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Sony: PlayStation Move Will “Focus On The Core Gamers”

We try and keep an eye on PlayStation Move news, especially in regards to how Sony wishes to present their new motion-sensing technology to the public.

Recently, it seems as if Sony wishes to separate themselves from the competition thanks to one very important trait; unparalleled accuracy. In a recent interview with Tech2 , Sony India head Atindriya Bose spoke about such accuracy delivering pinpoint control "into the domain of core gamers." It's interesting that Bose admits one thing- the "core experiences" won't come until after the initial run of family-oriented launch titles.

"While the initial launch games will focus on the family audience with fun games, PS Move will also have focus on the core gamers. Given the precision factors, there will be a number of core games from the action/adventure/shooting genre that will be coming in with Move functionality. This will not be restricted to SCE games but will cover many of the other publishers' titles also.

With the launch of PS Move, the motion sensing gaming can truly get into the domain of core gamers while enchanting the family gamers with fun games of their choice."

Although we know they probably need to lead with the family-friendly products, we're most interested in the games that target the "core gamers," which would be a definite change of pace in comparison to the Wii. Plus, we know Kinect will have some intriguing products for the hardcore followers, so the competition will likely be quite stiff.

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14 years ago

I believe Sony went in the right direction with the Move. Unlike Kinect, you can play hardcore games such as shooters like Killzone 3 and RE5 with Move. However, Kinect only supports causal gaming such as "Kinectanimals" and other family oriented games. The same goes with the Wii. Sony is catering to both their casual gamers who just want to play; and their hardcore gamers who might want to try out Move.
I personally am not interested in motion control; and I am waiting to see more hardcore titles that will be launched for Move.

14 years ago

I've actually gotten quite a bit of core gaming out of the Wii.

Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition, Tatusnoko vs Capcom, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Zelda: Twlight Princess, Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, DragonBall Tenkaichi 3, Smash Brothers, etc. The little white machine offers quite a bit. 2010 and early 2011 also have some great titles coming out.

14 years ago


The Wii has some great games. Might not be HD-ps3 like quality, but still good nonetheless.

Anyone missing out on Super Mario Galaxy is missing one of the best game of the year. Definitely a GOTY contender.

14 years ago

Geh whatever games come out for it the Wii are really just a hump of trash if we compare them to the ps3's. I really don't mind bad or funny graphics with good gameplay but having a crappy blurry resolution on my 1080p kills the fun for me 🙁 . It is like the Wii was meant to be released 10 years ago. That is how it feels.

I can't wait to see what motion controls of that precision (move) will be able to do on a console with MUCH more potential (ps3). We might really see real motion-core games with HD graphics combined 😀

Last edited by VicTheMighty on 7/12/2010 9:01:23 AM

14 years ago

Skyward Sword will be one of the best games of this generation. Mario Galaxy won GOTY and 2 looks like it will be a contender.

It's not 100% about HD and graphics and i consider myself a snob when it comes to great graphics. The Wii was never meant to be a PS3 or 360 so thats why you can't/shouldn't compare them. Nintendos design and use of color has been far better then a lot of PS3 and 360 games this gen. There is no denying it.

And most importantly…..their games are fun.

14 years ago

Well, after watching that Move/SOCOM video from E3, I'm liking how you'll be able sit down in your chair with your arms at your side & still be able to play that game.

But for using the Xbox Kenect, I think you'll have to stand up & seriously flail your arms & legs around wildly.

Can you imagine your window open to all your neighbors and all they see is you looking like a spastic porch monkey who's gonads are stuck, frying on a hot tin roof?

Who knows though…. just maybe another fried gonad'al porch monkey will pass by and be easily mesmerized by your Chimpanzee tribal dancing.

But for me….Nahhhhh, I'm not impressed.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 7/11/2010 10:49:13 PM

14 years ago

Dude be prepared to be voted down into oblivion. If you can, edit out porch monkeys man.

Last edited by JMO_INDY on 7/11/2010 11:09:30 PM

Thrill Kill
Thrill Kill
14 years ago

Porch monkey is a racial slur for black people. I think it's stupid though.

Last edited by Thrill Kill on 7/12/2010 10:27:12 AM

14 years ago

Sony has a nice balance to this, both family/casual games and hard core games will get attention and the Move technology will actually work very well for both kinds of game. Kinect is truly only going to work well in casual games, Microsoft should really have learned this from Sony's experience with the EyeToy. We already know the limitations of the Wii controller and in fact I think that they are fewer that Kinect.

14 years ago



I've been to numerous zoo's and have never seen a huge monkey on a porch fan club.
Or is that they're getting Kenect'ed???

14 years ago

Honestly they say this like every other week! 😛

14 years ago

I wish they wouldn't. It already takes years for hard core games to come out. Now we gotta wait for them to implement Move on top of it? Because you know there's no way in hell they're going to replace the DS3 with Move controls.

I mean, I love Fallout, but if I had to play it exclusively with the Move I'd most definitely pass on that.

14 years ago

Sorry, but come on, adding Move controls to a game is not going to add any time to the development cycle if it's a consideration from the beginning of the development. The only time when adding motion controls to a game causes a delay is when it has to be added *after* the game is developed.

14 years ago

*sigh*…Sony has said a number of times. Move controls will be optional. It is not meant to replace the Dual Shock.

I'll never understand why people complain about having MORE options.

Last edited by Jawknee on 7/12/2010 12:08:12 AM

14 years ago

I don't believe that for a second. Regardless of when they decide to implement Move into their games, it's just one more thing for the devs to do in a day. It has to be planned, time has to be allotted to it's implementation and it has to be tested.

I gather it take longer to test if Move is working correctly over whether or not X makes you jump.

14 years ago

Because you develop games right?

oh wait….you don't.

14 years ago

I bet to jump you just press the X button on your move controller.

14 years ago

I going to try and buy this as soon as i can. This months Qore episode had some cool demos on it. Looks great.

14 years ago

What is the differences between gamers. Are'nt we all the same?

14 years ago

Some act like Aaron Greenburg and some don't.

14 years ago

Im most defiantly buying move when it comes out looks pretty good unlike kinect

14 years ago

Finally Playstation Store coming to India.
Hope they update downloads as fast as the us store.

14 years ago

KiryaDamn, I never realized that the store wasn't in every region.
But good for you, & congrats.
Now you can get to savor some more of that PS3 goodness.

14 years ago

FYI to all, It's been brought to my attention that a few words in one of my posts above could be misconstrued as being racial.

I did not know that & have never heard of it. So I'm thinking that maybe be a regional thing in some places.

But regardless…. let me make myself 200% clear, NOT my intention!

I am not racist & any long-time reader here already knows that, as I was the first & only person here to jump right in & defend PS3Wizard against that f*cking POS troll "i'm a man", who was smack-talking trash fow a few weeks & then wound up posting some racial crap to him.

For me, it's not skin color, I'm all about the man himself.
It's all about whether you're one of the few stand-up guys still left, or if you chose to be just another one of the many typical dime-a-dozen a-hole's on this planet.

Enuff said?????

Last edited by BikerSaint on 7/12/2010 2:36:31 PM

14 years ago

'nuff said Biker, definitely. For the record, at no point did I think you were making racially motivated comments. As it happens, I've never heard the expression either. I'm glad that it's been clarified, so that I can ensure I never utter it myself.

As you said, it's not about skin color, economics, politics, taste in music, clothes food, sexuality, faith or anything else of that nature. I judge people on only two things, their actions and their words. When their words don't match their actions, I judge based on actions alone.

Being one of the few 'stand-up guys' left is kind of an ambition of mine, and always has been ever since I was about 6 years old watching Star Trek reruns. People have always called me an idealist, but my heroes growing up were the kinds of characters and people who did the right thing just because it was the right thing to do, no matter the cost to them personally. That's the way I want to be with my life, and I admire those that try to do the same.

14 years ago

Absolutely guys. There's a HUGE difference between accepting a way of life or philosophy and accepting the person. Acceptance doesn't mean you have to think every philosophy and way of living is acceptable. Afterall, you have every right to your OWN thoughts and beliefs.

BUT, acceptance DOES mean accepting a person for who they are. Now, @ Highlander, I do believe that actions typically emulate a person's personality and belief system, but often you have people who don't know what their identities are (typically youth, but some adults as well) who behave in ways not at all similar to their true personalities.

In that respect, it's important to remember, that even the biggest douche can change.

14 years ago

Did anybody see the latest episode of Qore with the segment on Move? There was a part in there which showed having your own space and being able to create and modify windows with pictures, maps etc. Will this desktop like interface be coming with Move?

14 years ago

That was just a tech demo showing what is possible, no news of anything like that yet.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

What I want to know is how would they do say a platformer game with Move. Oh wait… stupid question, Mario proves that…erm… What about a shooter? That would just be… Oh wait, no light guns, I get it. I know, a racing game. How would they incorporate Move into that huh? A gearstick you say… that's interesting. What about a fighting game? Oh, Move plus Eye to capture your body… Slick.

/Extremely bad attempt at humour.

I think p'raps we should ask these questions of Kinect. The Move/Eye collaboration allows for damn near anything to be recreated through motion control. The same CANNOT be said of Kinect. And to all those people that still believe Kinect can support four players. Microsoft came out a few weeks ago and said that it will not be so. Kinect can only map two people to the skeleton system it uses for the movements. Guess that puts the two peripherals back on par with each other, eh?

14 years ago


Microsoft has said that you can use your controller while using Kinect. But since their wireless controllers don't have any motion sensing capability at all, Kinect is still their only way to handle motion control. it's all very mysterious how this will work in just about any game except the likes of Kinectimals.

If you start digging and looking at all the ways in which Kinect can sense your motion and control input compared to Move, it's immediately obvious how much more flexible Move is. Then you have to consider how much faster Move's response time is. The fact that the handheld controller units for Move feature all the sixaxis technology in addition to everything else that Move brings should give you an idea of how much more Move can do.

14 years ago

I can't wait to try the move out. I have to use it in LBP2 and Killzone 3. The shear precision should help greatly with linging up head shots and creating objects with more precision.

I can't see kinect being used in anything but a causal game. How would you aim or move. I don't want to be running in place well making a gun with my hand and going "pew, pew, pew"

Last edited by sirbob6 on 7/12/2010 2:30:26 AM

14 years ago


That's the kind of game I want to see more of.
If they manage to create UNIQUE experiences for the MOVE it will capture the core audience, easily.

Out of the 3, the MOVE has uncanny precision and that alone will prove to be crucial with more COMPLEX "core" games.

Kinect = simple
Wii = moderate
MOVE = expert

14 years ago

I think the thing that will allow Move and PS3 to differentiate from the other two is that it doesn't specifically cater to casual gaming. Move's precision and responsiveness is a major bonus for casual gamers, but it also allows the controllers to be used in hardcore games. The inclusion of buttons (cue the Pew, Pew, Pew noise) makes the controller so much more flexible and suitable for hard core games. Unlike the other motion control systems Move caters to all gaming needs, not only those who like waving their hands around.

14 years ago

i was really looking forward to giving this a try, i never really liked motion controls till i got my wii now im finding myself getting every MP game i can for it!
i just hope they dont make any hardcore games move only, because i wont be buying it.
the day i spend 240+ bucks on motion controls is the day i start pushing up daises!

14 years ago

Nice of you to put Move in your will!

14 years ago

I don't know what Kinect will have to appeal to the core gamers, other than perhaps flipping through menus. We've seen absolutely nothing so far. I seem to remember people saying that E3 would be the showcase for all the hardcore Kinect games, but instead we got Skittles the kitty and that dance "game". I guess now they can just start saying that stuff all over again, their expectations totally unaffected by reality.

14 years ago

@ Ben
"we know Kinect will have some intriguing products for the hardcore followers"

We do? I must have missed those, what are they? All I have seen are stupid cats, bad dancing, bad rafting, and other bad casual games.

Wii seems to be a lot more precise than kinect.

I'm looking forward to move, gives me a lot of options if I want to pick up some casual games for family get togethers, but still lets me get super accurate with hard core games and still be able to sit down and relax. It's the best of all worlds.

14 years ago

ghost recon future soldgier, and forza is being patched for kinect support.
though, they dont have much hardcore games announced for it.

14 years ago

How could you play those with kinect? They both require buttons, lots of buttons.

14 years ago

nothing needs buttons if you use your imagination.
plus M$ might release a plastic controller for it kinda like the wii zapper.

14 years ago

I want lbp2 with 100% move support.