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“Too Heavy Sensation Of KZ2 Is Absolutely Gone” In KZ3

Killzone 2 didn't play like Call of Duty . In fact, it didn't play like any other shooter; this is what set it apart; a distinguishing characteristic where many FPS fans said, " finally , we have weight; we feel like we're controlling an entire human rather than a disembodied gun!"

Well, if you're in the latter group, prepare to be a little disappointed. Obviously, the backlash from the complainers was just too much, as Guerrilla Games has confirmed in the July 2010 edition of the Official PlayStation Magazine that KZ3 "will have a set of controls that will appeal to the vast majority of audiences." Studio boss Herman Hulst is quoted as saying the "heavy sensation of Killzone 2 is absolutely gone; instead, this feels much closer to standard run-and-gun responsiveness." Unfortunately, in our eyes, this is a step backwards because it was this particular aspect of KZ2 that actually made it feel physically correct; we're an elite soldier with a ton of gear and a heavy weapon, and that's about how we'd probably move. But clearly, there were just too many FPS fans who liked things the way they were and in order to appeal to the majority – as so many developers are doing these days – Guerrilla has made the necessary(?) changes.

Well, there's certainly nothing wrong with the footage and media we've seen thus far. I always thought in looking at the videos that everything seemed faster, but I couldn't be sure…maybe the alteration will be more subtle than we think.

Related Game(s): Killzone 3

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14 years ago

All thanks to twitchy fingered Call of Duty fans

14 years ago

Ahh crap. I loved the heavy weighted feel to KZ2. I thought that was the whole point of being able to look through the eyes of a soldier? It was supposed to be more realistic wasn't it? That's what I thought when I played Quake for the first time back in the day.

I gave so much credit to KZ2 for going back to the basics with the little things like the control feel. I'm hoping GG takes Highlanders idea and gives us two modes.

14 years ago

i made that arguement about being realistic before. what i got back was "space marines/dictators arent realistic." i think that was on kotaku.

Last edited by johnld on 7/12/2010 3:11:45 PM

14 years ago

Interesting. Well, at least someone else saw it to.

14 years ago

Sorry, i may get thumbed down for this, but i actually do like the removal. To me, it just seemed like "lag" rather than weapon heaviness. And also, assuming you are a soldier with a weapon, you would've compensated for the weight the more you use a weapon. Come to think of it, it should be the case that a more frequently used weapon should ever so slightly control much faster than others since there's a learning curve and the soldier gets used to the weight.

14 years ago

Ok, if you get used to the weight it still doesn't change the fact that the weight is still there.

14 years ago

I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure no one in the world could sling a rocket launcher and giant riot shield like they can in CoD… no matter how used to the weight they are…. especially with their physical build.

Additionally… double shotguns? really? while running? and reload both in 2 seconds? What military trains their soldiers to be dual wielding shotgunners?

I'm sorry, but the weight of weapons is there. You might have an argument to say that aiming is faster to a conditioned soldier, but no one is going to be all that quick footed.

14 years ago

Granted they cannot fling weapons as fast. But do not that i just mentioned "slightly". No one's superhuman 🙂

14 years ago

do not *forget* …

14 years ago

The problem is COD Is not realistic….SO when FPS try to e realistic they get flamed…Killzone 2 had its own popularity now its gonna be disapointed…And I heard the same thing is Happenin to Socom 4…

14 years ago

I'm gonna stuff my Move with lead for that authentic KZ feel.

14 years ago

Nice! That sounds like an absolutely flawless idea. Good luck with that.

14 years ago

Lead, huh? I hope you're not the type to chew your pens.

14 years ago

hey, i have ankle weights. those can work on my arms while using the move.

14 years ago

At what point in MW2 do you feel like you're a disembodied gun?

It's called "responsiveness." Something any fps should have in spades. Glad to see GG isn't catering to the 25 people who enjoyed the cement shoes.

14 years ago

Sorry when your carrying a M4, you don't get that same "responsiveness" as you do in MW2. The guns have no weight. May as well play with water guns without the water.

Guns actually have weight. They are made out metal you know.

Last edited by Jawknee on 7/12/2010 1:02:15 PM

14 years ago

Not to mention with lightweight/marathon you literally become the Flash. I am amongst the 25 people that liked the weighted feel because I know pretty well that carrying a bunch of heavy things is not going to make you the most mobile person in the world, and KZ2 was not held back by the weighted feel, it only added to the immersion. Fact.

Last edited by Mavfan321 on 7/12/2010 1:33:10 PM

14 years ago

of course they have weight but i can still run while holding one 😉

14 years ago

I don't really care either way, I didn't mind the controls, I can pretty much get used to any set of controls because I don't play any one game to death.

But I also don't see what this obsession is with making games as realistic as possible. They are games and I am of the opinion that the fun factor should be taken into consideration over the authentic factor.

One thing that ruined Crysis for me is having to look down and get close to pick up guns. Yes it is more realistic, but it is also annoying. Just a thought.

14 years ago


I'll race you. You carry a gun, and I'll run without. We'll see who's faster. lol

14 years ago

I see all the gun experts are out today.

If you're just dying for realism in your games then I can certainly understand how COD perks would bother you. Thankfully devs aren't so narrow minded as to think realism is always fun.

14 years ago

Yes because weightlessness and broken FPS experiences are always fun.

14 years ago


i'll still win haha
but the point im trying to make is u can still run pretty fast with a gun

14 years ago

@Jawknee #2 post

HA! lol


You're on! ^.^

14 years ago

@ Alien

Cement shoes is funny but oh so true!! When you take a corner running is hilarious! You have the momentum of a 300 pounder! Who knows maybe Vekta is the size of Jupiter.

14 years ago

If anything, they should at least make it some what like BC2. That has a decent balance of weight and "responsiveness". The guns in MW2 had zero weight to them. I don't know about anyone else but I've never fired a gun made of feathers.

14 years ago

you beat me to it, i think that BFBC2 is the perfect balance between the weighted feel and responsiveness fps games should have

14 years ago

I really sit in the same boat as jawknee and highlander. making it optional to cater the those that liked the heavy feel for SP would be perfect, then in MP make the twitch handed controls standard and required.

Last edited by Steel on 7/12/2010 1:15:07 PM

King James
King James
14 years ago

<sigh> Why?

14 years ago

Because apparently games like MW2 are better and more responsive. Making the experience realistic is something unheard of among the twitch community.

This shouldn't come as a surprise. Mediocrity is what drives the FPS genre. We should have seen this coming a mile away.

14 years ago

what i find funny is that theres also weight in rainbow six games but noones realy complaining that because of the armor i move too slow but then with lighter armor i die too easy.

14 years ago

This is really sad, because almost every fps out there feels like you are some kind of ghost gun on a rampage, floating around killing ppl.

14 years ago

I am actually excited about this because my brother loves FPSs and he is a die hard call of duty fan. He wanted to like killzone 2 but could not get used to the controls. I am just glad that he will be able to enjoy the 3rd one.

But I agree with highlander 100% that they should give the players the option. It seems like a lot of people like that authentic feel and I'm sure that if they put the option in the single player that it wouldn't take much time and effort and it would give people the best of both worlds.

14 years ago

I'm one of the few but I'm definitely excited by this news. I never really got to a point where I enjoyed KZ2's controls more than the "standard" style found in other games in the genre. This makes me even more excited for KZ3. This is probably now my most anticipated game (of those that have been officially announced, anyway.)

14 years ago

I never had any problem with the controls in Killzone 2. I tried the optional, faster controls for about 10 seconds and switched right back.

My problems were that your missions consisted of stuff like "Kill the 100 guys in front of you, get to the other end of the level, and turn a knob." Or that the ending was frustrating to the point of tedium. Or that you never got a chance to look at all the cool environments because it was just constant running and gunning.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

A note about thumbs down: once again, I have to remind you that lurkers and other banned undesirables will often just down-thumb any random thing. I will say that many of the thumbs-downs you all see aren't even from another member who actually read the comment.

So please, don't put too much stock in it.

14 years ago

One of those was me 😛

Last edited by Nynja on 7/12/2010 3:31:56 PM

14 years ago

It's just a bit hard to ignore as this has become more than just a message board for some.

14 years ago


here we go, instead of walking now it'll feel like we're flying

Sad how game devs give in like that

14 years ago

It's not just twitch gamers, just look at all the reviews of the game. The major thing they discounted against it was the wieghted controls. They said it was not "tight" and "unresponsive".

Last edited by sirbob6 on 7/12/2010 3:19:45 PM

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

I think he is talking about the weighted/laggy feeling you got while moving the right analogue stick. The realistic movement of the camera while running or jumping or taking cover will probably still be there. In my opinion, that's what made K2 feel authentic, not necessarily the slow aiming.

14 years ago

well, all i got to say is screw you call of duty douchebags. just because you cant hang you just complain. i'm hoping they add an option to add the weight. label it as elites for weight on and p**sy for weight off.

Last edited by johnld on 7/12/2010 3:02:57 PM

14 years ago

Haha love your comment man. I would love to see that.

Last edited by SixSpeedKing on 7/12/2010 6:18:59 PM

14 years ago

You do understand that what you want is a handicap right? If your that 'elite' then you should be able to hang with people adapted to faster pace movement. Don't p**sy out though…

Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 7/12/2010 7:07:17 PM

14 years ago

its no handicap to me. thats because people who go around running and gunning cant see anything but whatevers directly in front of them. Since i usually move strategically, i wont be under any disadvantages. i cant even count how many times i walked past an enemy in MW2. i would be right next to them but they'll just run past me. i usually just tail them and use a sticky grenade on them.

14 years ago

It really is a shame they are removing the weighted controls. I really enjoy the way KZ2 moves. You definitely get used to how they move. Why people complained about this I'll never know. KZ3 is still going to kick @$$ though. I really love the cover system and the controls. Graphics are pretty much supreme in KZ2 to any other shooter i've played. KZ3 will most likely do it better even still.

14 years ago

I am slightly less excited for KZ3, I'm not saying not getting it but the wieghted controls were one of my favorite aspects of the game. I seemed you were carrying a heavy weapon rather than a plastic toy. The move may compencate for this though. I will just wait and see.

14 years ago

I don't know what boat I'm on with the weighted argument. I understand how the game is trying to simulate the weight of the gun by adding a momentum based physics element.

On the flip-side of this.
I think, mentally, our minds naturally co-ordinate the movement of our thumb precisely with the on-screen action.

Should game control be governed by the artificial world in which we engage (KZ2) ?

Or should it be governed by the control interface that interprets our movement between reality and the artificial world?

Or is it somehow a combination of both?

14 years ago

IMO, K2 felt like I was always walking a mile, with snowshoes, through a minefield!

And I loved every damned inch of doing it!!!

But, I surely hope I don't get the feeling of needing a tutu & ballerina slippers to do a simpler waltz-through for K3.

Give me my option button!!!!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 7/12/2010 3:40:58 PM

14 years ago

Awesome, so the ppl that bitched and moaned about it feeling too different have won. It's the whole reason why I dug so much kz2. I dont buy many fps's (like 1-2 every 4 years not many).