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Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood: Details And Info Galore

If you're one of many who are anxiously awaiting Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood , you'll be happy to know that a whole horde of details have hit the Internet.

The lengthy rundown tells us all about the characters, available weapons and equipment, new multiplayer modes, and the various classes. In addition to Ezio, we'll also see Niccolo di Bernardo dei Machiavelli, an Italian diplomat and political philosopher (ever read "The Prince?"), Mario Auditore, Ezio's uncle, and a few members of the Knights Templar and some allies, including the return of the very helpful Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci and Caterina Sforza, Countess of Forli. They also tell us about the ten available multiplayer characters, shown here (each of these will make an appearance in the single-player mode as well):

In the single-player adventure, we'll see familiar items like the double hidden blades, swords, gun, spears and halberds, throwing knives, etc., but some new weapons, including the crossbow and new pistols, will also be available. Click through the link above to check out the various multiplayer abilities (some of which have already been listed up there), enemies, modes, and other details. Lastly, Ubisoft has implemented the Havoc engine for this new AC installment to combat the "ragdoll" effect when Borgia Messengers and other characters fall unrealistically from roofs.

This game has a lot to live up to, but we have confidence!

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14 years ago

since i played ac1 so early in my ps3 ownership i really enjoyed it. it was on of my first games. before getting acII last week i wasnt as excited as i am now for this. i am really likeing where this is all going. mind you im not done with acII yet but i dont think they will ruin it for me. please no spoiler postings 😉

anyway i look forward to more good news on this game.

did any one play the dlc for acII? are they worth the purchase?

14 years ago

He dies.

aha just joking i don't remember the ending 😀

14 years ago

If you dig deep enough you'll find some weird stuff that makes you wonder where the developers are going with the story/universe.

14 years ago

if you read the guide the ending is not confusing at all, it explains everything for AC1 and 2.
what the glyphs mean, what the codes written on the walls mean, its amazing really how much depth and thought was put into the story.
i highly recommend reading the assassins creed 2 guide, i found it really interesting.

14 years ago

so I have to buy the guide to understand the game? Lame.

14 years ago

Yea if you have to buy the guide to get the full story and understand the game then its safe to say they failed when it came to story telling.

14 years ago

I plan on getting Brotherhood for the single player. However, the MP seems interesting and appealing….

14 years ago

The Havoc engine? Really? Well that's cool. This business of pre-order exclusive stuff though? Not cool.

14 years ago

Seriously, they should have fixed that rag doll effect 2 games ago. Looked ridiculous when you killed and enemy then he suddenly became weightless.

14 years ago

It sounds like theres going to be a lot of bankers and Courtesan online

Last edited by Pandacastro on 7/12/2010 12:36:27 AM

14 years ago

The game was never designed for hack and slash, neither was the story. I hope they stuck to their roots in some way w. this one, I would even prefer more stealth.. (which I know won't happen) and I'm not too pumped about the addition of new guns too, makes it seem a bit, non-assassins creed like lol

14 years ago

Well sooner or later they will have to put guns in it.

Though I was thinking "Hitman's Creed" when I thought about playing AC in modern world.

14 years ago

i really cant wait to get this, AC2 is still one of my favorite games by far!
the climbing mechanic is the best in any open world game, its just so fluid and fun scaling tall skyscrapers!
the story is second to none, its really impressive how deep and how much thought has gone into the storyline is really impressive!
its even rooted in real life, how it takes references from the bible, and the origin of man adam and eve.

i hope they pick up where AC 2 left off, they really left us on a cliffhanger there i hate it when that happens!
its hard to keep all the details in memory, now im going to have to go back and finish AC2 again before brotherhood comes out to refresh my memory.
just like alan wake, they left so many things open that are supposed to be explained in the DLC, but how am i suppose to keep the story in memory?
ill have to go back and watch the videos, thats one convenient thing about alan wake once you finish a chapter you get a little video explaining what happened in that chapter.
so instead of having to replay a bit of the game, i can just watch the videos.
wish every game had that it would really come in handy, even explain some things you may have misunderstood.

14 years ago

I agree, AC2 was really good, and along with bioshock2 and dragon age:origins this has been a darn good gaming year so far (yeah I didnt get the titles mentioned until this year). And with Infamous2 in the horizon this gotta be one of the best PS3 years so far!

14 years ago

So some classes have 1 item or ability and others have 10? Well that sounds fair.

14 years ago

I see some good improvement there, too bad I'll be busy with GT5 and LBP2 by then.