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GT5 “More Suited To The Next Generation Of Machines”

They've worked and worked and worked and worked . It has taken a lot of time, a lot of effort, and a lot of money. But the final achievement should be so mind-boggling, the experience will be well worth the wait.

At least, Polyphony Digital boss and Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauchi says so. In the most recent issue of the Official PlayStation Magazine, he somehow managed to push the already towering hype to new heights by saying GT5 is actually almost too advanced even for the PlayStation 3. There are two particular quotes that have started to raise eyebrows , and they are as follows:

"The level of precision we've achieved [in GT5] is actually more suited to the next generation of machines. The detail that goes into a premium model [has] gone beyond the level of the current PlayStation."

The article goes on to say that the game in question "accurately models mechanical and cosmetic damage to an absurd degree, and whilst the classic models will buckle and crumple, those newer models will near-disintegrate." We told you before that given the gargantuan anticipation and expectations for GT5, it absolutely needed to become the best simulator ever . …but the more we see and hear, the more we're convinced that's a foregone conclusion.

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5

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14 years ago

I'm buying the hype. I can't wait for this game. its going to make any future installments of Forza look like garbage for the rest of this generation.

14 years ago

"This" generation? More like the next 4! XD

14 years ago

It's hard not to brother. Been playing GT5P lately, and that game although over 2 years old impresses me.

14 years ago

Gran Turismo just makes the other sims look like amateurs…. and I'm getting fed up with it the handling is just so perfect

14 years ago

lol i cant wait to play this, i am thinking about a playseat, need to play this game to the fullest.

14 years ago

That's crazy.

14 years ago

How does that work exactly? It's beyond the level of the PS3, but it's coming out for the PS3?

14 years ago

Yeah, it's a confusing comment for sure.

Thrill Kill
Thrill Kill
14 years ago

Makes sense to me.

14 years ago

Not really.

Based on what we have heard, the Cars that PD have created are beyond anything we have seen in any driving game and quite possibly any game period.

My guess is the detail level is so great, PD had to be scaled back to what they originally wanted.

14 years ago

not really, I remember reading about a demo where they were running the game on multiple ps3s and achieving super HD resolutions

14 years ago


IIRC it was 4 PS3s and they were running the game in the equivalent of 2160p, and this was using the older engine that was in GT5P. They also demo'd the game running in stereoscopic 3D about two years or so ago, and again it was running on 4 PS3s in a cluster IIRC, it ran 3D in full 1080p.

Personally I think that a 4 PS3 cluster is a sign of things to come in terms of what a possible PS4 might offer. The original Cell design anticipated Cells running in clusters. Potentially the easiest way forward for Sony would be to take IBM's enhanced Cell design (the PowerXCell 8i) and put two of them running at 4GHz inside the successor to PS3. Each PowerXcell 8i would have all 8 SPEs available giving the system a total of 16 (15 available) enhanced SPE cores, compared to 7 (6 available). The improved single precision performance and vastly improved double precision performance would increase the performance of those new SPEs far above the existing versions. That would give the PS4 approximately 4 times the power of the PS3. With a modern GPU design and a decent amount of RAM, that would make a very easy, and powerful upgrade over the PS3.

14 years ago

You are missing my point.

Read my post further down.

14 years ago

November can't come soon enough.

14 years ago

why the hell is that downvoted?

14 years ago

haters gonna hate? lol

14 years ago

So, what are they saying? They created these ultra accurate models for the 'premium' cars, but had to tone the detail down for the PS3? I mean it's kind of confusing to hear this from a developer who's yet to deliver a fully fledged game this generation (GT5p was described by PD as the *prologue* for GT5, so it's *not* a fully fledged game). Are they saying that they PS3 can't handle the level of detail? Are they saying that they have already gone further than the PS3 can, and have toned it down for the PS3?

I just don't see the point of telling potential buyers that the game you're about to get was possibly limited by the hardware it runs on.

14 years ago

theyre not saying it could be limited, they are saying that the accuracy of the game is better than everything there is right now, that it is good as a next gen tittle

Thrill Kill
Thrill Kill
14 years ago

Is it not better to be truthful than to say your game is going to be the definative racing game of this generation when it most certainly is not?

14 years ago

I take it as PD stating that their studio is one of the best, if not the best out there.

I downloaded a 18 mega pixel shot of a Lexus for my XMB wallpaper that showed every bolt, cable, hose, and radiator groove via the grille of the car.

With those photo mode pictures, a user such as myself who will view (GT5 through a 65" 1080p Mits), can take the time and check the automobile down the the last nut and bolt.

If I was as fortunate to have my own personal car featured in the game, I would be estatic over PD's dedication to reproducing my car at such an authentic level.

I only mention this because it would be impossible for the PS3 to display this level in game with 16 cars, weather, damage, and a working time of day clock. PS4? I am sure it will be able to.

Last edited by maxpontiac on 7/12/2010 2:10:02 PM

14 years ago

Off topic who are those girls in your pic highlander? I see them before.

Last edited by Pandacastro on 7/12/2010 6:45:37 PM

14 years ago


It's my favorite anime style ladies. From left to right it's Mizuho Kazami from Please Teacher in black with her signature magenta hair, Shion Uzuki from Xenosaga in the middle with her copper red hair and very little clothing, and of course on the right we have KOS-MOS also from Xenosaga with her trademark blue hair and super tight armor.

14 years ago

Sometimes you can't take a translation too literally, cause it won't make sense at times.

I know this because when my native language is translated directly to english, it doesn't make sense sometimes lol. Probably same with Japanese to english, and vice versa.

14 years ago

You know what this means now, right? GT 5 is now going to be delayed until the PS4 releases and will become a PS4 release…

14 years ago

No its not what it means you freakin stick in the mud.Have faith that GT5 is gonna be everything PS3 fans have been arguing for years now with non believing 360 fanboys.Its coming November 2010 and Iam believing all the hype.

14 years ago

im confused if its "gone beyond the level of the current playstation" then it shouldnt work on PS3 its like saying GT4's cars are PS3 quailty which we all no there not unless he knows how powerful the PS4 is going to be

14 years ago

our consoles can't withstand detail of that magnitude

or basically…


14 years ago


14 years ago

Makes me wonder why they even bothered spending all kinds of time bringing this game to a level beyond the PS3. Why not just release the game when it was at a PS3 level?

Or is this just a bunch of hot air? Perhaps a failed attempt at hype?

14 years ago

Our game is so advanced, it actually arrived via a temporal anomaly created by it's own greatness. It was originally slated for the Ps4, but because it is just so darned good, when it ran for the first time in 2015, a rift opened in the space-time continuum allowing this game to fall backwards in time. It's really beyond the level of the current PlayStation, but because of it's own epic awesomeness and time shifting capability, it is able to run on the PS3 consoles of today.

14 years ago

hahahah, nice one highlander

also who would thumb down? they must have missed the thumb up

Last edited by HAMCHUNKS on 7/12/2010 1:56:26 PM

14 years ago

Highlander's explanation will do quite nicely.

14 years ago

If only you could mod the DeLorean ingame…

14 years ago

Burnout Paradise. Legendary Cars. Jansen P12 '88 Special. Sorted.

14 years ago

I hope you're right TheHighlander or there's going to be a bunch of disappointed gamers out there come November.

14 years ago

Had to sign in to thumb that one up Highlander ><

14 years ago

I truly wish there was less talk and more delivery on games in general, and this game in particular.

C'mon, we all know it's going to be spectacular. So just do your jobs and let the game do the talking.

14 years ago

It's probably code language for we do not fully understand how to write software for parallel processing.

Thrill Kill
Thrill Kill
14 years ago

I don't think any of you are grasping his statement. The amount of detail and visual prowess of the game are probably more suited to a more powerful machine. We probaly have no idea how intricate the damage model is in this game yet, and to combine that with having 16 higly detailed cars simultaneously driving around a track with dynamic day to night transistions and also probably weather. I think they are pushing the boundaries of the PS3 with GT5. I think what he was trying to get across is that it would be easier to include everything they are trying to in this game on the next Playstation. I'm sure this game has been very difficult to design with all the features it includes and still have stunning 1080p visuals. I think they are overachievers and I for one appreciate all of their hard work and dedication.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Well said.

14 years ago

brinjg on the wall!!

14 years ago

Hmmm….Another possible interpretation.

If they think that the game is more suited to the next generation of console with the massive detail in the premium car models, does this mean that a) PD has seen early specs for the PS4, b) that the PS4 will include even more parallel processing with heavy optimization for physics work and c) PD thinks that the next PlayStation will be an absolute monster and d) this game is an absolute monster that really pushes the PS3 hard, and they already know where they can make it even better, once the hardware is there.

14 years ago

That view makes alot of sense. Sony has stated that the PS4 will have developer influence.

14 years ago

I think he's just saying that the detail in this game is so amazing that you will think you're playing on the next generation of consoles.

It is on ps3, but it's so awesome, that even they can barely believe they got this out of the ps3.

14 years ago

^That's exactly it basically

It's so beyond what the ps3 "should be capable" of that it's almost ps4 quality.

He probably should have said "almost ps4 quality." But hey we know what he means.

14 years ago

That's all super-fantastic and all, it's just too bad that when I play a racing game, I spend 99% of my time looking at the track in front of me.

14 years ago


14 years ago

Yup, that's the other 1%.

14 years ago

Replays are what got me into Gran Turismo, when I was a kid. 🙂


Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

Does this mean that we'll see only one GT this generation?