years ago

No DLC, Sony twisted their arms for "Move" support and they had to kill the DLC 🙁

14 years ago

Can't wait for the announcement. Heavy rain is awesome.

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
14 years ago

Anyone here ever play Indigo Prophecy? Or, also known as, Farenheit? That was an AMAZING game from Quantic Dream and it was so underappreciated. I've been with Quantic Dream for a while now and they've yet to disappoint.
David Cage is an inspiration to me as a writer and I'm SO anticpating these next games!

14 years ago

When I pre ordered Heavy Rain, I was pretty confident that I would like it. Since I had an awesome time playing it, QD has a lot of credibility as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure that their next projects will be just as great.

Last edited by tes37 on 7/13/2010 7:45:19 PM

Diggity Dan
Diggity Dan
14 years ago


14 years ago

I think the DLC was canceled because sales were not as high as expected. They're hoping a fairly easy Move patch will get a few more copies sold. If HR sold 5-8 million units, I highly doubt they'd forgo DLC the way they have.