Killzone 2 didn't play like Call of Duty . In fact, it didn't play like any other shooter; this is what set it apart; a distinguishing characteristic where many FPS fans said, " finally , we have weight; we feel like we're controlling an entire human rather than a disembodied gun!"
Well, if you're in the latter group, prepare to be a little disappointed. Obviously, the backlash from the complainers was just too much, as Guerrilla Games has confirmed in the July 2010 edition of the Official PlayStation Magazine that KZ3 "will have a set of controls that will appeal to the vast majority of audiences." Studio boss Herman Hulst is quoted as saying the "heavy sensation of Killzone 2 is absolutely gone; instead, this feels much closer to standard run-and-gun responsiveness." Unfortunately, in our eyes, this is a step backwards because it was this particular aspect of KZ2 that actually made it feel physically correct; we're an elite soldier with a ton of gear and a heavy weapon, and that's about how we'd probably move. But clearly, there were just too many FPS fans who liked things the way they were and in order to appeal to the majority – as so many developers are doing these days – Guerrilla has made the necessary(?) changes.
Well, there's certainly nothing wrong with the footage and media we've seen thus far. I always thought in looking at the videos that everything seemed faster, but I couldn't be sure…maybe the alteration will be more subtle than we think.
Related Game(s): Killzone 3
Would have been nice if they could have left the 'heavy' gameplay in as an option for SP modes, and stuck with the lighter feel for MP.
They should have done this. Or made it an option for us to select like in KZ2.
Truth. I loved the way things felt in Killzone 2.
Seems the masses of people who play Call of Duty will get there way.
its gonna be too hard for those morons to adjust between single and multiplayer. either way they'll complain. i can see it now "it just doesnt feel like call of duty." You'd think that having a different name would give them a hint that not all shooters are call of duty.
Comment of the day. I agree 100%.
That about sums it up Highlander…
*Currently in Taipei, Taiwan
Heaven forbid an FPS doesn't feel like every other FPS in the world…
Isn't that the problem with FPS's though? Why would you want a genre that is literally, "You play one, you've played them all!"?
Video game dev's seem to need more diversity training within their agencies.
That's exactly right and why I'll never understand ppl's need to buy every fps that hits store shelves. Why not just replay the last one?
I think he was referring to diversity between different game companies, which I agree with. A game series should never change too much, or it ruins the series, unless of course the changes were necessary or at least needed.
I meant to ask why FPS's feel the need to have a similar mechanic to one another. The last thing KZ needs to do is try to incorporate a more CoD playability. As far as I'm concerned, MW2 is extremely buggy and I hope NO ONE (even CoD franchise) copies it's mechanics. CoD sells on brand name recognition more than mechanics. I understand people are attracted to familiarity, and the last thing people want to see is their favorite genre take a turn to unfamiliar territory.
However, although I recognize the fact that shooters will always mean shooting things, each franchise should incorporate it's own mechanics. Obviously KZ1+2 were popular enough that people enjoyed their playability. I enjoy the OCCASIONAL shooter, but I am not an FPS fan. If one title feels too similar to a previous title I've already played, I simply won't play it.
It's just too bad that dev's feel like they have to become assimilated to a certain style and feel like they cannot take advantage of their own creativity.
@ jman12343
exactly, If it isn't broken don't fix it. Yet some companies do this and change stuff to conform. I am looking at you Sucker Punch.
There wasn't a problem at all with the heavy controls.
Really, NONE AT ALL!!!!
This is Killzone 2, you don't play Killzone 2 like you play CoD or Halo where run and gun is not suicide.
next thing you know they'll take out the cover system.
Don't give them ideas!
This was one of the main factors about the game that I liked. I only ever rented it, but the way it played was the reason I actually liked it. I never bought it simply because I'm not a fan, but after reading this, I'm almost positive I will not get KZ3.
Wow, 2 thumbs down. I'm sorry I have an opinion. All I'm saying is that they've made a mistake. The gameplay of 2 was one of the sole reasons I enjoyed playing it for that short time, and now they go and change it around. Before this, all it would have took was a quick demo to convince me to buy it. Don't get me wrong, it still looks like it would be an amazing game and all, but now that it won't have the one thing (in my opinion) that made it truly stand out, I'll pass.
Edit: Now there's more thumbs down. Really? I didn't even insult the game or anything. What, does it anger people that I'm not going to buy it? Good graphics isn't enough of a sell point for me. A game needs to stand out sometimes. 2 did because of its gameplay, but they got rid of the uniqueness.
Last edited by TheIllusiveMan on 7/12/2010 1:35:19 PM
yeh they r like that around here haha
Why don't you just wait for the demo, then?
Edit: as for the thumbs down, sometimes people just don't agree with your reasoning. It's not necessarily a bad contribution.
Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/12/2010 2:30:05 PM
I thumbed you down because I don't agree with you. No biggie. Happens to everyone.
Apparently people hate the fact that I think 2 was a good game, and if they take the things from 2 that were good, they will not have a good game. It's not that I care about getting the thumbs down, it's that I am simply don't get why I'm getting them. I like Killzone, honestly.
They are removing the main thing I like about the game. For me, that would be like removing free roam, radio stations, and humor in the GTA games. The realism in Gran Turismo. And the story from Metal Gear Solid. Would you honestly play any of those games if they made those changes?
Edit: Alright I see. I just never thought of that. The way I do it is I only give thumbs down to messages I hate or are offensive or something.
Last edited by TheIllusiveMan on 7/12/2010 2:45:10 PM
i thumbed you down because you keep worrying about something so trivial as a thumb up/down system
I honestly don't care about the thumbs up/down. The fact that I had so many so quickly caught my attention, and as I said before, I took it more as how I rate things. I thought I pissed people off, because that's about the only time I give thumbs down.
See? I got 5 of them for that comment. LOL!
That's too sad. The 2nd biggest casualty to Twitchers.
EDIT: i'm sry I mean the 3rd.
Last edited by main_event05 on 7/12/2010 11:04:04 AM
God help a twitch-gamer if they ever join the armed forces. They might find that swinging their weapon around to change targets takes more time and effort than slamming their analog stick to the right or left.
Spending 5 years in a military town, Clarksville,TN/Fort Campbell,KY, i became friends with lots of soldiers and the ones that called themselves gamers all put CoD pretty high on their lists.
Last edited by main_event05 on 7/12/2010 11:14:38 AM
Is that because the overall presentation was authentic, or because the control system was well balanced? I guess where I am going is that a lot of twitch gamers have a very unrealistic view of things, especially combat. I'd hate to see them faced with the real thing. On the other hand, professional soldiers who game must be some of the better players of squad based titles.
I'd say they are about the same as civilians. no better no worse. but as always there are a few exceptions, but I saw that mostly on R6V2.
Not that it matters, but why the thumbs down?
I'm trying to figure that one out myself, none of them are from me.
I have to disagree about MGS being one of the games. Although Rising is going to be more focused on action than stealth, it has been said that the stealth is still there. Also the cutscenes are going to be shorter. Yes these change the game for the action orientated gamers, but you have to realize that Hideo is not making this one. It's almost more of a spin-off game, rather than the series changing.
Never pay attention to the thumbs down, unless they are overwhelmingly leaning towards the down. Like 1 thumbs up and 20 thumbs down.
Almost every comment receives at least 1 thumbs down from some mystery user that frequents this community.
@ Highlander
My cuz 'inlaw' (I guess) is a Marine and laughed at how slow Sev would run around corners. He said he must weight 300lbs and said "you won't see him on the battle field," followed by "put Modern Warfare back in.''
I'm just saying…
He also showed me the way they train to shoot etc. They are pretty fast, granted they won't be doing any 360 no-scopes…
I wonder… maybe it just SEEMS faster on a real battlefield… Adrenaline rushes have a way of speeding things up in your head.
That mystery lone down-voter must be LV, we haven't seen him around in ages, but his influence lives on.
LMAO! @Highlander
This is bullcrap, they're listening to the people who are complaining about the heavy controls yet they don't think about those who liked it.
Nice going GG, we want revolutionary product from you and now you just did a minus.
But I let this slide because we're still pretty far away from KZ3.
I actually heard that they only introduced those controls in the last few weeks of the games production, that it was something spring on, and in many peoples eyes ruined the gameplay.
They are just making the game they should have always made
I like the heavy feel of the controls, I'm not going to like the controls they have now but that's not going to stop me from playing it I'm a sad panda.
I liked the controls of KZ2 but I can completley understand why they did it. I think the control scheme in KZ2 had a drastic affect on sales and GG are trying to reach a wider audience with the generic 'CoD style' controls.
It would have been nice if they left that as an option, or if perminate something very similar to BF:BC2, because they did weight controls best.
IMO KZ2 weight controls is too much, but i still rather enjoy it.
The thing i didn't like about the weight was how difficult it made it to aim sometimes especially down the iron sites. I've fired quite a few rifles and it's not as hard as Killzone 2 made it out to be. I liked how heavy the guys felt, they should have just made some minor adjustments rather then get rid of it all together.
it may be different if you were carrying a bunch of stuff and have been running around.
I can see that i suppose. When you lose some of your stamina your aiming does tend to get worse. the longer i shoot at the range the worse i get.
wasnt that why they included the psyche bar on MGS4 so that you cant do stuff like hang indefinitely.
I agree this is a big step backward. Loved the feeling of weight with KZ2. Would be cool if they could make this a turn on/off option or a slider. Just another example of media pandering to the lowest common denominator.
Easy way to please everyone?
Make it an option. While i liked the heavy feel of Killzone 2 this change won't stop be from buying the 3rd one. It's still going to be just as fun.
If you make it an option to use either 'heavy' or 'light' controls then wouldn't the people using the 'light' controls have an advantage over those not using 'light' controls?
And there is also the Move support to consider too.
Nope, Highlander already had a solution to that.
Give the option in the single player campaign and make the light controls mandatory in the MP.
Yeah, I believe just about every other shooter out there allows players to adjust the look/turn speeds to behave like KZ2 all the way to COD.