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Sony’s Harrison To Deliver GDC Keynote

We already know that Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto is slated to deliver a keynote speech next Thursday at the Game Developer's Conference, and now, CMP Media has unveiled another big-name speaker: Sony's Phil Harrison.

The speech will be entitled, "Game 3.0: Developing and Creating for the 3rd Age of Videogames." The official summary of the speech can be found at GDS, and a portion reads as follows-

"The entertainment, creative and commercial opportunities presented by connected communities of players and developers are almost infinite. What does 'always on' mean for both the game development industry and consumer? What are some of the innovative products and services that will help content developers define and shape the meaning of Game 3.0.

Sony Computer Entertainment's Worldwide Studios will demonstrate some exclusive insights into its development of products and services that will help define future growth in the video game market."

All right! We've got Shiggy and Phil; now it's a party! But what about the third party, here? Who is Microsoft gonna toss out there? Moore? Gates himself? Oh, that conference is gonna be pure news gold, you just wait and see…